History of Grand Rapids Jewry and Its Founders By IRVING I. KATZ many investments in lumber com- Beth El panies. The history of Grand Rapids, Houseman was largely identified with today's population of over with other business interests in 200,000, goes back to 1826 when Grand Rapids. In 1870, he became Louis Campau came first to look a stockholder in the City National around and in the follOwing year Bank, the predecessor of the Na- brought his wife and established a tional City Bank. In 1874, he was trading post. chosen a director, and in 1882 he The first Jewish settler in Grand was elected vice president of the Rapids was Julius Houseman, who bank. He wns one of the organizers arrived in 1852 when the city had of the Grand Rapids Chair Compa- a population of about 2.500 and the ny, was a director of the Grand city boasted among its business Rapids Brush Co. and president of concerns "eight nubile houses and the Grand Rapids Fire Insurance victualling establishments." Co. He was one of the founders Houseman was born in Zecken- and directors of the Michigan Trust Co. He financed horsecar dorf, Bavaria, Dec. 8, 1832. His father, Solomon Houseman, native lines begining in 1873 and was ad- ministrator of Louis Campau's of Bavaria, was a manufacturer of silk and cotton goods at Zecken- estate. dorf, where he died in 1873 at the- Houseman was a Democrat. age of 71. His mother, Henrietta, He served as alderman in JULIUS HOUSEMAN Grand Rapids from 1863 to 1870, daughter of Julius Strass of Heil- igenstadt, Bavaria. died in 1835 at was mayor in 1872 and 1874 and year at Notre Dame University in the age of 35. Julius Houseman represented Grand Rapids in the South Bend, Ind. State Legislature in 1871-72. In was the older of two children. His 1876 he was the candidate of his sister, Mary, married Albert Als- As a 15-year-old boy, , Amberg party for lieutenant governor and berg, who came to Grand Rapids served in the Union Army's Supply was proposed for the governor- in the 1850s and later became a Service during the Civil War. He ship of Michigan but refused to prominent New York merchant. was with the Army of the Cumber- be a candidate. In 1883 he was land in December 1864, when Gen- Houseman's education, up to the elected to represent the fifth age of 13. was obtained in the Na- eral Thomas defeated General diet- ict of Michigan in the 48th ticinal Schools of Zeckendorf and Hood at Nashville, Tenn. Con"ress of the United States, Bamberg. and was completed with After the war he was employed the first and only Michigan Jew a two years' commercial course, in Cincinnati by the Seasongood to this day to serve as a Con- after which he worked for three Wholesale Grocery House, came to gre-----n. He remained in office years as a dry goods clerk in a Grand Rapids in 1868, formed with until 1885. store in Bavaria. Sidney A Hart (later his brother- He became a member of the in-law) the wholesale liquor firm The Revolution in Germany in 1848 had its influence on the young Masonic Fraternity in 1854, was a of Hart and Amberg which con- man's life, and in 1F51. at 10. he member of Odd Fellows, served tinued until Hart's removal to De- decided to cross the ocean and on the board of Peninsular Club, troit in 1887. With his brother, seek freedom in the United States. and as an officer of Owashtanong Abraham M. Amberg, the business His first home was in Cincinnati, Club. He was an honorary member continued until 1916 as D. M. Am- where he clerked in a clothing of Companies B. I. and K. of the berg & Brother. house for a few months. Then he Michigan National Guard. Amberg was one of the founders went to New Vienna, 0., where he In 1F57 he joined with his cousin, and served as a director of the worked as a clerk in a general Joseph Houseman. and Albert Als- National City Bank (later the store until March, 1852, when he berg. Josenh Newborg and David Grand Rapids National City Bank ' came to Battle Creek to enuage in Newborg to form the first Jewish and then the Grand Rapids Na- the merchant tailoring and clothing association in Grand Rapids, the tional Bank). He was for many business with Isaac Amberg, under Benevolent and Burial Society. years a director of the Grand Rap- the firm name of Amberg and Each contributed 8100 toward the ids Chair Company and was a Houseman. purchase of land for a cemetery vice president of Imperial Furni- for burial of a -young French ture Co. In August, 1852. at 20. he came trader, Jocob Levy, who had found to Grand Rapids, est-blirbed a He was one of the incorpor- his way to Grand Rapids and had branch of the Battle Creek firm. ators of Temple Emanuel in 1871 In 1864, the firm of Houseman, died of consumption. This burial and served for many years as Alsberg and Co. was organized, place, locoted in Oakhill Ceme- its president; was a past presi- with branch houses in New York. tery, is still in use as the burial dent of District Grand Lodge No. Baltimore and Savannah. In 1870 ground of Temnle Emanuel (an 6 Bnai Brith. the firm was dissolved Houseman outgrowth of the Benevolent and Among his contributions to Grand retaining possession of the Grand P.ttrial Society) incornorated in Rapids was the gift, with Mrs. Ranids establishment in partner- 1871. of which Julius Houseman Amberg, of the Houseman Field ship with his cousin, Joseph