50—BUSINESS CARDS LADIES alterations. Quick service. Ex. erienced. Reasonable prices. 5384030. ATTENTION ! Apartment and house owners. Commercial and custom paint- ing. 24-hour service. Insured. Free estimates. Call Now 861-8540 PAINTING and decorating. All work guaranteed. References. TY 7-2501. FURNITURE refinished and repalreo Free estimates. UN 4.3547. 55—MISCELLANEOUS - AUTHENTIC reproductionS of Cast Iron Mechanical Coin Banks. They indeed are collectors items with historical in- terest and value. Also many other cast iron reproductions. 3171 Cass Ave., next to Chung's Chinese Restaurant. Open 12-10 P.M. E. German Papers Rap 'New Heart' Davener Sik, Goldstuecker as Protest Leaders LONDON (JTA) — Soviet and East German propaganda organs have singled out two prominent Czech liberals, both Jews, to blame for the current wave of protests in that country against repressive measures imposed by Moscow. Former Vice Premier Ota Sik and Prof. Eduard Goldstuecker, president of the Czech Writers Union, have been held responsible for the recent self-immolation of several Czech students in gestures of opposition to Soviet attempts to crush liberal reforms. BREAKFRONT . Country French type piece. Upper portion glass, low part doors. One of a kind & unique. Re- production of a $4,000 antique, priced $1,200. Perfect & lovely. Phone 647-8213 after 6:30 P.M. or Sunday. 60—CARS FOR SALE "66" TEMPEST. Power steering, white walls. 53,000 miles. Best offer. 357-4755. Egan Seen Determined to Oust Bloc From Govt. TEL AVIV (ZINS)—Gahal (Unit- ed Liberal-Herut bloc) is a thorn in Abba Eban's side, and the for- eign minister is exerting every effort to rid the government of this political gadfly, the independ- ent "Ha'aretz" disclosed here. Eban believes that Gahal's pres- ence in the government weakens his assertion that Israel is pre- pared to make territorial conces- sions in exchange for peace with the Arabs. "The entire world knows," Eban contends, "that Gahal's' participa- tion in the government is proof that Israel is not ready to com- promise" Ha'aretz writes fUrther that Gabel Irritates the foreign minister, because this party plays an Important part in strengthenr ing the position of Moshe DaYan, whom Eban considers his most formidable opponent. Should Gahal leave the govern- ment, Dayan's influence would diminish considerably. The foreign minister is in search of friends who would assist him in reaching his – Friday, February 14, 1969 - 45 Recalling Isaac M. Wise's Visit Here By IRVING I. KATZ Executive Secretary, Temple Beth El previously, was preacher, Kazan (cantor) and teacher. Things were The 150th birthday of the late , apparently moving along well, al- Rabbi Isaac M. Wise will be ob- though conditions were quite pri- served by the Metropolitan Detroit 1 mitive and poor." Detroit Federation of Reform Syna- i While in Detroit in 1856, Rabbi gogues, March 16, at Temple Is-1 Wise, who was the head of Dis- ra e: a. i trict Grand Lodge 2 of Bnai Brith, Isaac Mayer Wise, the towering laid the foundation for the organ- giant of Judaism who founded the : ization of Pisgah Lodge of Bnai American Reform Jewish Move- , Brith, which was chartered the ment, was born in Bohemia, March ,i following year. 29. 1819. He came to the United I Rabbi Wise was again in Detroit States in 1846. in August 1859, and preached at Speaking English Beth El. The report of that met- fluently, his first ing in the Israelite stated: "We visited Detroit, the metropolis pulpit was in Al of Michigan, a fine and lively city with b a n y, N. Y wide and regular avenues, handsome buildings, romantic vicinity and an where he came •I active, industrious population. The site into serious con of Detroit is so level that one can view the land for miles up the lake. flict with a num down the river and into the interior of ber of the con Michigan. General Cass (Lewis Cass), Dr. Sik and Dr. Goldstuecker both returned to Prague recently from self-imposed exile to take their oaths as members of the Czech regional assembly. An East German radio broadcast 56—ANTIQUES assailed Dr. Goldstuecker as "an oppressor of creative Marxist writers, a proponent of the theory REDFORD - DETROIT of alienation, A 'fraternizer with the Western secret service, and a man who encouraged 'anti- social forces and served the im- perialists." Feb. 21, 22 23 Dr. Sik, author of the economic reforms under the regime of Alex- CARPENTERS HALL ander Dubcek, was accused of "associating the Czech economy 22521 Grand River with capitalist monopolists and Detroit their crises of unemployment and 2 levels of period and country exploitation." furniture, glass china dolls, Dr. Goldstuecker and Dr. Sik left Czechoslovakia at the time of the paperweights, fine prints and Soviet invasion last summer. The decorative accessories. former is a visiting professor at S ussex University in Englandan d Hours 12 Noon to 10 P.M. the latter lecturse at the Univer- Sunday Closing 6 P.M. sity of Basel in Switzerland. Both were warmly welcomed when they $1 Admission — Free Parking returned to Prague and reportedly told colleagues that they intended 57—FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD to return permanently to Czecho- GOODS AND FURNISHINGS slovakia when their present univ- ersity commitments are fulfilled. The Czech news media pay scant attention