Entire Community Called Upon to Participate in Vigil of Silence Sunday in Kennedy Square afternoon. Even without a permit, (Continued from Page 1) The Detroit Common Council however, Et-Gar students mustered was invited to attend the vigil, 100 marchers in front of Kennedy along with clergymen and civic Square. Joined by adults and college stu- leaders. There will be no speeches at the dents, Et-Gar, Students for Israel vigil. Prayers will be recited by walked in a solemn silent proces- Rabbis Leon Frain and Israel Hal- sion carrying signs which revealed pern. and the El Mole Rahamim to mid-afternoon passersby their will be chanted by Cantor Harold disgust at the inhumanity of the Orbach. The invocation will be executions. Leaders of Et-Gar conducted a given by Rev. Darneau Stewart of the People's Community Church. short program with 30 seconds of The benediction will be given silence in respect to the martyrs, by Father James Sheehan, head of followed by a plea for a letter cam- the human relations department paign to politicians claiming, "We must be heard." After an hour of of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Pledges of participation by lead- peaceful protesting and distribu- ers in the Christian community tion of flyers to passersby explain- were made at a Tuesday night re- ing the youths' plea, the group dis- port meeting. Among those in at- banded to enable its participants tendance were Sisters Mary Dom- to arrive home in time for the inic and Julia Mary of St. Boniface Sabbath. School; Rev. James D. Cochran of In the packed gymnasium, at Central United Methodist Church; the Jewish Center last Sunday, and Rev. James Garrison, St. young people carried signs read- Peter's Evangelical Lutheran ing "Hitler Again?" and another Church. A representative of Rev. nearby, "Not Again"; "U Thant Hubert G. Locke, head of the office Where Are You"; "Justice for the of religious affairs at Wayne State Jew"; and "I Am My Brother's University, was present, as was Keeper." Mayor Joseph Forbes of Oak Park. The latter message was conveyed Youth involvement has been throughout the afternoon by speak- stressed partly as a response to ers who stressed that the world their efforts, though officially un- must not keep silent while injustice sanctioned, at protest last Friday is done. Joining in expressing her "sense of outrage" over the oc- currence in Baghdad and Basra, Rep. Martha Griffiths, member of Congress from Michigan's 17th District, told that large audi- ence: "I am with you as are many if not most of the mem- bers of Congress. As civilized people we can not permit these things to continue. I am sure the United States will be heard in the matter, in one of the sad- dest things that has happened. All of us stand together in an effort to stop this type of atro- city." A telegram from Gov. William Milliken expressing his deepest sympathy and protesting the ac- tions in Iraq was read at the meet- ing, as was a telegram from Sen. Robert Griffin, who urged that the world and the United States "renew with vigor" efforts to end such acts. Brigadier General S. L. A. Marshall pointed out in his re- marks to the assembly that, from the perspective of history, "This is old stuff in Baghdad. The Iraqis have been guilty of this same kind of thing two times in the past." The crime, he said, has back- fired for the Iraqis, who can't un- derstand why other Arab countries have not supported her act. He interpreted it as an attempt to bring about Big Power interven- tion in the Middle East. "But our government is aware of the trap and is walking away from it." Although it was a time for mourning the victims, said Marshall, "mourning is never enough in itself. We must do positive things. We must ask, Are we doing enough on the positive side for Israel?" He sug- gested that the community buy more Israel Bonds, contribute to the United Jewish Appeal, Jew- ish National Fund, Histadrut. "Scores of channels are open to us." Marshall, who is not a Jew but is a great friend of Israel, praised Israel for "her great strength that too many other states lack: the will and confidence to sit steady." "Throughout this crisis of the past 40 days," he said, "I've been confident that Israel will weather the storm and come out stronger than ever—with our help." Rabbi Samuel Prero, head of the Young Israel Council of De- troit, addressed the gymnasium assembly, which also was greet- ed briefly by Marshall. Presid- ing were Mrs. Samuel Linden, vice president of the Jewish Community Council, and Isadore Shrodeck, president of the Zion- ist Council of Detroit. The meet- ing was under the auspices of the two groups. Under a sign reading "In Memo- riam/Iraqi Martyrs," Cantor Shab- tai Ackerman of Cong. Beth Abra- ham chanted the El Molei Raha- mim while the crowds stood in silence. In response to Shrodeck's call