Arab Countries Are Supplying Soviet Arms to Terrorists—Tekoah UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) Mohammed el-Zayat, said that actions along the Canal. "Hostile —Israel protested against a re- the go-ahead has been given for actions constitute a two-way sumption of shooting attacks by a new survey of the southern half street," he said. "The Egyptian Egyptians across the Suez Canal of the canal with a view to ex- command must surely realize by now that there is a line beyond cease-fire line and charged that tricating the trapped vessels. Israeli sources said that any new which it is unwise to move if they Egypt had "come out openly in full support" of Arab guerrilla opera- proposals to free the ships had to wish to avoid Israeli reaction. tions. be submitted through Lt. Gen. They are very close to that line." They noted that Israel agreed Israeli jets Monday attacked The concern of Israel was spelled Bull. out in two letters to the February 13 months ago that the ships Arab guerrilla positions in Jordan should be freed via the southern in retaliation for a bazooka and president of the Security Council, Andre Berard of France, from exit, but the Egyptians prepared to automatic rifle fire attack. No Is- raelis were injured, a military Israeli Ambassador Yosef Tekoah. dredge the northern reaches of the spokesman said. In another inci- The envoy charged that Egypt, waterway without obtaining Is- dent, an Israeli soldier was killed Jordan and Syria were providing rael's consent as stipulated by the when an Army vehicle struck a training areas, instructors and cease-fire agreements. After Israe- Golan Heights mine. Soviet-supplied weapons to the ter- its fired on an Egyptian survey The planes attacked snipers hid- orists. The envoy said that Egyp- launch, the survey was called off den in vegetation along the east tians troops had fired repeatedly and no further attempts have been bank of the Jordan River after a on Israeli forces on the Suez Canal made to free the ships. patrol had been their target near Sen. Stuart Symington (D.310.), Tirat Zevi in the southern Beisan east bank since Feb. 5 and that 18 mines were discovered in one day chairman of the Senate armed Valley. this week at points along the canal. services committee, stopped over Elsewhere, a number of Katyu- He charged that Egypt was endan- in Israel briefly on a fact-find- sha rockets were fired Sunday eve- gering security and undermining ing mission to the area and con- ning at Israeli forces near the Al- ferred with Foreign Minister lenby Bridge over _the Jordan. MidEast peace efforts. There were no injuries. Israel de- Abba Eban. Tekoah cited reports by Lt. Gen. Sen. Symington was accompani- nied a report by El Fatah corn- cease- Odd Bull, chief of the UN fire observation t e a m, which ed by Maj. Gen. John Murphy, di- mandos in Cairo that their guerril- it open, in which case their handi- mine or to approach it but to no- work would be easily detectable tify a teacher or policemen. The and the prospective victims fore- placards have also been posted in public places for the information warned. The paving work is being done of the population. Some months ago, when there under the direction of defense au- was an epidemic of "button thorities. A defense ministry bombs" in Jerusalem, instruction spokesman said that the expendi- in identification of the lethal ture for this was "large" but he weapons was given in classrooms refused to reveal the amount. Min- a n d children w ere warned istry officials declined to specify against handling strange objects. what type of paving was being put down other than to say it was the Five Israeli Arabs of the Moslem "usual" type. village of Umm el Fahem were Defense ministry officials flat- found guilty by a Lydda military ly declined to discuss the electronic fence which Israel has erected along areas of its borders to pre- vent terrorist infiltration or to give any indications of the heavy costs involved in the installation and maintenance of the protective de- vice. The fence has been described as highly effective in keeping in- filtrators out. In another move to reduce in- jury and damage from terrorist- planted landmines and bombs, the ministry of education has distri- buted placards in all schools with Tekoah said testified to the "total rector of the legislative liaison be las ambushed and killed Sunday a photographs and drawings of vari- restraint" of Israeli forces in the tween the U.S. Air Force and the seven-man Israeli patrol on the ous types of mines, descriptions of them and how they have been de- face of the shootings. He said the