Danny Raskin's LISTENING 0 S T AN OVERHEARD CONVERSA- TION is reported by Max Rollins between his 7-year-old daugh- ter Ruth, and the child of a neigh- bor . . . "What church do you go to?" asked the other youngster . . . "I don't go to church," said Max's daughter. I go to a syna- gogue. I'm a Jewess." ... "A Jew- ess?" questioned her companion. "What's that?" . . . "Well," said the 7-year-old patiently, "you know, there are Protestants, Cath- olics and Jews, but they're just different ways of voting for God!" MILT AND JANE GOLDBERG began- 1968 with gearing them selves for three consecutive years of bar mitzvas . . . and another one after a four-year break . . . August 1968 was for son Bradley . August 1969 will be Marshall . and July 1970 is Craig's turn ... Then Milt and Jane have a breath- er until June 1974, when David takes the limelight . . . All dates for religious services have been set at Cong. Bnai Moshe .. . DEFINITION OF A psychologist as given by Arnold Blau . . . "If there are 20 men sitting in a room and a beautiful women enters, the one who is watching the other men is a psychologist" LOUISE ZAGERMAN tells about her 4- year - old granddaughter, Debbie Bernath, who kept biting her nails as the baby sitter said, "Debbie, children who bite their nails show a sign of insecurity and Debbie, are you insecure?" . . . "No," replied little Debbie, I'm not insecure, I'm Jewish!" SAM COBLE, elevator gent in a downtown Detroit office building grew weary of repeated requests for the time .. . so he put up a shelf in the corner of his elevator and placed a clock on it . . . Now people ask, "Is your clock right?" MAYOR JOE FORBES of Oak Park tells of the traffic cop stop- ping a woman driver, recently, go- ing 65 miles an hour down Coolidge . He asked what speedway she thought she was on . . . and the lady answered, "My brakes don't work and I'm in a hurry to get home before I have an accident!" FOR SIX YEARS, veterinarian Dr. Henry Raskin has been pound- ing nails and finally moved into the country home that was built by family, friends and himself . . But the pay-off came when he built a barn for a horse ... Wife Evelyn Brackett R a ski n, immediately claimed it for a studio after seeing hubby Henry's labors . . . Artist Evelyn recently held her 12th one- man show that ran for two weeks. IDS FINANCIAL WIZARD David Femtom tells this story . . . about the clever youngster who has fig- ured out that as long as no one saw him it didn't matter if he took things that weren't his own or play- ed on forbidden ground . . . Whip- pings and scoldings were of no avail . . The young offender would counter, "But nobody saw me!" : . One day his mother said, "God sees you. God sees everything you do." , , The kid's face flushed with indignation . . . "Is that all He's got to do?" . . . he demanded with scorn. "Lay on His stomach all day and watch me?" Post-Halloween `Mitzva' A commendable sense of humor, added to power of observation and ability to analyze characteristics of noted Americans, make "Talk About America" by Alistair Cooke (Knopf) a noteworthy commentary on our way of life and on the peo- ple who helped mould it. Whether he writes about ,LBJ (President Johnson) or z HLM (Mencken), Cooke, a correspon- dent and broadcaster of note, has entertaining, thought - provoking, current-historically motivated ob- servations. Because it covers the events of a generation, the drama of life and the men who partici- pated in it, this volume is like a satirical history of our time. For Soviets Give Evidence for War Crimes Trials BONN (JTA)— West Germany's chief war crimes prosecutor said Sunday that Soviet authorities are cooperating fully in providing evi- dence against Germans who par- ticipated in the mass murder of Jews in Russia during World War II. But the prosecutor, Adalbert Rueckerl, who just returned from Moscow where he examined some of the evidence, warned that the central prosecution office at Lud- wigsburg would be unable to pur- sue the many new cases brought to light if the statute of limitations on war crimes prosecution goes into effect at the end of 1969 as scheduled. Rueckerl and Rudolph Schlier, minister of justice of the state of Wurtemburg-Baden, reported to the press on their visit to Moscow and the photographic and documentary evidence submitted by the Rus- sians. Schlier said he was categorically opposed to the statute of limitations which would bar further prosecu- tion of Nazi war criminals sus- pected of murder. Rueckerl said his office would be unable to complete examina- tion of its files or investigate many new cases before the sta- tute goes into effect. He said the Ludwigsburg office is currently investigating 15,000 suspected Nazi war criminals. Rueckerl said that in Moscow he was shown photographs of German police units responsible for killing Jews. The back of each photograph was marked with the time, date