Bonn Interior Minister Not Certain of Extension on Limitations Statute NEW YORK—Ernst Benda, West German minister of the interior. told Arthur J. Goldberg and a delegation from the American Jew- ish Committee that he could not definitely predict a further exten- sion of the statute of limitations for Nazi murderers. Benda, who favors extension of the statute, met with Goldberg. president of the American Jewish Committee, and leaders • at a meeting tendered by Klaus Cur- tius, German consul general in New York. This meeting was a allow-up to one in July that Jewish Committee lead- 141/American - ers had with him in Bonn. The statute of limitations, which was extended in 1965, is due to expire Dec. 31, 1969. Benda indi- cated that the new draft law should pass through the cabinet. How- ever, he was not as certain of passage by the Bundestag. He re- minded Goldberg that Chancellor Kurt George Kiesinger has spoken out in favor of an extension. Aside from the fact that the statute is not politically popular, Benda pointed out that there are two other obstacles to its ex- tension. They have to do with the constitutionality of the ex- tension itself, a n d the penal code. The question of the constitution- ality of the previous extension is now pending before the Federal Constitutional Court and backers of the statute's extension are hop- ing that a favorable decision will be made in time for the Bunde- stag to act before the end of 1969. Goldberg conceded that the West German legal system differs from that of the United State, where there is no statute of limitations for murder, but he suggested that the West Germans might re-ex- amine their legal system so that it would be flexible enough to rec- tify mistakes. He pointed out that in the United States judicial de- cisions are reviewed and changed. Asked whether the resurgence of anti-Semitism in East Europe hasn't spilled over into West Ger- many, Benda said that though vestiges of anti-Semitism remain among a small percentage of the older population, it is not a factor among the young, and he did not foresee West Germany's being in- fected by the same anti-Semitic virus. Benda said that young Germans, who are deeply sympathetic to Israel, have had little direct con- tact with and knowledge of Jews in their own homeland. Friday, September 13, 1968-3 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Early Deadline for Holy Days The approaching Holy Days and festivals necessitate the enforcement of earlier deadlines. For the issue of Sept. 27, because of Rosh Hashana, the deadline for all copy will be at 11 a.m. Friday, Sept. 20. For the Oct. 4 issue, the deadline will be at noon on Friday, Sept. 27. Copy must reach us at noon Friday, Oct. 4, for the issue of Oct. 11. Deadline for Classified Ads for the issue of Oct. 4 will be at noon Tuesday, Oct. 1. BBC Hebrew Program Is Cut to Pay for Other Cultural Links With Israel LONDON (JTA) A foreign min- istry official told a deputation of British Jews that the British Broad- casting Corp. had suspended its half-hour Hebrew short-wave pro- gram in order to make the funds available for other forms of cul- tural links between Britain and Israel. Maurice Foley, parliamentary undersecretary at the foreign office, said he regretted it was not possi- ble to reconsider the suspension or even to postpone it. Foley was visited by a delegation representing the Board of Deputies of British Jews who expressed the concern felt by Jewish communi- ties here and abroad over the deci- sion to shut down the BBC's He- brew service. — • • • • 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 That's why growables are winners every time. If you haven't already the team ... do it fowl WARDROBE KNIT joined te s.vkas.14 only $1_10 LILLI ANN wardrobe-knit: roman- tic taped coat, bold horizontal stripes, paired with exciting white dress, banded at the hem with color, finest wool, white/grey, white/black, white/brown, ivory/ camel, sizes 6 to la. LILLI ANN COATS __59.99 up Watchmaker Jeweler OF HARVARD ROW 11 MILE and LAHSER PHONE: 353-3146 Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry Turkeys (6 to 20 lbs.). • Roasters Fryers • Capons Cornish Hens PLEASE Ducks ORDER EARLY Every dollar you add to your account works two ways for you. Gives you high earnings, paid and compounded quarterly, and a better community to live and grow up in, thanks to our local home loan program. LILLI ANN and For the convenience of the Housewife we have Fresh and Frozen—Cleaned and Koshered: an Surwinis Charge • Michigan Bankard • Security Charge GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master KAPLAN BROS. Who belongs? Anyone with account at American Savings of Detroit. And there's nothing "little league" about ill "CHARGE IT" YOU'RE INVITED .. . SEE PAGE 27 La, -csociA.110# AMERICAN SAVINGS DETROIT Accounts insured to $15,000 by Waal savings & Loan Insurance corporati011 Drenches throughout metropolitan Detroit FOR THE JEWISH HOLIDAYS