Purely Commentary - There won't be many areas in hu- celebration and at our religious serv- man relations that will be missing ices. * * in the experiences certain to face us in 5729. Politically, economically, so- Our probleMs have not reduced cially, religiously, racially—the inter- during the past year: they have mul- ests involving all peoples, all faiths. tiplied. Anti-Semitism has not been all nationality groups will be on so eliminated: it has been revived by an overwhelming an agenda that it will element so bigoted that the lie of the lire the tact, the knowledge, the Middle Ages is reaffirmed as a newly- dedic, 'on of people properly equip- discovered crusade. ed to deal with the issues to guide The tragedy is that the deluded mankind along roads of peace, secur- New Left, some elements in the Black ity, amity among individuals and na- Community, the propagandists among t ions. Arabs, have joined forces in attacks Recognizing the immensity of the on all Jews, with Israel as the inno- problems, we may as well be prepared cent central cause of the hatreds that have endured among the ignorant for a variety of eventualities. This nation must deal with the masses who crave for a scapegoat in effect: of a continuing war in Viet- their venom. Hopes that human prejudices nam, with the urgency of arms limita- tions, with the Communist threats, would vanish have faded rather than with the Russian invasion of Czecho- flourished, and our difficulty is that slovakia and the imminence of trouble instead of dedicating ourselves to the in Romania, with the Middle East and advancement of high cultural values the freedom of the seas. The heft' we must constantly strive for an as- President of the United States will be surance that the truth will be known confronted with these-and many other and thus we are, too often, compelled issues, and the wisdom of our fellow to fill assignments requiring respons- citizens will be tested when they are es to libels. * * * called upon to elect a genuine liberal In this election year we are taxed and a man who has been tested as one of experience. knowledgeability, back- with the serious duty of assuring the survival of our democratic way of ground rooted in humanitarianism. life, of preventing the collapse of * * * common sense and of the injection The events that will develop on the of methods that could bring us to foreign spheres and those involving the brink of destruction as a factor the domestic needs—the civil rights in defense of basic decencies in inter- principles, the war on poverty, the re- national relations. If we are not duction of crime and the enforcement careful, elements that are bent upon of law—will, naturally, affect all in- making a police state out of a great dividuals, and the Jewish community country will succeed. will be deeply involved in the emerg- It has been threatened, and that ing evolutionary processes. threat must be relegated to oblivion; On all the issues we have enumer- the candidates advocating such poli- ated, Jewish citizens may be as sharp- cies must be repudiated- so over- ly divided as are all the citizens of whelmingly that never again should this land, except that we are, as a unit, we hear talk tantamount to Nazism. committed to the basic ideals of our There is cause for pleading with derhocratic system which demands the American electorate to be very equal rights for all regardless of the discriminating in this election year color of their skins; we are, as one, in and to make certain that those who the ranks of those striving to eliminate have already dared say they would want to provide for the less fortunate like to turn over this nation to the irf our midst; we are for peace and we police should get the proper reply pray that the most urgently desired from the American people. resu4ts of national efforts will lead to Of course, we want protection, we an end to war and to a speedy return desire enforcement of the laws, there of American youths from battlefronts. is need for order, but not under * * * the banner of either the swastika There are the specific Jewish \ ob- or the hammer and sickle. And ligations for which we seek the coop- those who would deny rights to op- eration of our non-Jewish fellow-citi- pressed and at the same time en- zens. In the struggle for peace we in- force compulsive ways in dealing clude 'the Middle East and we earn- with the peace-enforcement responsi- estly hope that prejudices will vanish, bilities have no place in our society. -* * * that there will be a recognition of the grave threats to the security of an en- Because we must defend the demo- tire people on the shores of the Medi- cratic rights of all, we have no way terranean and that all people of good of preventing some of the anti-Semit- will may be counted in the ranks of ic outbursts, even in this great land of the defenders of an Israel that strives freedom and justice. While we had for security and is compelled to de- hoped that our chief interests will be fend itself endlessly against efforts in the educational fields, we are corn- to destroy it. pelled to place emphasis on the civic- While seeking a cease-fire in Protective factors. Southeast Asia, we are compelled, on Out of it all there always emerges a sacred ,period of our inaugurating the responsibility to strengthen our the spiritual Jewish New Year, to cultural bastions. We must fortify the plead with the nations of the world to school so that the child should be well take into account the fact that a cease- protected with knowledge to face all fire. had been called on Israel's bor- eventualities in life—as Jew and as ders and that Israel's neighbors are citizen. constantly breaking it, resorting to all That is why the continuing de- types of weapons imported from the mand is that priorities in our com- Soviet Union and Communist China, munal interests should be given to in procedures aimed at destroying education. That is why there is so life, at attacking children in their much concern that the teaching pro- school yards, in vandalizing and bomb- fession should be elevated to the high- ing setlements whose peace is always est ranks, that there should be a large temporary as long as bitterness reigns measure of dignity for those who across their borders. teach our children. * * * While rededicating ourselves to peace and harmony, to faith in the The problem of enrolling the abl- need to assure the perpetuation of est of our yOuth as prospective teach- human values, on the sacred days of ers remains among the leading chal- Rosh Hashana, we are compelled to lenges to us, to