Criticism of Thant Implied in Eban Note on Terrorism visage "a dangerous situation in UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—Dip- Arabs and Israel together for di- to help our friends — all of our fighting for six to eight weeks, bas- which the Great Powers might rect negotiations. Jordan Radio friends — in the Middle East to ing his statement on the assertion lomatic observers here interpreted draw up a blueprint for a settle- achieve peace and security." He that Israel did not have the re- said Premier Bahjat al-Talhouni a note from Israel's foreign mini- ment and then begin to exercise sources for a prolonged war. said that was "the reality in hu- told Dr. Jarring last Saturday ster as, implicitly criticizing Secre- man terms which lay behind my He said the Egyptian front at all kinds of pressures on the par- it did not have "anything new" tary-General U Thant for apparent- ties to accept it even though it may to offer in his pursuit of a peace recent talks with President Nixon the Suez Canal was so strong today ly failing to take action aimed at short of the major objective formula. He had visited Cairo in London where the Mid East oc- that Israel could not penetrate it. fall halting terrorism by guerrillas cupied a prominent place on our Rep. Benjamin S. Rosenthal, which is to secure a lasting Arab- earlier in the week. basealn Arab nations. Israeli peace by obligating the par- New York Democrat, a member of There has been no change in agenda." Eban said in a letter delivered ties in the area to each other." Diplomatic sources in London the House Foreign Affairs Commit- last week that after the Feb. 18 Egypt's stand on the Middle East tee,' told President Nixon Monday reported that American and So- terrorist attack on an El Al air- conflict, which, if anything, has re- that he was "disturbed" by reports THE DETROIT. JEWISH NEWS viet envoys in Washington, at the liner in Zurich, he had asked Am- portedly hardened in recent weeks. Friday, March 14, 1969-17 that the administration is consider- UN and in Moscow were meeting bassador Yosef Tekoah to request Eban categorically rejected the to arrange a possible spring or ing a plan for "phased withdraw- that Thant pose certain questions latest exposition of Egypt's views early summer summit confer- al" of Israeli forces from terri- to Arab governments. "I regret which the UN emissary brought tories they occupied in the Six-Day ence between President Nixon that these questions were not con- from Cairo. Eban proposed to Dr. Jarring a procedure for further and Soviet leaders. The Mid East War "without a genuine Arab- veyed." Israel settlement." INCORPORATED was widely expected to be con- On Monday, Thant advised Eban talks but the content of his poposal The Congressman wrote Mr. sidered as part of the agenda of that he did not believe it would be was not revealed. Dr. Jarring was Nixon with a request for clarifi- a projected summit. "helpful" if were to transmit to to return to Jerusalem at the con- cation of American policy on pro- In Washington, Secretary of State the Arab governments questions clusion of Eban's visit to the Unit- posed Big Four talks on the Mid ed States this week to confer with William P. Rogers and Soviet Am- about whether those governments East. He said he was moved to dissociated themselves from such President Richard M. Nixon and bassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin met communicate with the President ,AiistryE acts of violence as attacks on Is- other high U.S officials. Before to reopen talks on the Mid East because "despite the President's raeli civilian airliners at Athens coming to Jerusalem again, the and other important East-West in Fir, ewe s reassuring words at his press and Zurich and whether these UN envoy will make another round problems. Informed sources said conference, reports are circulat- the major topic discussed was the governments were prepared to take of visits to Arab capitals. ing that the administration backs A oreign inistry spokesman continuing effort to find a basis steps against the organizations con- a phased withdrawal of Israeli ducting the attacks. The secretary- said r. Jarri g brought a memo- for a Four-Power approach to a forces from occupied territories general tacitly rebuked Israel for rand f Egyptian Foreign Mid East settlement. The U.S. has as an agenda item for the Big 20010 James CouzensDrive seeking to make him a conduit for Minister Mahmoud Riad which de- been awaiting a Moscow response Four talks." Detroit 35, Michigan "questions or messages of a politi- manded