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December 06, 1968 - Image 34

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1968-12-06

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34—Friday, December 6, 1968

Miss Weiss, Mr. Trivax
to Be Married July 27


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiss of
Tavistock Trail, Southfield, an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter Elaine Harriet to Geoffrey
Allan Trivax son of Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan M. Trivax of Beverly Ave.,
Oak Park.
Miss Weiss attended Ferris State
College and Wayne State Univer-
sity. Mr. Trivax, a graduate of
Wayne State University was affili-
ated with Sigma Alpha Mu and
Alpha Kappa Delta fraternities,
and is currently attending WSU's
medical school.
A July 27 wedding is planned.


Lt. ELI LEVIN POST honored
member Irwin Burdick on the
occasion of his appointment as
common pleas court judge by pre-
senting him with an American flag
for his courtroom. Past department
commanders Jack Kraizman and
Sol Hoberman made the presenta-
tion at the reception following the
swearing-in ceremony.
* * •
ILIARY will hold its annual Ha-
nuka party 8:30 p.m. Monday at
the home of Mrs. Irving Silk, 19555
Butternut Lane, Southfield. Follow-
ing a short business meeting, at
which all ticket money will be
turned in, there will be an ex-
change of gifts and games. Re-
freshments will be served.

* •

Retired Maj. General Gets
National JNF Citation

NEW YORK—Past National Com-
mander of the Jewish War Veter-
ans Julius Klein, a life member of
Chicago's Uptown-Edgewater Post,
has received the national citation
of honor from the Jewish National
Fund at its annual assembly at the
New York-Hilton Hotel.
Klein, a retired major general
and international public relations
counsel, is serving his second term
as the national president of the
JWV national memorial, the Na-
tional Shrine to the Jewish War
Gen. Klein, active in the Jewish
National Fund for close to 50 years,
follows in the footsteps of his
late father, who in 1961 received
the special citation of the Chicago
Council of the Jewish National
Fund. The national award was pre-
sented to the general for his many
years of devoted service to the
Jewish community and the state of


• •

g ewry

ZOD's Membership
Brunch on Sunday

On the Air


Nablus Mayor Pays Visit
to Jordan, Lebanon, to
Air 'Municipal Matters'

(Direct JTA Teletype Wire
to The Jewish News)

JERUSALEM — Mayor Hamdi
Kanaan of the West Bank town of
Nablus returned Monday from an
all day visit to Jordan and Leb-
anon where he reportedly met with
high-ranking officials.
He denied that his trip was polit-
ical and said he had discussed mu-
nicipal matters. He is known to
have met in Amman with govern-
ment leaders, including Prime
Minister Babjata el Talhouni. Ob-
servers believe he asked for fi-
nancial aid. The mayor said his
visit to Beirut had been "purely
for family reasons," but Lebanese
newspapers reported that he had
called on the Egyptian ambassador
When Mayor Kanaan left on his
trip, West Bank Arab leaders said
he intended going to plead with
Arab government authorities to
curb terrorist incursions against
Israel because they were detri-
mental to Palestinian Arabs. There
were no reports Monday that he
had made such representations.

Betrothal Announced

at the Crestwood Motel, 16221 W.
Eight Mile, featuring all fashions
for women in sizes up to 20, is open
daily 11 to 4; Sunday and evenings
by appointment. For information,
call 838-4162.

This Week's Radio and
Television Programs

Time: 8 a.m. Sunday
Station: Channel 4
Feature: "Call It Sleep." Shimon
Wincelberg's drama is presented.
Based on Henry Roth's acclaimed
novel of a Russian-Jewish child
and parents in New York at the
turn of the century, it is the last
of the series on the American-Jew-
ish experience, "New Roots for the
• • •
Time: 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Station: WJBK
Feature: "A Conversation With
Dr. Solomon B. Freehof" is pre-
sented. Dr. Freehof is rabbi emer-
itus of Temple Rodef Shalom,
Pittsburgh, past president of the
Central Conference of American
Rabbis and the first American to
serve as president of the World
Union for Progressive Judaism.
Rabbi M. Robert Syme of Temple
Israel will be interviewer.
• * •
Time: 9:45 a.m. Sunday
Station: Channel 2
Feature: Zelda Popkin, author of
"Herman Had Two Daughters,"
discusses the book with Rabbi
Sherwin T. Wine of the Birming-
ham Temple.
• • •
Time: 11:30 p.m. Sundaly
Station: WCAR
Feature: "Jan Peerce Singing
More Yiddish Folk Songs," fea-
tures selected classics sung by the
operatic tenor with an orchestra
conducted by Abraham Ellstein
and Cantor Harold Orbach com-
t :
Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday
Station: WXYZ
Feature: "Jerusalem the Gold-
en," an address by Rabbi Cyrus
Arta of Central Synagogue, New
York City, will begin a program
honoring the 21st anniversary of
the UN resolution partitioning Pal-
estine and making possible the es-
tablishment of Israel. Songs and
music also will be featured.
* • *
Time: 8 a.m. Sunday
Station: WKNR
Feature: "Hasidic Concert Spe-
cial" will feature songs, music and
thought from the Lubavitch Has-
idic Concert at the Wayne State
Community Arts Auditorium by
the Chabad singers of New York
City and Cantor Samuel Heber of
St. Louis.


