Little Optimism About M. E. Peace Prospects (Continued from Page 1) incidents were reported. An explosion in Hebron Monday injured three children and three adults. But first reports that a 14-year-old Arab boy had been killed proved to be false. The ex- plosion occurred near the Cave of Mahpela—the Patriarchs' Tomb— the scene of controversy between Moslem and Jewish worshippers. A number of persons have been ar- rested. Two of the injured were Jews who were able to drive their car to Hadassah hospital in Jeru- salem for medical treatment. An Arab, over 60, was seriously hurt. The tomb—reputed to be Abra- ham's burial site—which lies with- in the Ibrahimi Mosque compound, was the target of a terrorist's gre- ade Oct. 9 that injured 42 wor- shippers and sightseers. A 3-year-old Arab child died Tuesday of injuries received in the explosion in Hebron which injured two other children and three adults, one of the latter seriously. First reports that a 14-year-old Arab boy was killed while elleged- ly carrying a bag of explosives proved false. Security officials be- lieve that the explosives were placed on the scene by a group of children as no adults were in the vicinity at the time. A 27-year-old Arab student from Nablus was sentenced to seven years in prison by a mili- tary tribunal Monday. He was found guilty on several counts, including printing anti-Israel pamphlets and for inciting stu- dents to strikes and violence. The Israeli coihmando unit that struck deep into Egypt on Oct. 31 in .a night raid more than 100 miles west of the Red Sea shores wreck- ed two bridges at the Nile River, blasting a huge transformer sta- tion. All of the commandos re- turned safely to their bases. The raid, the first of its kind by the Israelis in the 23 years of hos- tilities between Israel and Egypt, came after a long series of Egyp- tian violations of the Suez Canal cease-fire line, culminating in a surprise artillery barrage on Oct. 26 all along the canal which cost the lives of 20 Israeli soldiers. The bridges hit by the raiders were the Qena bridge, a new bridge over the Nile opened to traffic last year, and the Naja Hammdi bridge, a 40-year-old structure built to serve as a Nile river regulator. Major damage re- portedly was done to the electric station which has nine units. All were blown up or wrecked in a raging fire that followed the blast. The station provided electricity for the entire area and was an important relay to Cairo. It was reported that large areas of Egypt were blacked out by the Israeli action. The Qena bridge center was damaged, leaving the bridge im- passable pending repairs. The other bridge also was made use- less. There is little optimism here about the prospects for peace talks with the Arabs. Escalation of hos- tilities at the Suez Canal and a new tough tone taken by Egyptian diplomats in private talks with Western statesmen contribute to this mood. The Egyptians said that new and more violent attacks than the Oct. 26 artillery barrage at the canal would take place—a view echoed by the authoritative Cairo newspaper Al Abram which warn- ed that Egypt could retaliate for Israel's Thursday commando strike into Egypt. There is little expectation that Egypt will reply in the affirmative to Israel's ques- tion through Dr. Jarring about whether it was willing to start talks aimed at a peace treaty. Cairo's new tough line was report- edly mentioned in an exchange of letters last week between Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and Presi- dent Johnson. Adding to tensions were reports from the U.S. Sixth Fleet that the Soviet Navy had moved dredges and machinery into Egyptian ports and speculation that the Kremlin would try to force a reopening of Minister Alba Eban to continue Reports here indicated that the craft carrier Moskva left the the canal, closed since.the Six-Day his talks with the United Nations State Department wanted to block Mediterranean Monday for the War. Russia is said to be uncer- peace emissary, Dr. Gunnar the transaction or delay it until Black Sea, accompanied by three tain about possible - United States Jarring. The decision also con- after the election in the hope of escorts. Eighteen Soviet naval reaction, diplomatic sources said. firmed Eban's speech at the persuading the next President to vessels have entered the Mediter- (Pessimism prevailed a mong General Assembly last month in avoid a final conclusion of the sale. ranean during the past 29 days.) Western circles at the