was the first president. Houseman to the Board of Education as a Houseman. The Housemans oper- was also one of the organizers of memorial to Julius Houseman. ated a clothing factory in connect- Grand Rapids Lodge 238 of the Hattie and David Amberg were the ion with their retail business, mak- Independent Order of Bnai Brith, parents of Melvin, Sophie (Mrs. ing work pants and shirts for lum- and served as its first president. Meyer S. May), Hazel (Mrs. Upon Houseman's death, the lodge berjacks. chan"ed its name to Julius House- Henry M. Stern), and Julius H. In 1876, Julius disposed of his Amberg died in Grand Rapids business to his cousin, Josenh. and man Lodge, in tribute to his me- in 1939, at the age of 91, and was Moses May, who continued it for mory, under which name it funct- buried in the Jewish Section of ions to this day. a number of years under the Oakhill Cemetery. Houseman married Genevieve firm name of Houseman and May. Julius Houseman Amberg, son of Ringuette, a French-Canadian Later Edward Donnelly and Mr. and Mrs. David M. Amberg, Catholic girl. She was the daugh- Eugene W. Jones were admitted grandson of Julius Houseman, was ter of Maxime Ringoette, an to partnership and the firm be- born in Grand Rapids in 1890. He early settler of Grand Rapids came known as Houseman, Don- graduated first in his class at who was a shoemaker "well nelly and Jones. Upon the with- Central High School in 1908, first known to boot and shoe trade on drawal of Donnelly from the firm, in his class at Colgate University Monroe Street." During the slack the business continued as House- in 1912, and first in his class at season in summertime, he was man & Jones. Harvard Law School in 1915. At running a pole boat on the Grand Colgate he was cited as "the best In 1891, the massive Houseman River. Genevieve was converted Building was erected (fronting on student in 100 years" and at Har- to Judaism by Rabbi Isaac M. Pearl, Ottawa and Lyon Streets) vard he was editor of the Law Wise of Cincinnati. Genevieve on the exact site of Houseman's Review. and Julius Houseman had one first store. He began his practice of law in daughter, Hattie. They were di- The Houseman Building was 1915 with the firm of Butterfield vorced later. razed in 1966 to make room for a Julius Houseman died in Grand and Keeney, which became Butter- parking lot. Rapids, Feb. 9, 1891, at the age of field, Keeney, and Amberg in 1916. Eugene W. Jones continued with 59. By public request, his body lay In 1917 he was called to the office the company until his death in in state in the City Hall. He was of the secretary of war to per- 1926. buried in the Jewish section of form legal work in connection with Henry L. Houseman took over Oakbill Cemetery was survived by labor disputes. He was the author the business when his father, his daughter, Hattie; sister, Mrs. of the War Department pamphlet Joseph, died in 1908, and he oper- Albert Alsberg of New York; his on enforcement of the eight-hour ated the store until he died in 1929. half-brother, William Houseman; law in government contracts. Henry's son, Joseph, purchased the half-sister, Mrs. Simon Mainzer; Later in the war, he .served in Jones interest from his father's cousin, Joseph Houseman; and the United States Navy as a sea- estate. Maurice H. and Joseph L. several half-brothers and _half- man. During World War II Am- berg again served in the War De- Houseman operated the store sisters in Germany. later. Hattie Houseman married David partment as a special assistant to Houseman became one of the M. Amberg in 1876, when she was the secretary of war. For his work largest holders of real estate in 17. Amberg was born in Middle- involving the War Department's that section of Michigan, owned t own, 0., Jan. 1, 1848. As a boy industrial activities, he received large tracts in the Upper Penin- he moved with his family to La- the Presidential Medal of Merit sula and in other states, and had f ayette, Ind. He studied for a and citations from President Tru- man and Secretary of War Patter- 10 — Friday, October 4, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS son. Executive Secretary, Temple Amberg was active in the establishment of the Michigan Integrated Bar and was elected its president in 1939. During the depression of the 1930s, he ser- ved as chairman of the Kent County Welfare Commission. He was president of the Grand Rap- ids Federation of Social Agen- cies, Grand Rapids Foundation, and other civic groups. He was a leader in the Citizens Action Movement in 1949-50; and was regarded as the most talented lawyer of Grand Rapids from 1916 to his death in 1951, at the age of 60. Joseph Houseman was born in Zeckendorf, Bavaria, Feb. 13, 1832, the son of Mayer and Henrietta Neumann Houseman. He was edu- cated in the elementary and Heb- rew schools of his city. At the age of 21, he left for the United States, arriving in Michigan in July 1853, where his cousin Julius preceded him. In 1854, he visited Grand Rapids, and in 1857 he be- came a permanent resident of the city where he engaged in business together with Julius Houseman. On Sept. 21, 1858, he married Henri- etta Rose, daughter of Abraham Rose of Grand Rapids, and they became the parents of Maurice M., Henry L. and Helen. Houseman became a friend of the 'Ottawa and