Purely Commentary Shocking Examples of Negro Anti-Semitism, Distortions in Mercantile Studies Exposed ond, against the fact that in court the by racism. And it takes the form of ac- judge used as "evidence" against Jones quiescing in almost anything said by a some of his poetry. Now, the sentence man whose skin is black and whose voice was severe, and I think it was outrageous loud. to use earlier writings against a man I have in mind the condescension of charged with a specific offense. So far, I those who participate in the civil-rights agree with the 16 poets. But their letter movement but fail to give Negroes a cen- went on to say: tral proof of equality: the proof of being ready to criticize a black man just as As revolutionary poet his revolution readily as a white. I have in mind the is fought with words . . . Lyres tell the condescension of those white liberals and Truth! . . . LeRoi is not only a black radicals who know that the rhetoric of the man, a Newark man, a revolutionary, more extremist black groups is dangerous he is a conspicuous American artist im- nonsense, yet who remain silent, offering prisoned for his poetry .. . not even a word of gentle disagreement, because they feel Negroes "have to go This is going too far: It is a defense not through this stage." In effect, this attitude merely of Jones, the victimized citizen, is a more sophisticated, but hardly more but of Jones, the writer, who, as it hap- admirable, version of the old cracker con- pens, has written vicious anti-Semitic dia- descension: "what can you expect from tribes arranged as verse: them niggers?" Such well-intentioned solicitude results Atheist Jews double crossers neither in fraternity nor genuine respect, stole our secrets crossed the white desert white to spill but a new talking-down to Negroes, a and them to level with them. It is a failure failure turn into toops and bulgarians. to say, for example, that Rap ("Burn, Baby, Burn") Brown is a loudmouth, the . They give us black equivalent of George Wallace, who to worship a dead jew does damage to millions of Negro Ameri- and not ourselves . . . cans. It is a failure to see in the Black Panthers a brave but suicidal politics, the empty jew rather than "the vanguard of liberation" betrays us, as he does many well-meaning white students take it hanging stupidly to be. And it is a failure to distinguish from a cross, in an oven . between the handful of nihilistic "black . . . The best is yet to come. On The school tieup centered around the militants" and the entire black commu- how we beat you ouster of 79 white teachers in the Negro nity which, like all communities, has and killed you . . .* and Puerto Rican Ocean Hill-Brownsville many internal splits of interest and opin- decentralized school district in Brooklyn. I would ask Allen Ginsberg, Denise ion. The principal of an elementary school Levertov, Joel Oppenheimer and Peter A few years ago there appeared a gov- in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Orlovsky, as well as the other protesting ernment report under the signature of Brooklyn said he is leaving the school be- poets: It this "the Truth" that Lyres tell? Daniel Moynihan, a liberal sociologist and cause of threats against his family. In order to protest injustice against Jones former undersecretary of labor. Julius Nislow, principal of P.S. 93 for the man, is it necessary to praise him as (Moynihan is the Nixon appointee as 10 years, read to his teaching staff, this a poet who indulges in these racist incite- principal staff officer in the next admin- unsigned letter he said he received at ments? istration's Cabinet-level Council on Urban home: This past summer and fall, a somewhat Affairs). "We know where you live. We know similar incident occurred at New. York Entirely sympathetic to the goals of that you have been having police protec- University. As head of its new Afro-Amer- American Negroes, the Moynihan report tion. But if we want to get you, you know ican Student Center, NYU appointed analyzed the structure of black family life we can. We know your son is a dentist, John Hatchett, a black teacher who had and discussed the breakup of Negro fam- your daughter is married and you have written a notorious article, The Phenom- ilies under economic pressures. Because grandchildren and you have a daughter in enon of the Anti-Black Jews and the Negro fathers have difficulty in getting college. Do you know what it feels like to Black Anglo-Saxons: A Study in Educa- decent jobs and thereby earning the res- have your daughter raped?" tional Perfidy. The American Jewish Con- pect of their wives and children, some of Nislow then said, "This is goodby, I gress had condemned this article as them crack under the strain. This means am leaving." "black Nazism," and with good reason: It that black mothers often have to assume He was involved in a clash with resi- is blatantly anti-Semitic. It charges that both parental roles. Or so the Moynihan dents of the predominantly Negro com- "the systematic coming of age of Jews report claimed. And as a partial remedy, munity Nov. 19, just after the end of the who dominate and control the educational it proposed various special allowances teachers' strike. bureaucracy of the New York Public and the liberalization of welfare rules to School System" means "death for the help reknit black family life. The very unfortunate controversy had minds and souls of our Black children." become also a debate over the extent of Now it was entirely possible to argue anti-Semitism in the school