■■■■47■W;;' THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 13, 1968-13 UAR Attacks Linked to Need for Morale Among Soldiers f, • French Firm Buys Rights to Hechmon Teaching Method HAIFA—The world-wide conces- sion for the distribution of the new audio visual system for the teach- ing of Hebrew, developed at the Technion, Israel Institute of Tech- noligy, by Dr. Paul Enoch and Mrs. Judith Cais, of the depart- ment of general studies, has been purchased by the French publish- ing firm Didier, it was announced developing additional courses of the new method. The new audio visual Hebrew teaching method has aroused keen interest in many countries in Europe, America and Latin Amer- ica, and several courses using it have already been held in Israel in cooperation with the Jewish Agency. Several universities in Europe and the U.S. are contem- plating the introduction of the new method as part of their pro- gram. (The Jewish Center in Detroit utilizes the method under the title "Habet Ushma.") Meanwhile, it was announced that Israeli chemical engineers, graduates of the Technion, who wish to be admitted as members of the British Institute of Chemi- cal Engineers, will no longer be required to take the institute's qualifying examinations. However, graduates of the Tech- Three Israeli border policemen nion will be required to submit a (Continued from Page 12) were slightly injured when their design project before their applica- he noted, coincided with various patrol car came under mortar and tion for membership is approved. alarms in the Arab world about machine gun fire from Jordanian Technion authorities hope that this an impending Israeli attack. positions - Saturday afternoon. It here. requirement also will be removed (President Nasser has a com- was the second attack within an The agreement, negotiated be- in the future. pelling need to remind the world hour near Neve Urr, in the Beisan tween the Technion Research and that Egypt is still to be reckoned valley, a military spokesman said. Development Foundation Ltd., and with, especially now, that the He reported that Israeli units. re- the French firm gives Didier the Soviet Union is pre-occupied in turned the fire and the patrol was right to produce and distribute all Czechoslovakia, Mr. Hurst wrote. resumed after the injured men the relevant material, such as The Telegraph said however that were taken to a hospital. Accord- books and films, all over the world, the impression persisted that ing to the spokesman, the shooting in return for royalties, which will Russia is provoking such incidents was started by Arab marauders be divided between the foundation as the Suez artillery clash in an dug in around the ruins of Man- and the two authors of the new attempt to extend its military and shiyah village on the Jordan's east SEE OR CALL political power in the Mediter- bank. The village served as a gun method of study. Dr. Enoch and Mrs. Cais are ranean by putting Israel on the emplacement for Jordanian regu- ELECTRONIC political and military defensive.) lars. It was heavily hit in yester- Speculation here as to Egyptian day's artillery duel between Israeli Holiday Conflict Avoided GARAGE DOOR motives leaned to the need to raise and Jordanian forces. OPENER CLEVELAND (JTA)—Cleveland troop morale and prove to Egyp- Schools re-opened in Yardena ition-Crioornan tian soldiers that they have re- and Beth Joseph, Beisan valley State University has advanced the ACO 00 011111101111111114 111111.111111111111111111111111fte gained the strength they had prior settlements that have been fre- fall term registration date for to June 1967. Even more impor- quent targets of Jordanian artillery Jewish students from Sept. 23 to eacbtfa' c tant, it was said. Egypt wants and small arms fire. The classes the later date 1350 N. Woodward Birmingham to show the Arab world that it is had been suspended because of Sept. 20 because coincides with Rosh Hashana. The also active against Israel and not lack of adequate shelters. MI 4=1030 sitting idle while other Arab states, A curfeW was imposed on Gaza arrangement was made by the Call Evenings Until 9 Res. 357-0326 namely Jordan, bear the brunt of after an explosion in the main school through the campus Hillel 353-3284 the confrontation with Israel. market place Saturday morning adviser. (Tom Little wrote in the London which injured 14 local residents Times Tuesday that no Arab gov- and Israeli Arabs. The explosive ernment would readily attack Is- charge detonated under a truck rael now or in the near future owned by one of the Israeli. Arabs because none is in a military posi- who was injured. All were hos- tion to do so. According to Little, pitalized. the possibility of war hinges on Egyptian Deserter Reveals Egypt which is known to have been Kidnaped Israeli Soldier re-armed by Russia to approxi- Died in Hospital of Injuries mately its pre-June 1967 strength. TEL AVIV (JTA)—An Egyptian But it is doubtful whether the new soldier who deserted Saturday said armaments