Eban Offers M. E. Peace Plan (Continued from Page 1) ment establishing peace should contain a pledge of mutual non- aggression. The fourth principle is the prin- ciple of an open frontier. When agreement is reached on the establishment of peace with permanent boundaries, the free- dom of movement now existing in the area, especially in the Israel- Jordan sectors, should be main- tained and developed. The fifth principle concerns navigation. Interference with navigation in the international waterways in the area has been the symbol of the state of war and, more than once, an immediate cause of hostilities. The arrangements for guarantee- ing freedom of navigation should • 1, _ '1- I be unreserved, precise, concrete and founded on absolute equality of rights and obligations between Israel and other littoral states and indeed all members of the mari- time community. Sixthly, refugees. The problem of displaced popu- lations was caused by war and can be solved by peace. On this prob- lem I propose: A conference of Middle Eastern states should be convened, to- gether with the governments con- tributing to refugee relief and the specialized agencies of the United Nations, in order to chart a five- year plan for the solution of the refugee problem in the framework of a lasting peace and the integra- tion of refugees into productive life. This conference can be called -..-1•-• -,--..--- Boris Smolar's 'Between You ... and Me' (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) I UN MOODS: The Arab-Israel issue looms high on the agenda of the current session of the United Nations General Assembly, which is expected to prOduce more fireworks than practical results as far as that issue is concerned. To be expected are the usual long, perfunctory speeches by the representatives of the Arab countries, repeating their familiar anti- Israel litany. Israel will be attacked by the Soviet delegate. There will be American middle-of-the-road speeches, supported by Britain and Canada, and th,6 not-so-friendly speeches by the delegate of France. But the outcome of this General Assembly will be determined not by the public speeches but by the talks that go on behind the scenes. They will revolve around the report of Ambassador Gunnar V. Jarring, the Swedish diplomat whom UN Secretary-General U Thant sent to Israel and the Arab countries to pave the way for Arab-Israel peace talks. Dr. Jarring's discreet efforts seem to have produced no results. The Syrians refused to see him, Egypt was barely cooperative, and Jordan talked to him from both sides of the mouth. Israel bas insisted on face-to-face talks with the Arabs without any intermediary. The efforts to bring Israel and the Arab countries together under UN supervision are expected to continue behind • the scenes of the General Assembly. Strong pressure is expected to be put on Israel to reat from its stand on direct talks. Washington has been quietly to pressure Israel in that direction ever since Dr. Jarring was sent.to the Middle East. During the current General Assembly, State Department pressure will probably increase while .the Arab countries and the Soviet bloc intensify their campaign to force Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories. * WASHINGTON MOODS: The general sentiment in the United States is pro-Israel as was indicated at the conventions of both the Demo- cratic and Republican parties. But the State -Department does not seem to be influenced by that fact. There are many sub-surface dis- agreements today 'between the State Department and Israel. The State Department expects Israel to make substantial con- cessions on frontiers, the status of Jerusalem and on the Arab refugee issue. State Department officials believe that there is "no urgency" for a decision on whether Israel can buy the 50 Phantom jets she asked for a year ago. They argue that the reorganization of the Egypt- ian Army will take at least two years, even with Soviet arms; they claim that Israel's strategic position is incomparably better today than it ever was before. The State Department is "irked" by Israel's refusal to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. It suspects that Israel soon may be in a position to produce atomic weapons. The State Department also considers Israel's retaliation against Arab terrorism to be "more severe than necessary." And it is displeased by Israel's insistence on direct talks with the Arabs and its refusal to heed Washington's advice to be more "flexible" on this issue. Israel insists on direct talks with the Arabs—without the inter- vention of a third party—because it fears that the presence of a third party, be it the United Nations or the Big Powers, may lead to an imposed peace with terms possibly harmful to Israel's existence. State Department officials go to unconventional and even undiplo- matic lengths to air the differences between the United States and Israel. They hold off-the-record briefings for select groups of Wash- ington correspondents who are therein provided with "background in- formation." This "background information" clearly indicates to the journalists that while there is no public disagreement between the U.S. and Israel, disagreements exist beneath the surface. * ISRAELI MOODS: High Israeli diplomats tell you frankly that under prevailing circumstances