issue and the against the Moynihan report in a serious Embarrassed by the protests this ap- spread of hatred for Jews among Negroes, and decent way. One could say that Moy- pointment caused, the NYU administra- and Prof. Irving Howe posed the question nihan.had failed to see the uniqueness of tion worked out a face-saving device for "Should Negroes Be Above Criticism?" in Negro social patterns, different from those keeping Hatchett on its administrative an important article in the Saturday Evening of the white middle class but still valuable staff. A bit later, after he had attacked Post in which he pleaded for equality—for to the black. One could argue that the Hubert Humphrey, Richard Nixon and equal status for both whites and blacks, matriarchal structure of some Negro fam- Albert Shanker as "racist bastards," the thereby emphasizing the injustice of de- ilies had psychic resources Moynihan administration fired him. Whereupon, mands for preferences for either group. failed to recognize. some of the radical students at NYU, Such a position is vital at this time in view including no doubt a number of Jewish But that isn't what happened. Moyni- of demands that Negroes be admitted to students, went on strike to support Hat- han was subjected to a torrent of abuse universities regardless of their cultural chett. not only by Negro leaders but by white standards; that Negroes be added to the intellectuals as well. It was as if, some- Suppose the tables had been turned. faculties—without indicating that qualified how, to discuss the Negro family in public Suppose the NYU administration, with men and women are available for all the were a breach of good manners. What a parallel absence of tact, had appointed jobs demanded. Howe concluded his plea these whites were saying in effect, without Lester Maddox or George Wallace to head with this assertion: realizing how deeply condescending they an Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Human were, was that while blacks in the U.S. Relations. Would activist students then "What is needed in the United States is were oppressed, anyone pointing to the have fought for a white racist with the not white gestures of self-humiliation and visible damage resulting from that op- same vigor with which they defended a condescension; what is needed are large- pression was an enemy of the Negroes. black racist? And let us, for the sake of scale programs for economic improvement, One of the most curious varieties of argument, assume that some issue of aca- for tearing down the slums—all those con- the new condescension is the increasing demic freedom is involved here—though I crete measures that can bring pride and tendency of white liberals, some of them do not think it is, since Hatchett was ap- health to the ghettos. Perhaps some of the Jewish, to rush to the defense of certain pointed not to the faculty but simply as things I've attacked here are unavoid- well-known blacks who steadily indulge in an administrator. Might not the students able, part of the cost we must pay for the anti-Semitism. The white liberals do not, who defended Hatchett have expressed, at heritage of racial meanness. Yet in the of course, condone this anti-Semitism; the very least, strong public distaste for long run certainly, and the short run they simply behave as if it were irrele- his anti-Semitic article and declared that probably, it is better for whites to speak vant, or a minor flaw that has to be they were supporting him in spite of it? to blacks honestly and critically than to "understood." Let me cite two examples: But to have made such elementary dis- turn into white liberal equivalents of tinctions would have meant going against Some time back, LeRoi Jones was in- Stepin Fetchit. The one sure way to en- the current fashions of academic life. volved in a clash with the Newark police, force the values of equality is for whites and when sentenced in court, he claimed to start treating Negroes as real equals." It is in a reaction to these conditions that the police had framed him by planting Of the utmost significance in the article revolvers in his car. Given the notorious Prof. Howe appealed for a striving for equality—an equal status based on genuine by Prof. Howe is his analysis of the problem brutality of the police toward black men, of "condescension." He states on this score: I believe this might have happened; given achievement and meritorious participation • • • the notorious frequency with which Jones in all facets of American life, both con- . . There has begun to appear in the indulges in the rhetoric of violence, I be- tending forces enjoying equality as it is U.S. a new kind of condescension . • . that live he might have been carrying a gun understood, in life, in action, in the diction- ary. is morally ... unattractive. This new con- illegally. But I don't know. s • s descension derives from good will and After Jones was sentenced, there ap- The entire problem involving the unne- sympathy. It is most prevalent among peared in the New York Review of Books white liberals and radicals, and among in- (April 25, 1968) a letter signed by 16 cessary conflict between whites and blacks tellectuals and academics—precisely those American poets protesting, first, against is so grave that it calls for further elabora- segments of the population least tainted the severity of Jones' sentence and, sec- tion. The issue assumes the aspects of a tragedy ,whey itinvolves.the charge of anti- 2—Friday, December 27, 1968 THE DEFROIT JEWISH NEWS "Sernitisioi. 