lltsberDettss, In a sport-shirt narrowly striped in or- ange and black, in khaki pants slightly smudged with peat-moss, Dean William Haber stirs his black coffee briefly to cool it, looks out over a green rink of lawn, through the straight black trunks of oak and maple, and beyond to the pale blue of the river, lying off and down through the trees like the dimensions of a thought. He and his wife have been planting begonias, weeding, and mossing, in the curve of gar- den that meets you after a drive downhill through woods, to a house tucked in and spaciously poised above the Huron River. He does not seem like a dean. His voice sounds like gravel, dropping to little more than a watery ripple as he explores a thought along its edges. His hair is dark and short, a little sparse above the two sun- burnt inlets on either side of the stubby central peninsula. He himself is stubby and powerful, as if he could stand up toe to toe with Jimmy Hoffa, or sit eye to eye across a bargaining table—for Dean Haber has made his mark in arbitrating the tough de- mands of capital and labor. He is an econ- omist, a teacher, a frequent public servant, and retiring dean of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts of the Uni- versity of Michigan. But, not really a re- tiring type, the Dean continues, by special appointment of the Regents, as adviser to the executive officers of the university, also teaching one class ("at last," he says). the course in labor economics he initiated at Michigan when he arrived 32 years ago. "I grew up in Milwaukee, where my widowed mother, absolutely penniless, came to this country from Romania with her five children, ranging in ages from 15 down to 7. But she was rich in courage, and had an abiding faith in American hos- pitality. And she was right, and she never allowed us to forget our indebtedness to this country. The two older sisters went to work during the day and to school at night; we three boys—I, the oldest, age 10 —sold newspapers. This sustained us, and we even managed university degrees for the boys. "One of the great influences in my life Ecossonsist, Guide sited -Adviser was the Newsboys' Republic of Milwaukee, the product of Perry 0. Powell, which had delegated to it jurisdiction to enforce the Street Trades Law of the city. The Repub- lic elected congressmen and senators; it had a Supreme Court and a President. I served as Chief Justice. Appearance by parents and boys who violated the law was entirely voluntary, but jurisdiction reverted to the Juvenile Court of the city if the "culprit" failed to appear when summoned. Later I ran and won the Presidency, and was 'sworn in' by the Governor of Wiscon- sin. I still cherish a clipping which reads HABER WINS BY VOTE OF PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. I've never run for elective office since, but I'm sure this early experience has often stood me in good stead." The Dean pauses, and looks out through the trees. "I continued my business enterprise until I went to the university by finding a local manager who shared the profits-75 per cent for himself, 25 per cent to my mother and finally ended my capitalistic career by selling my holdings for $250. "At Wisconsin, I was tremendously in- fluenced by John R. Commons, a wonderful teacher, a labor economist, who emphasized getting out into the marketplace, into the hurly-burly, talking to people, finding out how people felt and what was really going on. In 1925, the Supreme Court declared the Minimum Wage Law of the District of Co- lumbia unconstitutional. Professor Com- mons asked us in his seminar to write a minimum-wage law that would be constitu- tional, to find out where this one had failed, to find some basis for the whole idea of setting a minimum to wages. We read Locke, Hume, Hobbes, probing and probing for the value of human services. Eleven years later at Michigan, in 1936, when I was a professor myself and chairman of an Unemployment Insurance Study Com- mission for the State of Michigan—remem- ber this is in the depths of the Depression, Michigan had over 1,000,000 unemployed— I set my undergraduate class to writing an unemployment-insurance law. I divided the 28 students into committees — Benefits. Contributions, Administration, La b o r- market Organization, and so forth. They, in effect, wrote Michigan's Unemployment Insurance Law, reworked by the commis- sion empowered to produce it, of course, but still organized under the headings of those students' committees, and containing much of their thinking and language." A little grey-bearded poodle, who looks like a dean, barks for attention. As the Dean gets up and lifts him gently to put him out, I glance over the long list of Wil- liam Haber's public honors and appoint- ments: Member of the Federal Advisory Council that rewrote the original Sociial Security Act in 1939; State Emergency Re- lief Administrator for Michigan during the depth of the Depression; Director of the The Fall 1968 Issue of Michigan Quarterly Review devotes a section to Dr. William Haber. That issue carried a revealing essay by Dr. Haber under the title "The Birth of the Teach-In—Authority Without Free- dom," from which we also quote here. Accompanying this essay was this additional editorial note: William Haber retired this year as Dean of the University's largest college (Literature, Science, and the Arts) only to accept appointment as Adviser to the University's Executive Officers. He has served the University for thirty-two years, and has served the American government and the public so extensively that the current Who's Who cannot list all agencies, honors, and publications. A star at the end