"Anitiices'ehiel"Rabb7 Wdeenned " ' young, setg- "TilVDIFIROlfr 31EVOSIIP 'NEW r Adult Education Courses, Lectures The Metropolitan Council of Young Israel will inaugurate its adult education program 8 p.m. TueSday at Young Israel of Oak- Woods. Classes to be offered are "Hirsch- ian Thoughts on Tora" taught by Rabbi Samuel H. Prero," Analysis of the Sidur and Its Prayer Serv- ices" taught by Rabbi James I. Gordon and "Talmud Megilla" taught by Rabbi Ernest Greenfield At 9 p.m., the annual Benz Me- morial Lecture will be delivered by Rabbi Israel Miller, rabbi emer- itus. of Kingsbridge Jewish Center, Bronx, and assistant to the presi- dent of Yeshiva University. This year's lecture - theme is "The Fu- ture of World Jewry," and Rabbi Miller will discuss the future of European Jewry. For information, call the syna- gogue, 398-1177. Methodist Congregations Coming to Temple Service Chief Rabbi of France Rabbi Jacob Kaplan and Mrs. Kaplan arrived in the United States to be honored by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, as the Union's guest of honor at their recent convention. Rabbi Kaplan also met with Jewish leaders in the U.S. Greeting Rabbi and Mrs. Kaplan as they depart from their jet are (from left) Rabbi Joseph Karasic, president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America; Rabbi Kaplan; Mrs. Kaplan; Rabbi Israel B. Kiavan, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Council of America; and Samuel Brennglass, general chair- man of the 70th anniversary convention of the Union of Orthdox Jewish Congregations of America held in Washington, D.C. Israel Chief Rabbi Insists on Halakha ' to Determine Question ' Who Is a Jew? (Direct JTA Teletpye Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — More than 1,000 Orthodox rabbis and judges of re- ligious courts met at a conference here Tuesday to reassert their in- sistence that Halakha—Jewish re- ligious law—must prevail in deter- mining who is a Jew. The conference was called by the Sephardic chief rabbi, Itzhak Nissim, who _claimed, in his open- ing speech, that no distinction can be drawn between religion and nationality. In the context of Is- raeli law, nationality refers to ethnic origin. The Orthodox -maintain, accord- tng to Rabbi Nissim, that a Jew Is either someone born of a Jew- ish mother or someone who has undergone conversion rites. "We are a nation which has a religion and a religion which has a nation," be said. "There cannot be one set of criteria applicable in Israel and another set of criteria for the Dia- spora." The controversy over what de- termines who is a Jew was revived recently by the case of Lt. Com- mander Benjamin Shalit, an Is- raeli naval officer, who is suing to have his Israel-horn children reg- istered as Jews by nationality even though their mother is non- Jewish and professes no religion. The ministry of interior, which has jurisdiction over birth regis- tration and identity papers and Is headed by a minister of the Ortho- dox religious bloc, refused. Com- mander Shalit brought his case to the Israeli Supreme Court, which currently has it under considera- top. Rabbi Nissim claimed at a press conference that the increase of assimilation among Jews abroad made it necessary to adhere strict- ly to the rules laid down by tra- dition. He argued that Halakhic taw was even-handed because chil- dren of Jewish mothers are re- garded to be Jews even if their father is not. He said rabbinical courts had been instructed to speed up the conversion process, which normally takes from one to three years, to avoid problems arising over children of mixed marriages. The Shalit case has created a stir in Israel, a nation in large measure secular but in which the Orthodox chief rabbinate has sole jurisdiction over marriage, divorce and other family mat- ters. The Supreme Court tried to avoid a ruling last year by asking the government to abolish "national- ity" in birth registration forms and personal identity papers, as is the practice in most Western countries. The government declin- ed, fearing that the religious bloc in the cabinet might precipitate a crisis at a time when national unity was vital to Israel's security. Methodist ministers from Royal Oak, Southfield, Oak Park and Birmingham will join with Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum of Temple Emanu-El in an Interfaith Sab- bath discussion of "What Can Religion Answer?" sponsored by the temple sisterhood, 8:15 p.m., Jan. 31. South Oakland pastors and their congregations who are invited are Dr. Burdette Clark, Faith Meth- odist Church, Oak Park; Dr. Ever- ett K. Seymour, First Methodist Church of Royal Oak; the Rev. Donald Crumm, Southfield Meth- odist Church; and the Rev. G. Ernest Thomas, First Methodist Church of Birmingham. After regular services, the pas- tors will discuss self abuse through drugs, the "new morality," prob- lems of a welfare community, what the city and suburbs owe each other and the problems of the black-white confrontation. Imagination is the eye of the soul. —Joseph Joubert Fried?, Thhuarr 471 , 1469-:41 BENZ MEMORIAL LECTURE IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH BENZ Theme: THE FUTURE OF WORLD JEWRY Rabbi Israel Miller will speak on "The Future of European Jewry" TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1969-9:00 P.M. YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS 24061 Coolidge, Oak Park groclarnation WHEREAS—A group of public-spirited men and women organized themselves into a "MIKVAH ISRAEL" association and WHEREAS—"MIKVAH ISRAEL" has worked unceasingly for TAHARATH HAMISHPACHA, FAMILY PURITY and WHEREAS—MIKVAH ISRAEL has been maintaining a new and modern Mikvah at 15150 West 10 Mile Road, Oak Park, and WHEREAS—The observance of FAMILY PURITY is one of the most fundamental command- ments of the Torah and WHEREAS—We sincerely believe that the future existence of the Jewish people hinges great- ly upon the observance of this MITZVAH (Com- mandment); BE IT RESOLVED that this Sabbath of Parshe Vo'ero be proclaimed TAHARATH HAMISH- PACHA SABBATH, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that every Rabbi preach on this Sabbath morning about the meaning, significance and importance of TAHA- RATH HAMISHPACHA, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Jewish Community of Greater Detroit be called upon to aid and assist generously the holy work of MIKVAH ISRAEL. VAAD HARABONIM OF DETROIT Rabbi Leizer Levin, President Rabbi Chaska Grubner, Mamba' Classifieds Ads Get Quick Results CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK Conference of Cantors Affiliates With UAHC NEW YORK — The American Conference of Cantors has become an affiliate of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC), it was announced by Earl Morse, chairman of the board of trustees of the UAHC, central con- gregational body of Reform Juda- ism in the United States and Can- ada. Morse stated that the affiliation was approved by the UAHC board of trustees at its recent semiannual meeting at the House of Living Judaism in New York, headquar- ters of the Union. The American Conference of Cantors has 160 members, 90 per cent of whom serve in Reform con- gregations. All its members are graduates of, or have received cer- tification from, the School of Sacred Music of the Hebrew Union Col- lege. Prenatal care may reduce the risk of premature births, which are associated with many disorders of infancy and childhood, according to the March of Dimes. BILL KOZIN and LARRY HOROWITZ "Kosher Catering At Its Best!" 864-4757 IMPERIAL CATERING Mr. Elie Wiesel (Author of Night, Dawn, The Accident, The Town Beyond the Won, The Gates of the Forrest, Legends of Our Time, and Jews of Silence) Who Will Speak On "After Auschwitz: Can We Believe" Tuesday, January 21, 1969 at 8:30 P.M. in the Morris Adler Hall Admission Free