unconditional Israeli with- to clarifications sought by Wash- Rep. Rosenthal said that "this drawal from occupied Arab terri- ington about a Soviet formula. cal or controversial nature" and would constitute an imposed set- Co.:-../2.2.4e advised that the correct course tories and return to the boundaries Diplomats here expressed sur- telment and betray the concept of would be for a communication of June 4, 1967, the day before the prise over remarks made in South direct Arab-Israeli negotiations." Phone:342-5666 Six-Day War started. It offered no from the Israel government to the Carolina last Friday by a high- He told the President he could en- Peace, made no reference to Is- ranking UN diplomat that "thus Security Council. rael's claim of navigation rights in far" preliminary bilateral talks The secretary-general's letter FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON THE '69 CADILLAC also took issue with a statement by the Suez Canal and Straits of Ti- among the U.S., Soviet Union, SEE OR CALL Eban rejecting Thant's argument ran, mentioned nothing of agreed France and Britain "have not yet that the first step toward peace in and secure borders and contained developed what seemed to us no offer to end the Arab-Israeli enough common ground to make a the Mid East would be a declared conflict. In short, it reflected the readiness by all parties to imple- stand taken by Egyptian President Four-Power meeting useful, and PERSONAL PICKUP & DELIVERY FOR SERVICE ment the Security Council resolu- Nasser in his most recent and bel- we are concerned that a Four- Power meeting should not simply tion of Nov. 22, 1967. ligerent speeches, the spokesman end in a conspicuous display of dis- The Washington Post's UN cor- said. 2151 EUREKA AVENUE, WYANDOTTE unity which would do more harm respondent Robert Estabrook re- Eban, who arrived in London RES. 642-6836 CALL: BUS. 382-7820 ported that "Mr. Thant is under- Monday en route to Washington, than no meeting at all." Ambassador Seymour Maxwell stood to have been in touch private- told newsmen he "did not believe ly with representatives of the the Middle East was on the verge Finger, a senior adviser to the U.S. COuntries concerned, but the pub- of' generalized conflict." He Mission, was commenting on the lic Israeli demand undoubtedly termed Sunday's Suez artillery bilateral talks being held here ended any chance of useful action duel "just a cease-fire incident", among the Four Powers during the past five weeks. His remarks con- through these channels." adding, "it is not the first and will trasted with those of President Eban's note said terrorism and not be the last." Nixon who told a press conference irregular warfare were as much (Earlier, Eban told interview- last Tuesday that "We think we violations of the Security Council's at Lydda Airport that he saw have made considerable progress ers Presents Nov. 22, 1967 Mid East resolution no evidence of deterioration of during the past week. We are cau- as were regular military hostilities, any form in the traditionally tiously hopeful that we can make termed terrorism a major fac- and friendly relations between Israel more progress and move to the tor "retarding progess toward a and the United States. Eban said Four-Power talks very soon." peaceful settlement." his impression was the Middle The Arab League office in Cai- The request was contained in East policy of the Nixon admin- ro said that its foreign ministers Eban's second letter to Thant on istration was a continuation of would meet to review the entire the subject of terrorist assaults the policy of the previous admin- Mid East situation and might on Israel civilian aviation. The istration.) consider a Kuwait request for an first letter, sent right after the Arab summit parley. Eban's arrival in London coin- Zurich incident, brought an ad- cided with a meeting between For- In Washington, the State Depart- monition from Thant that Israel should announce its readiness to eign Secretary Michael Stewart ment denied a report in the semi- and Egyptian President Nasser's official Cairo newspaper Al Ahram Implement the Security Council's special diplomatic envoy Mahmoud that the airline of Israel the U.S. was shipping 150 1967 resolution because the "only Stewart reportedly told Patton M-48 tanks to Israel from Sure way" to end terrorism was Fawzi. Fawzi that Britain had no new West German U.S. army camps to make "some substantial move- peace plans for the Middle East via Rotterdam. Al Ahram said Is- ment" toward peace. HAS DIRECT FLIGHTS TO TEL AVIV— Eban, in his reply, told the