to "make our anger heard," more than 500 persons each contributed a dollar to have a telegram bear- ing his name sent to the United Nations, urging U. S. Ambassador Charles Yost make every effort to stop the medieval acts in Iraq and force that government to allow its Jews to emigrate. Thousands of petitions have been circulated throughout the commu- nity—and were distributed Sunday —by the Jewish Community Coun- cil and Bnai Brith Council of De- troit. They condemn the hangings and call for an exodus of Jews from all Arab lands, not Iraq alone. The Council and Bnai Brith ask- ed, in addition, that everyone in the community send wires, letters and cards to President Nixon and UN Secretary General U Thant. Altered Communications Augur U.S. Attitudinal Change in Tackling Policies Involving Mid East (Continued from Page 1) and security advisers on the Middle such as support for the Eisen- East to discuss U.S. participation in Big Four talks on the Middle hower-Strauss proposal for desal- East under the aegis of the United ination. Nations and to complete a reply to He said he will leave for his the French proposal for such talks. European trip on Feb. 23 and will One apparent indication of the go to Brussels, London, Berlin,' Nixon administration's emphasis Bonn and Paris and will meet with , on using the UN was Mr. Nixon's all heads of states in the countries ' discussions with Secretary of State he will visit. William P. Rogers on shifting Jo- While details of a confidential seph Sisco, assistant secretary of meeting with the President could state for UN affairs, to the post not be divulged by Fisher after of assistant secretary for Near his meeting with the President, ■ Eastern affairs. He was expected the fact that prior to the develop-1 to succeed Parker T. Hart, career ment of new policies by this ad- I diplomat and Near East specialist. ministration in dealing with the The Johnson administration was evolving issues the President con-1 cool to a Four Power approach on sidered it important to confer at the grounds that it might be con- length with so prominent a per- strued as an effort to impose a sonality in Jewish ranks as Max Mid East settlement—an approach Fisher, is viewed as an indication strenuously opposed by Israel, of the seriousness with which the which insists on Arab-Israel nego- President faces the issues and the tiations leading to a treaty. Since desire to take into consideration taking office, the Nixon adminis- the attitudes of the Jewish com- tration has suggested that it is not munity, as he will also those Of committed to Johnson policies and Israel's spokesmen. must take a more active role in While these aspects emerged in the pursuit of peace. all their significance this week, the (Eban sought to allay fears that new five-point program advanced the Mid East was on the brink of a by Egypt's President Nasser was new all-out war. He said in a ra- given less serious consideration dio interview that the cease fire than was originally anticipated. was not nearing collapse and there Official Israel statements pointed was no present danger of war or a out that Nasser only reiterated dec- Big Power confrontation. He larations he had made previously, stressed that "the situation in the but that he still fails to speak in Middle East will be a burden on terms of peace. peace as long as no agreed settle- Israel's Foreign Minister Abba ment is reached." He said that Mr. Nixon's reference to the region as Eban stated that the Nasser plan would lead to the "liquidation of a "powder keg" which must be "defused" did not seem to reflect Israel" and that there must be "a permanent peace, duly nego- any new attitude. Mr. Nixon had used the phrase in reference to tiated." the Middle East during last fall's With regard to the proposal for election campaign, Eban pointed action by the Four Powers, Eban out). met last week with U.S. Ambassa- Britain joined the Soviet Union dor Walworth Barbour and is be- and France in pushing for a Four lived to have emphasized Israel's , Power meeting. Washington and opposition to a Four Power confer- the Kremlin have already been in ence on the Middle East. contact on the Mid East question. President Nixon met Monday Former Secretary of State Dean with his top military, diplomatic Rusk, replying to a Dec. 30 Soviet 40 Friday, February 7, 1969 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS note proposing a five-point peace plan, asked for clarification on a number of points. West Germany's new ambassa- dor to the United States and former ambassador to Israel, Dr. Rolf Pauls, said in Washington, re- ferring to the Middle East, that never in history has an imposed solution solved any problems. He presented his credentials to Mr. Nixon. UN Welcomes Report That Nixon Favors Big Four Meetings on Mid East UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) —The