THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Editorial Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Association. Published every Friday by The .Tewlsh News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235, VE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign IS. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Edtter and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Business Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Hanuka Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 30th day of Kislev and Rosh Hodesh Tevet, 5729, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portions, Gen. 41:1-44:17, Num. 28:9-15, Num. 7:42-47. Prophetical portion, Zechariah 2:14-4:7. Hanuka and Rosh Hodesh Tora readings, Sunday: Num. 28:1-15, Num. 7:48-53. Concluding day of Hanuka Tora reading, Monday, Num. 7:54-8:4. Candle lighting, Friday, Dec. 20, 4:44 VOL. LW. No. 14 p.m. December 20, 1968 Page Four Perennial Hanuka-Christmas Confusion The few remaining days of Hanuka and their proximity to Christmas raise anew the question of a possible conflict and bring to the fore again the problem that confronts parents in relation to the influence of the environment upon their children. While the issue has arisen again and again, it' emerges perennially -as problematic, and there is always the oppressive realization that children become confused by celebrations of a religious nature. Attempts to solve the problem have been made on the basis of joint Hanuka-Christmas observances, but such methods of evading the religion-in-the-schools threats have been re- jected, as indicated in a statement of prin- ciples that had been issued by the National Community Relations Advisory Council and the Synagogue Council of America, in which these guidelines were advanced: In keeping with the principles underlying the relationship of religion and public education set forth in the joint resolutions of the Synagogue Council of America and the National Community Relations Advisory Council regarding released time, and regarding other sectarian practices in the public schools, and reaffirming those prin- ciples and applying them to the specific question of religious holiday observances in the public school, we state: 1. We are opposed to the observance of re- ligious holidays in the public elementary and high schools because in our view such observance constitutes a violation of the traditional Ameri- can principle of the separation of church and state. 2. Joint religious observances such as Christ- mas-Hanuka and Easter-Passover, are in our opinion no less a breach of the principle of sepa- ration of church and state and violate the con- science of many religious persons, Jews and Christians alike. 3. Where religious holiday observances are nevertheless held in public schools. Jewish chil- dren have a right to refrain from participation. We recommend that the local Jewish communities take such action as may be appropriate to safe- guard this right of nonparticipation. 4. We urge that local Jewish communities consult with the Joint Advisory Committee of the Synagogue Council of America and the National Community Relations Advisory Council before taking formal or public action on all these matters. Actually, such advice, repeated by local as well as the national groups, does not solve anything. Where there is emphasis on Christ- mas, it continues in spite of protests because we do live in a Christian environment, and a small minority can not negate the activities of a vast majority—because a small group dares not and must not fight the trends among the large masses of people. It is true that when the religious influ- ences are felt in government and educational circles, they should be protested in the hope of acquiring accord relative to avoidance of injection of church issues into the affairs of state. But even in such instances they have not worked. The annual Christmas stamp has been issued again, a Jewish girl who objected to Yule carols was ousted from membership in the -University of Pennsylvania marching band and there are instances galore to indi- cate that one can't fight City Hall. Nevertheless, the Jewish community is faced with an issue involving temptations to Jews to introduce the Christmas tree in their homes and the confusing challenges to chil- dren in schools as well as in their everyday environment. Story of Prayer Book, Siddur's Continuity Told by Two Authors As the great and strong symbol of Jewish identity and as the sym- bol of Jewry's spiritual functions, the Siddur occupies a major role in Jewish life. Philip Arian, educational director of Temple Israel, Albany, N.Y., and Dr. Azriel Eisenberg, now director of the World Council on Jewish Education, in their joint effort, "The Story of the Prayer Book," pub- lished by Prayer Book Press, Hartford, Conn., state: "When Jews are described as 'the People of the Book," it is of course the Bible which is being referred to. Nevertheless, if one were to ask, 'Which is "the Book of the People"?,' the answer would be the Siddur or Prayer Book." In their interesting compilation of historical facts regarding the Siddur, the two authors show that it is not the work of individuals "but the expression of the genius of the entire people during the long pil- grimage through time." The answer that possibly suggests itself to How did the Prayer Book begin? While tracing prayer to Abra- the Jewish community is in the form of self- ham's time, to the period when Abraham and Isaac "built an altar respect—of Jews learning to observe their and called upon the name of the Lord," Arian and Eisenberg credit own and respecting the symbolisms of others the beginnings of formal prayer to "the epochal events following the destruction of the First Temple." To describe the offering of by refraining from their observances. This sacrifices which was a major ceremonial in earliest times, the calls for educational approaches which should hymns of praise which accompanied the sacrifices, the Levites' be assumed as existing and being emphasized hymns of praise, the accompaniment of the organ-like magrefa, the but which apparent ly are not effective trumpet sounds and the subsequent group prayers. Even