Geliebter, Steven Shapira to Wed Laurie Rita MISS LAURIE GELIEBTER At a recent dinner party, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geliebter of Bal- moral Dr., announced the engage- ment of their daughter Laurie Rita to Steven Shapira, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boris Shapira of Leslie Crest Rd., Birmingham. H IAS Processes Total of 928 Czechs; Settles 230 in Other Lands VIENNA—Long lines of Czech refugees are still coming into United Hias Service offices seeking migration aid. Since Aug. 21, date of the Rus- sian occupation, 928 Czech Jews had registered by Sept. 20. According to Gaynor I. Jacob- son, executive vice president, United }Tuts has already assisted 230 Czech refugees to resettle in the U.S., Switzerland, United King- dom, France, Australia, Sweden and other countries. In addition to the Czech refugee crisis, Jacobson pointed out that BIAS offices are processing in- creasing numbers of Polish Jews. The present caseload of Polish refugees who wish to emigrate, mainly to the U.S., numbers more than 450, he said. J. Hyams Tells Korezak Story Joe Hyams was not "there" — not in the Warsaw ghetto. But his compassion and understanding is clearly evident in his new book, "A Field of Buttercups," published on the 25th anniversary of the re- sistance in the Warsaw ghetto by Prentice-Hall. This powerful book is the story of the Our Home Orphanage in Warsaw and the man who cared for the 200 Jewish children at the home, Dr. Janusz Korczak. Korczak was one of Poland's most famous writers and teachers. At the age of 30; he gave up a suc- cessful medical practice to take over the orphanage. In July 1942, the Treblinka H extermination camp was opened, and each day from 5,000 to 6,000 Warsaw Jews were shipped to the camp's gas chambers. The day arrived when the Our Home children were se- lected for extermination. Korczak, because of his wide reputation as a writer, was offered the chance to save himself. But, he refused. Ile would not leave his orphans. Before Korczak and his children were packed into the freight cars to take them to Treblinka, their yellow Star of David armbands were cut off and thrown into the center of the courtyard. "It looked like a field of buttercups," com- mented a Polish policeman. The image is a striking contrast to the fate which awaited Korczak and the children. "Now Christ is' rtsen in his Freudian hat And Nature's gussied up with Palms of gilt And I myself have risen, and an that, I stand in paradise and will not wilt . Scholar: no need of your analysis: JWV tablished here by Dr. David Kahane, chief rabbi of Buenos Aires. Attending the inauguration was Dr. Zerach Warhaftig, Israeli minister for religious affairs. The action followed the closing of the Love's the life-cycle of a eighth annual conference of the lifer's kiss. Federation of Argentine Jewish Shapiro has authored several Communities. books of poems which have won Dr. Warhaftig and Dr. S. Leven- acclaim. He now teaches on' the Chicago Circle Campus of the Uni- berg, chairman of the international affairs department of the World versity of Illinois. Jewish Congress, attended a spe- cial meeting of the South Ameri- Veterans, AFL-CIO can executive of the WJC. They discussed Jewish life in Latin Back Phantom Sale America. WASHINGTON (JTA) — T h e American Legion and the AFL-CIO urged the United States, in sep- British Company Snubs arate statements this week, to sell Anti-Jewish Contract Phantom jet warplanes to Israel. LONDON (JTA)—A British com- The Legion's stand w a s con- pany rejected a five-figure Syrian tained in a resolution adopted at contract because it contained an the Legion's national convention anti-Jewish clause, the Financial in New Orleans last week. Times reported. The company, AFL-CIO President George which trades with both Israel and Meany sent a special communica- the Arab states, requested that its tion, on behalf of the organiza- identity remain undisclosed. tion's board, telling President The offending clause stipulated Johnson the American Labor that the contract would become