THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 6, 1968-17 Chapter 9 Gift Shopping Some people go through shopping like a kid through a box of Milk Duds. And for others, it's like going to the dentist. If you're a shopping sufferer, let Osmun's leap to your aid, gift boxes at the ready. First of all, whom are you shopping for? Husband? Brother? Nephew? Uncle? Grandpa? If it's Grandma, forget it. If it's a male, size 14 or larger, just so state and let's get started. Now. Husband, for example. Ever think of buying him a suit? It's not as crazy as it seems. You take it home, he brings it in for a fitting. After all, you're always complaining about his suits, anyway, so why not buy him one? We have some very nice ones for $200. We also have some very nice ones for $95, if you insist on be- ing sensible about it. And now that you've got husband out of the way, what about son? Maybe you're really nerv- ous about this because son does not talk the way you talk and the last thing you want to do is prove to him that you're a fossil. Fear not. We have some Gen- eration tap- pers working for us who are bilingual. They can show you some sport coats and shirts and sweaters and things that will earn you great praise, ;125 Soft Furry Coat and, perhaps, even a regular place at the dinner table. So, son tended to, let's give our attention to Uncle Leonard. You know in front that whatever you get Uncle Leonard is going to be returned, so why not get him some- thing really elegant to return? A $125 soft furry coat? Or how about a tie? Those gift ties, you know, turn up in cartoons almost, as often as the ship= wrecked couple. Those gift ties, you know, never get worn. But that's be- cause (and please forgive us for say- ing so) you pick them out yourself. Crdeas from Osmun's. Clockwise from the $4 all-silk Damon tie: wool sport coat by 'Botany' 500, $100; Arnold Pal- mer mock-turtle by Rob- ert Bruce, $10; antique helmet decanter set by Swank, $22.50; Perma- nently creased wool slacks free with the $100 sport coat; Evans opera slip- pers, $10; Puritan per. manent-press sport shirt, $7; wool sport shirt by Pendleton, $21; Enro cot- ton pajamas, $11.95; the 9-bottle set of Nine Flags shaving cologne, $15; tiger-eye cuff-links and tie tack by Swank. $7.50. Please. Let us pick them. Just tell us about the guy who's getting it.We have every- thing from 33'-inch silks to Goldwater conservatives. We also have stores- ful of great American brand names. Here's a list of twenty-some just to show you what we mean. rip sisi (- 4 Osmun's Gift Certificate McGregor, Eagle, Arrow, Van Heu- .sen, 'Botany' 500, Jaymar-Ruby San- sabelt, Dobbs, Zero King, Gleneagles, Gino Paoli, Florsheim, Alfred of New York, Farah, French Shriner, Puri- tan, Esquire, Petrocelli, Phoenix, Levi, Martinelli, Ambassador, Stan- ley; Blacker, Arnold Palmer. We also have charge accounts, soft chairs where you can set a spell and get your wits about you, sales people who are well-fed and trained not to leap on you as you walk through the door, and four easy-to-get-to stores. And there's another thing we have. An almost overwhelming desire for you to come and buy. SMUN'S STORES FOR MEN & YOUNG MEN Our newest store in the Tel-Twelve Mall (Telegraph & 12 Mile) Open Every Night 'Til 9 ...Phone 358-0406 ■ Tech Plaza Center (12 Mile & Van Dyke) Open Every Night 'Til 9 ■ Downtown Pontiac Open Every Night 'Til 9 ■ Tel Huron Center in Pontiac Open Every Night 'Til 9 ■ Use Osmun's Chargecard, Security, Michigan or Midwest Bankards.