16—Friday, February 28, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Eshkol's Name Linked With Peace Industrial Commercial Real Estate ADL to Cosponsor Interfaith Seminary Dialogues NEW YORK — Two seminars in- volving Protestant and Jewish clergy and faculty are to be co- sponsored this spring by the Anti- Defamation League of Bnai Brith and two major schools of Christian theology. The first, April 21-24, will be undertaken by the Continuing Edu- cation Center of Princeton Theo- logical Seminary; the second, June 16-27, will,be held at the Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Nash- ville. The ADL department of inter- religious cooperation, directed by Rabbi Solomon S. Bernards, will cosponsor both. Teaching must be determinedly . slow in pace. A BUSINESS.OPFORTUNITY FOR YOU! visit the INTER-AMERICAN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. - AND INVESTMENT SHOW The largest franchise and investment exposition with exhibitors represent- ing over 40 DIFFERENT opportunities. Get In on the ground floor now!! Put your time, talent and money to work for you. Part or full time or as an investment. Variety is the key-word for this top-qualified show. SHERATON-CADILLAC HOTEL — Detroit, Michigan, March 7 through 9. Show Hours: Friday thru Sunday 1-to 9 P.M. Admission $2.00. Children FREE — With this ad $1 per person. FREE SEMINARS Friday - Saturday - Sunday, March 7 - 8 - 9 at - 11:30 A.M. Everything in real estate from the ground up! HEAVY MANUFACTURING —15 acres, Penn Rd, Taylor, Mich. Priced for the investor. When the Kennedy Peace Forest was established in Israel three years ago, the first forest certificate was presented to the late Israel Prime Minister Levi Eshkol by the late Max Bressler (center), then president of the Jewish National Fund of America, as Jacob Tsur (left), world president of the JNF, looked on. Hussein, El Fatah Leader Together at Last in Cozy Meeting at Amman LONDON (JTA)—King Hussein arch and the head of an Arab ter- HEAVY INDUSTRIAL-18.3 of Jordan and Yasir Arafat, leader' of El Fatah, the Palestinian com- mando organization, held a friend- ly meeting in Amman, Feb. 16, the first between the Hashemite mon- PRIME COMMERCIAL SITE Editorial Note on Victimization: The Arab Record acres at proposed inter- chge of 1-275 and Sibley Rd, Huron Twp. With rail and water, Detroit sew- ers. Available Dec 1969. Priced to sell. — No location like this one. 3.4 acres between 12 Mile Rd and 1-696 with Orchard Lk Rd frontage in Farmington. Ideal commercial or motel site. CRANE INDUSTRIAL PARK —Let us build and lease back your new plant or warehouse in this strate- gic location within the Detroit trucking limits, three minutes from the proposed 1-94 and 1-275 interchge. AIRWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK —This prime location will be developed in the Thompson-Brown tradi- tion of Class A concrete roads. Complete with in- dustrial-sized water and sewer lines. Choose your site now and start plan- ning. FARMINGTON FREEWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK — Only 5 building sites left in this Park. Fully controlled restrictive covenant. Full utilities. Class A concrete roads. 1-275 and 1-696 in- terchge. METROPLEX — The ideal location for your new plant, just 1/4-mile north of Metro Airport at the intersection of Middlebelt and Ecorse Roads. Easy on and off 1-94 X-way. IDEAL MOTEL LOCATION- 14-acre site presently on 1-96/Grand River exit ramp. Will be at the pro- posed interchge of 1-275, 1-96 and 1-696. Thompson- Brown Co. 476-8700 Farmington, Michigan Scores of readers of The Jewilt 'News have urged us to expose Me record of terrorization by Arabs of their own people, the mass murders of peoples, the multiple assassina- tions. We refrained from doing so; never have we utilized such a weapon, and neither has Israel. But a letter published in the New York Times on Sunday is too rele- vant to the existing situation to be ignored. We present here as fol- lows: Arabs' Victims To the Editor: Our shock and disgust at the crime committed in Zurich by Arab fascist assassins should not blind us to the fact that it is not only Israelis who are the victims of Arab chauvinism. For years the Kurdish people, fighting for self-determiirition, have suffered from the aeria) bom- bardment of their homes and vil- lages by the Arab air force of Iraq. By the way, the left condemns similar outrages of the United States in Vietnam, but they are strangely silent when it is done by Arabs. It is significant that two of the five non-Jews hanged recently in Iraq were also non-Arabs. They were