in the United Nations, Israel cannot expect the world body to make just decisions on the Arab-Israel issue, either at the General Assembly or at the Security Council. The Israel government is aware that Moscow, in its role of pro- tector of the Arab countries, will always veto any measure favorable to Israel in the Security Council. In the General Assembly, the large Afro-Asian bloc and the Soviet bloc—together with other not too friendly nations—obstruct any measure from which Israel may benefit. Israel is not affiliated with any territorial blocs. It stands alone in the United Nations. It is aided most of the time by the United States, Canada and the Scandinavian countries; sometimes by Great Britain and friendly Latin American countries. It always comes under prolonged verbal attacks by the Arabs and delegates of other Moslem nations like Pakistan. They are supported by India and most of the Soviet bloc. Israel is probably justified in feeling that the Soviet-Arab alliance has led the United Nations away from its basic ideals. 40 Friday, October 11, 1968 — in advance of peace negotiations. Under the peace settlement, joint refugee integration and re- habilitation commissions should be established. The seventh principle refers to Jerusalem. Israel does not seek to exercise unilateral jurisdiction in the holy places of Christianity and Islam. We are willing in each case to work out a status to give effect to their universal character. We would like to discuss appropriate agree- ments with those traditionally con- cerned. Our policy is that the Christian and Moslem holy places should come under the responsi- I bility of those who hold them in reverence. The eighth principle refers to the acknowledgement and recogni- tion of sovereignty, integrity and right to national life. This principle, inherent in the charter and expressed in the Se- curity Council resolution of No- vember 1967, is of immense im- portance. It should be fulfilled through specific contractual en- gagements to be made by the Gov- ernment of Israel and of each Arab state to each other—by name. It follows logically that Arab gov- ernments would withdraw -all the reservations which they have ex- pressed on adhering to interna- tional conventions, about the non- applicability of their signatures to their relations with Israel, or about the nonexistence of Israel itself. Ninth, regional cooperation. The peace discussion should in- clude an examination of a common approach to some of the resources and means of communication in the region in an effort to lay foun- dations of a Middle Eastern com- munity of sovereign states. The prospect of exploring peace terms should follow normal prece- dents.. There is no case in history in which conflicts have been liqui- dated or a transition , effected from a state of war to a state of peace on the basii of a stubborn refusal by one state to meet another for negotiation. There would be nothing new in the experience of the Middle East or in the relationship of Israel and the Arab states for them to meet officially to effect a transition in their relationships. They have done so before. What is new and unpre- cedented is President Nasser's principle of "no negotiation." But in the meantime we con- tinue to be ready to exchange ideas and clarifications on certain mat- ters of substance through Ambas- sador Jarring with any Arab-gov- ernment willing to establish a just and lasting peace with Israel. There can be a preliminary stage. Lest Arab governments be tempted out of sheer routine to rush into impulsive rejection, let me suggest that tragedy is not what men suffer but what they miss. Time and again these gov- ernments have rejected proposals today—and longed for them to- morrow. The fatal pattern is drawn across the whole period since 1947 — and before. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) — The Cairo semi-official news paper Al Ahram reported from here Wednesday that Secretary- General U Thant's personal Middle East peace representative, Dr. Gunnar V. Jarring, has asked Thant to relieve him of his duties as of Nov. 8. The UN spokesman Tuesday morning, was "justifiably anxious" to see some "movement." Wiggins said that Dr. Jarring "has separated himself from his fam- ily and from his official post (Sweden's envoy to Russia), and it would seem to me that it would be inevitable that he would not wish to protract such an exercise interminably and indefinitely in the absence of concrete and de- finite signs of progress." French Foreign Minister Michel Debre told the United Nations General Assembly that in France's view "a direct negotiation between the Israeli government and each of the Arab governments did not appear to stand the slightest chance." He said that was why his government believed it was up to the UN to define the elements of a reasonable solution and considered the Security Council's Middle East resolution of Nov. 22, 1967 to be a step in that direction. Foreign Minister Ketema Yifru of Ethiopia also took the position that the Nov. 22 resolution and the Jarring mission provided the only road to Middle East peace. Speak- ing in the general debate, Yifru said all parties to the dispute should accept all the obligations contained in the resolution and should be ready to perform them forthwith. He said a resolution of