Detroiters to Have Major Roles in CJFWF General Assembly in Atlanta, Nov. 13-17 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 8, 1968-5 Be not simply good; be good for something.—H. D. Thoreau. r I'm looking for more clients., 'Need A large delegation of Detroiters institute which will review what immigrants. The other will be pro- SAMPLE GOWN SALE will participate in the sessions of Fox called "the impact of the posals to meet the needs of Ameri- $29 SHORT GOWNS Advertising? $59 LONG GOWNS the 37th general assembly of the changing needs of Jewish college ca's decaying cities. $99 BEARDED GOWNS Council of Jewish Federations and youth on Jewish community serv- The problems of Israel and of For After 5, Holidays Ahead Welfare Funds, in Atlanta, Nov. ice programs." The institute will disenfranchised Jews seeking to Choose from Sizes 3 to 44 13-17. be held during the first day's gen- emigrate from Europe and North SHAN DELS Members of the Detroit delega- eral sessions on Nov. 14. Africa to Israel and other free 154 S. Woodward near Maple tion include: Mr. and Mrs. William Fox said that "for too long, we countries of the world, will be MI2-4150 Birmingham Avrunin, Mr. and Mrs. Mandell L. in the Jewish Federations and Wel- the concern of three major ses Berman, Mr. and Mrs. Max Fish- fare Funds have almost closed our sions of the assembly. er, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Green- eyes to the particular needs of our A number of foreign guests will berg, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Gross- college youth, forgetting that the be among the participants, along man, Dr. and Mrs. I. Jerome future of the Jewish community in with American Jewish leaders, Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph America will be shaped by the 80 assessing the overseas problems of Jackier, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. per cent of our Jewish youth of world Jewry. Two of them will Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Julien Priver, college age who are now in univer- address the first overseas session, On The Beautiful New Norman H. Rosenfeld, Mr. and sities throughout the country." The "The Outlook for Israel and for MARK Ill - CONTINENTAL - MARQUIS Mrs. Hyman Safran, Dr. and Mrs. major presentation, "A Portrait World Jewish Responsibility," on Peter G. Shifrin, Mr. and Mrs. of American Jewish College Thursday evening. They are Gen- MERCURY - COUGAR Philip Slomovitz, Mr. and Mrs. Youth," will be made by Dr. Leon eral Rabin and Claude Kelman of Or a Fine Selection of Used Cars Robert A. Steinberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jick, director of the Philip France, chairman of the European Max Stollman, Phillip Stollman, Lown Graduate Center for Con- Council of Jewish Community Ser- Come See Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stutz, Mr. temporary Jewish Studies at Bran- vices, the European organization and Mrs. George M. Zeltzer and deis University. most comparable to the CJFWF. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Weiner. A session of the young leader- At the second overseas session, Attending from the staff of the ship group of the General Assem• Nov. 15, Samuel Haber, executive Detroit Jewish Welfare Federation bly also will begin on Nov. 14. vice chairman of the American Arnold I. Feuerman, President will be Mrs. Celia W. Baruch, di- Participants will include 75 young Jewish Joint Distribution Commit- rector of the Women's Division; men and women, between the ages tee, will be principal speaker. He GRATIOT AT 12 MILE ROAD Sam Cohen and Sol Drachler, of 25 and 40, who won young lead- will be assisted by a panel of seven PR 8-9500 or DR 1-0180 assistant directors: and Alan D. ership awards in their commu- outstanding overseas authorities: Kandel, director of social planning. nities. Three papers will be pre- Max A. Braude, of Geneva, direc- sented and discussed on how young tor general of the World ORT Fed- With emphasis on problems in- volving the Jewish college youth, Jews have been integrated into the eration; Theodore Comet, New Israel's needs, urban and other organized Jewish communal struc- York, consultant on overseas ser- crises, the CJFWF assembly will tures in their hometown federa- vices of the CJFWF; Rabbi Her- draw delegations from 222 wel- tions and welfare funds, by Don- bert A. Friedman, New York, exec- ald Kleiman of Indianapolis, Irwin utive vice chairman of the United fare funds, federations and com- munity councils. Sessions will be S. Feld of Los Angeles (former De- Jewish Appeal; S. P. Goldberg, troiter) and Robert Stern and New York, executive director, addressed by Israel's ambassa- Curtis Pontz of Philadelphia. Dis- United Hias