Purely Commentary The 'Misunderstood Generation'—ls Understanding a One-Sided Affair? On the eve of the Nov. 5 election, some very interesting figures were released, reveal- ing data represented in the following charts: How education is reflected at the polls. This "slow, inefficient" system protects people like me against people like you; and (though you don't realize it) protects in- nocents like you against those "reactionary . . . fascist forces" you fear: They, like you, prefer "action to talk." As for "secur- ity"—at what price? The most secure of human institutions is a prison; would you choose to live in one? did not vote Age 21-24 Groups: Percent 25-35 voting in 35-64 1 964 65 UP 51% 65% 74% 66% Those of voting age in the U.S.A. 114 4 MILLION NOV 1964 ••• ,215 MILLION NOV 1968 You rail against "leaders crazed with power," who 'de- ceive the people." Your leaders are self-dramatizers who de- mand that power, which crazes them, and they deceive you in not telling you how they plan your "confrontations" to force the police to use force, whose excesses I hate more than you do. I, unlike you, want no one put "up against the wall." No "cheap politician" more cyn- ically deceived you than fanat- ical militants did — and will. Your support feeds their neu- rotic (because extremist) needs. Washington's " 'Non-Violent' Co- ordinating Committee' has en- gaged in gunfire for three days as I write this. Your irrationality makes me wonder how you were ever ad- mitted into Columbia. You con- fuse rhetoric with reasoning. As- sertions are not facts. Passion 62% • 70.6 MIUJON VOTED WILL VOTE We know now that less than two-thirds of those eligible to vote cast their ballots early this month; that women outnumber men of voting age by 5,000,- WO; that there are more of voting age in the South than in any other region and that there is the lowest percentage of voters in the South; that the fewest of voting age are- in Alaska; that the higher the income the larger the percentage of those vot- ing. And we know that the young voter vastly out- numbers those over the age of 35. Therefore, on the basis of the latter, we must deal with the youth in all seriousness—with even greater concern than we have attended to the youth challenges until now. The youth problem is universal. It has many factors affecting all groups, some with aspects in- volving threats of disruption anent revolution, others less violent. Leo Rosten is among those who have been deal- ing with the issue. In one of his columns, "The World of Leo Rosten," in Look magazine, he ad- dressed himself "To an angry young man" and had this to say in the course of his message: I sadly agree that your college courses have been "outrageously irrelevant to the times"—be- cause your letter reveals that you could not pass a freshman exam in at least three fields in which you pass such sweeping judgments: economics, history, political theory. You say, "Destroy a system that has not abol- ished unemployment., exploitation and war!" By the same reasoning, you should blow up all hos- pitals (and perhaps execute all doctors, biologists and researchers): they have not abolished disease. Before you destroy a system, propose another that will solve (not hide, shift or disguise) unemployment, "exploitation," war. Anyone can promise Utopia—without specifying a program. Tom Hayden, idol of the New Left, has said: "First we'll make the revolution—then we'll find what for." Would you employ a plumber who rips out all the pipes in your house before he learned how to repair a leak? You say, "The mass media are not telling us the truth." Then how and from whom did you learn the "evils" you correctly deplore? After all, your information comes from one or another organ of—the mass media You rage against "a heartless country in which the poor get poorer." Alas, poor Yoricks: The decline in poverty in the US. is among the more astonishing and hopeful facts of human his- tory. (In 1900, about 90 per cent of our popula- tion was poor; in 1920-50 per cent; in 1930-34 percent; in 1968-15 per cent). You will cry that 15 per cent is outrageous. Agreed. The question is: How best abolish it? (A negative income tax makes more sense than anything your colleagues propose.) - "The middle class exploits the unemployed." Please examine that cliche. Would the middle class be worse off or better off if all theunem- ployed magically disappeared? Obviously, much better off: Think of the enormous saving in taxes, the enormous improvement in public services, the enormous benefits from refocused energies now used to ameliorate poverty's abominable toll. You say your generation "wants to be under- stood." Well, so does mine. How much have yoif tried to understand others? You pillory us for in- justices not of our making, frictions not of our choice, dilemmas that history (or our forebears or the sheer intractability of events) presented to us. You say we "failed" because you face so many awful problems. Will you then accept blame for all the problems that exist (and they will) when you are 20 years older? And how do you know that all problems are soluble? Or soluble swiftly? Or soluble peacefully? Or soluble, given the never. infinite resources, brains and experience any gen- eration is endowed with? I say that you are failing us—in failing to learn and respect discomforting facts; in failing to learn how to think (it is easier to complain); in using violence to shut down colleges; in shamefully denying the freedom of others to study and to teach; in barbarously slandering and abusing and shouting down those who disagree with you; in looting, stealing and defiling; in failing to see how much more complicated social - problems are than you blindly assume; in acting out of an ignorance for which idealism is no ex - cuse, and a hysteria for which youth is no de- fense. "Understanding"? You don't even under- stand that when you call me a "mother—" you are projecting your unresolved incestuous wishes onto me. The technical name for such projection, in advanced form, is paranoia. Again and again, you say, "the American people want" or "demand" or "insist." How do you know? Every poll I have seen puts your position in a minority. You just say, "the Ameri- can people demand"—then add whatever you prefer. This is intellectually