THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday, September 6, 1968 •!0 ■ •••POU011•1010M1111.04 ■ 01=1.0i4M111111.0411 ■ 01•1 ■ 041111/011111.041 1 114■ 0■0111110.0 aMeile.0411111■41 ■4141M Boris Smolar's 'Between You . and Me' (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) BIAFRA REVERBERATIONS: There are no Jews in Biafra, the secessionist province of Nigeria where millions, mostly children, among the 13,000,000 people are now starving to death. Nevertheless, Jews in the United States are now engaged in a fund-raising campaign for food and medicine for the starving Biafrans. And the responses are most gratifying. Jews in this country still have fresh in their memories the fact that the world stood by silently when 6,000,000 Jews were starved and annihilated by the Nazis. They cannot forget this indifference on the part of the civilized world to the tragic fate of their brethren on the European continent. And they want to be on record that when other nations face starvation and annihilation—as is the case now with the Biafrans—the Jewish people do not remain unconcerned. Led by the American Jewish Committee, all major Jewish organ- izations in this country have formed a special body to provide relief for the starving people of Biafra. Under the signature of top leaders of 22 leading Jewish religious, communal, philanthropic and relief bodies, an appeal was issued to Jews all over the country to make urgent contributions for airlifts of food and medicine for the Biafrans, in the race with death which these unfortunate people are facing. The campaign is only at its beginning, but the contributions which have reached the Jewish committee for Biafran relief during the first two weeks exceeded $60,000. Although not advertised as yet in many Jewish communities, the campaign has brought in its first weeks more than 3,500 letters with donations. Remarkable is the fact that contributions are coining in not only from adults but also from children. Told by their teachers in the Jewish schools, of the thousands of children who are dying in Biafra each day of starvation and sickness in the midst of a civil war, the pupils are sending pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters for the American Jewish Emergency Effort for Biafran Relief—the joint relief body which the 22 leading Jewish groups have established. Arab Guerrillas Split Over Tactics; Egypt Hit by Tunisian Delegation (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) LONDON (JTA)—A rift was re- ported Tuesday in the ranks of Arab guerrillas based in Jordan. The differences are mainly psycho- logical, according to the Guard- ian's correspondent, David Hurst, who contrasted the "professional- ism" of Jordanian army officers enlisted in the so-called Popular Front for the Liberation of Pales- tine and the "romanticism" of El Fatah members who "grossly exaggerate their exploits and are vulnerable to political manipula- tion." (The Arabs are having other in- ternal problems. The Tunisian dele- gation walked out of the Arab League meeting in Cairo Monday, asserting that the 14-nation league was "no longer a place where truth can be spoken frankly and freely" and was a tool of Cairo.) Writing from Beirut, Hurst said "Some of Jordan's best army offi- .rs, victims of countless purges, are playing an increasingly impor- tant role in the Palestine guerrilla movement and may eventually give it the professional fiber it lacks in large measure." But, - Hurst went on, "The guerrilla movement is fraught with internal conflicts. "There is a fundamental anta- gonism between those who insist on adhering to authentic guerrll- la action and those who are will- ing to stray from it by behavkig like a conventional army or seek- ing political gain to the detri- ment of the armed struggle. The officers stand for orthodoxy and are strongest in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Pal- estine. The Front is hard-headed and canny whereas El Fatah is apt to be naive and romantic." "Vulnerability to Israeli attacks may tempt El Fatah to acquire anti-aircraft guns of its own, and the ex-army officers of the Popular Front consider this an aberration." Hurst wrote. He said "politicians are also partly responsible for the most insidious threat of all — the corrupting effect of propaganda. The guerrillas often grossly exag- gerate their exploits. One of their leaders said he was anxious to curb this bad habit because it could eventually deflate Palestinian morale." Sirhan