1$—Friday, Feluvery 14, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Boris Smolar's 'Between You ...and Me' (Copyright 1969, JTA Inc.) JEWISH SURVIVAL IN USSR: Jewish life in the Soviet Union today is centered around three positions: the 62 synagogues throughout the country which reflects Jewish religious existence; the Yiddish monthly magazine, "Sovietish Heimland" which represents the only expression of Jewish culture left after the mass-liquidation by Stalin of all Jewish cultural institutions; and the Jewish youth which knows nothing about Jewishness but is, nevertheless, Jewish-conscious. All three positions are important for Jewish survival in the USSR. However, in my opinion, the most important factor upon which the future of Jewish life in the Soviet Union will stand or fall is the Jewish youth. There is a large segment among the Soiiet-born Jews in whom "Dos Pintele Yid" blossoms; they know they are Jews by their identity documents; they want to maintain this identity; they are eager to find odt what Jewishness means. It is upon them that the continuity of Jew- ish life depends. There can be no question about the need to request equal treatment for the Jewish religion in Russia, which is deprived of many privileges which the Soviet government accords to all non-Jewish religions. But one must look realistically upon the fact that the future of Soviet Jewry does not rest on the aged Jews who cling to the synagogue. These Jews should be given all possibilities to live their lives in full accordance with their religious traditions which are part and parcel of their existence. However, it is highly questionable whether they are the foundation upon which Jewish life can be built for the future. The great majority of Soviet Jewry is not religious and is not inclined to become religious. * * MISSING LINK: The same thing can be said about the "Sovietish Heimland." This publication constitutes a Jewish cultural position, although it is a Communist publication, directed by a Communist editor. Its contents are—as is everything published in the Soviet Union—Com- munist-oriented. However, it helps to , develop new cadres of Yiddish writers replacing those brutally slain under the Stalin regime and it carries literary material of general Jewish cultural value. But the "Sovietish Heimland" is by far not enough to serve as a forum for the several hundred thousands of Jews in the Soviet Union who still read Yiddish and are rooted in Yiddish culture. It does not reflect the sentiments of those in the USSR who would like to see Jewish culture restored in the country to its full rights. Although it reaches a limited number of Jews primarily in the territories acquired by the Soviet Union after the war where Yiddish is still spoken—the Baltic countries, Bukovina, Galicia, Carpatho-Russia—it does not reach the Jewish youth because the Soviet-born youth cannot read Yiddish. The question thus arises: what should be done for the Soviet-born Jewish generation which is Jewish in identity and in spirit but has no access whatsoever to any Jewish knowledge? How can Jewish content be provided to the majority of Soviet Jewry which is not interested in religion and cannot read or speak Yiddish? The only answer to this question is, I believe, to seek the publica- tion in Moscow of a Jewish weekly or bi-weekly magazine in the Rus- sian language. Jewish organizations abroad, including American Jewish groups, in their presentation of demands to the Soviet government in the inter- ests of Soviet Jewry, have neglected so far to advance the request that a Jewish medium in the Russian language be published for the purpose of keeping Soviet-born Jewish citizens closer to their Jewish culture and nationality. All other national minorities in the USSR have their own national publications. Certainly the Jews, who are designated by the Moscow government as a nationality, have a justified claim for such a publication for their more than 2,000,000 Jews who can read Rus- sion only. * * • Allon to Address Bond Conference USSR Documents A id Crimes Trial BONN (JTA) — The Central Of-1 fice for War Crimes Prosecution in Ludwigsburg disclosed that it has obtained nearly 1,000 pages of documents f r o m the central archives in Moscow relating to Nazi war crimes. Simon Wiesenthal, director of the Vienna documentation center on Nazi war criminals, said he had a list of about 1,000 ex-Nazis now living in East Germany. He said one of them was Maj. Gen. Arno Von Lenski who the East Germans honored as a fighter against fas- cism but who was a judge in Hit- MIAMI — Yigal AlIon, deputy prime minister of Israel and hero of its War of Liberation, will be special guest at the international inaugural confer- ence for Israel Bonds, it was an- nounced by Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, vice president of the Israel Bond Or- ganization. The conference will be held Feb. ler's notorious "peoples courts" 27 through March which passed death sentences on 2 at the Fontain- political prisoners. Wies en t h a I, bleau Hotel here. General Allon will be the prin- cipal speaker at an inaugural din- Gen. Allon er March 1. Dr. Schwartz also announced that interviewed on the Cologne radio, said it was vital for West Ger- I many's reputation that the statute of limitations on war crimes pro- secutions be abolished. The statute is scheduled to go into effect at the end of this year, after which Samuel Rothberg, national