• •
Simons-Michelson Opens
Office Near Chicago to
Service Expanded Area


Dr. Sanford A. Bennett, chair-
man of the membership committee
of the Zionist Organization of De-
troit, announces that Rabbi Irwin
Groner will address the annual
membership brunch, 11 a.m. Sun-
day at the Zionist Cultural Cen-
ter, on the topic "Masada—From
Memory to Commitment." Reser-
vations may be made by calling

* • •

ZOD to Mark Hanuka,
Balfour Concert Victory

Louis Panush, president of the
Zionist Organization of Detroit, and
Dr. Sidney Friedlaender, chairman
of the 1968 Balfour Concert, invite
members and friends to the ZOD
Hanuka and Bal-
four Victory Cele-
bration 8:30 p.m.
Dec. 12 at the
Zionist Cultural
Cantor Jacob
H. Sonenklar of
Sh a arey ZedekCantor Sonenklar
will sing, accompanied by Bella
Goldberg. The Hanuka lighting
ceremony will take place, and
Mark Goldsmith, recipient of the
1967 scholarship to the Mollie Good-
man Academic High School in Ash-
kelon, Israel, will report on his ex-
periences. Balfour Concert awards
will be given to the 10 high ticket
sellers. Refreshments will be
For information, call the ZOD
office, 353-3636.


Men's Clubs I

will hold its second breakfast
forum 10 a.m. Sunday in the syna-
gogue. Discussing "The Future of
the Jewish Religion" will be Rab-
bis Leon Fram of Temple Israel;
Max Kapustin of Bnai Brith Hillel
Foundation, Wayne State Univer-
sity; and Sherwin Wine of Birming-
ham Temple. Rabbi Israel I. Hal-
pern of Beth Abraham will be
moderator, and Dr. Robert Schlaff
will be chairman. Bernhard Licht-
enstein, men's club vice president,
is forum arrangements chairman.
• * •
Craftsman Lodge, F&AM, will
install Jack Peltz as worshipful
master at a public ceremony 8
p.m. Dec. 14 in
the Scottish Rite
Cathedral of the
Masonic Temple.
Installation will
be followed by
dancing, refresh-
ments and enter-
tainment. A full-
course dinner will
be held 6:30 p.m.
in the Crystal Peltz
Ballroom. Al Conn, entertainment
chairman, stated that Jack Pyle,
dinner speaker, will entertain. For
reservations by Thursday, call
Charley Friedenberg, 894-2258 (eve-
nings 837-7765); or Bernard Hirsch,
secretary, 353-7930. Dancing will be
provided by the Ernie Perkins Or-

Simons-Michelson Co. has been
assigned additional territory by
Midas, Inc. The new region is head-
quartered in Chicago and includes
eight states: Illinois, Indiana, Wis-
consin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa,
Kansas and Missouri.
To service this new account,
Simons-Michelson Co. is opening an
office in Maywood, Ill., a Chicago
suburb. Don Hart, Simons-Michel-
son account executive, will head
this office.
Simons-Michelson partner Mor-
ton Zieve remains in Detroit as
supervisor of the Midas account.
Current areas Simons-Michelson
Co. handles for Midas include
Michigan, Ohio, portions of Ken-
tucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania
and New York State, all of New
England and the provinces of On-
tario and Quebec. The firm also
supplies Midas creative materials
for use in the far eastern United
States and in western Canada.
Lawrence .1. Michelson, Simons-
Michelson partner, predicted that
the firm's volume next year will
be "about double what it was five
years ago."
Other major Simons-Michelson
Co. accounts include Gooderham
and Worts Division of Hiram Walk-
er, Acme Paint Division of Sher-
win-Williams, Cunningham Drug
Stores, Detroit Steel Corp. and
Allen Industries.


At a recent dinner party Dr. and
Mrs. Joseph Nosanchuk of Che-
rokee Rd., Pontiac, announced the
engagement of their daughter Ju-
dith Sharon to Dennis Smith, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith of
Highmoor Way, Bloomfield Hills.
The bride-elect is a student at
the University of Michigan. The
bridegroom is a senior at Yale
A June wedding is being planned.

Stanley Winkelman to Get
UN Rights Day Honors

Stanley J. Winkelman, who serves
with the Detroit Commission on
Community Relation s, will be
among the honorees at the Recog-
nition Dinner commemorating the
20th anniversary of the UN Uni-
versal Declaration of Human
Rights, 7 p.m. Tuesday at the
Veterans Memorial Building.
Winkelman, a past president of
the Jewish Community Council,
will be honored in the area of

For the HY Spot

Israeli Students Invite
Community to Party

The Israel Student Organization
of Detroit will sponsor a Hanuka
party to which the entire commu-
nity is invited 8:30 p.m. Dec. 14 at
the Jewish Center.
Included in the Israel-style pro-
gram will be dancing, singing and
the Hanuka lighting ceremony. Re-
freshments, including latkes, will
be served.

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