Purely Commentary Mrs. Lucy S. Davidowitz Shows How Johns Hopkins Research Study Blundered (Continued from Page 2) chants engaged in unethical practices all businesses in local neighborhoods ought (p.131). to be owned only by members of the ethnic, per cent of the sample. Among the mer- "What unethical practices did the study religious, or racial groups that predominate chants Jews were 39 per cent, Protestants 35 per cent, and Catholics 24 per cent (total- uncover? The first was bargaining, cate- there. The author reflects (sadly?) that only ing 98 per cent). The data on religion were gorized as the most ethically questionable 23 per cent of the retailers in the sample used merely to describe the composition of policy. The next most unethical practice, on lived in the neighborhood where they work- the sample, though data on race were not the part of the merchant, was buying bar- ed. Such notions, if held consistently, could included in the section, Social Characteris- gain goods, or seconds. Whoever conceived lead to a Balkanized society, ethnically seg- tics of Retail Merchants. The religious data these uqestions could not ever have bought regated, each community served by institu- were not used to illuminate any problem or a used car, shopped in a discount house, or tions staffed exclusively by its own mem- bers. to illustrate group behavior. There was no generally looked for a good buy. "The next most frequently endorsed indication that the respondent's religion "Clearly, the hypotheses underlying the affected his behavior as a retailer or shaped practice, the study continues, is not really merchant study have been influenced by an unethical at all. (Then why does it appear his attitudes toward Negroes. There was no anti-business bias. Civil-rights activists fre- suggestion that Jews differed from non- in this context?) Merchants were asked if quently charge that merchants exploit their Jews, or Protestants from Catholics. There they absorbed their overhead costs, includ- Negro customers. The reason the poor pay may indeed be such differences which give ing losses from theft and vandalism, in more, the argument goes, is that they are clues to understanding group conflict. But pricing their merchandise. More than a cheated, duped, and exploited by unscrupu- the chapter's reference to the respondent's third said they did. One wonders about the lous merchants who grow fat on profits business acumen of the majority, who ,said from the poor. It is indeed regrettable that religion was gratuitous. "Because Jews constituted a substantial they did not. Perhaps they thought the inter- a respected academic institution has given minority among merchants, the author con- view was silly and that the interviewer did credence and, in a sense, credentials to cluded that the sample 'backs up the popu- not know the first thing about running a these charges. Even more unfortunate is lar notion that Jews are proportionally over- business. (Perhaps they suspected — with the fact that this study was published under represented in ghetto business.' We need not some cause—that they were tthe objects of the government's imprimatur and may again belabor the sample's inadequacies to a hostile inquiry.) On the basis of these therefore take on a distinction not otherwise point out that this particular nonprobability three questions, the author concluded that warranted." sample can have no pretensions to repre- "some merchants engaged in unethical Many Negro leaders who are motivated sentativeness. But the reference to a 'popu- practices. (In all fairness, however, the by a desire to establish good relations rath- lar notion' is disquieting in a document with summation of the entire study is more er than to destroy community amity have claims to academic objectivity. Does over- sensible about these so-called unethical conceded the injustices involved in some of represented mean that more Jews were mer- practices and less biased: Nor were the the charges against Jets. What is required chants in Negro slums than their distribu- merchants subscribers to merchandising is a common understanding. And of the tion in the general population would indi- policies which could be labeled as exploita- utmost urgency is recognition of the right cate? Does that imply that all occupations tive, although a small minority upheld a to criticize as long as differences of opinion should have quotas conforming to the dis- view which could be summarized as caveat are based on facts and realities. tribution of racial, religious, and ethnic emptor.) "The findings of athorough study about Also: it is important that there should be groups in the population? Or does "over- represented" mean what it used to mean in food stores in Detroit show more objec- established a pattern permitting dissent for tivity: 'Three independent storekeepers re- both whites as well as blacks—else we shall Europe — monopoly, control, domination? be in real trouble. There is an extremism Jews, the Right used to say, were "over- ported instances of having been investigated represented" in law. in journalism, in trade by various agencies, from informal neigh- that is appalling and threatening to our They used to say it in Tsarist Russia, Po- borhood grievance committees to formal safety and sense of amity, and it should not land, Hnugary, Austria, Romania