U.S. Senate, and Arthur Kuhl, West Bank. The Soviet-made K a t y u s h a signed to detonate. The children sniping mining and incursions into chief clerk of the Senate Foreign re- rocket-launcher, a highly mobile are admonished not to touch a Sinai by Arab terrorists followed Relations Committee. Eban tribunal of membership in an un- derground organization that made contact with El Fatah terrorists. The five youths told the court, "We acted like children and are sorry for what we did," and asked for mercy. Three got five years in pri- son; the sentences of two others were postponed until a report on them is filed with the court. Unrest broke out again Monday in the occupied territories. Israeli troops subdued rioting students in Gaza; many were arrested and sev- eral given hospital treatment. High school students, mainly girls, dem- onstrated in the West Bank towns of Ramallah and Jericho, shouting anti-Israel slogans. No injuries were reported. "warlike declarations" by Egyp- portedly explained to the visitors deadly weapon, figured in wide- 36—Friday, February 21, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS spread attacks on Israeli civilian tion President Nasser in which why Israel saw no immediate dan- settlements. Maj. Gen. Chaim Nasser stressed Egyptian inten- • ger of a renewed outbreak of full tions to pursue terrorist tactics and scale warfare in the Middle East. Bar-Lev, chief of staff of Israel's approved guerrilla rejection of the He also reiterated Israel's peace armed forces, visited the new Security Council's Nov. 1967 reso- . aims which are a contractual immigrant township of Mitzpa lution for mideast peace. settlement with each of its Arab Ramon deep in the Negev, which In a related development, the neighbors freely negotiated be- was the target Friday of the first Katyusha rocket attack launched Israeli newspaper Haaretz re- tween the parties concerned. from Israeli soil. Hitherto Arab Today you need more hot water than ever before. And you ported in Jerusalem that Nasser Earlier, Eban had told the marauders have fired the rocket had agreed to bar a planned cabinet t h a t the U n i t e d can have it. All the hot water you want. Oceans of it. Hot as from behind the cease-fire States and Britain have reaffirm- transfer of 4,000 Arab guerrillas lines. Arab saboteurs fired Kat- you like it. For just pennies a day with Gas. from Egypt to Jordan, at least ed their position that a peace agreement must be reached by yusha rockets at Israel's Timna Only Gas gives you so much hot water for so little. Saves while Big Four talks on the Mid- copper mines Thursday but east were pending. King Hus- the parties to the Mideast con- dollars over electricity. In fact, a Gas water heater turns out caused neither casualties nor sein sent his prime minister to flict. They have also reiterated damage. more hot water in one day than an electric one twice its size. Cairo for talks with Nasser in opposition, he said, to an im- Rocket and mortar fire from Jor- which it was understood that the posed settlement and continued So, if you've been running short of hot water at your house, support for the mission of Unit- dan hit four settlements in the top question was the impending check into the new fast-action Gas water heaters at your transfer of the 4,000 regulars ed Nations Mideast peace envoy Beisan Valley area Friday—Kfar Ruppin, Kinneret, Poria and De- plumber's or your plumbing and heating dealer's. Or, if you from the military arm of the Dr. Gunnar V. Reporting on Jarring. the latest Israeli ganya Beth. In the latter, the re- Palestine Liberation to the Jor- wish, call us. You can have all the hot water you want for gional council secretary Hillel talks with Dr. Jarring and Char- dan East Bank. less than you'd Imagine. Hot water costs less with Gas. Israeli officials said that be- les W. Yost, the U.S. envoy to the Kimche suffered a fatal heart sei- tween June 6, 1967, and Dec. 31, UN Eban indicated that Israel has zure as a result of the explosions. 