Ball Raps Nixon for Urging Israeli Arms Superiority. Mounting Commando Activities at Suez Met With Warning by Israel Govt. The Israeli Army is able to pro- TEL AVIV (JTA) — Two Israeli slovakia, caused the deaths of three The reasons for the get-tough border patrolmen. were injured Israeli soldiers and injury to two policy, according to travelers, are tect settlements on the Israel side Sunday when their half-track hit a near Shivta Sept. 26. The Bedouins the economic calamity and chaos of the demarcation line, but Jor- mine south of Kfar Ruppin in the move freely in southern Israel and brought on Jordan by the terrorist danian farmers are not protected WASHINGTON (JTA) — George Beisan Valley. One was hospital- are able to penetrate deeply into activities and Israeli reprisals. and have pulled out. W. Ball, former United States am- ized. Two other anti-vehicle mines Israeli territory. The travelers said that there is Jordan, they said, had been de- bassador to the United Nations were discovered in the region and Two Israeli soldiers were serious- prived of crops from its best considerable unrest in terrorist who resigned last week to become dismantled. A military _spokesman because of the heavy toll developed agricultural region—the ranks ly injured when a hand grenade principal foreign policy adviser to said the incident marked the first Jordan Valley facing Israel's Bei- taken by Israeli forces. Desertions Hubert H. Humphrey, Sunday at- time in several weeks that sabo- exploded in their half-track in the san Valley— which is the main are said to be on the increase and tacked Richard M. Nixon for ad- teurs crossed into Israel territory central market place in Gaza Mon- base for terrorist incursions. recruitment has almost ceased. day night. A curfew was imposed vocating military superiority for in this sector to plant mines. on the area and an investigation THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 4, 1968-11 Israel. Israel warned Egypt that its in- was started. The grenade was be- Appearing Sunday on the Colum- bia Broadcasting System's televi- creased commando activities on lieved to have been thrown from a nearby building. The two hospital- sion program "Face the Nation," the east bank of the Suez Canal ized soldiers were visited by Maj. Ball was asked about his views on would be met by an "appropriate Gen. Mordechai Gur, military gov- reaction." An Arabic broadcast a balance of power in the Middle ernor of the Gaza Strip and North- over the state radio said that East and the fact that both Presi- ern Sinai. dential candidates have advocated Egyptian ambushes and mining of An Israeli half-track was attack- roads on the east bank were "sui- arms for Israel. ed Monday night near Ashdod cidal." He replied "Mr. Nixon said . . . Yaacob in the Beisan area, and It was reported here that the that we should always assure mili- Egyptians were making hectic mortar shells were fired by Jor- tary superiority for the Israelis .. . dainian forces at Israeli positions Is- preparations to "absorb" an He is a man who thinks that mili- near Beit Yosef in the Beisan re- tary might is the answer to every- raeli retaliatory thrust across the gion and at Al Hamma at the thing and that the only way that Suez Canal. Egyptian governors junction of the Israeli, Syrian and we can have a prosperous and in areas close to the canal were Jordanian frontiers, a military said to have been instructed to happy world is for the U.S. simply spokesman reported. The fire was hasten the evacuation of civilians to have arms and threaten to use returned and there were no casual- and to build more shelters. them." ties on the Israeli side. Commenting on a possible Jordanian units opened fire Sun- Nine of 28 terrorist suspects peaceful settlement without day on Israeli forces near Ashdod arrested in Hebron in recent days arms, Ball suggested "an agreed Yaacov and Umm Keiss but in- were brought before a military solution between the parties flicted no casualties, a military court Monday. They are charged which they hopefully would reach spokesman said. A brief fire ex- with membership in the "Popular on their own" but that he would change occurred Saturday near Front" and the "Front, for the not exclude the American-Soviet Kfar Ruppin and last Friday three Liberation of Palestine." The lat- arms control negotiations. anti-vehicle mines were discovered ter organization is held responsi- He advocated "some serious ef- in the southern Golan Heights, close ble