and Ger- governmental pure food and health agen- be condoned when it is disruptive of peace. cies, and having been cleared of all charges A New York Times editorial, "Answering many. against them. Hence it is apparent that at Negro Extremists," points to one aspect of The merchants in our sample were least some of the charges of cheating lev- the issue when it states: among the most unsympathetic to the elled against the independent food merchants Through a hard-hitting editorial in The plight of the ghetto Negro of any occupa- are probably groundless.' Crisis, official publication of the National tional group in the study. . • . Along with "Another popular notion that found its Association for the Advancement of Col- this lack of sympathy, they showed a way into this study is that Negro neighbor- ored People, Roy Wilkins says that "the series of beliefs from which one can infer hoods are, or ought to be, a protected turf time has come for speaking out loud and that, in our sample at least, some mer- for Negro businessmen. By this reasoning, clear" against Negro extremists who By Philip Slomovitz preach racial hatred, separation and vio- lence. And, clearly, he is right. The ex- tremists must not be allowed to win con- verts by default. There are black firebrands who urge Negroes to get a gun and shoot a white; some seek a massive confrontation be- tween blacks and whites. It is important for responsible black leaders—and none has proved himself more courageous and consistent in this respect than Mr. Wilkins —to expose the dangers posed by these preachings and the folly of moving toward a separatist goal that would only return the Negro to bitter isolation. Negroes who have fought for civil rights and opportuni- ties within an integrated society have to defend them now against this rearguard attack. But society at large also must answer the extremists—not so much by words as by deeds. The nation must disavow the debilitat- ing racism that the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders found per- vading American institutions. President- elect Nixon, who hopes to lead a united people, and the new Congress, when it convenes in January, must tackle the neglected backlog of urban problems. The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 still awaits funding, despite President Johnson's lavish praise of it as he signed it into law last August. Business and industry can be extended new incen- tives for participating in programs vital to the rehabilitation of blighted areas, but government programs must also be strengthened. Welfare laws need stand- ardizing and reforming. Society at large should answer the extremists by moving forward with a broad range of programs aimed at cor- recting lingering injustices and assuring a single society. - If we get at the facts, look at the record, admit shortcomings and strive for coopera- tive efforts rather than separativeness, we shall have a chance to create peace in our community. Then we shall also see an end to the extremists' deplorable anti-Semitic tactics. Hillel Foundation Head Minimizes 'New Left' Influence • • on Jewish Students; Cite New Form of Campus Worship GROSSINGER, N. Y. (JTA)— emphasized. "They can ultimately Later the Hillel directors, ex- The Hillel directors reported The Jewish community was cau- I Many Hillel rabbis, however, constitute a force in adult Jewish ploring the use of experimental varying degrees of acceptance by challenged this approach on the tioned against "confused judg- life to counteract the status quo forms or religious services that small groups of students whom menis about Jewish college youth and institutional conservatism." ground that "There is no authentic would involve Jewish students Rabbi Albert Axelrad, Hillel di- active in New Left campus move- "disenchanted" with conventional rector at Brandeis, described as alternative to real worship," and Hillel surveys show that much ments." for students who are unfamiliar worship, were divided in their of the leadership and perhaps one- "the disenchanted who want to re- with conventional forms of wor- Rabbi Benjamin Kahn, national third of the ranks of views on the validity and ef- main Jews and give some kind of ship, the need is not to find a sub- the campus director of Bnai Brith Hillel foun- New Left are fectiveness of the idea. ritual expression to it." Jewish students. titute but to teach them the dations, discussing the issue at Opinions expressed by many of Many dirtctors cited incidents of customary forms. The innovations not withstand- Hillel's annual directors confer- Jewish students in radical move- the 89 rabbis ranged from support ence here, said recent expressions ments also campaigning on cam- to ambivalence to outright rejec- ing, underground services—also Rabbi Norman Frimer of Brook- identified on some campuses as lyn College questioned whether ex- by many community leaders re- pus for credit courses in Jewish tion of "underground services" the "no hyphen service"—seek perimental services could not "lead flect an "excessive preoccupation studies, support by Soviet Jewry that depart radically from estab- to maintain "elements appropri- Jewish students out of Judaism." with the characteristics and pro- and resistance to the anti-Israel lished forms of tradition or lib- ate to the