1968, there were 1,288 acts of sabo- told the U.S. it views with concern In Poria, a woman was injured by tape and border incidents. Of the current delay in the Jarring shell A new, et splinters. launcher was used larger — the rock- 240- these, 920 took place in the West mission which it attributed to poli- Bank, with 166 in the Egyptian tical maneuvering by France and millimeter Katyusha. Previously, 133- millimeter Katyushas w e r e sector, 37 in the Syrian region, 35 other nations. fire fired. Dr. Jarring has indicated that he near Lebanon and 130 in the Gaza Mitzpa Ramon, with a popula- Strip. Israel puts its losses for the will not resume his mission unless tion of 3,000, lies some 70 mil es period at 234 soldiers and 47 civi- something substantive emerges south sou of es Beersheba and l es s than lians killed, 765 soldiers and 330 from the current bi-lateral UN 40 mil from the Jordanian bor- civilians wounded. The State lost talks among the Big Four (U.S., nearly 800 men during the Arab- I Britain, Russia and France) aimed der. The rocket attack caused little damage, but Israeli Army units at possible full-scale talks on a were investigating how marauders Israel war of 1967. Mideast settlement. managed to cross the border, Thant Responds to Jordanian Request, Asks Israeli Report on Status of Jerusalem was said to of be progress so disappoint- ed He over the lack that penetrate Israeli soil to a point less was considering the resumption than 10 miles from the village, he fire their two rockets and escape. JERUSALEM (JTA) — The for- of his post as Sweden's ambassa- The Katyusha is light and can be eign ministry confirmed that Unit- dor to the Soviet Union. He re- transported by truck. ed Nations Secretary General U portedly does not want to return to A military spokesman reported Thant has asked Israel to report the MidEast unless he carries a that an Israeli patrol came under on progress made toward imple- new endorsement of his mission machinegun fire from Jordanian menting the Security Council's and substantive guidelines from territory in the northern Beisan May 21, 1967, resolution demand- the major powers. Valley today. The patrol and other ing the repeal of all steps taken to Sinai Commander, Dayan Israeli forces returned the fire. integrate and unify East and West Warn Egypt of Reprisals Two soldiers and a civilian work- Jerusalem. Thant's note was sent for Sniping and Mining ing with the Israeli Army were in- after Jordan's UN envoy Muham- , TEL AVIV (JTA)—Israel's de- jured when a military vehicle med H. el-Farra asked him last tense minister and the commander struck a mine in a Gaza street. week to furnish the Council with a of its military forces in the Sinai Two soldiers were also injured report on implementation of the served notice on Egyptian author- when an Army vehicle hit a mine measure. Thant was also asked to ities that the continued escalation in the Negev. A hand-grenade request that Israel rescind without of sniping and mining incidents thrown in Nablus missed an army delay various measures that would along the Suez Canal would pro- truck but struck a local car, injur- make Israeli law applicable to busi- yoke retaliation. ing seven local Arabs. Gen. Dayan said Friday, "We nesses and professional endeavors Two Isralei fighter-bombers Fri- shall not remain silent, we will re- day attacked and "silenced" Jor- in East Jerusalem. The ministry said that the Thant act if these provocations persist." danian gun emplacements report- letter was "being studied." The Several Israeli soldiers have been ed to have fired bazooka shells at . T May 21 resolution required Thant wounded by sniper fire across the a border patrol in the northern to submit a progress report to the canal in recent days and there has Beisan Valley. Security Council. Prime Minister been an increase in the number of Roads in the border areas Levi Eshkol and other members of minings, although the later have where Arab terrorists are most the government have said that the not caused any deaths so far. Gen. active are being paved to prevent unification of Jerusalem is irrevo- Dayan said it was possible that the booby-trapping aimed at Is- local Egyptian commanders, not raeli border police patrols. The cable. Official circles denied reports Cairo, were responsible for the in- paving makes impossible the fav- in several newspaper that Israel cidents. He said, "I appeal to the orite terrorist trick of scooping had received a request to free 15 top level command to end these out a hole in a dirt or crushed merchant ships that have been provocations lest the situation stone road, planting a contact stranded in the Suez Canal since deteriorate along that front." mine and carefully covering up Maj. Gen. Haim Herzog warned, the spot. Israeli police casualties the June 1967 Arab-Israel war via the canal's- southern exit. in a Jerusalem radio interview from such mines have been high. The terrorists cannot plant mines According to reports from Cairo, Saturday, that Israel was prepared Egyptian government spokesman I to reply to Egyptian military on a paved road unless they break Gas makes the big difference ... costs less tool MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY o