THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235, VE 8-9384. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 28th day of Tevet, 5729, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Ex. 6:2-9:35. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 28:25-29:21. Tora reading for Rosh Hodesh Shevat, Monday: Num. 28:1-15. Candle lighting, Friday, Jan. 17, 5:09 p.m. VOL. LIV. No. 18 Page Four January 17, 1969 Great Social Task and Enigmatic Response A serious question is posed why so many Afro-Asian nations often side with the Soviet- Arab bloc in actions attacking Israel at the United Nations while Israel is rendering such invaluable service to underprivileged and undeveloped countries. It is worth noting, therefore, that in spite of the antagonists to Israel the latter's con- tributions towards the uplifting of the new nations in Africa and Asia have not dim- inished. Histadrut, Israel's Federation of Labor, a decade ago established the Afro-Asian insti- tute for Cooperative and Labor Studies. On the occasion of the institute's 10th anniver- sary, a valuable report has been issued by the institute's director since 1961, Akiva Eger, a member of Kibutz Netzer Sereni, who stated in part: make the first Japanese-Israeli co-production, "The Boy and the Camel." More than 40 per cent of the graduates have assumed responsible positions in their homelands. Some have reached high offices, including the minister of transport and public works in Da- homey, and the minister of economic affairs and the minister of agriculture in Congo-Kinshasa. Much of interest has developed as a result of the Histadrut institute created to as- sist the Afro-Asian countries. Eger reported on growing cooperation with a number of sister institutions such as the Asia Trade Union College in New Delhi, the Asian Labor Education Center attached to the University of Philippines in Manila, and the Asian In- stitute for Cooperative and Rural Develop- ment in Tokyo. Exchange schemes are con- stantly under way in lectures and material. Eger recently went to Seoul, South Korea, to organize a seminar for the Institute of Co- operative Education attended by Korean trade union and cooperative leaders, and has been commissioned to compile, for the Interna- tional Labor Organization, a manual on trade unions and cooperatives for its study courses. This is the type of program that matches Documented Franks Letters Enrich U.S. Jewish History American Jewish history has been enriched with a remarkable volume of letters written in the Colonial period. To the American Jew- ish Historical Society goes the highly deserved credit of having made available an exceptionally interesting set of letters, at the same time Over 1,700 men and women from 78 countries supplementing them with data that throws light on an important era in have participated in its programs, of whom 200 history and on personalities of note in that era. attended courses organized by the Institute out- The new volume of the society does more than that: it pays honor side Israel. At the institute itself, the interna- to an eminent historian whose interest in gathering these letters, which tional seminars are conducted alternatively in became the possession of the American Jewish Historical Society, made English and French: in addition, 21 seminars have available the treasured collection. been specially organized at the request of various "The Lee Max Friedman Collection of American Jewish Colonial countries and organizations. The students came from most parts of Asia and from all parts of the Peace Corps of the United States, that Correspondence—Letters of the Franks Family, 1733-1748," the impres- sive, fully illustrated and fully annotated volume, owes its excellence Africa expect for South Africa and the countries exceeds in value anything that countries ! two able editors, Prof. Leo Hershkowitz of the City University of of the Arab League. related to the beneficiaries from the Hista- to New York and Dr. Isidore S. Meyer, editor of the American Jewish In the last few years the emphasis has moved drut efforts have even dreamt of. Yet Israel Historical Society. Both in their foreword and their scholarly introduc- slowly to the Asian contingent. Two-thirds of the fails to get a tumble from many of those re- tion, they throw light on the Franks family and the events in which students in the recent 16th International Course ceiving assistance in time of crisis! they were involved; as well as the eminent historian, the late Lee Max came from Asia, and one-third from African Friedman, whose generosity enriched the historical society and helped But the overall aim of advancing the preserve lands. A breakdown of attendance indicates that the documents he had gathered. a third of participants usually are sent by trade worldwide attempts at eliminating want, at In the honor extended to the late Mr. Friedman, the two editors unions, a third come from the cooperative move- erasing poverty, at elevating the standard of quote the Hai Gaon admonition to man "to acquire a field, acquire ment, and the remaining third are usually senior living of backward countries, justifies all a friend and a book," and they declare that Mr. Friedman's life government officials from ministries of develop- that has been planned and that has been was synonymous with the book, that "the fields he acquired were ment, cooperation, labor and agriculture, includ- in the areas of law and of American Jewish history." They add: accomplished. There is some hope that the ing an increasing number of academic personnel "The human qualities of sincere friendship, devotion, self-sacrifice beneficiaries from this significant undertak- from colleges specializing in labor and cooperative and anonymous magnanimity (gemilut hasodim), he showered upon ing will see the light and will reject the in- studies. Most of the participants belong in the us bountifully, and as for the written and printed word, the book—. 