Sabbath." Rabbi Rich- He and others contended that an portion of Jewish youth engaged stance adopted by some New Left eral worship. and J. Israel at Yale reported a undisciplined religious service in political and social radicalism elements. The experimental services are "significant group of non-Halak- basis. t banbz anbz anbza nbzanan free-wheeling innovations that on the campus. This has been corn- "The approach to students to- hic students for whom the Sab- could estrange students further pounded by their inadequate un- change from week to week, often day," Rabbi Kahn said, "must be incorporating discussions, poetry bath is a viable symbol and who from an understanding of authentic derstanding of the attitudes and on multiple levels to meet the dif- convictions of Jewish youth in fering interests and concerns of readings, folk music and other enjoy a low-pressure recognition forms of worship. of its prfesence." means of student expression, with the New Left," Rabbi Kahn declar- Others questioned whether a both the accessible mass of Jewish He said "confused critics of students in the political center and adaptations of such Jewish rituals At Chicago University, where the loosely structured service could campus trends lose sight of two to attract the radical minority as the kindling of Sabbath lights, experiment is now in the fourth be maintained on a weekly basis. salient facts: Not much more than wihout sensationalizing them or commentary on the Tora portion year, Rabbi Daniel Leifer, asso- Another objection was to the pos- 5 per cent of the estimated 350,- our efforts to retain their loyalties and chanting of the kidush, it was ciate Hillel director, supported the sibility of creation of "an exclu- reported. idea because "worship ought to be sive element in the Jewish cam- 000 Jewish student enrollment is to Jewishness." Pilot eforts are being sponsored a small group experience in which pus community" and a further engaged in New Left interests. af- The 89 Hillel directors attend- by Hillel directors at several each person can full participate." fragmentization of an already filiation with the New Left does ing also endorsed a proposal pre- schools with large Jewish enroll- not necessarily mean a rejection sented by Dr. Alfred Jospe, Hil- ments, among them Yale, Bran- The 30 or so students who attend splintered Jewish religious life. The the service on Rabbi Leifer's cam- rabbis emphasized that the experi- of Judaism and Jewish identity." lel's director of program and re- deis, University of Chicago and pus "also gain from a continuing mental For every Jewish New Leftist, sources, to establish a special de- University of California • at Los process of self-evaluation of what ary to services were supplement- - regular services held under "there are dozens of other stu- partment for Israel programing Angeles. they are doing." Hillel Foundation auspices. eddents equally committed to social and service. "In the light of heightened stu- concerns and change who have a positive response and loyalty to dent and faculty interest and in- volvment in Israel-centered proj- Judaism," Rabbi Kahn said. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire sled about what the Nixon ad- said. By the end of this year, he ects and activities since the Six- to The Jewish News) The experiences of Hillel di- JERUSALEM — There has not ministration may do with regard -said, 5,000 Americans and Cana- Day War," Dr. Jospe said, "there rectors recounted in conference to Israel, Pincus said. He de- dians will have come here to is need for a . . . coordinated ef- been such an upsurge of anti-Sem- workshop sessions indicated that set- dared,- however, that he had seen tle, and there -are -4,000 families fort on the college level to pull itism in the United States in the the sentiments toward Judaism past 20 years as there is now, together the multiplicity of pro- no signs of any change from the now in 50 aliya groups. In Britain, of radical Jewish students are grams, strengthen and develop Aryeh L. Pincus; chairman - of the President - elect's pre - election he said, there are 3,000 families "more an attitude of indif- new projects, and receive and pro- Jewish Agency executive, told the statements. He said Nixon was in aliya circles. Some 3,000 immi- ference, not rejection." adhering to his decision to re- grants have come here this year vide scholarships and educational press here Tuesday - following his Because they are a group of resources to stimulate more frain from making policy state-' from France. effec- return from the United States. talent and leadership potential, tively the continuing interest in meats until he took over. There- He said anti-Semitism was openly the Jewish community cannot af- Israel among Jewish students and acknowledged today as a problem Discussing the United Jewish Ap- fore, said Pincus, all the rest peal, the Jewish Agency chairman ford to lose them," Rabbi Kahn faculty." was speculation. and especially among the Negroes said th at ple dges to thecampaign cam p in New York. Aliya (immigration-) now cuts for nex t year are running a 32 Friday, December 27, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS head American Jews are. also wor- through-all parts•f society, Pincus of the record 1967 U.S. Anti-Semitism Viewed as Serious by Aryeh Pincus — campaign.