Reported Hoping to Use Trial as an Anti-Israel Forum LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Sirhan B. Sirhan, accused of assassinating Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, intends to "go to the gas chamber silent" unless he can turn his trial into an anti-Israel propaganda forum, ac- cording to an exclusive report in the September issue of Ramparts magaine by Mahmoud Abdel Hadi. The writer is a correspondent for Akhbar el-Yom, a Cairo newspa- per. He secured private interviews with the Sirhan family. The report said that Sirhan told one of his brothers that he intends to make the trial "a public and political forum -for the Arab position . . . he wants the major networks to broadcast the entire trial." If he does not get maximum press and television coverage for an indictment of Israel and Zion- ism, he will refuse to testify, ac- cording to the report. The Ramparts article said Sir- han saw the trial as an "opportu- nity" to present the Arab case. The author wrote that Sirhan's- family was "confused and bitter (and) surprised that they have not got- ten any financial help from Arab consulates in Los Angeles." Israel Exhibitors Charged Token Rental in Argentina BUENOS AIRES (JTA) — The mayor of Buenos Aires signed a decree authorizing the Israel exhi ,. bition at the forthcoming interna- tional trade fair here to use muni- cipal facilities and property on the fair grounds at only a token rental. The keys to the Israeli pavilion were handed to Moshe Yehuda, commercial attache of the Israel Embassy, by Vazquez Yona, muni- cipal engineer, on behalf of Mayor Manuel Iricibar. The Argentine government mean- while freed Israel from paying im- port dues and customs duties on merchandise up to a half million dollars in value which it will bring to the fair. The fair opens in Octo- ber. Prominent Czech Writers Reported Seized by Soviet Intelligence Agents (Continued from Page 1) The blasts in the Polish press, television and radio were heard against the background of ominous reports from reliable quarters that Soviet intelligence agents in Prague secretly rounded up writ- ers and journalists and that at least 11 of them were beaten un- conscious before they were driven to an undisclosed destination. Listed among the victims was the prominent Czech novelist and jour- nalist Ladislav Mnacko, a non-Jew who went into sell-imposed exile in Israel following the June, 1967 Six- Day War to protest against his government's pro-Arab policies. His wife, a Jewess, is in Israel. Reportedly safe in Vienna were Dr. Eduard Goldstuecker, a prominent Czech-Jewish writer and president of the Czechoslovak Writers Union, Ludwig Ashkenazai, Jan Grossman and other writers and artists, Jew- ish and non-Jewish. Arnold Lustig, another well known Czech-Jewish writer, arrived in Israel with his wife and daughter Monday from Italy where they had been vaca- tioning when the invasion of Czech- oslovakia began. He does not in- tend to return to Prague. Goldstuecker, Mnacko, Pavel Ko- hout and other liberal Czech writ- ers and intellectuals were singled out in a Warsaw television broad- cast as "defenders and supporters of aggressive Israel." The Polish commentator, Czeslaw Berenda, charged in a broadcast from Prague that Zionists are among the "most active and zealous pro- ponents of counter-revolution in Czechoslovakia." Berenda said that they had been "very active in the radio and press witch hunt lodged against the Com- munist Party." He added that these are the same people who "bitterly attacked" Poland in March when the Warsaw regime accused "Zion- ists" of a leading role in the stu- dent demonstrations and riots. On Saturday, Premier Jozef Cy- rankiewicz of Poland strongly de- fended the invasion of Czechoslo- vakia and predicted that "there will be a time when those circles who succumbed to the propaganda of cosmopolitan and counter-revol- utionary forces (in Czechoslovakia) will understand who is their friend and who is their enemy." "Cos- mopolitan" in Marxist jargon is a word used to describe Jews sus- pected of "Zionism" and, as such, was often employed during the purge of Jews from high govern- ment and party posts in Poland last spring, and has been similarly used in R u s s i a. Cyrankiewicz, himself a survivor of Auschwitz, delivered his remarks in an ad- dress to a Communist Party audi- ence on the eve of the 29th anni- versary of the Nazi invasion of Poland. The London Sunday Observer re- ported plans made throughout Western Europe