▪ NPD Threatens to Expose Kiesinger Aides as Ex-Nazis Unless 'Defamation' Is Curbed (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) HANNOVER—The leader of the extreme right-wing, reputedly neo- Nazi National Democratic Party has threatened Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger that he would pub- lish documents purporting to ex- pose the Nazi and Communist pasts of members of Dr. Kie- singer's Christian Democratic Un- ion and the Social Democratic Party unless they stop "defaming" the NPD as a successor to the Nazi Party. That characterization was ap- plied to the NPD Sunday by Minis- ter of Interior Ernest Benda, who recently completed an investigation of NPD activities. NPD Chairman Adolf von Thad- den said the wrote to Chancellor Kiesinger warning him of the con- sequences of continued "defama- tion." The right-wing leader also said that his party rejected the candidacy of Minister of Justice Gustav Heinemann, a Social Demo- crat, for the office of president of the Federal Republic and would vote against him. The NPD is believed to support the candidacy of Gerhard Schroe- der, of the CDU, an arch conserva- tive with a Nazi record going back long before World War IL It was disclosed recently that in 1933, Schroeder filed for membership in the Nazi Stormtroops. Von Thadden said he did not think the Constitutional High Court in Karlsruhe, would out- law his party if a ban was re- quested by the government on constitutional grounds. But a former NPD leader who broke with the party two years ago has taken steps to provide an alter- native for right wingers should a ban be declared. Franz Florian Winter, ex- vice chairman of the NPD, and Gerhard Frey, publishers of the neo-Nazi weekly Deutsche National and Soldaten Zeitung, met in Stern- berg, Bavaria, Monday to launch a new rightist party. Venico ELECTRONIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER Cell Evenings Until 9 353-3284 Winter has claimed in a book published Dec. 11 that the party was financed by sources in South Africa. The party's chairman in Bavaria, Benno Hermann, said Winter's statement was untrue. The West German Cabinet was to decide this week whether to apply to the Constitutional High Court for a ban on the NPD. Benda said he will try to get the party outlawed on the grounds that its leadership is largely com- posed of former Nazi Party mem- bers. In its propaganda, the party has been more nationalistic than totalitarian, although its press is strongly anti-Zionist, which some observers see as a cloak for in- grained anti-Semitism. A majority of the cabinet ap- peared to favor a ban. However, a note of caution was sounded by Finance Minister Franz Jo- sef Strauss, head of the Chris- tian Democratic Union. Strauss warned against any "one-sided" ban. His party, well to the right of center in West German politics, insisted that if the government sought a ban on the NPD it should do the same against the newly formed German Communist Party. It also wants to ban the radical left-wing So- cialist German Students League. Strauss said after a meeting of his party's executive that unless Bonn had "an absolutely iron-clad case' against the NPD, it should not move to ban the party. "God preserve us from a clean bill of health for the NPD!" he declared. Government circles acknowledge that rejection by the high court of a petition to outlaw the NPD would not only embarrass the government but would lend new respectability to the right-wing party and enhance its chances in next year's general elections. Von Thadden claims that his party will enter the Bundestag (lower house) for the first time next September with at least 50 seats, despite its noor showing in recent local elec- tions. Should that happen, the CDU could not win an absolute majority and its hopes to rule without coalition support would he dashed. It was therefore be- lieved that the CDU was prepared to take a calculated risk and sup- port a government request for a constitutional ban against the NPD. Meanwhile, For eign Minister Willy Brandt has recalled West Germany's ambassador to Portu- gal, Herbert Muller Roschach, as a result of an investigation of his activities in 1941 and 1942 when he served in the Jewish department of the Nazi Foreign Ministry. The investigation disclosed that .0 0 I - - Denver Community Council Makes Its First Allocation DENVER (JTA) — The Allied emy officials said that the money Jewish Community Council allocat- would help Jewish students who Roschach had signed documents ed $10,000 to the Hillel Academy would otherwise be unable to at- relating to the killing of Jews. The of Denver, the first such grant to possibility of a trial had not been the Denver all-day school. Aced- tend the day schooL excluded here. The envoy was recalled to Bonn Detroit LI 9 6161 FE 8-9222 last year when charges were made against him but subsequently - re- turned to his post. A government spokesman said at a press conference here Monday SELLS FOR LESS that the cabinet would not deal this year with the question of (Tell Us If We're Wrong) postponing or abolishing the sta- tute of limitations on Nazi war BE A DODGE FEVER BELIEVER crimes prosecutions and that no date has been set for future dis- GEORGE RUSKIN 855 Oakland Ave. cussions of the matter. The statute President Pontiac, Mich. is scheduled to go into elect at the end of 1969. - SPARTAN DODGE Congregation, Shaarey Zedeh Presents "CHANGE AND CHALLENGE TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th Civil asobedience in the BiLle: Colloq uy " Mark Van Doren Maurice Samuel Since 1953 Maurice Samuel and Mark Van Doren have been discussing various aspects of the Bible on national radio and television. This lecture is offered in memory of Adolph Lichter, by his family. ews and the Urban Crisis" Tuesday, January 21st c/1- ._.After .JTitschivttz: Can We Believe" Dr. Leonard Fein Elie Wiesel Tuesday, January 14th Y 64 n Wednesday, January 29th . OFF -Does gudaism Wave a guture? ( Everyobdy talks about "C H U TZ PA H" $5.95 $ 49s Reg. I SPITZER'S HEBREW BOOK & GIFT CENTER n 24900 COOLIDGE Cor. 10 MILE 542-7520-1 In The Dexter Davison Shopping Center OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT — ALL DAY SUNDAY J0l g o t—moo©ar 0 ", Adult Studies Lecture Series for 1969 0. All Hanuka Merchandise- ! Decorations • Gift Wrap a Menoras, Etc 50% Friday, December 20, 1968 9 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Dr. Robert Gordis All lectures will begin at 8:30 p.m. in the Morris Adler Hall of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Free Admission under the Sponsorship of Congregation Shaarey Zedek