Chippewa Indian tribes. He was called upon by both the Indians and the whites to settle disputes. In appreciation the In- dians gave Joseph the name of Little J Blackskin. He was member of the firm of "Hous an, Donnelly & Jones" and presi ent of the firm's succes- sor "Hou eman and Jones." He served as a director and as a vice president of the Grand Rapids National Bank, as a trustee of the Grand Rapids Board of Education, as a director of the board of pub- lic works, the Peninsular Trust Company, the Butterworth Hosp- ital and the Valley City Building and Loan Association. He was also president of the Grand Rapids Building, Loan and Homestead Association, director and treasurer of the Division Street Gravel Road Grand Rapids News Notes Company, and held many other offices. Houseman was one of the pi- oneers and builders of the Jewish community of Grand Rapids. He was chairman of the Benevolent and Burial Society, the first Jew- ish association, organized in 1857. He served for many years as pres- ident of Temple Emanuel and as director of the Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home (now Bellefaire). Mrs. Houseman was president of the Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society for many years. Her half- brother, Albert Alsberg, married Marie Houseman, sister of Julius Houseman. Houseman died May 8, 1908. Houseman Avenue in Grand Rapids was named after the fam- ily. Children Wear Yellow Badges to Evoke Holocaust By BEN GALLOB (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) ALBANY—An effort is under way here to persuade Jewish par- ents and children to absent them- selves from work and school to gather in synagogues for a com- memoration of the Holocaust April 15. Officials of Albany's Temple Israel plan this as an extension of the third annual observance in the Conservative synagogue's re- ligious school classes. April 15 coincides in 1969 with NisSan 27, which has been widely accepted as the day of remem- brance of the Holocaust. Philip Arian, educational direc- tor of Temple Israel, reported also that an effort would be made to "inspire our entire Jewish com- munity" on the day "to wear with pride the Yellow Badge of Honor" which the Nazis forced European Jews to. wear. Wearing of the yellow badge is an element of the observance in Temple Israel school classes. Another is the reading of a Sefer Hashoa—BoOk of the Holocaust—which was pre- pared by teachers when the ob- servance was started in 1967. Arian described the genesis of the commemoration in a report in "The Synagogue School," a pub- lication of the commission on Jew- ish education of the United Syna- gogue of America, the association of Conservative congregations, and amplified it in a statement to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. After the decision was made to try to "evoke the Holocaust for our students in as real a way as is done by the seder on Passover and the Megilla reading on Purim," the idea emerged of pre- paring a mimeographed Sefer Hashoa to "formulate the full story of the Nazi era for students who were almost totally ignorant of it." A few parents objected the first year because of the presumed emotional impact on their chil- dren. Some parents, when pressed on such reactions, were non-com- mittal, indicating that "the anxiety they were expressing was their own." Many teachers were disturbed and even bitter at some of the negative reaction s, but what troubled them most, Arian re- ported, was "the reaction of non- reaction." They simply did not know whether many of their stu- dents had been touched or not. One teacher argued that such a response was "the best reaction we could hope for. Not a one-shot emotional frenzy but an honest acceptance of what was." The teacher added that "Of one thing we can be certain — they will not forget." Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Oberman announce the engagement of their daughter Wendy to Nathan Bly- veis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Blyveis. • • • Abe Ginsburg was elected com- missioner of the Bnai Brith Na- tional Commission on Community and Veterans Service at the tri- enniel convention in Washington. Paul Liebert was elected an asso- ciate of the Supreme Lodge board of review at the trienniel. • • • Messrs. and Mesdames Simon Rosenbaum, Seymour Rapaport and Sidney Rapaport are on tour in Israel. • • • Larry S. Solomon, son of Mrs. Leo Solomon, has been appointed vice president of Analytical Plan ning Corp. of Washington, D.C., a financial planning firm. Solomon had been corporation counsel for Detroit before joining the Wash- ington firm. a a • Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Berkowitz of Belknap Ave. announce the en- gagement of their daughter Lu- anne to Alan R. Thodey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Thodey of Geeveston, Tasmania. Miss Berkowitz and her fiance, both of Palo Alto, are planning a Dec. 1 wedding. The bride-elect is a grad- uate of the University of Michi- gan, where she was affiliated with Delta Epsilon Sorority. She also received her masters degree at U. of M. Her fiance is a graduate of the University of Tasmania and No man has ever been able to will receive his PhD from the hide from the subpoenas of the University of Illinois in December. court of conscience.