have offensive value here Monday that an Israeli soldier and, primarily, the men are not kidnaped by Egyptian commandos ready, Little said. He said that Aug. 26 died in a hospital. The Russians training Egyptian troops deserter, Abd El Hakim Moham- have reported to Moscow that med Suedi, told newsmen that his Egypt will not be ready to drive unit had been put on alert Aug. 26 Israel out of the Sinai for another just prior to a commando raid year or two.) across the Suez Canal in which Israeli forces in the Suez Canal two Israeli soldiers were killed Zone refrained from returning and a third kidnaped. Israeli au- small arms and machine gun thorities have identified the kid- fire aimed at them by Egyptian naped soldier as Yaacob Royneh of forces near Port Tewfik Wednes• Kibutz Eliaon. day morning. But a fierce ex- The deserter said he was told of change of fire developed Tues- the kidnaped Israeli's death by a day night along the Israel-Jordan soldier from another unit who demarcation line in the Beisan visited him after the raid. He said Valley and south of Lake Tiberi- that his unit knew all about the as, a military spokesman report- raid and that two Israelis had been ed. There were no casualties. killed and one kidnaped. He said The Israeli forces on the east that he had been posted as a look- Yes, at Shifman's you'll find the very bank of the canal were obviously out on the night of the raid and newest in style . . . including the col- under orders to exercise restraint had seen Egyptian troops manning ors and patterns that are setting the Egyptian units were apparently as their weapons. He said that after pace. Qualit y, America's foremost doing their best to provoke them sighting a flare, the alert was into an escalation. According to a called off. manufacturer's are repreSented. Fit, m ilitary spokesman, Egyptian Says Removal Abba Eban Shifman's has long been known for it's soldiers sent bursts of rifle and tailoring. Yes„ at Shifrrian's you get machine gun fire across the canal of Nasser Would Improve three times in a 35-minute period Chances for Settlement them all . . . in time for wearing this LONDON (JTA) —Foreign Minis- shortly before 9 a.m. Wednesday. "Yomtov". ter Abba Eban of Israel hinted in The Israelis did not react and the an interview published in the petered out, the spokes- shooting Guardian that the removal of man said. BOTANY 500 SUITS President Abdel Gamal Nasser of But settlers in several Beisan Egypt might improve chances of $95 to $110 settlements spent four hours Valley a Middle East settlement. He ad- or longer in bomb shelters Tues- mitted that Israel was already PETROCELLI SUITS day night as bazooka, mortar and approaching the bargaining table $125 to $145 later artillery shells whistled over- with the Arabs by way of indirect shooting The Jordanian head. negotiations, though he insisted CARDINAL SUITS started at about 10 p.m. local time that binding contractual agree- $165 to $200 when an Israeli armored patrol ments can be made only when both car was attacked with bazooka parties meet face-to-face. shells and automatic fire. Israeli But, Eban told the Guardian re- units returned the fire and the Jordanians brought their artillery porter, Peter Jenkins, "that doesn't mean you can do nothing ahead of into action. The pattern was a fa- time to clarify and define princi- miliar one in which small arms were used by irregulars to precipi- ples." He conceded that indirect EVERYTHING FOR THE MAN tate a clash with Jordanian ar- negotiations "for what they are tillery backing them up at a later worth are taking place already." Asked if Israel still insisted on a state. Israeli guns reportedly scored LINCOLN CENTER direct hits on Jordanian positions formal peace treaty with the GREENFIELD ROAD Arabs, the foreign minister replied, in Haharavim and Bakour villages "That is the normal way of con- (Between 10 1/2 and 11 Mile Roads) which have been taken over by cluding a state of war—speeches and Jordanian army terrorists Open Monday, Thursday, units. Heavy damage was also at the United Nations have no Friday and Saturday to 9 done to Jordanian positions at the juridicial value whatsoever." junction of the Israel, Syrian and The Wise Owl Club of America, Jordanian borders following a con- certed mortar attack on Israeli the eye-safety incentive program If you like it .. "Charge It'd Shifman's forces by the Jordanians, a mili- of the National Association for Security, Michigan Bankard, American Express, . the Prevention of Blindness awards spokesman said. He reported tary Diners and the new Shifman Charges honored that Israeli units were attacked membership to industrial employes have protected their eyes Wednesday morning in the Neve. who from injury or loss of sight by Urr and Beisan regions, starting wearing safety eyewear at the a brief exchange of fire which time of an on-the-job accident. Veinco • • • ;i#11IC f Cadillac ! VIC DOUCETTE W AN, style, quality, fit .. . Shifman's has them all for "Yomtov" ShifmAN'S