to the Soviet and East German broadcasts attempting to whip up anti-Semitism among the Czech populace. ANTIQUES SHOW THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS one of the wealthiest men of the city, gregatiQn's lead- has an old residence here, which, the ers, who object ground excepted, is worth about $5011: This is the general's homestead. A ed to his reform- Frenchman of this city, who is worth ation of the tra millions, lives in a frame house that is worth about $200, the ground not in- ditional service cluded. Several more wealthy men The result wa thus retard the progress of the city, still it improves rapidly, notwithstand- the establish ing the damages done to all the lake meat of Temple cities by the rail roads. "About 60 families of our people live Beth Emeth in this city united in a congregation. which has been Issac M • Wise of them ar e actual' rich Ben Anolik has much to be in existence in Albany ever since. Few are actually poor. They follow differ thankful for. The 46-year-old father 1 In 1854, Rabbi Wise accepted the n:r l'ostPT;tun ?a n acn hd e s a roef )11` e r t r n ae d d e hMa ' st of seven, shown "davening" in his i pulpit of Congregation Bnai Jeshu- om f th a e re youn g a ndy active " . a prom part part hospital room a few weeks after run in Cincinnati. There he found- im pe oli ifes and i ve ry receiving a transplanted heart, is ed two newspapers, the Cincinnati t "The Rev. L. tl Laey : ni an popular. Is the of this congregation. now, according to his doctors, in j Israelite in English, and Deborah l ye attempted d successfully successfully to improve good health. One problem—a stag- in German. divine services by his lectures, e exegetic expositions of the biblical secta t n ons;• ead gering medical bill—was largely and by mat ve sz Sabbath, In 1873, Rabbi Wise founded the every liquidated by a check for $12,500 such prayers es as belg on;ntt one ag es. T hree times a week Mr. from Bnai Brith's members' In- Union of American Hebrew Con- by - liturgy instruction A,s tobetin ofs heg young in ato surance plan The transplant oper- gregations. Two years later, h.-i i the religion t oiFcti our fathers fathers — In con- established the Hebrew Union Col- e sequence of ation — Pennsylvania's first — 1 ughterer ) nd M ohee i l a arl. 'sad "ecumenical" overtone s: lege, the first rabbinical seminary i as riTihv,sise desrt) he can n aot atten has! rteo rthe n functions of a Anolik, an Orthodox Jew, received in the Americas. teeacte ,- Our brethren eir of 0 Detroit wn a n dhave n The Cent r a 1 Conference of the heart of a Catholic in a Pres- no u gueh of :11 no Ame ican Rabbis, was created by expectation r et one very soon— get byterian hospital. Ther is in co not that enterprise and Rabbi Wise in 1889. He served as energy r at egrational affairs president of all three institutions among the reb sr t of reonofWeDste ur etrrn eon Jordanian Ex-Legislator rest - until his death in 1900. gregations. They need a synagogue, a gregations. Convicted for Contacting Dr. Wise's first visit to Detroit school, a benevolent society, and they could have all these with but little rted o was in 1856, when he rep Iraqi Intelligence exertion on the part of the leading Several of them told us they TEL AVIV (JTA)—A four-year that "in Detroit he found the be- members. would contribute several hundred dol- prison term, of which two years ginning of quite a congregation. lars toward the building of a new They meet in the second or third synagogue; this is the case especially were suspended, was pronounced with l Messrs. Breslauer (Charles E. by a Jenin military tribunal on a' story of some bui ding (room Bressler), Sykes (Samuel Sykes) and if the matter would be agitated. Filibuster Is Undemocratic, 42-year-old former member of the above the store of Silberman and others, "We preached there Sabbath before Hersch, 172 Jefferson Avenue). last Jordanian Parliament found guilty to a large auditory and with the Women Complain to Senate of maintaining contacts with Mr. Adler (Rabbi Liebman Adler), help of God we hope to have cast a blessed seed on a fertile soil. We re- NEW YORK — Stating that the Iraqi intelligence agents with the whom I had sent there some time turn our thanks to our brethren of freedom to filibuster deprives the intention of providing them with Detroit for the kind treatment we ex- perienced in their midst, and especially I American people of their constitu- ; Israeli security information. to our friendly host Mr. and Mrs. Flying Trounstine (Morris Trounstine)." tional right to have the majority According to a 30-page indict- El Al Will Keep In 1861 Wise was in Detroit to view prevail, the national board of ment which was read in court, the Despite International dedicate Beth El's edifice on the National Council of Jewish' ! defendant, Moustafa Naguib Abou , on Rivard Street and in 1867 he Women, asked the Senate to move Bacher, met with the Iraqi ambas- Body's Action—Rabin for cloture without further delay. sador in Amman in November ; MONTREAL (JTA) — General dedicated Beth El's edifice on The Council's board, meeting in: 1967 and agreed to supply Iraq Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's ambassa- Washington and Clifford. In 1864 Rabbi Wise traveled to executive session at its national with information of security value. , dor to the United States, said here headquarters here, spoke out in be- He was discovered and kept under Sunday that El Al "will continue the tiny community of Jackson to half of its more than 100,000 mem- surveillance since the beginning of to fly" despite any anti-Israel ac- dedicate the first synagogue of bers across the country. 