30-45 age group, possess considerable experience human approach to Israel by the Soviet-Arab as well as for works of art — he was the aesthetic and discerning in their field of work and are thus capable of bloc. author, historian, biblio phile, collector, benefactor and patron of extracting the maximum benefits from their learning." These things must be said now, when studies for application in their home countries. As an aspect of "the ingathering of the sources of American Jewish Histadrut seeks financial aid here, so that One has only to glance through the bulletins due credit for commendable planning may history, in the pursuit of objective historical research" and as a reali- put out by students at the institute, containing zation of a wish to Mr. Friedman that the documents he had secured be given the Israel labor movement. letters and reports from graduates, to realize the and preserved should be published, the historical society pursues an role played by the institute in the lives of these Histadrut blazed the trail for the uplift- important purpose. men and women. Here are a few examples: Of the 37 published letters, 34 were addressed to Naphtali Franks ing of the Arab masses within Israel, raising Congo (Kinshasa)—Noel Luango: "This rich their standard of living, assuring them equal- by his mother, Mrs. Jacob Franks—who before her marriage was Bilhah Abigail Levy. One letter was written to Naphtali by his father experience shown us by Israel, will be a guide ity of employment and wages • comparable for our African countries. Israel will never be with those earned by Jews. Histadrut has and two by his brother David. Of the published collection, 31 were in forgotten." Friedman collection and six more subsequently were located by made the Israeli Arab the most affluent Arab the the historical society. Ghana—D. K. Marquaye: "I have been telling in the world, with the only possible excep- Mr. Friedman's collection was accompanied by copious notes, my friends that a month's study in Israel is tion of the wealth-accrued area of Kuwait. and these annotations provide historical data in relation to the equivalent to one year in some other college." Nevertheless, there are only minor acknow- families delineated in these documentations. What becomes Tanzania—Fulbert Mkwiche: "I met Mr. ledgments of this service. While Israeli apparent, as indicated, is that there were no striking personalities, Kawawa (vice president of Tanzania). He asked but that some of the occurrences have a bearing on history Arabs will concede the benefits provided for me many questions about my studies. He finally generally. them, all too little is done to overcome the asked me whether I would accept a new appoint- There is, for example, the matter of intermarriage. The Franks ment in administration (regional economic plan- hatred for Israel that has been injected in children all intermarried. By contrast there was the Gomez family. One Arab hearts. ning), for he found that I had studied a lot of the Gomezes would have married the Franks' daughter Richa, ac- about it at the Afro-Asian Institute in Israel. There is justified cause to believe that cording to the account given, but Abigail Franks "had the strongest Well, I willingly accepted." Arabs who have come under Israeli rule rec- contempt" for him. But the Gomez family became deeply involved in Jewish affairs Uganda—Y. E. Mungoma: " . . . Kibutz-type ognize the advantages they have gained and cooperation sounds like a legend but is very concede that their lot is better under the con- "and their Judaism rested on firmer foundations" than those of the Franks. The Gomez descendants "are still associated with the historic attractive to our countrymen. I have some 15 men ditions of freedom they have acquired with- Congregation Shearith Israel." and women in my village who are keen and will- in Israel, in contrast with the suppressions ing to start a kibutz style of life." Another factor of significance, as revealed in the annotations, is the imposed upon them in Arab lands. But the element of anti-Semitism that was felt at that time in some quarters. Burma—U Kyaw Tun: "Attached to the State fear that has set in, the El Fatah threats, the The struggle for "the enlargement of Jewish liberties" is recorded as Cooperative School, I had to write principles, rules terrorism that has engulfed the area—these part of the experiences of the Jewish community of that time. and guidance of members and a handbook for have not helped either the cause of peace An interesting note in the explanatory introduction asserts: members of moshav-type cooperative villages in "The letters should be viewed from the internal and external position or the need to assure cooperation between Burma which have recently been formed." of the Jews from the enactment and revocation of the English Jew Bill Arabs and Jews. Ceylon—J. P. E. Sirivardene: "At present, I of 1753. What happened to Jews in the British American colonies and am busy with the organization of a wholesale Outside pressures may be primarily ac- in Great Britain had a mutual impact on the Jewish community here cooperative society for the agricultural producers countable for the accruing troubles. Charles and abroad. In the pre-emancipation period in the, age of mercantilisro t of Ceylon and my experiences and the time I de Gaulle hasn't helped bring amity - into the budding Deism and early 18th Century toleration, the problems of the spent at Tnuva in studying your organization in area. American vacillation helps to divide religio-cultural development of the Jewish- community would be re' Israel have been invaluable." rather than to unite peace seekers. That is fleeted not only in its economic position in the British colonies and in Nepal—R. R. N. Shreatha: "A settlement like why the basic truth remains: that Israel and the mother country but also in the linguistic abilities of its respective the moshav shitufi is expected to be organized at providing them with certain trading advantages." her kinsmen are the chief factors in the members, Nawalpur in West Nepal." economic elements enter into discussion, and linguistically ft ta struggle for survival. Christian and Moslem noted The There are interesting side-effects to attend- that Jacob Franks often wrote in Yiddish, in letters found in the aid is sought to assure good will and even- Nathan Simson Letter Books. ance at the Institute: Miss Mikaru Ishihima tual peace. It is difficult to acquire it: that's The numerous notes, referring to the events that transpired, make studied at the eighth course, returned to Japan and married the famous film director, Osamu why the road to peace still is strewn with ob- the contents understandable and provide the history-related aspects In a Volume thatadds .Takawashi, and in 1968, he came to Israel to stacles. sianificance to the historical society's purposes. _ _