'It became necegsary earlier this ' Much as one would like to think of the black-white tension in this country as near- ing the end of a serious conflict, it continues and in some respects is escalating. The demands for separatism have not helped the situation a bit, and the frequent sit-ins in colleges by students who call for an in- crease in the black membership of univer- sity faculties and for introduction of black culture courses—much as it is often justified —add to the turmoil. It is a tragic situation that has added to the prejudices, suspicions, fears and in- creased animosities, and while, admittedly, only a small percentage of the Negro popu- lation is believed to be supporting the extremists, this one extreme has led to another—and to stubbornness in white ranks that has added to racism. It is necessary that the issue should be faced frankly and sincerely, in the hope of assuring a confrontation that will lead to understanding of the issues by both ele- ments. But the pressures that create fears have militated against such a positive dia- logue, and it is becoming necessary to plead with all elements to assist in encouraging good relations. There is no doubt that the situation in the schools, especially in New York, has aggravated conditions. An AP report on the New York situation pointed to the serious- ness of the conflict and contained this dis- turbing note: By Philip Slomovitz month for spokesmen for the Negro and Jewish communities to review the issues, and this joint statement was issued: "As religious leaders and as men of faith we have a primary responsibiliy to cultivate a sensitivity to the deprivations and to the hopes and aspirations of our fellow human beings. "We oppose violence, whether it be the violence of a system which reprives the poor of their share of God's blessings on this earth or whether it be the violence that is the bitter fruit of frustration and hope- lessness." Preceding that important meeting at which there was a search for accord be- tween the two groups, charges of anti- Semitism were denied in this vigorous state- ment that was issued by 13 Negro Protes- tant ministers: "This charge is utterly fallacious and represents a gross exaggeration and mis- representation of the facts," their state- ment said. "We decry and denounce any state• meats emanating from the black commit- nity that bear the slightest hint of anti- Semitism. Any word of this kind in no way reflects the attitude of our people. Any person who has concluded that a tide of anti-Semitism is sweeping the black community is terribly naive." Nevetheless, the problem is growing rather than diminishing, and a study that was conducted by Johns Hopkins University and resulted in a published statement pre- pared by Richard Berk, a graduate student in the university's department of social re- lations, has caused concern and compelled the preparation of a lengthy reply by Mrs. Lucy S. Dawidowicz, in behalf of the Amer- ican Jewish Committee. In her summary Mrs. Dawidowicz pointed to studies made in three universities and her analyses indicate, in part: In July, 1968, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission) published three supplement. al studies to its Report of March 1968. The Michigan University study, "Racial Attitudes in Fifteen American Cities," surveyed the attitudes of over 5,000 Ne groes and whites in 15 major American cities on issues of race, discrimination and violence. The study found that most Negroes preferred racial integration is separatism, though teen-agers were some- what more likely than older people to prefer separatism. Only one third of Negroes saw whites as well-intentioned, while the rest saw them as hostile or merely indifferent. Whites, for their part, did not perceive discrimination against Negroes to be as serious as Negroes per- ceived it to be. But most white people were prepared to supPort, and be taxed for, government programs to help Ne• groes, at least as the price for racial peace . . . The Columbia University study; "Who Riots?" found that the rioters in 10 major cities that had suffered major disorders were a small but significant minority of the Negro population, who were "tacitly supported by at least a large minority of the Negro community." The Johns Hopkins University study, "Between Black and White," attempted to evaluate the attitudes and practical of people who provide basic service in Negro communities: police, employers, me,. chants, teachers, public-welfare workers and politicians. This study found, in ne cordance with its hypotheses, that Negros/ were poorly served by these institutions, whose personnel were "insensitive to the objectively discriminated-against position of urban Negroes." The many defects of this study may be the result partly of severe time pressures, but they are large ly the consequence of biased concentric tions and lack of familiarity with the institutions studied. The chapter on merg chants, which in substance and method fails to meet an acceptable standard of scholarship, gratuitously singles out Jews as a group, while accusing merchants as a group of unethical practices. . Mrs. Dawidowicz took exception especiadr ly to the references in the Johns Hopkinll study to Jewish merchants. Disputing the allegations in the graduate student's lengthy dissertation, she declared: "Though all respondents in the Johns Hopkins study were asked their religion, the data were used only in the chapters on merchants and public-welfare worker& Among the welfare workers Jews were 0 (Continued.en Page 32) .. - - , -