UN. One which he outlined a nine-point Israeli Jets Drive Off —Protests from Lebanon source said that Egyptian Foreign peace approach. Protests from Lebanon Egyptian MIGs Over Sinai Minister Mahmoud Riad told a Cabinet approval was given over TEL AVIV (JTA)—Israeli jets Lodged in United Nations Western diplomat that the "Jarring the opposition of the two Gahal UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) battled and drove off two Egyptian mission is dead but not yet (Herut-Liberal Alignment) minis- MIG 21 jets Sunday in a brief clash —Lebanon lodged two complaints buried." Queried about this state- ters, Menahem Beigin and Joseph in the skies north of Kantara on this week with the United Nations ment an Israeli diplomat said, Saphir, who contended that Eban Security Council alleging shellings "We have not given up hope. We had exceeded his mandate in tell- the Suez Canal. According to military spokesman, the Egyptian by Israeli forces of positions inside have not said it is dead. But there ing the General Assembly Israel the Lebanese borders. In a letter aircraft attempted to violate is not much hope. There was some would be willing to discuss some Israel-held air space over Sinai. to the Security Council President, slight hope last week, but there is substantive measures with the One Egyptian aircraft was report- Lebanon's representative, Ambas- less now following Egypt's harden- Arabs through Dr. Jarring without ed emitting clouds of black smoke sador Edouard Ghorra, charged ed attitude.") insisting on direct talks from the as it broke off and fled. The battle that Israeli forces fired 150 mortar Curfews imposed on Tulkarem, start. was the second clash between Is- shells at two border positions near where Arab businessmen went on King Hussein's loyal Bedouin raeli and Egyptian jets over Sinai the villages of Honine and Al- strike Sunday, and on Bethlehem, Army put down Syrian-backed in little more than a week. Malikyah on Oct. 28. where students attempted an anti- Arab commandos angered by his A report from Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan Israel demonstration, were lifted "soft stand" on Israel Monday and Chief of Staff Gen. Chaim Bar- chief of the United Nations Truce as Defense Minister Moshe Dayan in some four hours of fighting in Supervision Organization (UNTSO) Lev visited Eilat, Israel's southern- reported to the cabinet on rising Amman, the capital. The Jor- most town and deep-sea port which in the Middle East, confirmed a unrest in West Bank towns and vil- danian Interior Minister went on was hit by a rocket attack Satur- Lebanese complaint that the vil- lages. the state radio to denounce com- day night. Three civilians were lage of Almajydiah was shelled Nablus was the only sizeable mandos who fired on govern- slightly injured by the rockets from Israeli territory during the West Bank town where a round- ment forces as "criminals, which were fired by Katyusha 130 night of Oct. 26-27. The report said the-clock curfew remained in ef- traitors and bought individuals." mm. rocket launchers, a Czecho- that an on-the-scene investigation fect. Other West Bank towns — He suggested that the guerrillas slovakian made weapon used in- by UN observers and the testimony Ramallah, El Byrah, Beit Jala, concentrate their energies creasingly in recent weeks by Arab of witnesses showed that about 120 Hebron and Jericho — were not against Israelis occupying the terrorists. The attack was the first mortar shells were fired in about placed under curfew and were West Bank. 40 salvos. time Eilat has come under fire. quiet after a series of anti- According to Beirut radio, the Israeli's A in b a s s a d o r Josef A border policeman was serious- Israel demonstrations and business Jordanian government served no- Tekoah accused the Syrian, govern- ly injured and two others suffered shut-downs during the past week. tice it will not let its policies be ment of following a policy of The curfew in Bethlehem, a large- dictated by terrorists, who com- slight injuries when their vehicle "totalitarian ideologies, torture of ly Christian-Arab town, was the pletely oppose a peace agreement hit a mine near El Hamma on the Israeli prisoners, oppression of Yarmuk River Saturday night. On first since the June 1967 war and between Israel and Jordan and Syrian Jews and other Syrian min- was imposed after a group of want the Jewish State extermi- Friday, two Israeli soldiers were orities." wounded fatally and two others