for the grenade explosions forts between the U.S. and t h e to the Jordanian border, and were last month in downtown Jerusa- InItyt* Soviet Union to bring about a con- dismantled. Bedouins in the serv- lem and in the Tel Aviv bus sta- trol of the arms that are going ice of either Egypt or Jordan were tion. into the area, in which other na- held responsible for a rash of mine Two Israeli soldiers were injured. tions, too, would join — France, plantings in the Negev and near one seriously, in mining and shoot- for example, •which has been an the Gaza Strip. ing incidents on the east bank of arms supplier in the past to the In Gaza, a tractor driver was the Suez Canal and in the Jordan area." Valley Sept. 25. Ball said he thought the concept hurt when hand grenades and auto- Jordanians fired on Israeli forces matic fire were aimed at his ve- Florsheim • Red Cross• Hush Puppies• Italian Imports of a super-power arms control in- hicle. The mines, made in Czecho- near Tirat Zvi in the southern Bei- volving Israel was •"vitally impor- san Valley and opened fire Sept. 25 2 STORES AT NORTHLAND tant and, I think, diplomacy should near Ashdod Yaacov and near the be directed at it, as it has been." Dover Paperback Recalls Damiya Bridge. There were no Israeli casualties in those incidents, Stories of Lancelot, imunnumniu mmunu unniumummummuniu minoun nu ynnuuminu muni nnumu niunainnumurg. the spokesman said. United Nations observers were Trictram and Percival notified after an army vehicle King Arthur and his knights are struck a mine east of the Suez still among the best-loved chil- Canal near the Small Bitter Lake, dren's heroes. Their adventures seriously injuring a soldier. Tracks have been told and re-told by gen- and other evidence indicated that erations of story-tellers, but never an Egyptian band of about nine SEE OR CALL more successfully than by Howard commandos crossed the canal by Pyle (1853-1911), the American boat and planted mines in the area. author and illustrator. Pyle's four- The other soldier was injured in a volume re-creation of the Arthur- fierce exchange of fire Sept. 25 be- AT ian legend brings to life in words tween Israeli and Jordainian posi- and pictures, all the wondrous tions at Umm Shurt north of the ition-Criiiman deeds and magical exploits of Allenby Bridge. Arthur and I his bravest knights. ("Israel's ambassador to the Dover Publications, which has United Nations, Yosef Tekoah, sent Cadillac already published the first volume a letter to Security Council presi- in the series, "The Story of King dent George Ignatieff of Canada 1350 N. Woodward Birmingham Arthur and His Knights," has just accusing Egypt of aggression at the MI 4-1930 reprinted another, "The Story of canal and saying that "There can the Champions of the Round Ta- no longer be any doubt that United Res. 357-0326 ble." Arab Republic authorities are sup- pressing the truth when they pre- tend they have no knowledge of these military actions.") The foreign ministry announced that Israel has protested to Sec- retary General U Thant that United Nations cease-fire officials in Jerusalem have exceeded the scope of their mission by trans- mitting to the secretary-general a petition signed by several hun dred West Bank Arabs. A ministry spokesman said that When Printing a Newspaper, the cease-fire observers have no standing except on the demarcation Large or Small lines between the sides and "there Publishers Need Both .. . is no need for them to act as post- men." The petition to Thant pur- WILL KEEP THE LULOV FRESH AND POST'S WINNING COMBINATION of Hot Type ported to describe conditions on the composition and letterpress printing is the "time- GREEN FOR THE ENTIRE HOLIDAY West Bank and in Jerusalem and proven" answer. From page proof "OK" to "on alleged oppression and threats by press" is minutes, not hours. Post's hi-speed, Israeli authorities. multi-color Goss Universal presses print the best Travelers returning to Israel ter- letterpress printing available anywhere. ritory from Jordan report that King Hussein has decided once Printers of The Jewish News for over a Quarter Century again to take a tough line toward the terrorist gangs using Jordanian territory as a base for incursions against Israel. According to some reports, Hus- sein is establishing loyal Bedouin units to fight the terrorists from within and has expelled the El Fatah commander, Abu Arm- PRINTING COMPANY Yassir Araffat, from Jordan. 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