to cope with the wave of refugees from Czechoslo- vakia. According to the report, the refugees include large numbers of Sen. Javits 'More Israeli Than Eshkol,' Says Arab actors, musicians, architects and journalists. The Sunday Telegraph reported from Prague that the visa section of the British Embassy was crowded for two days after reports spread that Czech frontiers would be closed. "Many of the applicants were Jews," the paper said. The Guardian said in a dispatch from its correspondent Hella Pick in Bucharest that "clearly Moscow does not like Romania's indepen- dent stand in foreign policy." Among other things that irri- tated the Soviets are Romania's Ahavas Achim, Beth Aaron Merge (Continued from Page 1) are to assume vice presidencies for two years, and the full board will elect a president and sec- retary during the dinner-board meeting Sept. 18. A name for the synagogue will be selected by a committee from both congregations. The actual signing of the merger agreement will take place Thursday evening. The two synagogues have al- ready consolidated their respec- tive religious schools, merging faculties and curricula. All classes, kindergarten through 10th grades, now will meet at the Stevenson School, 27777 Lahser, Southfield, on Sunday mornings. The school year commences Sun- day. The school's educational director is Irving Ritter, who was director of the Beth Aaron Religious School prior to his present appointment. Bernard Panush and Hy Paysner are co-chairmen of the education committee. continued diplomatic relations with Israel and t h e recent purchase from Israel of Soviet-made tanks captured during the Six-Day War, the correspondent reported. The occupation of Czechoslo- vakia has strengthened the posi- tion of Prime Minister Wladislaw Gomulka as opposed to Mieczy- slaw Moczar, former minister of interior and secret police chief whose anti-Jewish policies were more intense than those of Gom- ulka during the "anti-Zionist" campaign this year. It was reported here Tuesday that the Russian action in Czecho- slovakia was seen as a personal victory for Gomulka. Moczar is believed to have been one of the main forces behind the purge cam- paign last spring, following student demonstrations, which ousted Jews, intellectuals, liberals and others from party ranks and gov- ernment jobs. Gomulka's alignment with the' hard-line of the Soviet Union against the Czech reforms has strengthened his position in Po- land, but it remains to be seen how Poland's remaining Jewish population will be affected in the power struggle between the two Polish leaders, the sources said. (In California, a report by Jap- anese police that a Czechoslovak scientist had defected to the United States after the Soviet invasion was denied Tuesday by the sci- entist, Dr. Jan Klein. (Dr. Klein, 32, of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics in Prague, arrived at Stanford last Friday after attending an interna- tional congress on genetics in Tokyo. He will do research at Stanford School of Medicine until Jan. 31.) .84144 6 1M NATIONAL FUN D J ON 11-11S JWO US OCCASION TREES FOR ISRAEL . . . yo ho our Way ot Saying C 1 3 "TREE HAS BEEN PLANTED IN ISRAEL HAPPY nEw YEAR ;MD mo unn tr 1;c1 ;n1; ore ihe do•F d „ as clays ol . the tree emmi EXTEND NEW YEAR GREETINGS BY PLANTING TREES IN ISRAEL (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) WASHINGTON—Dr. M. T. Meh- di. secretary-general of the Action Committee on American-Arab Re- lations, Wednesday accused Sen. Jacob Javits, New York Repub- lican, of becoming "more Israeli than (Premier Levi) Eshkol." In a telegram sent by the Arab propaganda organization to Sen. Javits, Dr. Mehdi called Javits the "Senator from Israel" and urged him to "be concerned with American moral and material in- terests in the Middle East rather than Israeli military power in the area of your own political fortunes in America." The telegram was in response to reports that Sen. Javits was plan- ning to press the Johnson admin- istration for delivery of Phantom jetS Iirael. sk IVO I GIVE YOUR HIGH HOLIDAY GREETING CARD LIST TO )NF! WE WILL PLANT A TREE (2.50 each) IN THE NAME OF YOUR PREFERRED FRIENDS AND RELATIVES AND MAIL THEM A BEAUTIFUL NEW YEAR'S GREETING CARD CERTIFICATE IN YOUR NAME. Each Tree Certificate $2.50 (tax deductible) LET ISRAEL ENJOY YOUR SIMCHAS, TOO MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS — WE WILL. DO THE REST JEWISH nnTionm, Fun!' 22100 Greenfield Rd. Oak Park, Mich. 48237-399-0820 0 4