our community—to think in terms of the military defense the Jewish and to the secular school the Israelis are forced to utilize every systems, and we must not shelve this moment of their lives. This remains a need into insignificance. depressing factor in our New Year Once again, our concern is with Faith in a New Year Regardless of Accumulating Tensions and Problems By Philip Slomovitz the youth. While striving to retain be stopped in the best interests of boys and girls in Jewish classes after Bar and Bat Mitzva and confirmations, there is cause for the agony that is created by a lack of interest in Jewish needs and in the life of our people among the collegiates. We- are in agreement with those who maintain that emphasis must be placed upon the primary school: like the wise Jesuitical teachers who say "give me the child of 5 and 6 and I don't care who has him afterwards," we must concede that if we provide a good education for youngsters from the ages of 5 through 13 we may have some assurance that they will retain a loyalty to Jewish traditions. Yet, even those who had been well trained Jewishly somehow forget their past the moment they enter the highest ranks of their studies in the univer- sities. How are we to combat such in- difference? It is a problem that mag- nifies itself and solvents until now have been inadequate. Surely, this remains among the chief problems facing us as we become more deeply rooted in the democratic ways of our country. * * * One of the most serious responsi- bilities facing our communities—and we sense it more than 'ever now in our own—is the elevation of the teaching profession, the high status we must give to our teachers, the need to create a major role in our midst for the select who are train- ing our children. We must begin with a due respect for the teacher. a Next to the parent in the home, it is the teacher who exerts the greatest influence upon the child. There is justified cause for us to feel that most of our teachers are dedicated to their profession and therefore to our community. We be- gin by trusting the school, and we proceed by placing confidence in -the teacher and in the calling he has chosen. That status must be placed on the highest level, regardless of obligation to him by the community. If we have • good teachers, we will have a good generation of upcom- ing youth. An assurance of a better day in parent-child relationship lies in our hands, in the manner in which we protect our school system by as- suring a dedicated teaching staff. * * * The teacher's role in our commun- ity will be a subject that will tax our considerations in the years ahead because of what is happening in our school system, because of the revolts in which teachers' views are vital,. because there is flight from that pro- fession, and it is an escape that must , generations to be trained properly. Dr. Albert Einstein, in "The World As I See It," .a volume that even now, 30 years after it was published, retains value for those seeking wise advice, stated: "Academic chairs are many, but wise and noble teachers are few." But there is another bit of advice not to be ignored. In the "Sef er Hasidim" there is this notable dec- laration: "There are three teachers: parents, instructors and comrades." There is implied here also the men and women in the community who form a sort of a leadership, a class of baalebatim, who share responsi- bility for proper educational systems. This is primarily true of the Jewish community—and in this community of ours it is vital that teachers work hand in hand with the baalebatim to assure solidity for our schools, the best curricula, the highest types of school system which, next to the home, must be viewed as the great fortress' in the struggle for Jewish survival. It is now being reiterated that af- fluence is the cause ill our cultural decline. But if our youth rebels against it, if the young people are fol- lowing the path of the ultra-liberal, why should this be a root cause of our troubles — except that the freedoms lead many of •the youth to paths of mixed marriages and of abandonment of religious affiliations? If ever there was a challenge on this score, it is now, and the spiritual leaders , have never before been faced with greater demands for wise ap- proaches to serious situations. * * * Yet, we also must concede that not all is gloomy, that in an environ- ment of freedom there is the oppor- tunity to overcome obstacles and that we must look to the future with faith and with confidence that the good in- tentions of all peoples will conquer the evil and that strivings for advance- ment will emerge victorious in the long run. There is indestructibility in the democratic way of life, and there is the survivalism of Jewry that is un- questioned. The New Year 5729 must, there- fore, be welcomed in a spirit of su- preme confidence that the roads to freedom and to justice will be cleared, that humankind will proceed on a road of creativity and not destructability. And with humankind we look forward to days of glory for the. Jewish spirit, perpetuating the ideals of a sacred heritage linked so closely with the highest standards of American demo- cracy. The President's Rosh Hashana Message The White House this week issued the following Rosh Hashana message: . "To my fellow Americans of the Jewish faith, I send my warmest wishes for health, happiness and spiritual refreshment on this eve of the High Holy Days. "According to a sacred tradition, this is the time when Jewish people reconsecrate their covenant with God. Each -man accounts for his deeds and thoughts of the past year and dedicates himself to the obligations and responsibilities of the year ahead. "It is a time for meditation on the pest and prayer to God for the strength and ability to do what is right in the future. "For our nation this year has brought ,both joy and sadness. We have reaped promising harvests in the vineyards of justice and brought succor to the needy in 'otir midst. But we have much •to do before we can say, in good• conscience, that all Americans live as brothers, that no man lives in want. "I have faith' that the day will come when this beloved land will know in fullness the true blessings of juFtice and equality. And I have faith that Americans of Jewish faith will continue to do their share in helping us reach this desired destiny. • "For the years ahead, I hope that all Americans today may be in- scribed in the Book of Life—so that all may work in unity to help bring God's blessings to our country." 2—Friday, September 20, 1968 LYNDON B. JOHNSON THE Damn* Awn NEWS