UJA's 1969 Needs Outlined at Conference; Dayan Outraged by False Atrocities Charge NEW YORK (JTA) — The 30th annual national conference of the United Jewish Appeal ended Sun- day after 3.000 delegates re-elected Edward Ginsberg of Cleveland as general chairman with a mandate to conduct a massive, nationwide "no-limit" campaign in 1969 to meet "crucial human needs" in Israel and 30 other countries throughout the world. Max M. Fisher of Detroit was re-elected president. Mrs. Bernard Schaenen of Dallas was elected national chairman of the Women's Division succeeding Mrs. Harry Jones of Detroit. Gordan Zacks of Colum- bus, 0. was elected chairman of UJA's national young leadership cabinet, succeeding Herbert J. Garon of New Orleans. The 1969 UJA campaign will have no goal, Ginsberg stated, "be- cause the needs are too great to be circumscribed by any limitations." The funds to be raised in 1969 will be devoted to: "needs that must be met on behalf of more than 350,000 Jewish immigrants now living in Israel, as well as for the 30,000 other newcomers whose arrival is anticipated in 1969; and to carrying on existing programs outside of Israel, on behalf of more than 400,000 Jews. principally in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East." he said. in Israel will be met pri- 40 ■ marily through continuation of the UJA's Israel Emergency Fund, a "no goal" fund-raising effort launched in June 1967, on the eve of the Arab-Israeli con- flict. Ginsberg said: "The people of Israel, forced to divert all of their economic strength and re- sources to defense, must turn over to world Jewry the problem of maintaining vast and costly programs of relief, social wel- fare, child care and other meas- ures needed to aid a huge and impoverished segment of its so- ciety, composed chiefly of un- absorbed immigrants. The post- war security burdens Israel's people carry now, and will con- tinue to carry, add up to hun- drens of millions of dollars. The Israelis will bear these costs themselves, but they ask us and our fellow Jews throughout the world to continue to meet the human needs of Israel's people and arriving immigrants." Ginsberg noted that UJA funds are allocated not only to the people of Israel but also to assist Jews victimized by recent upheavals in Eastern Europe. He said, "the virulent outburst of anti-Semitism in Poland, the flight of 3,000 Libyan Jews to Italy, the post-June 1967 exodus of about 25,000 Jews from Morocco and Tunisia to Israel and France were all major events in- volving hard work to care for many needs." He stated that through the Joint Distribution Committee, UJA funds must assist more than half of the remaining 20,000 Jews in Poland. Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, the UJA's executive vice chairman, told the delegates that 20 per cent of Israel's gross national product— estimated at 55,000,000,000—will be spent on defense next year. "These crushing defense costs will con- sume almost the entire income available from Israeli internal rev- enue." he said, adding that fiscal 1969 defense costs will be 2.5 times as much as in fiscal 1967, when the Arab-Israel war was fought. President-elect Richard M. Nix- on sent the UJA parley a tele- gram, addressed to Fisher, ex- pressing good wishes for a suc- cessful campaign. He said, "The humanitarian record of the UJA and its beneficiaries in saving human lives and assisting more than 3,000,000 in 30 years has earned the admiration of millions of Americans and men of good will everywhere." Israel's Defense Minister Gen. Moshe Dayan told a nationwide television audience Sunday that Israel was prepared to give up ment in the occupied area, Israel "must and should consider the living there not as enemies "lots" of territory as the price Arabs but as people toward whom we of peace with its neighbors and have a governmental responsibil- affirmed that his country was ity, the responsibility to provide prepared to negotiate a perma- them with the services and the nent border with each of its conditions that can enable them to lead as normal a life as possible. neighbors. We have a capacity to provide He declared that Israel was them with all this and we are doing eager to change the present cease- so in spite of possible risks that fire lines to permanent boundaries may be involved." and was ready to work out all the Gen. Dayan paid a courtesy details from maps at the negotiat- call on President-elect Nixon at ing table. Interviewed on the pro- the latter's Hotel Pierre head- gram "Issues and Answers" on the quarters in New York on Satur- American Broadcasting Co. net- day. Emerging after a half-hour work, Gen. Dayan said Israel meeting, he told newsmen he wants peace and relations with its was confident that there would neighbors. "We want to negotiate be no diminution of U.S. support the borders. We do not want to go for Israel, adding, "Certainly not back to the old borders. We want after this morning's meeting." new lines," he said. Much of the He said further that he believed interview covered the ground of it would be to Israel's advantage his speech Saturday night at the if the U.S. improved its rela- United Jewish A p p e al dinner, tions with the Arab world since with Gen. Dayan reiterating his the U.S. would then be able to belief that the U.S. could improve exert greater influence over the its relationships with the Arab militant Arab states and counter states without having to do so at the growing influence of the the expense of Israel. He said he Soviet Union. Gen. Dayan said did not think the U.S. would dis- he was convinced that improved card old