sloppy at least, and corrupt at worst. You want to "wreck this slow, inefficient democratic system." It took the human race , centuries of thought and pain and suffering and hard experiment to devise it. Democracy is not a "state" but a process; it is a way of solving human problems, a way of bobbling power, a way of protecting every minority from the awful, fatal tyranny of either the few or the many. Whatever its imperfections, democracy is the only system man has discovered that makes possible change without violence. Do you really prefer bloodshed to debate? Quick debates to slow law? This democracy made possible a great revolution in the last 35 years (a profound trans- fer of power, a distribution of wealth, an im- provement of living and health) without "liqui- dating" millions, without suppressing tree speech, without the obscenities of dogmas enforced by terror. is no substitute for knowledge. Slogans are not solutions. Your idealism takes no brains. And when you dismiss our differences with contempt, you become con- temptible. By Philip Slomovitz Jewish students made up one- third of last spring's Columbia protesters. Jewish adults view these sta- tistics with mixed emotions. Since joining the drug scene or the SDS usually goes hand in hand with a formal rejection of inherited belief, many Jewish parents are now worried about the religious consequences of radicalism. In Washington, last week, speakers at the 125th an. niversary convention of final Brith agreed that, while most Jewish youth still share the tra- ditional ethical concerns of their faith, too many have turned their backs on temple and syna- gogue. A Bnai Brith sun ey showed that anti-Semitism is no longer the prime worry of American Jews; instead, Jewish parents are more concerned about retaining the spiritual loyalty of their children. One obvious reason for the frequent appearances of Jewish students in sit-ins and love-ins is purely numerical: more than 80 per cent of eligible Jewish youth are attending college, and they form more than 6 per cent of the total student population. Some synagogue leaders con- tend that historical tradition does much to stimulate student commitment to radical causes. Dr. Harold Weisberg, a philos- ophy professor at Brandeis Uni- versity, thinks that many liberal Jewish parents have raised their children with strong ethical con. sciences while neglecting their own. "The kids find that their parents have betrayed some- thing. They look around and ask: 'Where were you? You let this happen. " Leo Rosten really doesn't mean to be rough: he seems to instruct, and we wonder whet1ler he can succeed. It's like the description given of the wise man who tried These views and figures may be n oio cn a te wi hadttoh ask: fellow to enanimu co nds "Wh o subject to challenge, but they are under any circumstances nearest listens? . .." to truth in the developing Jewish Nevertheless, we are facing student crisis—or revolt, call il facts. Youth is in the majority what you will. and soon will not only predominate The fact is that Jews soon will but, attaining the vote at 18, will RULE! And as soon as people have 90 per cent of their numbers begin to rule they become mel- in universities, and if Rabbi Irving lowed, they reason with them- Greenberg is right in stating that selves about their responsibilities, "by and large college is a disaster and they begin to rationalize. We area for Judaism, Jewish loyally should, very soon, have lesser re- and Jewish identity," then we'd volt and greater sharing in the better think twice about the effi- ciency of pedagogy in Jewish duties of state. schools, the realism of Jewish While approaching this panacea, leadership if "leaders" are not to however, we must reason together be listed in quotation marks. and try to reduce the tensions If we.are to examine conditions that stem from revolutions. realistically,, getting deep into the We must also take into consid- question of ethics and of home eration the position of young Jews, values, the attitude of youth Is when we rationalize in terms of understandable and its defections the Jewish community. can be explained in simple terms. Recently, Time magazine had a If parents do not observe (most piece on "Jews: Prophets—True of them have ceased being three- or False?" which approached the day-a-year Jews; they are now subject of Jews in the current two-day-a-year Jews), why should revolt by stating: their children? The youth problem plagues the On June 4, Columbia's com- entire land. The problem of the mencement day, Keith Karnof- sky, 22, was arrested in a stn- Jewish youth . is linked with the student revolt. We suffer from a dent protest near the campus. A New Leftism which has suddenly month earlier he had been become the cement that binds antis charged with criminal trespass Israel Arabs with anti-Jewish when New York City police cleared Columbia's buildings of Communists, turning the enmity student rebels. Today he is into a new type of anti-Semitism. studying to be a rabbi at Man. Suddenly the liberal has become a hattan's Hebrew Union College, hater of Jews who are - charged and he sees no disparity between with being imperialists, and we his radicalism and his faith. As liave not only a problem of secur- Keith puts it: "Activism is a ing an adjustment of the Jewish Jewish thing." college student, but "the revolt" becomes linked with bigotry. Not all young rabbis are cam- pus radicals, and few members When Leo Rosten addressed of Students for a Democratic So- himself "To an angry young man," ciety have much use for orga- nized religion. Nonetheless, many of the nation's most vocal young protesters are of Jewish origin. A survey conducted by the American Jewish Committee San Francisco last year found that 30 per cent of Haight-Agh- bury's hippies were Jewish. The Billet Foundations, campus arm of Bnai Brith, concluded that 2—Friday, November 22, 1968 he also spoke to the deluded par- ents, to the community with a lack of understanding, to the eld- ers who find it difficult to find ti solution to a grave problem. Arid the gravity of a general youth problem becomes vastly more serious for the Jewish community dealing with its youth that AIM become suddenly uprooted from Jewish traditions. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS