Poland 'Amazed' at Bigotry Charges (Continued from Page l) such as theaters and bookshops, in Poland. (In New York, the Warsaw correspondent of the Westing- house Broadcasting network re- ported Monday that the Polish Communist Party had decided to continue the use of anti-Semitism as a political weapon. She said that the Communist Party's first secretary Wladyslaw Gomulka "has clearly given in on anti- Semitism as a concession to Gen. Mieczyslaw Moczar," the former interior minister. As a result, she said, for the remaining Jews in Poland, "life promises to be grim in the foreseeable future." The disclosures on Poland were made by. Dr. Roth to reporters who were given copies of another pub- lication of the institute, "The Anti-Jewish Campaign in Present Day Poland." The publication was prepared by Lucjan Blit, a journal- ist and research fellow at the Lon- don School of Economics. It lists the names of 152 prominent Polish Jews or persons of Jewish origin who have been purged since the summer of 1967. Most of those listed were university teachers, editors, factory managers, high- ranking civil servants and officials of various institutions. The press conference also made public, with the permis- sion of Bertrand Russell, a let- ter which Lord Russell wrote to Gomulka, in which he declared that, "The wave of anti-Semitism in Poland requires that Socialists everywhere speak out." He de- clared that Gomulka could have prevented the discriminatory acts. Dr. Roth stated that the officially inspired anti-Semitic campaign in Poland continues and has taken on outright racialist features. He said the trials of students — mostly Jewish—who are accused of having fomented the student demonstra- tions for liberal reforms in Poland last spring are going on, and a num- ber have already taken place, the latest on Dec. 5, following the Com- munist Party Congress. He said more trials were scheduled for the near future and that the liquida- tion of Jewish institutions or the curtailment of their activities was also continuing. Lord Russell referred to the trials in his letter to Gomulka. He wrote: "One might have hoped that the Fifth (Corn munist) Party Congress would call a halt to the trials of students, mostly Jews. However, the trials con- tinue as I write, with the accused divided into small groups and the foreign press barred in the clear hope that these disgraceful events will not be noticed." Lord Lord Russell Russell's letter went on to say, "By some twisted logic, all Jews are now Zionists, Zionists are Nazis, and therefore Jews are to be identified with the Nazis." Lord Russell reminded Gomulka, "Your own son is half Jewish. Surely you understand the crimi- nality and danger of such a prac- tice . . . Anti-Semitism in Poland has been exalted as the cover for Jordan Charges Attack in Beisan Valley Area TEL AVIV (JTA) — Fighting broke out anew several times along the Israel-Jordan demarca- tion line in the Beisan Valley re- gion. A Jordanian spokesman charged in a broadcast heard here that four Israeli jet fighters at- tacked in the area of the Sheikh Hussein Bridge for 25 minutes, destroying one house but causing no casualties. The Palestine Liberation Organ- isation in Amman claimed that its guerrillas fought a rocket and machinegun battle with Israeli forces along the demarcation line last week and inflicted four Israeli casualties while sustaining none of their own. Beirut radio quoted newspaper accounts of a riot in Baghdad where Iraqi troops and tanks were called out to suppress a mob that was setting fire to municipal cars. The account did not specify the cause of the riot but speculated that it was the result of last week's Israeli air strike against Iraqi troops stationed in Jordan. An Arab saboteur was killed and another was wounded in a clash with an Israeli patrol near Kahn Yunis in the Gaza Strip. A military spokesman said both L IN Plan Pan•American Parley NEW YORK (ZINS) — The first Pan-American Zionist Conference will take place May 29-June 1 in the Deauville Hotel, Miami Beach, Dr. Emanuel Neumann, president of the World Union of General Zionists, and Jacques Torczyner, president of the Zionist Organiza- tion of America, announced. REW LANGUAGE ACADEMY mils, mono an liars zinon 5ivavi, 0 • 11 lrin112) niniana 'pure 1:)•Z1112b31 'loins', to NV& amens ewe a pinian Itio•s 4 BERET TIZIM:1 ∎ Trvvs npfp •ra Visa vain inallOra •,–: illyri : '.... rine inn ',on is arias ma•', inonly Irian minittri -Tat o ► 5px2 ,no5pna A I _ no I'M 1'2'7 rilliki •a is :ma nv-nn s'n rrnzmn .