Linda Goodman Is Wed Rep. Conyers Gets Wide Support for Opportunity Act Congressmen Leonard Farbstein, in sponsoring the Full Opportunity 000 annually for 10 years, which to Ronald M. Rossen Jacob Gilbert, Seymour Halpern, Act as a tribute to the late Dr. seeks to deal with the major prob- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28—Friday, January 24, 1969 J. J. CLARKE STUDIO Portraiture of Distinction lems of poverty and discrimina- Allard Lowenstein, Richard ()Wa- Martin Luther King, Jr. The Full Opportunity Act, orig- tion. The legislation has full em- ger, Bertram Podell and Benjamin inally introduced Oct. 9, 1967, is an ployment, minimum wage, family Rosenthal joined with Congress- man John Conyers Jr. of Michigan omnibus bill, costing $30,000,000,- allowance, compensatory educa- tion, post secondary education, adequate housing, and anti-dis- crimination provisions. American Jewish Leaders Ask Thant to Intercede for Condemned Iraq Jews MRS. RONALD ROSSEN Linda Sue Goodman and Ronald Mark Rossen recently exchanged wedding vows at Temple Israel. Rabbis Leon Fram, Jacob Segal and M. Robert Syme, and Cantor Harold Orbach officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr.1 and Mrs. Samuel L. Goodman of LaGarrone Ave., Southfield. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Jack Rossen of North Park Dr., South- field, and the late Dr. Rossen. The bride wore a gown of peau de soie with a full watteau train and French net yoke and sleeves appliqued in beaded motifs of Em- press Mantilla. Mrs. Steffan Taub was her sis- ter's matron of honor. Barbara Rossen, sister of the bridegroom was maid of honor, bridesmaids were Cheryl Agree, Carol Edel- berg, Barbara Levy, Ellen Ros- en and Mrs. Harvey Goodman. Edward Leib served as best man. Ushers were Harvey Good- man, brother of the bride, Richard Levy, Robert Moss, Ronald Riback, Dr. Steffan Taub, Barry Thall and Howard Weinblatt. After a Jamaican moneymoon, the couple will reside in Ann Arbor. Young Businessmen Join U.S.-Israel Group; Detroiter Coordinator Former Detroiter Moshe Dworkin has been appointed national co- ordinator of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Indus- try following announcement that members of Volunteers for Israel Products, of which Dworkin was coordinator, has joined the Cham- ber. Volunteers for Israel Products is a group of young American busi- nessmen concerned with developing commercial ties between the U.S. and Israel. The Chamber consists of leading American and Israeli businessmen a n d industrialists, headed by Max Ratner of Cleve- land, president, and Samuel Gal- I lant, executive director. The new association means, said Ratner, "that in future years, the Chamber will have young business- men in growing firms who see Is- rael as a major outlet for their know-how and as a source of im- ported goods, as well as a major area for investment expansion." Gallant said that a special young businessmen's committee estab- lished within the Chamber will interest and help American com- panies establish industrial plants and business concerns in Israel. With other Chamber members they will promote Israeli goods in the U.S. Dworkin received a bachelors degree from Wayne State Univer- sity and his MA from the Univer- sity of Wisconsin. There, be was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow ma- joring in the political economy of developing nation s. He has served as national director of the Student Zionist Organization. He represented VIP as a delegate to the 1968 Prime Minister's Eco- nomic Conference in Jerusalem. NEW YORK (JTA) — Secretary- General U Thant, of the United Nations, has been asked to investi- gate reports that three Iraqi Jews have been sentenced to death in Baghdad for allegedly spying for Israel "and in the event they are correct, to take every possible step to halt a perversion of justice." The request to Thant was made in a telegram from Rabbi Herschel Schacter, chairman of the Con- ference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Rabbi Schacter said the reports also revealed that four other Jews are on trial for their lives and 12 more have been arrested on the seine charges. "It goes without saying that if these reports are correct, they constitute a very serious challenge to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at a time when the United Nations has just completed a year of rededi- cating itself to the protection of human rights," Rabbi Schacter said. The trial took on new interna- tional ramifications Wednesday when Baghdad Radio claimed the alleged spy ring had been based in neighboring Iran. According to the radio broadcast, two of the Jews on trial "confessed" to hav- ing undergone a three-week train- ing course in espionage and sabo- tage in the Persian Gulf oil town of Abadan. The Iranians were alleged to be operating the Israeli spy ring in Iraq. The American Jewish Commit- tee called on the U.S. government, the United Nations and its mem- ber countries, and non-govern- mental agencies to urge the Iraqi government to tell "the whole story." The AJC added that "as many as 100 other Iraqis—Moslems and ,Christians as well as Jews" maygate a similar fate. In London, the Board of De- puties of British Jews has urged that world opinion be brought to bear on the Baghdad govern- ment. In a statement, it declar- ed that the charges must be false since