cam- no new war crimes prosecutions paign chairman of the Israel Bond can be initiated. Organization, had been named to Soviet propaganda organs have serve as national chairman of the resumed their attacks on West conference. Berlin because the ultra right- Nine Named for Brandeis Awards WALTHAM, Mass. — The Bran- deis University Creative Arts Awards Commission announced the names of nine persons who will receive the university's 1969 medals and citations during the 13th annual presentation dinner at the Plaza in New York City May 5. Receiving the Creative Arts Awards Medal and $1,000 stipends will be composer Ernest Krenek, poet Leonie Adams, sculptor Jose DeRivera and stage designer Boris Aronson. A fifth and special medal for notable creative achievement will be presented to author and architectural critic Lewis Mum- ford. The four 1969 Creative Arts Awards Citation winners, all of whom will receive a $1,000 stip- end, are composer Henry Wein- berg, poet Galway Kinnell, sculp- tor Mark DiSuvero and in theater arts, The Negro Ensemble Com- pany. The Creative Arts Awards Med- al winners are selected in recogni- tion of a lifetime of distinguished achievement, while the four cita- tion winners, all of whom are younger artists, are chosen to en- courage their creative careers. The special award for notable achieve- ment honors a person or a group for outstanding achievement in the The more you are talked about, the less powerful you are. —Benjamin Disraeli. SOME DATES STILL AVAILABLE FOR 1969 guteA .7.ay m2 17;:ri 20% to rq 50% OFF on au SUITS ri SPORT jACKETS and SLACKS azanbresz austunt 25913 COOLIDGE OAK PARK LI 7-5794 Photographers UN 4-8785 Nelson CHAEE Southfield City Council Government Responsive to You! creative arts. JEWISH AFFINITY: A Jewish periodical in the Russian language Sde Boker Gets Clinic would contribute no little to strengthening of Jewish feelings among TEL AVIV (JTA) — A corner- hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews, young and middle-aged. The mere fact that such a publication appeared regularly every week, or stone has been laid for a 10-room even every other week, would by itself fortify the Jewish identity senti- clinic at the Sde Boker school. The occasion was the first anniversary ments among many Jews throughout the country. I do not deceive myself by thinking that such a publication should of the death of Mrs. Paula Ben- not be Communist-directed. Everything that is printed in Russia is Gurion, wife of Israel's former Communist-oriented. Just as the editor of any publication in the Soviet prime minister, who makes his Union is a trusted member of the Communist Party, so also will be the home in the tiny Negev settlement. editor of any publication in Russian intended for Jewish readers. Nevertheless, I am certain that such a Jewish organ would also carry some material on Jewish subjects and items reflecting Jewish life, even though they will be Communist-tainted. Such a publication could become a medium to be found in countless Jewish homes in all parts of the USSR. It would not be the ideal Jewish publication from the point of view of Jews in the free world, but it would serve the pur- pose of Jewish affinity. "Highly qualified & endorsed Ass'n. of Southfield Civic Assn's "Highly recommended" Southfield Democratic Club Pd. Pot. Adv. • * * LESSON IN HISTORY: There are Jews in the Soviet Union today ACTIVE IN SOUTHFIELD CIVIC AFFAIRS 18 YEARS • Past President of John Grace P.T.A. • Ten years with Upper Teens serving third term as President. who still remember the role played in Jewish life under the Czar by two Jewish weeklies in the Russian language. Both were published in St. Petersburg—now Leningrad—but their impact was strong upon thou- sands and thousands of Jews in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev and other cities where the Jews spoke mostly Russian. Just as today, in Czarist times many Jewish students were assimi- lated and could not read Yiddish. The same held for many of the top Jewish leaders in the Czarist capital and in Moscow. Vladimir Jabo- tinsky, for instance, was one of the young Zionist leaders who could then read no Yiddish. To reach those Jews who could not read Yiddish, and especially the student generation, the non-Zionist leaders started to publish in St. Petersburg a weekly Russian-language magazine, Voskhod. It was one of the best Jewish publications in any language and became popular with thousands and thousands of Jewish families all over Russia. Im- pressed by the success of Voskhod, Zionist leaders in St. Petersburg also started publication of a weekly in the Russian language. This was the Zionist weekly, Razsvier, which, similarly, soon found its way into many Jewish homes all liver the country. Both publications played an important role in strengthening Jewish identity among "Russified" Jews. ........ wing National Democratic Party (NPD) is once again functioning in that city. The Soviet ambassa- dor to East Germany reportedly raised the question with West Ber- lin's Mayor Klaus Schutz when they conferred last Friday. • Ten years with Southfield Fair— past Manager and past Chairman. • President of Southfield Improvement Association; two terms. PROMOTE MERLIN GAUT TO SOUTHFIELD CITY COUNCILMAN • Eight years active with Local Scout Troops. • Six years a City Commissioner. He has the Knowhow, Ability and— THE DESIRE TO REPRESENT U.S ON THE CITY COUNCIL ! Paid Pol. Adv.