Pearson Warns About Nixon Oil Interest Contact and Talk With Nasser Nationally famed columnist Drew er who won the consumer rebate Pearson warns constantly of the , against El Paso, reports that the role Senator Strom Thurmond Nixon firm was especially active plays in GOP politics today. in another government move to , s regulate El Paso, namely its Writing about Richard Nixon merger with the Pacific Northwest, law practice and the ties his law another pipeline company. firm has with oil interests, Pear- "Looking back, I don't know how son stated among the present Jewish contributors to other things the Nixon's campaign will feel about following: having a former lawyer with oil- One Subst a n- I Arab connections in the White t i al Nixon House," said Bennett, "but I know ;client which has ALL the American people should objected to feder- be concerned about the type of al regulation is men Nixon wo ppoint on the ssions." El Paso National regulatory co Pearson Gas, largest pipe- In a later column, Pearson de- line company in the world. In the scribes a talk between Nixon and 1960s it was caught upping gas Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt: rates to California consumers with- e London Jewish Telegraph out authorization from the Federal recently published a report that Power Commission. The FPC ruled that El Paso must pay back Richard Nixon, as he was begin- ning his new Wall Street law prac- $155,000,000 to California users. tice in 1963, offered to represent This may be the type of "fed- Egypt's President Gamal Abdel eral intervention in the free mar- Nasser for a $2,000,000 fee. ket" to which Nixon objects. Cer- "Such Egyptian newspapers as tainly his law firm's client did. It the Egyptian Gazette and Egyptian paid the Nixon firm a total of Mail quoted Nixon in June 1963 $771,129.83 from 1961 through 1967 not only praising Nasser but as to battle against regulation. condoning the work of German William Bennett, present Cali- scientists in Egypt. The same quo- fornia public utilities commission- tations were later distributed by the official Arab Information Cen- alarm. It is quite obvious and ter in New York City on July 1, known that President Nasser allows no chance for any foreign 1963. . . "When Nixon in 1963 was ask- domination in his country. Actual- ed for his comments on the use ly, the policy adopted here is sound of German scientists, he was and admirable.' "Nixon gave these views at a quoted by the Arab Information Center as replying: "Of course Cairo press conference following a private conference with Nasser. the UAR is free to obtain tech- "Nixon said of the Egyptian nical assistance from any coun- try, be it the United States, the leader: 'I was very much impress- Soviet Union or any other coun- ed by President Nasser's strong personality, wisdom and immense try. " 'There is no reason for fear or knowledge.' " THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday, November 1, 1968 Pald Political Advertisements EASY AS 1-2-3 ELECT STACEY MICHAEL L. STATE REPRESENTATIVE Member Bnal Brith and eons. Beth Moses 123 On Your Ballot BE WISE... ELECT an outstanding public servant BLANCHE PARENT SERVED ON THE COMMON COUNCIL FOR 8 YEARS WITH AN OUTSTANDING RECORD Vote Nov.Sth 252on the ballot Classifieds Ads Get Quick Results BLANCHE PARENT WISE FOR COUNCIL COMMITTEE IIIIINUMMONSIINIOUNIINN•111110*••111111••1111****IIIIMMOICOMIINUINNUI 1 • 11 • 1•••••111 a • An Election of Important Concern a a a To the Readership of The Jewish News • a • a We, the undersigned, are business and professional people who strongly urge that you vote for Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney only after careful con- sideration of the qualifications of the two candidates. • • - On weighing the qualifications, we recommend and endorse THOMAS a • a a a a a a a X a a a a a a a G. PLUNKETT for OAKLAND COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. This job is too important for politics. Ivan Barris Arthur Howard M. L. Berman Milton Howard Max Pincus Avern Cohn Sam Jacobs Seymore Posner Irwin Cohn Sam Frankel Sanford Rosenthal Aubrey Etienheimer Nathan Goldin Al Sipher Samuel Hechtman Bruce T. Leitman Bert Smokier Hon. William Cahalan Rudolph La-man Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney Hon. Robert Leonard—Genesee County Prosecuting Attorney a • a Judge Burton R. Shifman • — Hon. George Parris—Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney THOMAS G. PLUNKETT is endorsed by Michigan's Attorney General Frank Kelley. THOMAS G. PLUNKETT is rated PREFERRED by the Non-Partisan Oakland Citizens League, Inc. THOMAS G. PLUNKETT is rated WELL QUALIFIED and PREFERRED by Civic Searchlight, Inc., a Non-Partisan, Good-Government Organization. a a a • Pd. Pol. Adv. Seymour Posner, Burton Shifman, Bruce T. Leitman, co-chairmen. • U • a alla•••• 11 •••••RM•••••••• 1 MON• 110 ••• 11 •Ma 011 •1111111111•111,(0(0(*)111*•••••10