THE JEWISH NEWS • Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial kssociation. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 43235, VE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN SIDNEY SHMARAK City Editor Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 14th day of Tevet, 5729, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Gen. 47:28-50:26. Prophetical portion, I Kings 2:1-12. Candle lighting, Friday, Jan. 3, 4:54 p.m. VOL. LIV. No. 16 January 3, 1969 Page Four USSR Sentiments of '47 and Today's Hopes In a time of visions of peace, or reports— and rumors—about Soviet negotiations with Israel as well as with Egypt, when the prayers of so many are for amity that should termin- ate the state of war in the Middle East, it is appropriate to go back 20 years and read anew what a spokesman for the USSR had to say about the just cause of Jewish statehood. Andrei A. Gromyko was the speaker. The time was the historic day of May 14, 1947. The place was the United Nations General Assembly, then in session in Flushing Meadows, New York. Gromyko said: "During the last war Jewish people under- went exceptional sorrow and suffering. With- out any exaggeration this sorrow and suffer- ing are indescribable. It is difficult to ex- press them in dry statistics on the Jewish victims of the fascist aggressors. The Jews in territories where the Hitlerites held sway were subject to almost complete physical an- nihilation. The total number of members of the Jewish population who perished at the hands of the Nazi executioners is estimated at approximately six million. Only about a million and a half Jews in Western Europe survived the war. "But these figures, although they give an idea of the number of victims of the fascist aggressors among the Jewish people, give no idea of the difficulties in which large num- bers of Jewish people found themselves after the war. Large numbers of the surviv- ing Jews in Europe were deprived of their countries, their homes, and their means of existence. Hundreds of thousands of Jews are wandering about in various countries of Europe in search of means, of existence and in search of shelter. "It may well be asked if the United Nations, in view of the difficult situation of hundreds of thousands of the surviving Jew- ish population, can fail to show an interest in the situation of these people, torn away from their countries and their homes. The United Nations cannot and must not regard this situation with indifference, since this would be incompatible with the high principles pro- claimed in its charter, which provide for the defense of human rights irrespective of race, religion or sex. The time has come to help these people, not by words, but by deeds. It is essential to show concern for the urgent needs of a people which has undergone such great suffering as a result of the war brought about by Hitlerite Germany. This is the duty of the United Nations. "The fact that no Western European state has been able to ensure the defense of the elementary rights of the Jewish people, and to safeguard it against the violence of the Fascist executioners, explains the aspirations of the Jews to establish their own state. It would be unjust not to take this into consid- eration and to deny the right of the Jewish people to realize this aspiration ... "In analyzing the various plans for the future of Palestine, it is essential ... to bear in mind the indisputable fact that the popula- tion of Palestine consists of two peoples, the Arabs and the Jews. Both have historical roots in Palestine .. . "All this leads the Soviet delegation to the conclusion that the legitimate interests of both the Jewish and Arab populations can be duly safeguarded only through the estab- lishment of an independent, dual, demo- cratic, homogeneous Arab-Jewish State ... "If this plan proved impossible to imple- ment, in view of the deterioration in the re- lations between Jews and Arabs ... it would be necessary to consider the second plan which, like the first, has its supporters in Pal- estine, and which provides for the partition of Palestine into two independent autonomous states, one Jewish and one Arab." _ It is in this fashion that the Soviet Union first supported the Palestine Partition Plan, then backed Israel's admission as a member of the United Nations family, and it was only several years later, in the power struggle for the Mediterranean and for numerous other reasons that Russia commenced a campaign in support of the Arabs against Israel. How is it all to be explained? It is gen- erally admitted that Russia does not seek Israel's destruction, and that support of the Arabs is part of a scheme for control of the world's richest oil area and for a water- way to the Indian Ocean to be controlled by the Kremlin. Furthermore, while billions of dollars' worth of Russian-made military equipment had gone to the Arabs, was lost by the Arabs in the Six-Day War and is being re- placed in even larger quantities, the new Russian desire to effect an imposed peace in the Middle East creates new concern. The fact that the new U. S. ambassador to the UN, Charles Yost, also favors an "outside solution" . . . sort of an imposed peace from the outside . . . a peace that Israel can not and will not tolerate . . . makes this entire matter one of very great significance. There were some very interesting revela- tions about existing relationships, evolving from the visit of Gromyko in Cairo last week, in a report from the Egyptian capital to the New York Times by Eric Pace, who stated inter alia: "Sources sympathetic to President Gamal Abdel Nasser reported that the surprse visit reflected Moscow's concern at recent indications of wide- spread anti-Soviet feeling here. "The Cairo newspaper Al Ahram, which often serves as a sounding board for Mr. Nasser, said that Mr. Gromyko had brouhgt a message to the Presi- dent from the Central Committee of the Soviet Com- munist party. The substance of the message was not disclosed. "The informants said Mr. Gromyko appeared also to fear that President Nasser might foreclose the possibility of a peaceful settlement of the Arab- Israeli conflict through continued truculent speeches as well as by Egyptian shelling of Israeli positions along the Suez Canal. "Some high Soviet officials were said to fear that the. Egyptian armed forces might become aroused to the point where they would turn against Mr. Nasser if he entered into a peaceful settlement that they considered dishonorable. "There have been reports