movement wanted immediate sale null and void if its execution of the Phantoms to Israel. was dependent in any way on "direct or indirect relations with `Mein Kampf' in Germany Israel ... or on suspected persons, FRANKFURT (JTA)—The public especially Jewish." Dr. Alec Ler- proseciitor has been asked to in- ner, chairman of the Anglo-Israeli vestigate the unauthorized publica- Chamber of Commerce, said it was tion of Hitler's autobiography the first provision against Jews "Mein Kampf" which has been rather than against "Zionists" that baniVoi. (n: West. CyArMalli Since AP. ji.e, .Arab trade APSII- meat. end of World War IL - Israel Emergency Fund Aid Is Less Than Last Year JEWISH WAR VETERANS BOWLING LEAGUE announces there are openings left for team sponsors. For information, call Mort Meyers, president of the JWV Bowling League, EL 7-2923. = LT. RAYMOND ZUSSMAN AUX- ILIARY will hold its annual dutch treat dinner-meeting 6:30 p.m. Monday at Blazo's Restaurant, Oak Park. After dinner, plans will be discussed for the coming year. For information, call Mrs. Sidney Sil- ver, LI 8-0385. Trade Between Austria, Israel Due to Increase JERUSALEM (JTA) — World 000. In the years preceding the Jewry is contributing less to the Six-Day War the average was only Israel emergency fund in 1968 than $14,000,000, Kreutner said. it did in the war crisis year of 1967, but contributions are still running nearly four times ahead of the pre-1967 campaigns, the direc- Now Booking - tor general of the Keren Hayesod, (fund-raising arm of t h e World Zionist Organization) reported. S. J. Kreutner, who was is Eur- and His Orchestra ope on behalf of the campaign, said that preliminary figures from Good Music the 54 countries in which the fund for MI Occasions operates indicate that contributions LI 4-9278 this year will be close to $55,000,- 000. This is slightly more than Classified Ads Get Quick Results half the 1967 record of $105,000,- BY POPULAR DEMAND ! . ED BURG VIENNA (JTA) — Trade be- tween Austria and Israel will in- crease soon. The increase is the re- sult of talks here between Austrian Commerce Minister Otto Mitterer and Israel's finance, commerce and induhtry minister, Zeev ShareL Austria is interested in expanding exports to Israel. Trade between the two countries has been quiet since the Six-Day War. Sharef promised to promote more tourist traffic to Austria, among other things. art Norman Allan & Co. 17540 WYOMING • TEL. 341-1330 • THUR., FRI. TN..g. "31 This is no ordinary orbit It's our of This World ! Jewish Propagandist Dismissed by E. Germany LONDON — East Germany dis- missed Prof. Albert Norden, 63, Jewish-born chief propagandist, when Czechoslovakia was invaded, according to the West German paper, Die Welt. Last survivor of prominent Jew- ish emigrants who settled in East Germany after escaping from the Nazis to a Western country, Dr. Norden has been a Communist Party member since 1920. He was interned in a Nazi concentration during the war. Karl Shapiro Authors camp Hermann Axen, head of the Central Committee's foreign pol- 29 New Love Poems icy secretariat, has replaced Prof. There are 29 new love poems in Norden as head of the propaganda "White-Haired Lover" by Karl mission of the Central Committee's Shapiro, published by Random Politburo. House. The themes are varied. As he often did in the past, Shapiro turns Board of Rabbis Created to the Christ theme, in "Now at Argentine Ceremony Christ is - Risen" in which he BUENOS AIRES (JTA)—An Ar- muses: , . gentine Board of Rabbis was es- Friday, September 27, 1961 27 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ELVET raiieRic IT l t3orrs sem THE VOGUE IN PECORATIVE AND (yen. WE HAVE don't have to order 4- wa;t) 6e colors to • NYLON Is 95 WEI4125 FORE IF Fmsrs VER Yd. $/s--0 yd. • ALL "SECONDS" 51 NuFF 51;110 95 IF FIRSTS $2 7 " you sickvE MORE VL.VETS TOO- LINEN - corroN- ANTIVIE — PRINTED — CUT PATTERNS ALL ATTNEWIEND0VS SAVINGS No CORNIARg FAMOUS - FABULOUS 1933 S. TELEGRAPH RD. — FE 2.- 9163 OPEN DAILY 9;30 TO S:30 NEAR PONTIAC aosea suNpAy MONDAY MITE 'l u. 9:00 .