about 50 schoolgirls staged a nated. An acrimonious exchange de- suffered slight wounds in a Jor- demonstration. It was lifted, as The semi-official Cairo news- veloped in the special political was the Tulkarem curfew, after paper Al Abram reported that the danian artillery attack on Hama- committee of the General As- the Mayors and town councillors Egyptian War Ministry had begun diyeh village in the Beisan area. sembly between the Israeli rep- Israeli authorities expelled 10 resentative, Moshe Erell, and tho pledged to prevent further unrest. to distribute weapons to the newly Shops in Ramallah were open, created Peoples' Defense Force. more West Bank Arabs accused representative of sey- --...; Arab among them a pharmacy owned by The militia was established by de- of inciting and abetting civil un- and Africa ,* who insisted Mayor Nadim Zaro who was de- cree of President Nasser 24 hours rest, among them several known on .1.tting South Africa's policy tained last week for inciting anti- after Israel's commando raid last Communists. of apartheid with "Zionist crimes Israel demonstrations. He was re- week deep into Egyptian territory A civilian car and a military ve- in Palestine." At one point in the leased after promising to prevent which resulted in damage to two hicle were attacked by bazooka exchange, the Saudi Arabian new demonstrations and strikes. fire Monday night on the Sam- delegate, Omar Azouni, accused bridges and a power station. Deputy Prime Minister Yigal A petition charging Israel with makh-El Hamma road in the south- Erell of "gall and hutzpa." told the Knesset that the United "Nazi-like and barbaric acts" on ern Golan Heights which runs The item on the agenda was States had made it clear to the the West Bank was signed by 300 parallel with the Jordanian border, apartheid. The acting chairman of Soviet Union that "Israel would persons in Nablus and sent to a military spokesman reported. the committee, Lannung, of Den- not be alone" in the event of Soviet United Nations Secretary General There were no casualties in either mark, repeatedly asked the speak- military intervention in any major U Thant. A copy of the petition vehicle. ers to keep to the matter under clash between Israel and the Arab was brought to the Nablus military Military police arrested Mayor discussion. Erell too said he hoped states. The Deputy Premier said governor by a 10-member delega- Nadim Zaro of Ramallah on that the delegates would refrain that the United States position had tion headed by Mayor Ha mdi suspicion of inciting anti-Israel from "senseless insults and propa- been conveyed to the Soviet Union Kanaan. The petition said that the demonstrations and violence in ganda." But representatives of during the Six-Day War via the West Bank Arab residents had no that West Bank town. Libya, Pakistan, Yem a n and "hot line." He called this "one of means of expressing disapproval Students at a girls' high school Mauretania, in addition to the the most important decisions ever of the Israeli occupation except by in Gaza returned to their classes Saudia Arabian, continued to casti- taken by an American President. strikes and demonstrations. peacefully as the presence of Is- gate "the transplanted Zionist Gen. Allon's statement about the raeli troops stymied their attempt Jews in Palestine" who "brought United States produced an evasive State Dept. Explains to organize anti-Israel demonstra- unt old misery" and allegedly response in Washington where Jordanian Demonstrations tions. "fragmented a thriving nation." WASHINGTON (JTA)—State De- State Department spokesman Rob- A prominent West Bank Arab The Jordanian shelling of Is- ert J. McCloskey said merely that partment sources offered extenua- who was formerly a member of rael's Red Sea port of Eilat United States policy was one of tions for violent anti-Israel, anti- the Jordanian parliament pleaded Saturday which' wounded three respect for the territorial integrity American demonstrations in front not guilty before a military court persons drew a warning in a of all states in the Middle East, of the United States Embassy in to charges of espionage and con- letter submitted to the Security that this policy had been made Amman, Jordan, in which 12 win- tacts with the enemy. Moustafa Council by Tekoah. clear by Presidents Kennedy and dows were smashed and an Amer- Ahmed Abou Becker, of Jenin, has The Israeli envoy, notifying the Johnson and that be had nothing to ican+ flag was torn down and