Service; Kelman and dor to the U. S. Itzhak Rabin and prominent American Jewish cussants will be Mendel Romm, Jr. Joseph Nahmias, vice president and Elliott H. Levitas of Atlanta, of the Fonds Social Juif Unifie leaders. Safran, president of the Jewish and Allan Turner of Chicago. of France. Lewis H. Weinstein, Welfare Federation of Detroit, Henry J. Goodman of Cleveland is Boston, former president of the to has been nominated as vice chairman of the CJFWF national CJFWF, will preside. president of the Council. Max M. committee on leadership develop- OFF ON FAMOUS BRAND NAME MEN'S WEAR Fisher, chairman of the executive ment. All religion has relation to life, Fox said that one of the prob- committee of Federation, has been and the life of religion is to do HURRY . . . SUPPLY IS LIMITED ! nominated to serve on the board lems of all communal organiza- good.—Lyman Abbott. of directors of the Council, and tions had been how to integrate *Last Day—Sunday, November 10 Judge Theodore Levin, an exec- and activate young leaders into utive committee member, has been community service. Tuxedo Rentals—Complete Accessories for All Occasions He reported there would be two renominated to the Council board. Vemco ELECTRONIC Mandell L. Berman, chairman other major concerns before the assembly. One will be to convey to GARAGE DOOR of the Federation's education divi- MEL SEFFINGER sion, as chairman of the Council's American and Canadian Jews the OPENER standing committee on Jewish edu- extraordinary character and im- cation, serves on the Council board. plications of the current crisis in Safran is chairman of a session Israel which has resulted in the APPAREL FOR GENTLEMEN & YOUNG MEN for federations concerning the re- freezing and cutting back of Is- sponsibilities of leadership. Wil- rael's share of support for Ameri- 25246 Greenfield North of 10 Mile Rd. can-assisted social services, health, liam Avrunin, executive vice presi. 542-8636 Greenfield Center dent of Federation, will serve as rehabilitation and hospital pro- Call Evenings Until 9 OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M., SUNDAY 10 to 2 a resource consultant at the grams, immigrant housing, child care and other programs vital to 353-3284 session. Fisher, the newly elected presi- the welfare of 250,000 unabsorbed dent of New Detroit, will address the assembly on urban affairs dur- Lewis S. Grossman, Federation executive committee member, will make a presentation at an institute ing the major dinner meeting Sat- urday evening. on "Urban Crisis and the Jewish Community." Mrs. I. Jerome Hauser, imme- diate past president of the Detroit Women's Division, will be a speak- er at the institute on year-round services and education in women's divisions, in which Mrs. Joseph H. Jackier, 1968-69 president, will participate. Joseph H. Jackier, chairman of the attorneys group of the United Jewish Charities endowment com- mittee, will speak on the use of endowment funds at a session on 775x15 Life-Time Guarantee Plus 3.76 Federal Excise •Tax—Discontinued Tread the subject. Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld, win- ner of the Sylvia Simon Greenberg Young Leadership Award, will be honored along with the outstanding Here's a practical way to solve your snow tire problem in "ONE CON- young leaders from all parts of the country. VENIENT PACKAGE" — a new snow tire on a new wheel and always Berman, Samuel Greenberg, ready to go! ALSO, if it isn't convenient for you to come downtown Grossman, Dr. Shifrin, Stutz and for this BARGAIN, CALL us at 321-1234 and we will DELIVER AT NO Zeltzer will participate in the Large City Budgeting Conference CHARGE! This marvelous "6-in-I" offer. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE The Up City Reps: which will take place Wednesday DDD SPECIAL NOW! Jerry Stutz, U. of M., Ann Arbor and Thursday. Sidney Stutz, Oakland U., Rochester Responses to the problems of Jewish youth in the United States Benji Stutz, Roper Bloomfield will be one of the major topics Detroit—Phone 321-1234 on the agenda of the assembly, according to Louis J. Fox of 3140 Grand River Baltimore, CJFWF president. (Next to Carl's Chop House) WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS AL STUTZ, YOUR FRIENDLY PROPRIETOR "Jewish College Youth — 1968" will be the theme of a two-session - FOR THE BEST DEAL . . . AND THE FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE ARNOLD LINCOLN-MERCURY CO. *LAST DAYS OF SALE! 25% 50% MR_ 1SOMERTS TELEPHONE 321-1234 FOR THIS UNION TIRE "DOWNTOWN DELIVERY DAILY" "6-in-1" OFFER GET 2 Br ! AE; SNOW TIRES...PLUS 2 B:tr WHEELS...PLUS 2 VALVES... .ALL FOR ONE LOW PRICE FREE DELIVERY CITY WIDE - ALL 6 FOR 39.88 NO TRADE IN REQUIRED NEVER, NEVER UNDERSOLD UNION TIRE CO.