2,000 Professors Iss ue Appeal to USSR to End Prejudice NEW YORK—Two thousand pro- fessors from 115 American univer- sities and colleges — among them Nobel laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners — appealed to the Soviet government to undertake a mas- sive educational campaign against anti-Semitism in the USSR and to secure the cultural, religious and communal rights to which Soviet Jews are entitled. In a full page advertisement in the New York Times, headed "We appeal for the Jews of Silence," the Academic Committee on Soviet Jewry set forth an eight-point pro- gram by which, it said, the Soviet government might "demonstrate its wholehearted adherence to the humanitarian ideals incorporated in the Soviet constitution." Heading the list is "a systematic educational campaign to combat anti-Semitism," including an attack an the "anti-Zionist, i.e., anti-Jew- ish propaganda" that has persisted Since the Six-Day War in June 1967. The signatories — among them men of science and letters, and some of the most prestigious names in American higher education—in- dude Nobel laureates Arthur Korn- berg of Stanford University and George Wald of Harvard, as well as Dr. Albert Sabin, director of the Children's Hospital Research Foun- dation; and Pulitzer Prize winners Richard Ellmann of Northwestern University, Oscar Handlin of Har- vard and Richard Hofstadter of Columbia. A number of members of the faculties of universities in Michi- gan are among those who appended their names to this appeal. Professors Wald, Sabin, Ellmann, Harlin and Hofstadter are also sponsors of the Academic Commit- tee, which is chaired by Dr. Nath- an Glazer, professor of sociology at Harvard University. In addition to a counterattack on Soviet anti-Semitism, the Academic Committee calls upon the Soviet government: • to enable Soviet Jews who so desire to lead culturally fulfilled lives as Jewish Soviet citizens by restoring to them the necessary educational and publication facili- ties in Yiddish and Hebrew, as well as Russian; • to support newspapers and periodicals of Jewish interest in Yiddish, Hebrew and Russian; • to sponsor professional reper- tory theaters in Moscow and the other great centers of traditional Jewish culture and population; • to facilitate the formation of clubs and centers where Jewish youth and students may come to- gether for cultural, educational and social purposes; • to provide channels compar- able to those assured other Soviet nationalities through which Soviet Jews may maintain close cultural, intellectual and communal ties with Jewish communities in other coun- tries; • to secure for the large Soviet Jewish religious community the same kinds of institutions and pre- rogatives accorded all other reli- gions—for contact and communica- tion among congregations at home and with religious bodies abroad, for the education of rabbis and other religious functionaries, for the production and distribution of religious publications and mater- ials; • to open the door to the emigra- tion of those many thousands of Soviet Jews who wish to be re- united with families living in the United States, Israel and else- where. Sponsors of the committee also include Saul Bellow, University of Chicago; Arthur F. Burns, on leave from Columbia and now a member of the Nixon Administration with Cabinet rank; Lewish S. Feuer, To- ronto; Abraham Heschel, Jewish Theological Seminary; Irving Howe, Hunter College; Abraham Kaplan, Michigan; Alfred Kazin, Stony Brook; Max Lerner, Bran- deis; Seymour M. Lipset, Harvard; Lionel Trilling, Columbia; and Mel- vin Tumin, Princeton; among others. A spokesman of the com- mittee said the month of January was particularly appropriate for the appeal to the Soviet govern- ment. It was in January 1948, he said, that Stalin's secret police murdered Shlomo Mikhoels, chairman of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and a leading figure in Soviet Jewry, and signalled an anti-Semitic cam- paign lasting for five years, during which leading Jewish cultural, literary and communal personali- ties were imprisoned, shot or other- wise disposed of. And in January 1953, he recalled, Stalin made his infamous revela- tion of a "doctor's plot," which Soviet Jews understood as a signal for a "great show trial" and dras- tic actions against Jews. Stalin's death in March 1953 staved off such a campaign. Other signatories to the Times ad include critic Leslie Fiedler, State University of New York at Buffalo; sociologist Amitai Etzioni, Colum- bia; Robert McAfee Brown, Stan- ford; Dr. Bernard Mandelbaum, president of the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Dr. Victor Rosen- blum, president of Reed College in Oregon. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 7, 1969-13 WHEN YOU . laic A COCKTAIL iccat ia& u S e • ■ 12 FROOf (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) Col. Robert S. Allen, a na- tionally syndicated writer who specializes on military matters, wrote Monday that the Iraqi forces were "equipped with Rus- sian guns, radar and other advanced devices." He said, "Soviet army instructors and technicians" trained the Iraqis now in Jordan menacing Israel. According to Col. Allen, the United States may have been in- directly "footing the bill" for the Iraqi forces in Jordan since June 1967. He cited various categories of aid and support given to Jor- dan and new allocations. Col. Allen learned from author- itative sources — apparently mili- tary quarters — that some of the U.S. funds given to Jordan had been diverted by King Hussein to defray the expenses of Iraqi forces in Jordan. State Department officials de- ardea ' NEW YORK (JTA)—City Col- lege's Institute of Yiddish Leid- cology, which is publishing a 10- volume dictionary of the Yiddish language, has been given a 515,- 000 grant by the Charles E. Mer- rill Trust, it was announced Mon- day by Dr. Buell G. Gallagher, col- lege president. The institute was established in 1965 for the purpose of compiling the dictionary which would con- tain "all the wealth created in Yiddish during the past 1,000 years-," Dr. Gallagher said. It is directed by Prof. Nathan Susskind of the Germanic and Slavic lan- guages department. Work on the dictionary was orig- inally begun in Eastern Europe before World War H, but mate- rials collected at the time were Make Chatham Tel-Twelve a -- regular Sunday morning stop. You'll find not only fresh bagels, in all your favorite varieties, but delicious Lox, Sable, Herring, and a complete selection of Kosher and Kosher type foods. Better yet, make Chatham Tel-Twelve headquarters for all Your shopping, any day in the week (visit our Family Center We're open weekdays 9:00 to 10:00 and on SUNDAYS 9:00 to 5:00. either lost or destroyed. The pres- ent work dates back to 1953. Two of the 10 volumes have been pub- lished so far. The entire project is expected to take 15 years and will cost nearly a million dollars. SPACE YET AVAILABLE ON SIDNEY HILL CRUISE MARCH 7th at $49900 CALL MARK MARCUS DI 1-9616 SALE! 20% OFF • OVERCOATS • TOPCOATS • SUBURBAN COATS LARGEST SELECTION OF LATEST STYLE EDWARDIAN SUITS & SPORT COATS Expert Alterations on Ladies', Men's and children's Clothing. Reasonable Prices. RADOM TAILORS and CLOTHIERS OPEN DAILY U.• 'ED V7.,DS • OSIFOIS Sen. Hartke Demands Report on U.S. Aid to Jordan; Iraqis Benefit? WASHINGTON — The U.S. gov- ernment may be indirectly financ- ing Iraqi military units based in Jordan, including artillery units that have fired on Israeli kibutzim, according to Sen. Vance Hartke, Indiana Democrat. Sen. Hartke, a member of the Commerce Committee, which han- dles revenue legislation, asked Secretary of State William P. Rogers for a full report on con- tinued American financial assist- ance to Jordan, and on the pos- sibility that the funds were divert- ed to cover logistical costs of Iraqi units stationed on its territory. The Senator suggested that Jor- dan compensates Iraq for rations, lodging and even munitions and pays for such Iraqi military com- ponents as the Saladdin Brigade, now in northern Jordan. Yiddish Lexicon Project Awarded $15,000 Grant 9 to 7; THURSDAY 9 to 9 22141 COOLIDGE, OAK PARK 398-9188