rip- been brought to trial for allegedly Council's November president Otto ped to shreds. add to it now. handing over and planning to hand R. Borch of Denmark, of the inci- The sources said it was neces- over information of military and Yosef Tekoah, Israel's ambas- dent, listed 36 attacks or sabotage sador at the United Nations, sary to understand Arab passions security nature to the Iraqi Em- actions allegedly carried out from charged in a letter to the Security and that the attack had to be view- bassy in Amman. According to the Jordan since Oct. 23. Council that Egypt knew in ad- ed againt the background of Arab- prosecution. Becker was also ac- The Security Council was cau- vance that its "premeditated" ar- Israeli tensions. They said U.S. cussed of collecting information on tioned Monday that the unanim- tillery barrage would prejudice arms shipments to Jordan would Israeli mobilization procedures. ity achieved by its Nov. 22, 1967 Middle East peace efforts. He continue. The demonstrations, and Three Arab saboteurs were kill- resolution on the Middle East added Egypt had "gravely esca- similar ones in Lebanon, Syria and ed and three Israeli soldiers were might turn out to be the "maxi- lated" the military deadlock by other Arab states occurred on the wounded, one seriously, in a brief mum unanimity" achievable in use of ground-to-groUnd rockets. 51st anniversary of the Balfour but fierce gun battle on the slopes the Middle East conflict and Some sources said that the Soviet- Declaration, the document issued of Mount Hermon in the northern might not exist forever. The made Luna missiles could not have in 1917 by the then British Foreign Golan Heights this week. speaker, Joao Augusto de Araujo been used in the Oct. 26 barrage Secretary Lord Arthur Balfour, Dayan said on Monday that Castro, of Brazil, addressed the promising the creation of a Jewish without Soviet approval. any attempt to push Israel back 15-nation body as it resumed de- The Times of London reported National Home in Palestine. Re- from the East Bank of the Suez bate on complaints lodged by from Cairo that the Nasser regime ports from Amman said that Am- Canal would mean war. Egypt and Israel over violations refuses to consider that artillery man police were forced to dis- Asked at a press conference of the cease-fire along the Suez barrage to be a cease-fire viola- charge tear gas grenades and to whether the presence of Soviet Canal. tion on ground that the presence fire over the heads of the rioters. naval equipment including dredges Castro followed Mohamed Awad of Israeli forces on the Suez Canal There was an unconfirmed report in Egyptian ports may indicate el-Kony of Egypt, who charged Is- east bank was counter to the Se- of one death. that an attempt will be made by rael with trying to destroy his curity Council Nov. 1967 resolution. Israeli's Ambassador Yitzhak Russia to clear the Suez Canal, country's "vital economic struc- The Times said this view was Rabin met with Assistant Secre- closed since the Six-Day Har, Day- ture" by attacks far removed from Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, tary of State for Near Eastern an said the only way that Russia conveyed to the cease-fire line; and Armand chief of the UN Truce Supervision Affairs Parker T. Hart in what could move Israeli troops from the Berard, of France, who said such Organization, by Salah Gohar, was described as "the beginning of canal would be through war and incidents were almost inevitable Egyptian Foreign Ministry under- a series of meetings on various he did not believe Moscow wanted when there was no solution in sub- secretary. Gohar reportedly con- levels" to discuss the possible sale to risk a war. Asked for his evalu- stance and added that "the occu- tended that the Egyptians hold of Phantom jet fighter-bombers to ation of the growing Soviet in the that the Council resolution calls for Israel. U.S. sources said that con- Mediterranean, Dayan said this pation must end." Berard ac- knowledged that responsibility for siderable time would' be required was a matter for NATO. unconditional Israeli withdrawal. cease-fire violations "were some- After a day-long discussion, the before the negotiations reach a (The Soviet missile-armed air- times shared" by both sides. Israel Cabinet confirmed a for- stage requiring a report by the mula which will enable. Foreign Secretary of State to the President. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Novembar 8, 1968-37