THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 4, 1968-5 Polish Govt. Denies Anti-Semitism, but Fires Jews From Its Top Jobs Archaeologist Glueck to Speak at Masada Exhibit Wednesday _` Dr. Nelson Glueck, archaeologist brought a new understanding of a.m.-5:30 p.m. Wednesday through Adam Conrad-Meller, director of and president of Hebrew Union the Bible through his archoeologi- Sunday and 9:30-5:30 p.m. Tues- (Continued from Page 1) College-Jewish Instiitute of Reli- cal explorations. In one of his day. There was very little anti- Department II (Communist Asia) gion, will deliver -a special pub- many books, "Rivers in the Des- Semitism in Czechoslovakia in the in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Marian Wajda, director of the lic lecture under auspices of the ert," he writes: "As a matter of past, but it has been latent in University Center for Adult Edu- fact, however, it may be stated I'm looking for Poland. It took a new turn when, administrative department at the cation and the Detroit Institute categorically that no archaeologi- on May 1, Premier Gomulka, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and more cal discovery has ever contro- of Arts 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Josef Kutin, Vice Minister of For- whose wife is Jewish, delivered a verted a Biblical reference." Institute auditorium. eign Trade. clients. severe criticism of Israel. His topic for the lecture, which .• When I asked Acting Foreign Many sites mentioned in Holy ATTACK ON ISRAEL coincides with the Masada ex- Scriptures have been identified by "We condemn the aggressive and Minister Jozef Winiewicz about this hibit, is "Masada and Palestinian -1 -- Need adventurous policy of Israel," he purge, he replied that many Jews the rabbi-scientist. Archaeology." had been dropped from their jobs, said. "Our stand has given rise to Advertising? Hours for the exhibit are 9:30 Dr. Glueck is said to have rabid and furious attacks on Po- but added: "There has been a gen. land on the part of international eral shake-up of government posi- Zionism. The slanderous, ignoble tions, and a lot of others have been campaign by world Zionism vilify- fired too. You don't hear anything ing our country is one of the forms about them. "But if a Jew is fired it's im- 8440 W. 9 MILE RD. of the struggle of imperialism JERUSALEM — Construction of in industry in Jerusalem will be against socialism and has in view mediately claimed that it results performed by the Hebrew Uni- the first buildings on a 500-dunam the undermining of the prestige from his religion. "Last July the Plenum of the (125-acre) campus for science- versity, which has announced its and good name of Peoples' Poland party held a meeting in which there based industry and research insti- policy to offer all possible assist- ELECTRONIC in the world. was speech after speech attacking tutions in Jerusalem, in which the ance to the government of Israel "Western Zionist centers—which GARAGE DOOR did not even raise their fingers anti-Semitism. Yet there was not Hebrew University together with in establishing science-based in- OPENER when genocidal Hitlerism was busy one word in your newspapers about other Israeli institutions of applied dustry in Jerusalem. Behind the drive to further exterminating the Jews in subju- this. We don't have the same pub- research will play a major role, science-based industry in Israel is gated Poland and busy punishing licity agents that you do. I some- is scheduled to begin next year. Acording to Dr. Eliezer Tal, di- the vital interest in making better with death those Poles who hid the times think that you Americans Jews or gave them assistance—ac- rely too much on press conferences rector of the National Council for use of one of the country's best and TV statements to govern not Research and Development under assets, the almost 22,000 qualified cuse us today of anti-Semitism. "Official circles in the United only your political campaigns but the prime minister's office, the engineers and scientists (roughly States also put their fingers in the everything else. We are not Madi- industrial and research campus 70 per cent in engineering and (IRC) will be located in Mekor 30 per cent in natural sciences), Call Evenings Until 9 dirty, anti-Polish Zionist campaign. son Avenue experts. "But I can assure you that the Hayim in southern Jerusalem. in order to promote the country's The U. S. has several million citi- 353-3284 zens of Polish origin. Poland has Poles have suffered with the Jews Three-fifths will be set aside for economic viability. about 25,000 to 30,000 citizens of and they with us and that we would science-based industries, while the Jewish origin. We propose that the be the last people in the world to remainder is slated for govern- governing circles in the U.S., which oppress the Jewish people. Our ment research institutes. The new campus will encompass accuse Poland of anti-Semitism, grievance is against Israel, not the five or six such institutes now examine to see if U.S. citizens of against Jews." scattered all over Jerusalem, sev- Polish origin have had and have eral of them in old, dilapidated the same possibilities from which buildings, and it is also planned to benefit Polish citizens of Jewish bring another three government extraction in Poland." By DR. SAMUEL SILVER research institutes, which are now Gomulka also divided Polish (A Seven Arts Feature) located at various places outside Jews into those loyal to Poland and I'm losing my boss. Jerusalem, including the Institute those who had difficulty making I refer to Nathan Ziprin, the up their minds about loyalty be- man who has been editor of the for Petroleum Research and Geo- tween Zionism and Poland. He ad- Seven Arts Feature Syndicate of physics, near Tel Aviv, to the industrial campus. vised the latter to go to Israel. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency for As part of the over-all project, EXIT TO ISRAEL more than a quarter of a century. a road will link the industrial Since that time, Poland's Jewish Mr. Ziprin's eyes are bothering campus with the Hebrew Uni- population is reported to have de- him, and to be an editor and a versity campus, replacing the creased from about 30,000 to about writer your eyes have to function existing road which goes through 23,000, though some Jewish Zion- well. He's not going to stop writ- WE ARE MAKING WAY FOR OUR the center of town. ists and doctors are reported to ing. Mr. Ziprin tells me. He's going NEW TEEN MAN DEPARTMENT_ This impetus to industry may have been refused visas. Their to be as creative as ever but not help boost the development of skills are needed in Poland. Jerusalem in the same way as A number of Jews have also on a deadline basis. I like my boss. Mr. Ziprin is industry in other parts of Israel been dropped from government The Finest in Gentlemen's Tuxedo Rentals — Complete one of the nicest men around. His has received impulses from scie- and university circles, including: Apparel — as always! Accessories for All Occasions Dr. Wilhelm Billig, the govern- eyesight may be poor, but his nce institutions. A key part iwpromoting science ment's Plenipotentiary for the Use intellectual vision is 20-20. He sees of Atomic Energy and candidate things keenly. He sees Jewish life MUSTARD MESS MEL SEFFINGER member of the Central Committee with amazing clarity, and each Plump Jack E. Leonard, munching time he has turned out one of his since 1964; a dinner for three at Max Asnas' Adam Schaff, director of the In- literary gems, he has helped me famous Stage Door Delicatessen, stitute of Philosophy and Sociology see the imperatives of the Jewish spilled some mustard on his cash- of the Polish Academy of Sciences mission with great acuity. APPAREL FOR GENTLEMEN Cr YOUNG MEN Mr. Ziprin, born overseas, has mere sports jacket. Asnas offered —resigned; to have the coat cleaned for him. 25246 Greenfield North of 10 Mile Rd. Jerzy Toeplitz, rector of the lived and written here many years "Careful Asnas," warned Leon- 542-8636 State Academy of Drama and Film and he is a living bridge between ard, "this is a very expensive Greenfield Center in Lodz, the school which set the the Jewry of previous times and jacket." "So what?" countered OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY T1L 9 P.M., SUNDAY 10 to 2 pace for the renaissance of Polish the Jewry of today (both in the Asnas proudly. "We use very ex- U.S. and Israel). And people born film makers after 1956; pensive mustard. Stanislaw Neumark, cabinet di- here benefit greatly from the laud- rector of the Ministry of Culture; able perspective of those who came His son was involved in the stu- to this land from the "old coun- dent demonstrations at Warsaw try." Mr. Ziprin's first name is pure University last March; Hebrew. Nathan means in our sacred tongue "he gave." And Mr. Ziprin, who knows our lore and literature and Hebraic insights so well, knows that the Talmud tells (8 4. ‘ handels us that when God gives we are A. You ask the Pros — the cab drivers — the school and bus has 1500 To Our Friends, Relatives obligated to continue the sequence gowns for drivers — the truckers who buy at UNION TIRE; and Customers, Our Best Bar Mitzvahs, of giving. A. Ask the automotive people! UNION TIRE supplies GM Over- Anniversaries, Wishes for a Happy, Healthy God gave my boss perspicacity. Weddings, seas, Ford Proving Grounds, all the car dealers; and Beautiful New Year and Special He has shared it in the hundreds Occasions A. Ask the Municipalities—UNION TIRE has contracts with City of thousands of words he has writ- of Detroit, City of Warren, City of Dearborn, etc., who have ten to illuminate the American- SPECIAL! Jewish scene. God gave Mr. exacting requirements; AFTER-S Ziprin the ability to love and he A. Ask your friends! NUF SAID. has used it on his family and asso- GOWNS ciates and fellow-,Americans. God SO . . . How can you be certain you've picked the right gave him many talents and Mr. tyre before you separate yourself from your money Ziprin, true to the spirit of noblesse oblige, has continued the giving • Reg. $199 process, enriching us all. • 4 colors Fortunately, my boss will con- • Sizes 8-16 tinue to give of himself in new • We have Vz sizes in literary endeavors. I am thankful other styles to him for making me known in various cities where the blessings of the Seven Arts Syndicate pre- WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS vail. I hope his successor will let See the Boys — AL STUTZ and JOE STAMELL me stay on. If he does, one of my tasks will be to continue to be Detroit—Phone 321-1234 The Up City Reps: worthy of Mr. Ziprin's approval. Jerry Stutz, U. of M., Ann Arbor 3140 Grand River Sidney Stutz, Oakland U., Rochester A happy and productive retire- to Carl's Chop House) (Next Benii Stutz, Roper, Bloomfield ment, boss! Hebrew U. Will Play Major Role in Science-Based Industry Campus Vernco Tribute to Ziprin STORE WIDE EXPANSION SALE 25% TO 50% OFF ENTIRE INVENTORY MUST GO! MR- ISOBEIITS Q. HOW CAN YOU BE SURE YOU'VE PICKED 'THE BEST TYRE BEFORE YOU PLUNK DOWN YOUR DOUGH ? ? A. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT UNION TIRE ! WHY? '99 BUY AT UNION TIRE! NEVER, NEVER UNDERSOLD UNION TIRE CO. - sus all., 1.,...44 . 0.1111.. • • NIL, VW • Ol.• +1,..11. 7– I•1• -•• 1, vP •