of his unusually long entry refers you to ear_lier issues. He is an economist, interested i primarily in the eco- nomics of labor and social welfare." Authority Without Freedom Excerpts from Article 'The Birth of the Teach-In' two or three days, little hap- was located. Could they help us By DR. WILLIAM HABER pened, but the issue was building avoid a confrontation between the Michigan Quarterly Review up. Questions were being raised. faculty and the administrators of About three years ago, listening W ould professors meet their classes this University? Our talk was quite to the radio at seven o'clock in on the scheduled date? What revealing. The most liberal mem- the morning, I heard from Detroit would happen if a professor a p- bers of the Center's Executive that "University of Michigan fac- geared in front of a class, but a Committee were vigorously op- ulty votes to strike in protest to student stood there and blocked posed to the war in Viet Nam, but the war in Viet Nam." This was his way, or had a sign as a picket? thought nevertheless that a faculty- quite disturbing. I could not read- Would the students enter such strike was the most unwise way ily see what the war in Viet Nam classes? Should these professors to protest. Others thought that had to do with the University of be called in? Should warnings be such a strike would divert public Michigan. Whatever his - views given? We concluded that the de- attention from the issue in Viet about the war, a teachers re- cision to avoid a confrontation was Nam to the right to strike. But the faculty group had taken fusal to meet his classes because appropriate. We planned strategy. of the war did not make sense to i One would have thought by the a position from which retreat was me. Why should the students be number of hours we devoted to I difficult. _What_I needed, the Coin- deprived of a course in which this matter involving probably no Anittee suggested, was some way to permit a graceful retreat from they had registered? Was this an more than fifty professors, we the strike and yet provide an appropriate way for a professor were planning something like an avenue for protest. Someone ob- to protest against U.S. foreign poi- invasion of Normandy. How do served that something ought to be icy? The real question for me, as you handle professors with ten- created "in the academic tradition" a dean, was how to proceed, how ure? Do you threaten dismissals? We concluded that perhaps the and in , describing it, used, for the to use "my authority." first time in my hearing, the My immediate concern was to problem should best be handled P I " avoid a confrontation, to keep by the peers, tthe immediate col- know, that is where the " teach- in th" my relationship with the protest- leagues of the protesting faculty was born. I readily assented to the ing faculty fluid, to creeate a dia- members. It occurred to us that idea and in fact observed that we Logue between that portion of the departmental chairmen and de- do not teach enough anyway. We faculty which wanted a faculty partmental colleagues would have are involved in research, adminis- strike and that which did not more influence than the dean. The tration, committee meetings, serv- and between the protesters and dean may have authority, but here I ice—at times—to the detriment of the established "organs of author- influence seemed more important teaching. Consequently, the very ity." There was not too much time than power. In any event, we idea of a "teach-in" was rather en- to reflect. The newspapers, state urged the chairmen to indicate ticing. On behalf of the college, I and national, wished a statement that classes would be met. If the agreed to provide the necessary from the Dean. The student paper, teacher did not meet them be- assembly halls, classrooms, ampli- the Michigan Daily, would have cause of his protest, someone else fying equipment, if the strike could loved a controversy between the would. We -proceeded in this fash- be converted into a "teach-in." It Dean and the faculty. I could al- ion for a few days, but the time was pleasant news the following ready see the headline—"Dean was fast approaching when a de- morning to hear the radio announce Threatens." Clearly, the wisest cision had to be made. How does "Strike called off; teach-in plan- procedure would be to make no one avoid a direct confrontation? ned." The idea of a teach-in as we statement at all—to await devel- How does one avoid the use of know, became a national "institu- opments. My only statement was power and authority, which may tion." It did not satisfy many that, although the university pro- win allies for the protesters, not people; for the moment at least it fessor had every right as a citizen for their view of Viet Nam but avoided a confrontation and, even to express views on U.S. foreign against the dean's authority? more, a strike, which in my view We assembled the Executive is hardly in the academic tradition. policy, "not meeting his classes We govern by consent, and I, for at the University would not seem Committee of the Center for Con- to me an appropriate way to ex- flict Resolution and said to them one, would not consent to govern without this kind of consensus, that while they are involved in re- press these views." Beyond that, nothing else was search on resolving conflicts in which backs our decisions with the to be said. I urged that, since the Africa and Asia, or between the best thinking -we can bring to general administration favored de- United States and the Soviet Union, them, from all concerned. This centralization of decisions, this was we had a conflict right at home, on is