sec- but was anxious to see a settle- rael was trying to strengthen its ment. A spokesman for the foreign BUCHAREST (Roumania)? retary-general that it was unreal- secretary said Britain stood firmly armored farces with British Cen- turion and Chieftain tanks, Ger- istic to ignore the responsibility of behind the Security Council's Nov. man Leopard tanks and U.S. Pat- Do you want to find out about all kinds the states — members of the UN — 22, 1967 resolution calling for Is- which supported and maintained rael's withdrawal from occupied tons. of PACKAGE TOURS TO EUROPE? The Cairo paper's editor, Mu- the terrorist organizations respon- territories and an end to the Arab hammed Hassanein Heikal, a Nas- sible for I the Zurich attack and Did you know BEE KALT TRAVEL SERVICE states' "state of belligerency" to- ser confidant, said the Arab na- acts against Israel. Other has a new F.I.T. and Group Department, head- ward Israel. Fawzi met earlier in Speaking at a press conference Paris with Charles de Gaulle and tions should attack first in the ed by PETER GERAN, an expert for European earlier in Jerusalem Eban de- Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. negotia- next Mid East war from several Travel and concerning the Socialist Coun- bases at once — from Syria, Jor- plored the image of Arab terror- tor on Vietnam. dan, Iraq and Egypt. This strate- tries? He speaks 6 laungoges (among them ists as "freedom fighters" which Prime Minister Harold Wilson gy, he said, would enable Soviet- Roumanian and Hungarian) and if you has appeared in many Western also referred to that resolution in built MIG jets to attack the heart publications. They are terrorists, an address to a Poale Zion (Labor of Israel and would force Israel —PLAN A TRIP to Israel or Europe he said, "continuing the massacre Zionist) banquet and said that Brit- to divide its troops among several started by Hitler; their .motto is ain gave its unequivocal support to — WANT TO ASSIST relatives from Eastern fronts. He said the Arabs could same as the Nazi SS—to kill as the the mission of Dr. Jarring which win despite superior Israeli tech- Europe to come for a visit or to emigrate many Jews as possible." to the United States or Canada. Eban declared that Israel will the resolution established. Wilson nology if they killed 10,000 Israelis added, "We are conscious not only never return to the conditions that of the determination but of the in the first phase and continued the — INTEND TO TAKE A CRUISE or a tour to existed before the June, 1967 war right of Israel to guarantees equal- the Sunny Caribbean or Hawaii, etc. or repeat its previous mistake of Eban Voices Appreciation accepting a stop-gap settlement ly of her existence and security. We seek no one-sided solution. At for Dutch Stand on Israel that would "explode in our face." Do Not Delay—Call Today For Information Eban said he put much more all times and whatever the cost Bid for EEC Association or An Appointment faith in the peace-seeking mission we've insited on the right of Israel JERUSALEM (JTA) — Foreign to her national existence and secur- of the United Nations envoy Gun- ity for that existence must be rec- Minister Eban expressed apprecia- nar V. Jarring than in four-power tion for the insistence by the Neth- ognized and ensured." NOTE: Bee Kalt's Orient Tour for Apr. 17, talks on the Middle East. "The Wilson warned, however, that erlands government that associate Four Powers have interests of their 1969 Ileparture is sold out. both sides in the Middle East con- status with the European Common in the area while Jarring has Applications now accepted for the Orient Tour Oct. own must observe restraint and Market not be granted to Morocco 1969—April 1970. only one interest and that is that of flict and Tunisia unless the same status the international community and accept concessions "in the longer is accorded Israel. Eban said he term interests of peace." He said ils yearning for peace." had approached the West German Dr. Jarring conferred Sunday that restraint and concessions by ambassador to Israel with the hope 4626 N WOODWARD. ROYAL OAK oa d with Eban and Acting Premier both sides were the "reality in hu- that members of the Com- Yigal Allon in Jerusalem. He is man terms which lies behind the mon other '4 ofo "'II: I R - 6 7 3 3 J 0 6j-'1. 9 ' 4 s '() Market would I follow the Power talks de% believed to have been asked to proposed Four -signed:not to' ifopost-a tolutioa •tit, Duich example. h TN Grant ANDY BLAU PRENTIS CADILLAC ee ka INTERESTING TRAVEL NEWS: Did You Know EL AL resume NS; efforts