the Jewish defend- ants had been under arrest since the June 1967 Arab-Israeli war and could not have engaged in spying. Nevertheless, all appeals to the Baghdad government to commute the death sentences have yielded no results so far, the chairman of Korean Karate Cimrse Starts at Center Feb. 10 -A 10-week course in Tae Kwon Do (Korean Karate) will begin 7:15 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Jewish Center. Registration for the classes, which will meet one night a week begins Feb. 2 in room 202. Individuals who have paid the registration fee are entitled to train an additional night each week at the Michigan Tae Kwon Do Asso- ciation's main branch, 17580 Wy- oming. The association is directed by Sang Kyu Shim, 7th degree black belt. Business Brevities MAGDA AND JACQUES INSTI TUT DE BEAUTE, 17277 W. 10 Mile, Sotuhfield, is now presenting complete facial programs under the direction of Magda, European- trained specialist and graduate of the American Association of Aes- Man drinks in light along with theticians in New York, first the atmosphere. That is why peo- licensed school for skin care in the ple are right in saying that night United States. Magda and Jacques are available daily for consulta- air is unhealthy for work. —Charles Baudelaire. tion. the Iraqi Immigrants Association said here. David Patia, a member of the Knesset, said he had his in- formation from reliable diplomatic sources abroad. It was reported, but not verified, that they had al- ready been executed. Burg-Fishman Wedding Held at Kingsley Inn . For Your Weddings Formals - Condids - Direct Color 3223 W. McNichols Nr. Mulrlond Call 341 - 4141 Although the legislation was in- troduced several months before the PRESENTS Hal Gordon report of the Kerner Commission on Civil Disorders, it mirrors the findings of the commission and is the only legislation which would implement its recommendations, Conyers said. The Full Opportunity Act has not only been endorsed by such groups as the Southern Chris- tian Leadership Conference and the Americans for Democratic Action, but also by Prof. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, urban affairs adviser to President Nixon. Senator George McGovern is the principal Senate sponsor and is seeking other co-sponsors in the Senate. MUSIC BIG BAND OR SMALL COMBOS UN 3-8982 UN 3-5730 PERSONALIZED PARTY FAVORS Ash Trays, Candy Dishes, Matchboxes, etc. Made from glass and antique finished metals, ceramics. For Weddings and Bar Mitvazs, etc. Also personalized novelty pens. SOME DATES STILL AVAILABLE FOR 1969 INVITATIONS & ACCESSORIES Sae& ;aline also available. MARCIA MASSERMAN Photographers " 646-6138 UN 4-8785 From LONDON, ENGLAND ZAN GILISIE1ST MRS. SEYMOUR BURG In a recent ceremony at Kings- ley Inn, Arlene Rae Fishman be- came the bride of Seymour Mar- shall Burg. Rabbi Lawrence Colton of New Bedford, Mass., Rabbi M. Robert Syme and Cantor Harold Orbach officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Fishman of Ivan- hoe Rd., Huntington Woods. Her husband is the son of Mrs. Sylvia Burg of Briar Dr., Oak Park, and the late Mr. Abraham Burg. The bride wore a gown of peau de soie with sleeves, neckline and Empire waistline trimmed with beading and a matching cathedral-length train. She wore a veil of French illusion, and car- red orchids and Stephanotis on a Bible. Sister of the bride, Mrs. Law- rence Colton, was matron of honor Bridesmaids were Barbara Roch- lin, Joan Rochlin, Freddie Fisher- man, Pam Cherin, Betty Rotberg, Ann Fuchs and Mrs. Norman Hear- shen and Carole Burg, both sisters of the bridegroom. Robert Epstein was best man. Ushers were Stewart Epstein, Ken- neth Epstein, Jerry Fishman, Rich- ard Rochlin, Howard Feldman, Lester Docks, Norman Hearshen and Larry Silets. Following a Florida honeymoon, the couple will settle in Royal Oak. Mikva Banquet Sunday Some seats are available for the annual banqbet of Mikva Israel and the Women's Orthodox League 6:30 p.m. Sunday at Shaarey Sho- mayim Synagogue. Rabbi Isaac L. Swift of Cong. Ahavath Tora, Englewood, N.J., will be guest speaker. Proceeds of the dinner go for the support of the ritualarium on 10 Mile Rd., the only one available to Detroiters and residents of sur- rounding areas. Mikvah Israel is planning to expand the facilities. For reservations, call Mrs. Jos- eph Hendler, 863-7835, or Marvin Seligson, DI 1-6657. and His ORCHESTRA "Distinctive Styling in- Music to yaw Individual Taste" Call UN. 1-3065 ,m1„414.0 '11.■ Ign,NIE.6. KO - Proof &cc/ass es • Guaranteed For One Year against breakage • '; ., ■ $ 0 COMPI FIE C PRESCRIPTION OPTICAL CO .t i QC COOLIDGE AT ID MILE RL AG OAK PARK — 143 33+3 ak vimvisEkvinniv :raw s.lowou., .10.,mpk 4 .............................................................................. .re-Inventory Sale! Reductions UP TO 1/2 OFF ...D. CAR COATS Ii is: 12911 PANT DRESSES & JUMPERS to $9" - 12" SWEATERS - SKIRTS & SLACKS $883 - 510" tvoalM Un-American Activities Unit Exposed in Book Issued by Farrar, Staus Farrar, Straus and Giroux is publisher of the volume "The Com- mittee—The Extraordinary Career of the House Committee on Un- American Activities," by Walter Goodman, reviewed in last week's paper. The Jewish News regrets the erroneous headline. GLAMOUR AND LEISURE SPORTSWEAR HARVARD ROW FASHIONS 11 Mile & Lahser p.m. Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday 'tit 9 GV