32—Friday, October 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Oak Park Apts, Liners and display classified ads accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 2 p.m. Wednesday. For rates and information .. . Stove, Refrig., Garb. disposal, air cond., Swim. Pool, Parking. -For appt. call 543-5776 CALL VErmont 8-9364 Essex House AIR-conditioned room. Close to trans- DEXTER 13730. 3 room apartment. Fur- nished or unfurnished. Clean. Reason- portation. 242;2952. able. OAK PARK. 'Lovely spacious room In home of 2 adults for working woman. Kitchen privileges. Walking distance to Northland and near excellent transpor- tation. LI. 2-2104 after 6 P.M. NICE room for gentleman with private bath. 23035 Church — Oak Park. INDIANA-Curtis. Large furnished room. Kitchen privileges. 863-4476. ROOM near Jewish Center. 864.8361 or 864-2795. ROOM for working person. 10-Green- field. 549-5159, 357.0376. 11-B--LIVING QUARTERS— FLORIDA 2 & 3 Bedrm. Light, Airy Rooms Close to Everything AND FURNISHINGS of large 1 bedroom, 2 bathroom apt. on Bay Harbor Island, Miami Beach, for sale at a low figure. Apartment is one year old and available Nov. 1st on a yearly lease basis. UN 1-3563 UN 4-1079 NEW 2-3 BEDROOMS 2400 PARMENTER Between Coolidge & Crooks Rd. 1 51k. North of 14 Mile Rd. Spacious - fully carpeted - air- conditioned - all utilities except electric included - 1 or 11/2 baths. Swimming pool. Lease. Finest location. 353-1070 See Manager—Open Daily Spacious stove, refriger- ator, garbage disposal, air cond. All utilities except elec. 1 yr. lease. Carpeting, 9 Mi. & Southfield EL 3-7730 Mgr. KE 7-2317 (except Wednesday) WY OF SOUTHFIELD PARKWAY EAST APARTMENTS Country Corner 30500 SOUTHFIELD SO. OF 13 MILE Luxury 1 & 2 bedne. • CARPETING FURNITURE BRIAR HOUSE APTS. Only 1 left 2 bedroom, 11/2 baths, lee. kitchen with eating space, fully equipped, carpeted. Central air cond. Only 1260 per month, heat included. JUST NORTH OF NORTHLAND SHOP- PING CENTER on PROVIDENCE DRIVE. MODEL OPEN DAILY 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. Just N. of '7 Mi. Chateau Riviera Luxury Apartments NORTHLAND area. Comfortable room for lady. Kitchen and telephone priv- ileges. Reasonable rent. 542-6725. • 2 BEDROOM apartment. Gas heat. Hub- bell between Outer Drive and Curtis. 399-12011. 19145 BERG Exceptionally Carpeted, cent. air cond., private balconies, eating space in kitchen, Swimming Pool. from POO VERY nice room in congenial home for employed lady. Kitchen privileges. Near transportation. LL 6-8870. 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS 10--ROOMS FOR RENT Coach House Townhouse With Family Room B•aatifief 111•111•11s 2 bedroom apt. THE DETROIT JE1VISH -41EWS 4, 1961 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS • GENEROUS CLOSET L STORAGE SPACE • PRIVATE BALCONIES • SWIMMING POOL • CLUB HOUSE • INDIVIDUAL HEAT CONTROL • DS* TRANSPORTATION .HOTPOINT APPLIANCES • CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING apts. from $210 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Includes carport, car- peting, heat, hot water, central air- conditioning, appli- ances. BEECH RD. AT SHIAWASSEE 1 SUL N. OF 8 MILE Open daily 12 noon till $ p.m. phone 357-2503 647-2744 Cranbrook Center Apts• in SOUTHFIELD adjoining Town & Country Club NOW READY 10-E—ROOMS WANTED REFINED lady wants clean room. Kitch- en privileges. Redford area. 538-3555, before 8 P.M. 11—TO SHARE LIVING QUARTERS HAVE 2 bedroom apartment—like to share with working girl, age middle 20's. Call after 7 P.M. 6478527. 12—EXTERMINATORS 1 & 2 bedrooms, 2 bath apts. with balconies • • • • • • • • • Beautiful Blvd. Entrance Spacious Grounds Self Cleaning Oven Self Defrost Refrigerator Carports. Carpeting Pool & Club House Lge., Well Planned Apts. Central Air Conditioned Xway 8. Birmingham nearby from $215 monthly PRODUCTION OFF Furnished model open daily except Wed. 1-6 Among insects and rodents with our Preventative Service. Follow arrows at 30233 SOUTHFIELD ERADICO TO 5-7900 Phone 642-4287 J of our our newest apartments at SOMERSET PARK WE HAVE A REPUTATION FOR SELLING FIRST-RATE HOUSES IN A FIRST-RATE WAY TO FIRST-RATE PEOPLE. What's that I see? A golf course in my back yard? Yes, a golf course is your back yard when you live in one of our luxury 3 bedroom 2 bath apartments. If that's a bit too spacious for you, try one of our beautiful 2 bedroom- 2 bath model apartments. They face the same golf course. BY "FIRST-RATE HOUSES" WE MEAN clean, modern, well-kept houses valued from $15,000 to $50.000. BY "FIRST-RATE WAY" WE MEAN no signs, no "open house," no surprise showings, no showings to "lookers" or "shoppers," no fall- through deals, no incompetence, and an alsuadooce of know-how. These exclusive 2 and 3 bedroom units are priced from $245 to $375 per month. And remember, you get so much more than a gracious apartment at Somerset Park. You get: tennis courts, swimming pools, Community Houses, parks, plus Saks Fifth Avenue, Bonwit-Teller, Schrafft's restaurant, Abercrombie & Fitch and endless other conveniences, Come out this weekend and see "The View From the Terrace." Located on Coolidge at Maple (15 Mile Rd.) 13 miles east of Woodward near 1 75 Expressway. BY "FIRST-RATE PEOPLE" WE MEAN professionals, semi-profes- sionals, busistossason and highly-paid skilled workers. WE'VE PROBABLY SOLD THE HOME OF SOMEONE YOU KNOW — SOMEONE WHO FOUND OUT, AS YOU WILL, THAT IT'S A PROFITABLE MEASURE TO SELL THROUGH US. - SOMERSET PARK S. R. HAYNES & CO: APARTMENTS In City of Troy +hyto.a yi.a . Call 933-8471 SILTMORE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Models Open Mon. thru Fri. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Sat. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M.- Sufi. 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. Phone 144-33N • Principally me, Smith R. Haynes, and and charming and glamorous wife, Edette L. Haynes. We spend more per__ house on advertisting titan any other company in Detroit. /J. : 3 (1C 0 .1 I Ve 3 • .• 5.! :r•,. ∎ , .: C1J 4 1 1..0,' • 4•X .4 X. ••