the Middle East crisis would have to be based on the renunciation by all states of belligerency, accep- tance by all of the existence of Israel as a sovereign state, a just solution to the Palestinian refugee problem on the baSis of past UN resolutions, - and- withdrawal of Israel troops from territories oc- cupied during the Six-Day War. Ahmed Laraki, foreign minister of Morocco, took the floor to ac- cuse Israel of pursuing "an ag- gressive policy against the Arab countries," refusing to implement UN resolutions and repeatedly vio- lating the cease -fire. In addition, he charged that "Zionist forces committed atrocities and - acts of oppression" against the population of the occupied lands and accused them of "profaning the Moslem and Christian holy places" and confiscating private property. He said his government supported the resistance of the Palestinian peo- ple and considered their defense as a natural and legitimate right in the face of annexation. TEL AVIV (JTA) -- Defense Minister Gen. Moshe Dayan said Tuesday that the Sinai Peninsula is as vital to Israel's security as the Golan Heights of Syria. Until its capture by Israeli forces in the June 1967 war, the Golan Heights provided a stronghold from which Syrian gunners could fire at will on Israeli settlements and farm- lands in the valley below. "Any child can understand how vitally important Golan is for Is- rael," Gen. Dayan said at the an- nual meeting of the Israel Explora- tion Society in Ashkelon. "But most people do not- understand that the Sinai and especially the Straits of Tiran ,are equally important to our strategic security," he said. LONDON (JTA) The call for a "Jihad"—holy war—against Is- rael issued by Islamic religious leaders from 34 countries in Cairo last week is not likely to draw the response that similar calls in past eras elicited from the Moslem faithful, the London Times report- ed from Cairo Wednesday. "In theory, such a call should set the devout ablaze," the Times said. "It should be emphasized, however, that in modern declara- tions of Jihad, there is a spacious gap between wish and fulfillment. It could be said that never in the field of human conflict has so much been urged upon so many by men who are heeded by so few." The semi-official Cairo news- paper Al Ahram reported Sunday that religious leaders representing 75,000,000 Moslems in 34 countries have called for a "holy war" on Israel to recover the shrines of Islam in East Jerusalem. According to the paper. the call to arms was sounded' after the religious leaders heard a tape recording of what was purported to be Jews desecrating the El Aqsa mosque in East Jerusalem. President Nasser of Egypt is exerting heavy pressure on Jor- dan's King Huusein in order to forestall any plans the latter may have to sound out Israel on peace terms, the Daily Express said. Israelis were said to fear this pressure could cost Hussein his throne and install a far less moderate government in Jordan. The Express reported that Hus- sein's brother, Prince. Hassan, rushed here over the weekend to warn the king, who was re- covering from minor surgery, of mounting unrest in Amman. The Popular Front there wanted him to drop . his pro-Western stand and put - the Arab. Legion, his army, fully behind the terrorist organizations that are conduct- ing guerrilla warfare against Is- rael, the Express reported. Charles Douglas-Home, the Lon- don Thnea'military correspondent, said hi an article that the Arabs are incapable of conducting an'all- gut war " now to retake the terri: tories occupied by Israel. But re= cognizing this; they are prepared to wage .guerrilla warfare inde- finitely and to settle for "limited victories," he wrote, In the long run, he said, "The sterility. of the dreary routine of provocation and retaliation may eventually force both sides to search for more poli- tical and less military means of conducting a dialogue.". King Hussein is reported to have drawn up contingency plans to turn his kingdom into a "guer- rilla state" on a total war footing if current Middle East peace ef- forts fail to produce a settlement acceptable to the Palestinians. The plans were said to spring from Hussein's "disillusionment" with the United States and its failure to pressure Israel into a settle- ment acceptable to the Arabs. It is also based on the king's fear that if he agreed to any compromise plan it would precipitate a direct clash between the Jordan govern- ment and various guerrilla organi- zations operating on Jordanian ter- ritory which could mean the end of the Hashemite monarchy, it was reported. Eban, Rusk Put Heads Together said Wednesday that there was no truth to the resignation report. Diplomatic observers here com- mented that if Dr. Jarring has in- deed so acted, his move was a tactic to pressure the Israelis and Arabs to deinonstrate to him that there is some movement toward peace. There was an implication in comments made Tuesday to the press by the new United States Ambassador to the UN, J. R. Wig- gins, that Dr. Jarring may be con- templating the end of his mission. Wiggins said that Dr. Jarring, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS whom he saw for the first time Israel Foreign Minister Abba Eban (left) and Secretary of State Dean Rusk discuss Middle East peace prospects at the United Nations. •