in recent days of move- ments of Egyptian military vehicles that could pre- sage another Suez artillery duel, which would be likely to bring Israeli retaliation and hence to sour the outlook for peace still further. "Yet more Egyptian shelling would enhance Pres- ident Nasser's standing among Arab militants in the armed forces and outside. It has been hard on the national pride of some Egyptians to see the Pales- tinian commandos become the focus of the Arab world's anti-Israeli aspirations. "The Egyptians' national pride was also shown during the student riots here last month. It is now reported that some rioters shouted: "Down with Russian imperialism!" "This reflected the Egyptians' resentment of the influence that the 5,000 Russians now in Egypt, have acquired in military training and other spheres .. . "The Al Ahram report said that the decision to send Gromyko was taken by Soviet party leaders in the middle of last week and conveyed to the Egyp. tian Embassy in Moscow. The fact that the mission was not announced here until Mr. Gromyko's plane was in the air indicated Cairo's sensitiveness." There are records to be seen and studied and on the basis of both there may arise a new hope that the Russian bear is more often playful than he is menacing. At any rate, there is that emerging hope that not all is lost in the Middle East and that Russia will join with the United States and other Western powers not to impose a peace but to faCilit4le, and encourage it. .... . . . . , . . . , -CM Howard Fast's 'Jews' Enriches His Glorious Literary Record Howard Fast, always dramatic, fascinatingly descriptive in his narrative handling of his historical novels as well as fiction, emerges impressive with his exciting story "The Jews—Story of a People," pub- lished by Dial Press. While the story is not history, it incorporates the most dramatic episodes in Jewish experience. It is sort of a lecture on Jews from time immemorial to our own time, offering his readers a taste of Jewish life in all climes, all eras, commenting with fervor, delineating artistically, giving impressions and expressing a love that is indelibly written on nearly every page for the heritage that collectively spells The Jews. It stands to reason that a story tackled in the style of Howard Fast has to be related briefly, and the entire book is all of 330 pages. Thus, the first part, titled "The Desert," portrays briefly "how it was in the beginning" until within a few pages it begins to deal with "The Land" and the early accounts of the Bible, then proceeding with Kings and Prophets. And in every instance it is a summary filled with details, leading up to the basic theme that soon describes "The Exile" and then the life through the ages since the dispersion. As he reaches "The Exile," having covered about a sixth of the book, he advises the reader about the 6th Century BCE: "Thus were the Jews, already an ancient people, taken away into captivity—at a time when Rome and Athens were still villages and civilization had not yet touched the dark forests of central Europe where the painted Ten- tonic tribesmen lived." In this sense, on every page, we have evaluative elaborations on the creative role of the Jews, on their sufferings, their trials and tribu- lations and their survivalism. Facts and legends are recorded, and the world's great figures, Jews and others, those of the period of the Exile, and of the Return, as well as of the era of Maccabean valor, emerge in the significant roles they played in world and in Jewish history. After Alexander the Great, in the time of Herod and Hillel, great dramas were enacted, and to comprehend them the Fast narrative pro- vides data, flavored with the author's enthusiasm, that create growing interest in an old history. While relating about Herod the cruel ruler, for whom no one would shed a tear, he also tells the story of Hillel, the gentle and saintly teacher who represented a force not to be defeated and which Herod could not comprehend, and "there was no mourning like that for Hillel": "A whole world wept, not only Jews, but thousands and thousands of pagans who crowded into synagogues to share the sorrow at the passing of a saint. It was the end of an era, the end of the Jews' first passage through history. Yet like a whisper through time, Hillel's curious, negative, yet holy injunction echoed and re- echoed: `Do not unto others as you would not have them do unto you.'" Horoes and saints, warriors, defectors, others pass in review. We have the story of Bar Kokhba, the rise of a daughter religion, the role of Paul and others of the era outlined in "Jesus and Chris- tianity" and the period of the Diaspora; and the subsequent events are told after Fast had stated that "Christianity was established in the Western world in the holy hatred of Judaism—a hatred that would exact from the Jew suffering beyond description, untold mil- lions of lives, and a river of blood." That's the tale retold in the part that starts with the Diaspora. It is not only the story of suffering that makes the subsequent pages so valuable for the student of history. The description by Fast of the great contributions made by Jews to the science of medicine is one of the most fascinating in his entire book. He shows, for example, that "even earlier than the 12th Century, Jews began a systematic program of translation of medical books from the Arabic into Latin and Hebrew, beginning with Hippocrates—who was presented to Europe not in classi- cal Greek but in Latin, via Jewish translators. Galen and Avicenna and numerous other medical works were also translated into Latin by Jews —and thus Europe was given at least a basis for medical training. But meanwhile the Jew was physician to Christian Europe. Non-Jews as well as Jews will be enlightened by Fast's story. his descriptive section dealing with the Wandering Jew, his account of the works of great historians like Graetz and Dubnov; and whether it is about the Marranos or the Crusades, the new story Is revealing and thoroughly exciting. American Jews will delight in reading the splendid section "Thor Discover America" and the review of the period of the Holocaust, and the time of the emergence of Israel and the battle for justice and sun' vival combine to make the new work a great literary gift. The flume,. ous appropriate illustrations, in three sections of the book, are addition. ally valuable. Indeed, Howard Fast has added to his glorious literary career a tiew inasterplec :712 'J ewa ,B for o t o f a P eo P e. " –