and place and the names of the accused. The pictures were taken by amateur photographers, he said, and the Russians possess 100 albums and documents that detail raids and the round-up of Jews in Soviet villages. Rueckerl and Dietrich Zeug, who heads the Ludwigsburg archives, said they had no doubt that the photos and documents were gen- uine. They said the Russians were prepared to hand over the originals if German courts refused to accept the copies. The Russians also offer- ed to hand over 50,000 volumes of testimony by witnesses. A West German delegation will return to Russia and will visit the Baltic states to examine further evidence. JDC to Meet Dec: 11 NEW YORK—The 54th annual meeting of the Joint Distribution Committee will be held Dec. 11, at the New York Hilton Hotel, it was announced by Louis Broido, JDC chairman. More than 500 Jewish community leaders from all parts of the United States and Canada are ex- pected to attend, Broido said, to review JDC's 1968 program which provided assistance to over 375,000 needy Jews in over 25 countries in Europe. North Africa and the Middle Ea.:t. including Israel. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Landau, 24231 Gardner, Oak Park, still are ac- cepting leftover Halloween candy `Cobwebs' to Spin at Jam Beth Abraham Synagogue's for distribution to disadvantaged youth group will sponsor a kickoff children. jam starring the Cobwebs and p.m. Nov. 16 at the syna- Gossip is the art of saying noth- Strange S There is an admission ing in a way that leaves nothing gogue. charge unsaid.—Walter Winchell. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 8, 1968-35 Jewish Youth Council Invites Group Delegates to Opening Meeting Cooke's 'Talk Ab out America': Thought-Provokin g Commentaries instance, writing about the Earl Warren report on the Kennedy assassination, be recalls some of the injected fears and suspicions and the rumors and charges: "the notion that Ruby executed an assignment to silence Os- wald's tongue; that Oswald was a cunning Trotskyite; that, ac- cording to the bland conclusion of the Egyptian press, Ruby was, on the contrary, the tool of a Zionist plot." Whether he deals with American political aspects or with social factors, there is a thoroughness that distinguishes these essays. At one point, for example, deal- ' ing with "The Western Myth," Cooke makes note of Adolph Sutro, the poor German Jewish immi- grant, who "conceived the idea of 'deep mining': of building a tunnel that would run far under the Com- stock Lode, drain the flooded shafts, extract the invisible, un- reachable ore." He touches upon many current issues and he comments, to point to another example: "Vitenam, I fear, is the price of the Kennedy Inaugural." All issues, liberty and the price of democracy, and many others, as viewed by Cooke, provide good reading and subjects for thought and reflection. —P.S. The first meeting of youth group representatives to the new Jewish Youth Council will be held 3:30 p.m. Nov. 24 at the Jewish Center. All Jewish youth groups are in- vited. For information, call Marty Rabinowitz, group services, DI 1- 4200, ext. 261. The Jewish Youth Council is in- tended to provide a forum for youth to express their concerns, as well as the vehicle through which cooperative planning and under- taking of major projects can be - accomplished. OAK PARK details . Food, Music, etc. Check our prices first Private and Commercial Shows 547-0896 545-2737 QUALITY MEAT. REASONABLE PRICED FREE DELIVERY - 543-2444 HAMBURGER 55! LEAN ALL BEEF Repeat Special Cal's Gourmet Meats 25242 Greenfield, E., 10 Greenfield Center Mile, Oak Park Mon. Thru Sat. 9 to 6—Sunday 9 to 2 0013113111111133M _.........„.... --.1-'_—.....: .-z.-........r2,.....S.1-___J - z......,., LI 7-2770 LI 7-4470 THE SHELDON ROTT ORCHESTRA Just North of & ORCHESTRA 22111 COOLIDGE We take care of all the Professional Entertainment "A College Guide for Jewish High School Students" has been published by Yavneh, the national religious Jewish students associa- tion. The guide, which contains in- formation on Jewish campus groups as well as kashrut and Sab- bath observance, is available from Yavneh, 84 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. DICK STEIN PREMIERE DANCE STUDIO- IWIN•11.0 ■ 4111M4.111•1•111.04•1•11....• ■■■■■•••■■■ •••• ■•■■■••■■ College Guide Issued Music the Stein•Way BAR MITZVAS SWEET SIXTEENS Plan your party for your friends at 41MEIELDM Classified Ads Get Quick Results OUR PLEASURE LIES IN PLEASING YOU Don Coville Photographer An,notences A New Exclusive Service Home Portraits In Living Color With The Same High Standards of Quality and Service Our Clients Have Enjoyed For the Past Quarter Century Other Continuing Services: Bridals Wedding Candids Bar Mitzvah Candids Children Specialists Some dates in November still available Telephone 626-6546 for a Coville Portrait sitting in your home.