-I i . / n = n 1m 13•i WM Niro von, porn elm loon sin 1 , 211111 ir-7Y110,7 '253 1117 Special feature released by ■ rirInD ii 'T' MEMORANDUM r III RECORDS "211151111n5 '17 PARIS (JTA)—A strong protest against leniency for Nazi war criminals and attempts to white- wash them was lodged by the As- sociation of Former Jewish De- portees from France. The group referred specifically to last week's acquittal of a Nazi judge, Hans- Joachim Rehse, who had passed death sentences on more than 200 political prisoners in Germany dur- ing World War II. They called on France and world opinion to halt "this process of Nazi rehabilita- tion." The Association announced that it will organize a mass meet- ing at Pere LaChaise, the central cemetery of Paris next Sunday to "honor the memory of the dead" and to call for the continued prose- cution of Nazi war criminals. (In Kiel, the interior minister of Schleswig-Holstein said Rehse was assured of receiving at least 50 per cent of his pension from the state.) (In West Berlin, more than 5,000 tookpartinademonstration against the acquittal of Rehse. They bore placards contrasting the acquittal of a Nazi judge who had imposed 231 death sentences and the sentence of a year's imprison- ment on a woman who had slapped Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger.) Poland, Yugoslavia Sign UN Convention on End to Limit on War Trials (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) UNITED NATIONS—Poland and Yogoslavia signed the United Na- tions Convention barring applica- tion of the statute of limitations to war crimes and crimes against humanity when the convention was opened for signature Monday. The convention, adopted by the General Assembly Nov. 26, defines war crimes and crimes against humanity and requires its signa- tories to take whatever steps may be necessary to ensure that statu- tory or other limitations shall not apply to the prosecution and pun- ishment of these crimes. SPEED? Good Quality? When Printing a Newspaper, Large or small Publishers Need Both .. . POST'S winning combination of Hot Type composi- tion and Letterpress Printing is the "time-proven" answer. From page proof "OK" to "on press" is minutes, not hours. POST also offers the most versatile line of Offset Printing in the Midwest. Printers of The Jewish News for over a Quarter Century NOTICE . . . DECLARATION . . . CHALLANGE! ED BY THE ZOCUMENTATION Judge's Acquittal Brings Protests in Paris, Berlin - B ach Qinsburg A Few Of Jack's Swinging Specials This Sunday 10 to 4! MEN'S MEN'S ZIP LINED DRESS SHIRTS SPORT COATS TRENCH COATS THIS SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY $25 $20 MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS EVERYTHING IN STORE THIS SUNDAY ONLY MEN'S SUITS . 20% OFF 1/2 OFF Long Sleeve White Rey $5 - $6 - $7 - $8 'bran Friday, December 20, 1968-17 saboteurs were responsible for a rash of sabotage in the area. PRINTING COMPANY No Israeli casualties were suf- fered in the clash. There are some enterprises in Sentences including 15 years at bard labor were pronounced on which a careful disorderliness is the true method.—Herman Mel- two El Fatah members convicted of sabotage by a Gaza military ville. tribunal. Two other saboteurs re- ceived sentences of 12 and five years respectively. The marauders were captured by an Israeli patrol last May after a mining incident near Gaza. TRUE—we cannot compete with the large department stores with their advertising They were charged with attacking Israeli vehicles in the Gaza Strip and store hours ... and with planting explosives on BUT—I guarantee that I will do better for price, quality and style. MY CUSTOM- railway tracks. Two houses in the outskirts of Gaza were demolish- ERS KNOW that when I put on a sale it's not just a "PUT-ON". ed by Israel sappers. The property JACK'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR is not just going to save you pennies but dollars! belonged to two local youths who admitted that they had thrown IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE THIS—COME THIS SUNDAY FROM 10 to 4 and "Give a hand grenades at an Israeli Army Small Man a Big Chance." vehicle which injured one soldier. N E W WORDS STENCIL factional struggle. You, Mr. Gomul- ka, could have used the authority of your high office to prevent this. The world awaits an answer from you." In Washington, a dele- gation representing the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations voiced their alarm about the condition of Polish Jewry in a 70-minute conference with Undersecretary of State Nicho- las deB. Katzenbach. They also discussed the status of Jews else- where in Eastern Europe. A conference spokesman said that Katzenbach agreed with their position about the plight of Jews and advised them that the U.S. government was pursuing ef- forts to alleviate it through chan nels in Warsaw and Washington. A 12-foot-high candelabrum was kindled on Hanuka eve in front of the Polish mission to the United Nations to symbolize demands for freedom for Polish Jews and to protest the "show trials" of Jewish students and others in Warsaw who have been accused of responsibility for last spring's student uprising. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 3 for $10 Reg. to $60 THIS SUNDAY $25 Reg. $40 to $75 Reg., Shorts, Long Reg. to $45 Sizes 37 to 46 $69.50 to $115 THIS SUNDAY Alterations at Cost JACK'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 9 MILE COR. COOLIDGE, OAK PARK A. & P. CENTER Tarbut Foundation ......, ,