Aramaic-speaking Christians. This group has come in for their share of persecution in Iraq. Most tragic is the case of the more than one million black tribes- men of the southern Sudan who have been massacred in the past 14 years by the Arab army of the Sudan. The Pope has spoken np several times on behalf of the sur- vivors—many of them are Chris- tians—but much too weakly and ambiguously. The conscience of the world has not yet been aroused. Those members of the world community who bear some moral authority have, for the most part, been too long silent at the Arab political tactic of mass assassina- tion and the accompanying doc- trine of the license to kill. Perhaps there would be more cries of indignation if it were known that Jews and Israelis were not the only victims of fascistic Arab chauvinism. Aaron Margulis Shmul Geller Shmul Ziegelboym Philadelphia, Feb: 18; 1989 rorist band. Observers said the meeting ap- peared to have opened a new and more cordial relationship between the Jordanian government and the Palestinian commandos who have often been a thorn in its side. Arafat was welcomed by the king as the newly elected chair- man of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a group with which King Hussein had been at odds since its establishment in 1964. It is now recognized by Jordan and other Arab governments, and the king was said to be interested in getting along with it. Arafat, some- ; times known as Abu Ammar, was accompanied by the PLO's entire executive committee. During an interview for the French newspaper Figaro, Moshe Dayan, Israel defense minister, disclosed that he had attempted to contact Arafat, proposing that the latter meet with him. Arafat refused the invitation, emphasizing that he does not recog- nize Israeli ministers. A spokes- man for El-Fatah in Cairo has cor- roborated Dayan's statement. (The same spokesman also re- vealed that Dayan had released a captured terrorist from prison, and the latter delivered Dayan's message to the El-Fatah leader in Cairo.) DAIA Accuses Group Claiming Leadership (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BUENOS AIRES — A left-wing Jewish organization was accused here Tuesday of falsely character- izing itself as a representative of organized Jewry in Argentina. The DATA, central representative body of Argentine Jewry, made the charge against the "Federation of Cultural Jewish Institutions of Ar- gentina," an organization which it said was ousted from the DAIA in 1953 for supporting anti-Jewish trials in Czechoslovakia. The DAIA charged in a statement that the activities of the federation were outside the framework of Jew- ish life here, that it was aligned with ideologies and groups openly opposed to Israel and that it sup- ported Soviet policy in the Middle East. Romanian Chief Rabbi Surprises Israeli Party --, , ‘?-,t4,708her no real alterliFiliiiVe; place matches Israel's drama. No pleasures add more to the world's well-being. there's more excitement than ever in Israel holidays tltia year. All wrapped up in GLOBAL/ISRAEL year-round date and tour selections. At your pace. GLOBAL/ ISRAEL offers drive-yourself, motor-coach, private limousine, and seat-in-car itineraries. At your price, GLOBAL/ISRAEL all-expense tariffs range from $70 to $699. At the places you prefer. GLOBAL/ ISRAEL accommodations range from significant kib- butzim to premium suites in deluxe hotels and resorts. Israel will be 5729 years old and 21 years young on April 23. Shouldn't you give it a few weeks of your time? Or an evening's look at the GLOBAL/ISRAEL TOURGUIDE '69. It's free. Just call your travel agent ... or send coupon. Global Tours, Inc. 230 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 Name Address City State DON'T COME 11:ri TO 11 AV AARON "ANDY" GOCHMAN :; De De 3k; De Zip JEFFERSON CHEVROLET UNLESS s s RAY TESSMER Pres. Jefferson Chevrolet YOU WANT THE BEST DEAL ON A NEW '69 CHEVROLET ANYWHERE IN THE US.A. AND DON'T FORGET TO SEE OUR BOY ANDY WHEN YOU'RE HERE Rti NOTE: DON'T FORGET OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT IS OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY MONDAY THRU FRIDAY S lb :141 JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Na- tional Religious Party opened its F.113 convention here Tuesday, and the highlight of the occasion was a sur- prise appearance by Chief Rabbi Moses Rosen of Romania. He had IR arrived to supervise the distribu- tion of Tora scrolls which Roman- ian-Jewish communities donated to -iyriagoiues in Israel. .3Nb7.AS•A:•VreZCrIM ' ME' Kta aMg' NA-' A:: JEFFERSON 2130 E. JEFFERSON CHEVROLET LO 7-5750