friendships to buy new American-Arab relations c o u l d ones. To one of a series of wide- be achieved without altering ranging questions, as to what the America's traditional support of U.S. could do to assure Middle Israel. East peace, Gen. Dayan said a The Israeli defense minister was year and a half ago the U.S. told the Soviet Union "If you go in, obviously trying to calm fears we go in." This approach, he said, aroused in some Israeli circles and among American Jews by a sug- proved effective. by William W. Scranton, Gen. Dayan visibly showed gestion Nixon's fact-finding envoy to the anger when he was asked about Middle East, that the U.S. should Arab charges of atrocities and pursue "a more even-handed pol- mistreatment of the Arab popu- icy" in the region. lation of the occupied areas. "Not (Reports from Cairo said that one. Arab civilian has been killed," he exclaimed. He chal- Nixon has assured the Arabs that lenged his questioner to provide the U.S. continues "to search for photographs or other evidence of justice" in the Middle East and Israeli misdeeds as charged by other parts of the world. The the Arabs. The general bristled President-elect's remark was con- again when asked whether the tained in a message from Nixon to recent "heavy raid" on the Abdel Khalek Hassouna, secretary- Iraqis based in Jordan would not escalate the border difficul- ties. He retorted that the raid was not heavy enough. He said the Iraqi and El Fatah were not attacking Israel as a matter of reprisal or as the result of esca- lation. They were in Jordan, he said, for the express purpose of carrying out attacks on Israel and violating the cease fire. He conceded that King Hussein might be hurt by the Israeli re- prisal raids, but he pointed out that no sovereign ruler could permit an outside force to op- erate from his territory violating the cease-fire agreement he had signed. Addressing the UJA conference, Dayan said: "Soviet policy in the area is causing us considerable concern. The Soviets are supplying Egypt and Syria with great amounts of arms and armaments and are inciting them as well as training and organizing their forces." He warned that "such a Soviet policy can lead the Arabs, if they get the green light and promised support from the Soviets, to resume the war." Gen. Dayan said Israel wanted "peace in place of the armistice agreements" and "new and secure borders in place of the old armistice lines." He de- clared that Israel "has no confi- dence in United Nations peace- keeping forces as a means of in- suring the rights of navigation through the Straits of Tiran." general of the Arab League in re- ply to a congratulatory message Hassouna sent on Nixon's victory last month.) Conference delegates also heard Henry Ford II, chairman of the board of the Ford Motor Co., and Louis Pincus, chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Pincus told the delegates that "millions upon millions of dollars are needed from UJA just to hold the line in the field of social wel- fare." Pointing out that "Israel's tax- payers are making incredible sac- rifices just to meet this life-or- death defense burden," Pincus stressed, "and yet the vast costs of minimal social services for nearly half-a-million struggling immi- grants must still be faced." In his address, Ford stated: "I suppose the main reason why I'm here is that any friend of Max Fisher's is a friend of yours. Max is one of my best and oldest friends. He never forgets me when he's raising money for a worthy cause. And I suspect he could say the same about me. "That's more than a joke, how- ever. Max and I have been drawn together over the years because we are both businessmen who be- lieve that business has a responsi- bility for the rights and welfare of the less fortunate members of so- ciety. That particular combination of qualities, I might add, is sel- dom more evident than on occa- sions like this. "If we want justice, brotherhood and equality, then we must work for them now, day to day, patiently and persistently. We must cope with the problems, large and small, that are closest to us. We must help people who need help most. We must, in short, carry on the kind of work that is supported by the United Jewish Appeal. "I wish you success beyond your hopes in your 1969 national cam-, Dayan said the Arabs recognize that they have no chance of victory in an all-out war—"thus the artil- lery attacks along the Suez Canal and the Jordanian attempts to harass our settlements in the Jor- dan Valley." He said the U.S. could prevent another war and lay the groundwork for peace by "pro- viding two elements which Israel cannot do by itself — supplying weapons which we cannot produce and discouraging the Russians from intervening in the area." He said that as the de facto govern- paign." 