authority, limited but strength- a good time to practice it. For the very campus where the Center ened by freedom. National Youth Administration for Michi- gan; Special Assistant to the Director of the Budget; Adviser to the Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion; Chairman of the National Hillel Commission; Presi- dent of ORT, both the American and world- wide Organizations for Rehabilitation Through Training for disadvantaged youth in over 20 countries. His bibliography is long, and up to the minute. His "Unemployment Insurance in the American Economy" (1966, with Merrill G. Murray) is the first comprehensive re- view of the field Haber himself has done much to pioneer and cultivate, drafting its laws and advising the secretaries of labor of five administrations. The book is the latest in an impressive row on a shelf in his study (including one each by his two sons, Ralph, chairman of the psychology de- partment at Rochester, and Alan, an econ- omist in Washington, D.C.). A panel above contains the photographs, many inscribed, of the Presidents, secretaries of labor, and other prominent men with whom he has worked out his public service, includ- ing a picture of J. R. Commons, in celu- loid collar and wavy locks. And here and there on the shelf beneath this panel of pictures are awards and mementos — plaques, trophies, a chip of aggregated stone from the Berlin Wall, enclosed in thick clear plastic with a printed card from two parents thanking William Haber for his role in the efforts that freed their son from East Germany in a bargain over political prisoners with Russia. Under a small glass dome mounted on a round wooden base with a silver plaque, is a tiny ancient Maccabean clay lamp. It is inscribed to William Haber for his work as special adviser on Jewish affairs to General Lucius Clay in Germany in 1948, responsible for the problems of the thou- sands of displaced persons in the camps to which they had escaped from the grim- mer camps of Hitler. The tiny brownish lamp bad given light among people simi- larly oppressed in the third century before Christ. Excerpts from Michigan Quarterly Review (VII, October 1968). Reprinted by permission of the author and the Michigan Quarterly Review. Copyrighted 1968 by the University of Michigan. Haber's Rx for Jewish Youth By NATHAN ZIPRIN Dr. William Haber, president of American ORT Federation and of the Central Board of World ORT Union, in an address a year ago at the annual meeting of the Joint Distribution Committee, dealt with the problems of our youth. It is true, he said, that some of them are straying from the Jewish mainstream, but in that respect they were no different from the students throughout the world in their striving to find themselves in the new social, educational, cul- tural and moral mold that is emerging all over the world as this century, perhaps the most fateful in the history of man, is nearing its last thirty years. He was mindful, he said, in essence of the disturbing discon- tent on the campuses of the coun- try and of the urgency of change among the young intellectuals, but he was convinced there was alto- gether too much emphasis on the restlessness and too little attention to the powerful flow of serious pre- occupation in the halls of our col- leges and universities. • Now, a year later, in the fact of burgeoning student upheavals and rioting both here and in other countries of -the world, Dr. Haber still has faith in the general, stu- dent body and in the Jewish stu- dents on the campuses. In his opinion, the so-called alienation trend among Jewish students does not as much reflect purposeful straying from roots as an under- standable reaction to the new in- tellectual milieu they encounter in the schools of learning. In most instances, the Jewish college stu- dent comes from a home where there has been insufficient ce- menting to Jewishness, roots and values and when he encounters fresh intellectual and cultural ex- citement in the halls of the col- leges it is but natural for him to waver like a reed in the wind. And like a reed, he will resume his stance once the forces that are upon him are balanced ',out. This of course would require a reexamination of _ the traditional approach to molding _our young and, perhaps, even an entire.over- hauling of our community struc- ture. A young man who has not been given the opportunity to par- ticipate in Jewish communal life and contribute to its shaping _can- not be expected to endure •Jew- ishly under the mounting pres- sures under which the young, live today. The need, according to Dr. Ha- ber, is therefore to train our young in what he calls "new di- mensions." In his opinion, the es- timated 400,000 Jewish students on the college campuses of Ahterica now have a new pride in being Jewish. However, since they "know little about Jewish history and tradition," it is natural for them in this most exciting period in Jewish history to ask searching questions with respect to the meaning and relevance of Juda- ism in this age. - The function of Jewish education, as Dr. Haber, sees it, is to find ways of informing .'the Jewish youth'where we were not long ago, how we arrived at where we are _ today, and interpret to them the design of these days. "I urge this," he said, "because I believe that the wealth of experience of our recent past, no less than the Jewish ethos of tthe millenia, can infuse Jewish education with that immediacy that opens the mind to self-identification with those enormous events. And nothing is so agonizing to our youth as the hunger to define their identity." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 64—Friday, December 13, 1968