United Nations has not been informed of any plans for a Four Power meeting on the Mid-East situation but will be prepared to place all necessary facilities at the disposal of the conference, a UN spokesman announced. With Secretary-General U Thant in Ethiopia there was no comment here on Washington reports that the United States National Security Council had decided on American participation in Four Power talks on the Mid East within the frame- work of the UN Security Council and terms of reference of its Nov. 22, 196'7 resolution. There was con- siderable gratification here at the stress in Washington reports on the projected role of the UN and the U.S. intention to channel ef- forts at a solution through the UN. It was disclosed that the presi- dent of the last General Assembly, Emilio Arenales, had not yet ap- pointed the three-nation committee which by General Assembly direc- tive is to study the status of the civilian population in the territo- ries occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War. (Israel's Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin met Monday at the State Department with Elliot L. Richard- son, the new undersecretary of State. It is believed that Ambas- sador Rabin sought clarification of the emerging U.S. policy). (Premier Levi Eshkol of Israel was reported to have urged Presi- dent Nixon, in a personal message, to oppose any Mid East settlement imposed by the Major Powers. Esh_ kol reportedly asked the President to stand firm for direct Arab-Isra- eli negotiations for peace and stressed that Israel could not ac- cept a settlement imposed by the Super Powers. Official sources said it was delivered prior to last Sat- urday's meeting of the President with his top advisers. (In Philadelphia, Sen. Hugh Scott, of Pennsylvania, assistant Repub- lican floor leader of the Senate, said President Nixon's initiative for Arab-Israel peace "should not be interpreted as an effort to im- pose a settlement" that Israel can- not accept. He called on the ad- ministration to "reject the efforts of the Russians and the French to write U.S. policy" on Israel. He told the Cardozo Lodge of Brith Sholom here that he was "confi- dent that President Nixon knows full well that the only lasting set- tlement must be one to which Israel and the Arab states freely sub- scribe.") Israel's Top Chaplain Urges Creation of World Seminary, Rabbis' Council LAKEWOOD, N.J. — The chief rabbi of Israel's armed forces Tuesday called upon the Rabbinical Council of America to take the initiative in the establishment of an "International Rabbinical Sem- inary" in Israel, which would train rabbis for service in Jewish com- munities throughout the world, in the various languages of those communities. Brig. General Shlomo Goren, who is also the chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, made his proposal at the annual conference of the Rabbinic- al Council, attended by some 500 rabbis at the Brunswick Hotel here. Rabbi Goren explained that the need for an international rabbinic- al school impressed him strongly during his recent visits to Latin America and the Scandinavian countries. "In South America especially," he said, "there is a tragic lack of rabbis, and no Orthodox seminary in which to train them. I found some communities with as many as 50,000 Jews, which have no spiritual leaders at all and they urged me to see what I could do about supplying them with rab- bis." Rabbi Goren brought several other proposals to the Rabbinical Council, among them the establish- ment of a worldwide supreme rab- binical council, composed of rab- . bis from all major Jewish com- munities, each elected to a three- year term, who would sit together and "solve the major religious Jewish problems of the world." Speaking generally about Israel, Rabbi Goren declared that "We must emphasize that for the first time in modern history, all the places in our area which are holy to all three religions, Jewish, Christian and Moslem, are now accessible to all these faiths, and all are under Jewish protection. "And we must stress that not only are they open, but that Israel is repairing and restoring those which have suffered through neg- lect when they were in other hands. In fact, many will be open for the first time to worship, even to Christians." In his own sphere, that of the chaplaincy, he said. "As chief rabbi of the armed forces, I am responsible for all chaplains of other religions, too. We provide a Christian chaplain with a New Testament and a cross, along with his weapon on the first day he enters the service and he and the Christians in his care are taken every Sunday to churches in mili- tary vehicles and they are auto- matically given leaves on all their holidays. This consideration for other faiths, by the way, also holds true for'prisoners of war."