1968. Although the court agreed tion that might be taken by the Temple Beth Israel. In 1889, at the 11th Council of The board also asked President that this had prevented him from International Civil Aviation Orga- the Union of American Hebrew Nixon and the new administration, engaging in espionage for Iraq, it nization (ICAO). His comment before an Israel Congregations held in Detroit, when establishing national prior- decided to impose the relatively ities, to give first importance to severe sentence as a deterrent to Bond Organization dinner at which Rabbi Wise founded the Central he was honored came as the ICAO Conference of American Rabbis. fulfilling human needs. Pointing others. to the catastrophic disturbances An Egyptian saboteur believed prepared to resume its sessions The organization meetings were in this country in recent years, responsible for placing a mine ' called by Lebanon as a result of held at the Russel House (now the the women stated that, "Our demo- that caused the death of two Israeli the Dec. 28 Israel reprisal raid site of the First National Building) cratic heritage itself depends on soldiers and was connected with against the Beirut Airport. Leba- ! and Temple Beth El. an unprecedented commitment to the disappeaarnce of a third near non has demanded sanctions by winning the war on poverty and the Suez Canal last August has the UN agency against Israel. French Orthodox Rabbis Gen. Rabin told the dinner, at securing the rights of all our peo- been arrested by security forces' in U.S. for Field Study ple." They pledged full support to and. will soon stand trial. The miss; which over $1,500,000 in Bonds v..as (Direct JTA Teletype Wire the President and Congress for ing Israeli was believed to have subscribed, that so long as the to The Jewish News) NEW YORK—Three recently or- action enabling a realistic war to been dragged across the canal by Arab states do not accept direct negotiations. Israel will not move dained French rabbis have come eliminate poverty in America. Egyptian commandos and either died of wounds or was murdered. "one inch" from the occupied ter- , to the United States for the first ritories. He called French Presi- Orthodox-sponsored program in Golan Heights Kibutzim dent de Gaulle's recent embargo this country for postgraduate study Plans Mapped by Agency U.S. Hasn't Made Signing on military equipment and spare and rabbinical field work by for- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire N-Treaty Aid Condition parts for Israel "an open invita- eigners. to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM (JTA) — Prime tion to aggression." The graduates of the Ecole Rab- TEL AVIV—The Jewish Agency's Minister Levi Eshkol told the binique Seminaire Israelite de agricultural department has dis- Knesset that the United.States has France are Rabbis Claude Zaffran, Arrest Youths Who closed that it has drawn up devel- Roger Touitou and Attain Gued•. opment plans for 22 settlements not made Israel's signing of the C onfess to Vandalism C nuclear nonproliferation treaty a . They will remain here through the and one .township in the Golan • In Argentina Sea Reso rt prior condition for aid. fall under a program of inter- Heights on the Syrian border. BUENOS AIRES (JTA)—Police communal cooperation arranged in The U.S. has been urging Is- The plan includes 10 existing settlements. According to "Brit," rael's signature on the pact, but have arrested two Young men who 1968 by the Union of Orthodox organ of the kibutz movement, Israel bad indicated that it needs confessed to vandalizing a kosher Jewish Congregations of America there are at present 11,400 acres more time to study the ramifica- hotel and restaurant in the sea- and the Consistoire Central, the of arable land in the Golan tions of the treaty, particularly shore resort of Mar del Plata last central Jewish community of Heights, and the Jewish Agency is with respect to the country's secu- week. Jorge Lagola, 20, and Adolfo I French Jewry. Also cooperating Rosas, 18, who live in Buenos are Yeshiva University and the planning to reclaim an additional rity. Eshkol also informed the parlia- Aires and Lanus City respectively, Rabbinical Council of America. 25,000 acres for agriculture. Anoth- The program is designed to pro- er bulletin, "Yediot," published by ment that the government was still said they destroyed furniture and the Moshav (small-holders) move- considering whether or not to ask left virulent anti-Semitic inscrip- vide an understanding of the well- ment, said plans have been com- France for a refund for 50 em- tions and swasitka daubings. Po- developed system of the U.S. Jew- pleted for the establishment of bargoed Mirage V jets and other lice also recovered several valu- ; ish community and its institutions more settlements in the northern military equipment paid for by able objects stolen from the , which the rabbis may utilize in ',their own communities. premises. SinaLand along the .JordanNalle3(•.- ,Israel. ` 1 .