0■111•41■■•■■1 Boris Smolar's 'Between You . . . and Me (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) JEWS IN LENINGRAD: Leningrad, with its 200,000 Jews, stands outside the stream of Jewish life in the Soviet Union of which Moscow is the center. But the synagogue in Leningrad is larger and more beau- tiful than the Central Synagogue in Moscow. It is the largest synagogue in the entire USSR. The Leningrad Synagogue was built under the Czarist regime when the city was known as St. Petersburg. Only the richest Jews in the empire were permitted to reside there. Other Jews—except a few with higher education which was rare among Jews in those years—were banned from residence there. The wealthy Jews of the Russian capital, among them Baron Horace Guenzburg, banker and philanthropist, could afford to build a synagogue which had no equal in beauty in many countries. The Leningrad Synagogue is not what it was in the years of its former glory, when the aristocracy of Russian Jewry played an im- portant role in the Czarist capital in the fight for Jewish rights. They never won the fight until the Czarist regime fell in 1917 and the Keren- sky government, which succeeded it, annulled the anti-Jewish restric- tions. A half century ago the symbol of Jewish wealth and creative Judaism—the Leningrad Synagogue today is a symbol of Jewish decline. The gates at the entrance to the synagogue are wrought iron and constitute a rare piece of art. They are decorated with heavily gilded Hebrew letters—and would occupy a prominent place in any museum. Now, however, they hang on broken, rusted hinges and are exposed to the possibility of being removed for scrap'iron. Inside the synagogue, you get the feeling that you are in a great temple of art. High, and richly decorated with religious inscriptions in golden letters in Hebrew, stands the Holy Ark. The several thousand seats for worshipers and the artfully carved balconies for women give you the impression that you are in a luxurious opera house. REMNANTS OF GLORY: The synagogue is closed all week long, except on Saturdays and holidays, despite the fact that all the seats there are sold out for the entire year. Leningrad is a large city, and its Jewish residents live in various sections of the city. Some of those who subscribe for synagogue seats work on Saturdays and cannot attend the services. Others are too religious to travel on Saturday. Thus, even on Saturdays the number of worshipers is small. It is not so on the Jewish holidays, Come Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur. Passover, Sukkot and Simhat Tora, then the synagogue is full. The services are conducted by a cantor who also directs a small chorus of middle-aged Jews. The cantor—he recently visited the United States with Rabbi Yehuda Levin, the chief rabbi of the Moscow Central Synagogue—is not a professional cantor. By profession he is an -engineer working in a large Leningrad industrial establishment. Highly respected by the man- agement, he is relieved of work on Saturdays and on Jewish holidays so that he may perform his cantorial duties in the synagogue. The synagogue has a "bridal room"—a special room where mar- riages are performed in accordance with the Jewish tradition. It cannot be said that the number of such marriages is large, considering the fact that a substantial proportion of the Jewish population in the city is composed of youngsters, many of them students. However, this desig- nation of a room is indicative of the fact that Jewish traditions are not yet completely dead in Leningrad Jewish families. Alongside the Leningrad Synagogue, in the courtyard is a small synagogue. There you can find a "minyan"—a quorum of 10 worship- ers—every morning and every evening. The worshipers I found there presented a pathetic picture. They were old, shabbily dressed, and people of a world of long ago. They spoke among themselves in Russian—a habit of the old and better years, when every Jew in the city spoke Russian only. However, when it came to praying, each of them recited the prayers in Hebrew with traditional Jewish fervor. r. * * TRADITIONAL JUDAISM: The administrator of the synagogue —an aged Jew with a long patriarchial snow-white beard—was busy lighting "yahrzeit" candles, one after the other, commemorating the memory of dead Jews. Every now and then a middle-aged Jew rushed in from the street to place a candle in memory of his parents. The income from the "yahrzeit" candles, the administrator told me later, helps to maintain the synagogue. Other income comes from the Jewish cemetery. "When a Jew dies and his relatives want to bury him in our cemetery, they must make a contribution to the synagogue. We also have income from the sale of synagogue seats; they are always over-subscribed. Then we have a special "repair fund" for the syna- gogue to which many contribute, among them people who are not even members of the synagogue. He outlined to me the problems of. the Jewish religious community in Leningrad and was gloomy about the future. "We still have a large number of Jews in our community dedicated to Jewish traditional life, but the young people are not among them," he said with a sigh. At the same time he expressed optimism that a good part of the Jewish youth, though without Jewish education, would continue to maintain their Jewish identity in their own way. "Take the boys and girls who come here in the thousands for Simhat Tora to celebrate the holiday," he pointed out. He spoke with tenderness of the younger generation to whom Juda- ism is totally alien but who nevertheless acknowledge Jewish identity. "We feel their hearts when we see them here in huge numbers on Simhat Tora," he continued. "Last year, a few of them permitted themselves to shout 'Long Live Israel,' during the Simhat Tora cele- bration in front of the synagogue. That was foolish. They were imme- diately arrested, since it was the year when our government broke off diplomatic relations with Israel." Because of this incident, the crowd of younger people this year in front of the synagogue was much smaller. The youngsters, it was explained to me, are mostly students; they fear provocation which may lead to their expulsion from the university. Many secret service men mingle with the crowd inside and outside of the synagogue, and they include Communist students who later report to the authorities. 40Ltridcii, DeCembe; 20, 1968 THE biTROIT JEWISH NEWS