THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48233, VE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. FweIgn $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the second day of Kislev, 5729, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Gen. 25:19-28:9. Prophetical portion, Malachi 1:1-2:7. Candle lighting, Friday, Nov. 22, 4:47 p.m. VOL. LIV. No. 10 Page Four November 22, 1968 Tourism as an Imperative Aid to Israel Threats to Israel's existence have never, even under the trying conditions-, interfered with the progress the Jewish state has made or with the plans for economic, social and cultural advancement aimed at assuring the safety of a people that is registering such great success in elevating the standards of settlers who have come to rebuild Zion from more than 70 countries. Industry has grown in Israel, and the Israel Bond drives deserve recognition and increased support, as a means towards in- creasing peace possibilities by assuring econ- omic security for the people of Israel. The priority we must give to the United Jewish Appeal (Detroit's major Allied Jewish Campaign beneficiary) is a self-evident ob- ligation: its funds are vital for the settle- ment of so many thousands of additional escapees from persecutions, especially from Moslem countries! Ranking high among the cooperative ef- forts between Diaspora and Israeli Jewries is the role of tourism. It is among the vital factors in Israel's income from abroad, and it is even more important as the link be- tween Israel and the Jewries of the world. The tens of thousands of Jews who have visited Israel have brought a deeper under- standing of the partnership in which all Jews are engaged through Israel. The tens of thousands of Christians who come to Israel as tourists assist in the vital dialogue that has made ecumenism real through a knowl- edge of existing conditions in Jewish ranks. The need for expansion of tourism is be- coming more vital as time proceeds. The flow of visitors to the Land of Israel has enabled the expansion of many industrial undertakings, the building of more hotels, the establishment of better restaurants, the creation of a vocation for guides.. 144ANKSGIVI 1.1 196$ Heine in Prose Translations ; 'Sabbath Princess' Applauded Tourism must continue as a major element in our interest in Israel. It is encouraging to know that it has grown to such vast pro- portions and has retained the deepest inter- est among Jews and people of many other faiths. Detroit Jewry's Aid to Israel's Universities In a matter of weeks, our community again will be confronted by the major philan- thropic appeal—in behalf of the United Jew- ish Appeal and the Israel Emergency Fund —to be addressed to our people jointly with the request for generous -support of our local needs. As time progresses, we become more keenly aware of the genuineness of the re- peated request for emergency funds in Israel's defense. The urgency of existing conditions is so great that we must provide the means for Israel's security, and the forth- coming drive must be viewed in all serious- ness as an obligation to be honored and respected. While recognizing that we will soon be approached for this great campaign, it is encouraging to know that Detroit Jewry does not ignore supplementary duties, especially those that involve the cultural needs of our people. We have serious duties to schools in our community, but we recognize that in viewing the situation in Israel we must con- tribute on as large a scale as possible sums that will assure for Israelis a status of high priority culturally. Unless Israel advances intellectually, makes progress scientifically, and retains the role of a Jewish commun- ity's spirituality, we may be swallowed into an environment of ignorance. The assistance Detroiters give to Israel's great institutions of learning is, therefore, cause for gratification. * * * Israel's great school in Jerusalem, the Hebrew University, needs our support and will, we hope, receive its due share in De- troit. There are indications of an interest in its behalf in many local quarters, and there is reason to believe that the pioneer- ing university in Israel will be fully sup- ported here, by generous individuals and the community at large. * * * Tel Aviv University has not yet made its inroads here but it, too, will no doubt be remembered; just as the new Israeli uni- versities in Haifa and Beersheba will not be ignored. The Weizmann Institute of Science has a small but dedicated group of Detroit sup- porters. The boost it received recently through the Walter Reuther Chair in Peace- ful Uses of Atomic Energy gave an indication of the interest in that great research center among non-Jews. Now there is a movement of similar aid for the Weizmann Institute in Jewish ranks and that, too, no doubt will succeed here. The Technion, the Israeli technological university in Haifa, the most advanced of its kind in the entire Middle East and one that has been likened to America's great Massachusetts Institute of Technology, hav- ing been called "the MIT of the Middle East," has a long tradition of assistance here. The interest in the Technion dates back to the time when the late Dr. Shmarya Levin came here, more than 50 years ago, to enlist support for the then fledgling technological school. Now Technion has a strong local move- ment, into which have been enrolled leading HEINRICH HEINE engineers and technicians. They have under- taken a project for a Detroit building on the Heinrich Heine's "Prinzessin Sabbath"—"The Sabbath Princess"— Haifa campus, and it is good to know that is rated by Dr. Peter Branscombe as "perhaps the most beautiful of this task as succeeding. Heine's tributes to the religion of his fathers which was for him the source of such ambivalent feelings." * * This view is expressed by Branscombe in his introductory essay in Now last of the schools of higher learn- "Heine," which contains selected verses from Heine's work. The Pen- ing in Israel whose aspirations and needs guin Book contains Branscombe's prose translations of the verses that have created a deep interest in Detroit is Bar- appear in this paperback edition in their original German. Ilan University in Ramat Gan. In his introduction Branscombe provides a biographical sketch of Heine, tells about his Jewish .background, his entrance into the Pro- Having enrolled in support of Bar-Ilan testant church in 1825 when he changed his name from Harry to Hein- from its very inception some 14 years rich, and the explanation for his abandonment his Jewish faith is: ago, under the inspired leadership of the "Prudence rather than conviction lay behind the of conversion—medicine Stollman family, with the assistance of alone of the higher professions was at that time open to non-baptised Orthodox leaders whose hands have been Jews." And Heine had just earned his doctor of law degree and he and continue to be upheld in this task by needed access to the bar. all elements in Detroit Jewry, Detroiters For German students Branscombe's "Heine" will prove especially have financed important buildings on that valuable because the translations of the many selections from Heine's poems are in prose and thus provide an excellent introduction to Lan- campus. They have been so generous that Bar-Ilan may well be called the offspring of guage study. The evaluation of Heine's Jewish background is interest- Detroit Jewish philanthropic activity. Scores ing but the historic value could have been more complete had there an indication of the manner in which Heine and his works were of Detroit Jews, who have enrolled in ef- been outlawed by the Nazis. forts in behalf of Bar-Ilan University, have truly given birth to a great spiritual-cultural undertaking which has gained support from many other communities and is now one First published in 1907 as "Tales and Maxims From the Midrash," of the recognized priorities in the field of the noteworthy book by Samuel Rapaport has been reissued by Ktav higher learning in Israel. Publishing Co. under the title "A Treasury of the Midrash." 'A Treasury of the Midrash' Recognized by the Regents of the State of New York, Bar-Ilan University has become an acknowledged factor linked to this coun- try in the academic status thus granted it. Bar-Ilan's achievements will be fully ac- counted for at the dinner here on Dec. 4 which is certain once again to be an event that will cement Detroit Jewry's devotions to higher culture with the attainments in Israel. This illuminating work, which commences with an explanatory in- troduction about the Midrash, contains a vast collection of material on a variety of subjects drawn from midrashic works. Not only the tales, and the numerous proverbs that were gathered by the author, but more especially the- definitive part of the book, the instructive way in which a –highly informed author introduces the Midrash in its various asPectS, elevates this creative effort into a valuable source of knowledge. Even the best informed students of the" Talnind and the Midrash, the latter as applied to both Halakha and Aggada, will have much to learn from a work that should be widely we/comed . as an important part of every good Jewish library.