'From Plymouth to Appomattox'— Ea rly Jewish Settlers Jewish Artist the cessation of hostilities be- are part of the great drama de- Depicts 'Rape of America's past and the glorious tween North and South is defined scribed in this history. of this nation from 1776 to 'Lonesome Cities': history America as a place of refuge Czechoslovakia' as follows: "Now that the fight- 1861 is told for young readers in a ing was over, it seemed that for the oppressed is adequately de- fashion exciting interest and devo- Czechoslovakia's tragedy has R. McKuen Poems tion. In "The Landmark History of humanity had suddenly returned. scribed, and Boorstin tells the fol- been THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8—Friday, November 15, 1968 Rod McKuen, novelist, lecturer, night club entertainer, movie star, stunt man, laborer, disc jockey— and lots more!—is a best-selling poet. This popular man is the author of a new collection of poems, "Lonesome Cities," published by Random House. His themes in this interesting set of poems include dedications to Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, Cheyenne and San Francisco, and numerous others which admit to the glory of a man of many talents. , SMUNIIMMMUMEME VERY TRULY recorded in many articles, Lee heard Grant's terms of sur- lowing in relation to the settlement the American People—From Ply- and the Soviet assault upon that render. Grant was more gener- of the first Jews in this country: mouth to Appomattox," published country's freedoms is receiving "From Brazil came Jews. They ous than he needed to be. He by Random House, Daniel J. Boor- were descendants of those who the rebukes of freedom-loving peo- allowed Southern officers to keep stin provides a record that will had been expelled from Spain ple everywhere. A most impressive inspire even those who have heard their swords — the symbols of and Portugal by Ferdinand and indictment of the Soviet aggression their honor—and he allowed offi- the story time and time again. Isabella in 1492, and they had is contained in a booklet of car- cers and men to keep their Boorstin's work is noteworthy for first sought asylum in the Nether. toons by the Jewish artist, Anthony horses, so they could go home its clarity and completeness, its lands before coming to South Swerling, published in Cambridge, emphasis on the democratic way and plant their crops. Lee was America. But they needed a new England. touched. 'This,' he said, 'will of American- life, his delineation American haven when the Per• of events, of the great American have a very happy effect upon Under the title "The Rape of leaders who fathered this nation, my army.' A renewed nation, tuguese, who took over Brazil Czechoslovakia," this 64-page bro- and especially the historic events fused in the fires of war, would in 1654, threatened them with the chure by the 23-year-old author, in of the Civil War out of which he now seek its destiny in peace." tortures of another Inquisition. text and pictures, describes "Two describes the emergence of a re- This country's transformation The stern and narrow-minded Weeks of Cohabitation With Her unified nation. into a vast industrial area, the Dutch Governor Peter Stnyvesant (Czechoslovakia's) Soviet Allies." His history, as indicated, ends conquest of undeveloped areas, the hesitated to receive them. But It covers the August September with the Appomattox Battle, and emergence of a democratic ideal the directors of the Dutch West 1968 events, exposes the lies about India Company reminded him counter-revolutionary aid to the that the Jews actually held Czechs from foreign sources, as shares in the company. The Jews was charged by the Russians; must be welcomed, provided shows how the raped country is they looked after their own poor. "wedged to Russia"; indicates the Then began the privately sup- role of Czechs who were in London Isaac Bashevis Singer is the Many interesting episodes mark ported Jewish charities which and refused to return to their mystic. He is the master story the text of the new narratives. have flourished ever since in homes that had been invaded by teller who is able to fuse the old There is one about the women who New York." the Russians. with the new, _the experiences in entertain the hope of marriage af- In many other ways, describing the Old World with those in this ter death because they could not the role of other elements dealing The position of Red China which country where he now has the ac- get spouses in their lifetime. There with historic data in a fashion that protested the USSR action, the ceptance as one of the masters in is a bird in a murder story—a will excite the imagination and the "negotiations" between Czechs and the narrative field. mistress killed for her unkindness interest of young readers, Boorstin Russians and other elements in the In "The Seance," his newest to the bird the man became at- has developed splendidly the theme two-week struggle are graphically collection of 16 short stories, pub- tached to. The Moneylender again emphasizing landmarks in dealing depicted in this impressive collec- lished by Farrar, Straus and Gi- plays a role. Rituals abound. And with early American history. tion of cartoons. roux, he introduces his readers as an author Singer is able to ex- pose the plagiarist in a story un- der that title. Twelve translators who trans- formed this collection from Yid- dish into English are credited with their labors in an author's note in 411111111Lhos better idea which Singer points out that he himself often was a co-translator Because they have of stories. "The Seance" is certain to rank among Singer's best collections of short stories. It follows an es- tablished style that has gained wide acclaim, and the stories' texts adhere to traditional emphasis which retain a deep interest in a 14240 W. 7 Mile Road at the -Lodge X Way folk brilliantly portrayed as they DI 1-3800 appear from Singer's pen. - Singer's 'The Seance' Enriches Eminent Author's Fiction Works IRV KATZ at McDonald Ford - ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER again to the characters who hail from the ghettos and who are either seeking or have found inte- gration in New York. A most remarkable selection of SPORT COATS SUITS TOPCOATS The Dybbuk again is a source of activity as it affects some of his characters. The Jewish holiday spirit is in some of the tales. In all of them there still is the resi- due of the accumulated inspira- tional material evolving out of a people's agonies as well as joys. $69.50 $89.50 $110 All Models—Ivy Continental—Two Buttons By CESS I N I Tino Morelli and Gardella We are one of the very few stores that sell the finest in men's wear, at less than the nationally advertised prices. And we are not part of a chain— HARRY THOMAS Fine Clothes For Over 30 Years 15200 W. Seven Mile Rd. Doily to 6:00 P.M., Monday and Thursday Noon to 9:00 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY 11 a.m. 10 4 p.m. •Nimaxiciarims - In the title story, "The Se- ance," the author resorts to the Ouija board, to a widow's search for contact with her dead hus- band. She befriends an authoi- professor who had left his fam- ily and who in turn seeks con- tact through the Ouija board with a girl be was in love with. The widow plays a trick, has some one impersonate the girl, later takes the impoverished and rejected professor into her home. The longest story is the final one, "The Letter Writer," in which the problem of the aged is treated with the skill that has been shown so ably by Singer. There is deep emotion in the Singer narratives. In "The Letter Writer" we have the fears, the agonies of an --aging man who seeks an encouraging word, and receiving it acquires the comfort that is embodied in a narrative that emerges as a human docu- ment. When Singer transfers his in- terests to Central Park, to the Jews who have migrated from the shtetel to the American metropo- lis, he is as effective as when he deals with the Polish. and Lithuan- ian Jews. But those who are in his American stories still are the Jews of the Old World with whom he is so lvell acquainted. ) wit&-gtan_uniovizat k &Inwood- Wednesday, December 4 — Cobo Hall Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: DR. MAX JAMMER TEAM AT PHYSICS LABORATORY at BAR - (from left) Prof. Arthur J. Greenfield of Detroit, Prof. Nathan Wiser ILAN: of Detroit and Prof. Marshall Luban. Join the Participants in the Annual Ear-Ilan Dinner and Help Advance the Great University in Israel For Reservations Call DI 1-0708