in earliest enough. To make them effective, the com- times, they show, the Prophets Amos, Hosea and Isaiah displayed munity has a great responsibility — a far courage by challenging the resort to the ceremony of animal sacri- greater duty than that of constantly fighting fices. for the principles of Church and State Sep- The emergence of the synagogue, the reading of the Tora on Rosh aration which should be an obligation on all Hashana in 444 BCE by Ezra, the development by Ezra of "study and citizens and not on Jews alone. prayer in a single act of worship" and the democratization of prayer Scranton's Mission and Israel's Position It is too early to judge the results of the come most of the threats to Israel since the mission of former Pennsylvania Governor Six-Day War, proves the contrary: there is imbalance in aid to Middle Eastern states. William W. Scranton to the Middle East, other President-elect Richard M. Nixon had than to indicate anew that the attitudes of made some strong commitments to Israel. The governments do not change, that campaign Scranton mission has begun to water them promises by political candidates do not always give assurances of changes in established down. The one hope now is that Israel will policies, and to emphasize the established not be let down in the guarantee that this principle that the State Department, in the country will not permit the state's dissolution through Arab organized schemes to destroy long run, guides a President in his actions. The Scranton position might be summar- everything that Jews have built in the small ized as warning of future policies of "no area they call their home and ancient heritage favoritism," and on this score the question they seek to perpetuate by constructive must be posed whether there ever was favor- means. There is no doubt that the entire world itism, whether on the basis of assistance will be eyeing Washington for proof that the extended to Arab countries it could not be pledge to assure Israel's security will not be said that they rather than Israel are being broken — regardless of the party that had favored, and most important is the necessity made such a pledge. Such a guarantee is in the party platform of the Democrats and to assert that Israel does not ask favors. What is requested and hoped for is that the Republicans and they were supported an established American-Israel friendship will also by Senators McCarthy and McGovern, be perpetuated and that this country will not and even by George Wallace. do anything to endanger the security of Israel and her people. If the Arab lands are to receive arms, as they have, from the United States as well as the Soviet Union, it is hoped Max M. Fisher, already having attained Fisher's Dual Role in the early days of the Second Temple are described in detail. There was a debate over the fixing of prayers during the Second Temple period, and the authors compiled a pro and con debate summa- tion in which are pieced together the view of the rabbis in the Talmud. It is shown how the Nasi, Rabbi Gamliel II, fixed the order of prayer, and the authors point to the institution at that time of the Shaharit and Minha services, to the Arvit and the Amida. The Siddur itself was born during the period of Jewish life in Baby- lonia which became the new center of Jewish life after the Temple's destruction. There were marked differences in prayers in Babylon and Israel, and these are listed in this book, which indicates that a response of Rab Amram ben Sheshna Gaon in 870 CE "brought about the first written order of prayers." There are time capsules of special interest in this volume, espe- cially those describing the activities of and the controversy with the Samaritans dating back to 535 BCE. The roles of the Sadducees and Karaites are denied, and the attitudes towards Jewish-Christians in a subsequent period are alluded to. Specific prayers are explained and their origin described in this interesting book. Prayers like the Alenu known as the Martyrs' Prayers—are among those delineated. There are folk tales, especially those relating to Hasidic lore, and there is a fine evaluation of kavana—the spirit of direction—as well as of the Kabala and of many traditional practices. The influence of Hasi- dism plays an interesting part in this descriptive work. Among the legends related is the one about the Unetane Tokef of Rabbi Amnon who rejected conversion. The Kinot, Selihot, T'hinnot, Piyyutim, acrostics and other prayers and their forms are evaluated. — There is a fine description of the Mahsor and the authors es- plain the emergence of the Reform prayer books, indicating their differences and the opposition to them. The introduction of Reform Judaism in the United States as well as the rise of Conservative and Reconstructionist Judaism are recorded. Tice numerous prayer books ,published in this country are described la this connection. that Israel, too, will be assisted in creating local as well as national recognition as a a balance that is vitally needed to remove the dynamic participant in major Jewish and fears that the Arabs will indeed be aided in civic causes, this week emerged anew in his fulfilling their aim of destroying Israel and dual role. Prayers written in tribute to the Six Million Martyrs are listed and exterminating the Israelis. As the re-elected president of the United origins explained. There is an element of grave injustice in Jewish Appeal he retains one of the major their The authors place emphasis on the unity and continuity of the Sid- some newspaper reports which continue to roles in Jewish philanthropy. dur. They call it "the. continuing record of the age-old conversation harp on an exaggerated American support of He has risen to great heights as the guide between man and God, a conversation that will end only when man IsraeL The,dxtent of this country's aid to and head of the New Detroit Committee. himself ceases to exist," and in spite of inevitable changes that will Israel is debatable, and the amount of arms His meritorious labors lend new honor to take place in the Siddur in time to come, they predict it will continue that has been sent to Jordan, whence have Fts4(0-reqq;d, tnr bhe service • • • • - t9 -