Second Volume of Simon Dubnov's 'History of Jews Appears in English; Covers Christian, Moslem Eras Less than a year ago, English- reading Jews were presented with the first of a series of historical volumes that promise to remain among the greatest of Jewry's, literary treasures. Now we have the second volume in the projected five-volume edition of "History of the Jews" by Simon Dubnov, the most distinguished of the East European Jewish historians. The first volume was reviewed in The Jewish News Sept. 29, 1967. Off the press less 'than 11 months later, we now have the volume that covers the era from the Ro- man Empire to the Early Medieval Period. In an excellent translation from the Russian by Moshe Spie- gel, this . new series, published by Thomas Yoseloff, continues to provide the English translation of the great Dubnov works which already have appeared in trans- lations from the original Russian into Hebrew, Yiddish, German, Spanish and French. The first volume contained the Dubnov history from the earliest until 70 CE. There are two divi- sions in the second volume, the first devoted to the history of the Jews in the Near East and the sec- ond part the trying European time during which Jews suffered from the Crusades and other outbursts of hatred. Because the important period of Jewish experiences among Mo- hammedans as well as Christians are under review here, this volume asumes great significance. Besides, the eras under discus- sion embrace conditions involving cultural attainments, economic pressures, the emergence of mes- sianic movements. While Dubnov always stressed the economic aspects of Jewish life, there nevertheless emerges from his writings interpretive views on the spiritual. We have in the second volume accounts of the life and works of Maimoni- des, references to the period of the Gaonim, talmudic incidents and development of talmudic writings. The historic analyses of Josephus Flavius are under con- sideration, the era of Arabic culture is discussed and the lives, activities and ideological teach- ings of Hillel, Shammai, Rabbi Akiva and others are evaluated. The philosophic aspects in Juda- ism therefore are not ignored but are given full view. Naturally Dubnov's "National Autonomism" comes into play in the course of historical analyses. The great merits of the Dubnov history emerge in items like those during which he discusses the aims of Julian the Apostate, the Israel and the Arabs: How It May Start Again By PROF. A. L. GOODHART Editor's Note: Prof. A. L. Good- hart, author of many legal publi- cations, a former professor of jurisprudence at Oxford Univer- sity, England, from 1951 to 1963 having served as Master of Uni- versity College, London, wrote this article for the London Daily Tele- graph. In an article on the Arab-Israeli war in Foreign Affairs Mr. Charles W. Yost, a former United States Ambassador to Syria, noted that all the factors which had induced Israel to go to war in 1956 had re- appeared in 1967 in even more ag- gravated form. He lists these factors as "a multiplication of raids into its territory, a substan- tial build-up of Egyptian and other hostile forces on its borders, the blockade of the Strait." Will history repeat itself for a third time after more guerrilla raids have destroyed life and prop- erty in Israeli territory, and a new build-up of armaments has been achieved in the neighboring Arab countries? When it became clear after the first three days of the Six-Day War that the Israeli forces had won a complete victory, the Arab States and their associate, Russia, de- manded an immediate cease fire at the meetings of the United Nations Security Council. This was greatly to Israel's dis- advantage as she would have been in a stronger position if she had insisted on unconditional sur- render, as the Allies had done in both the World Wars. Her tanks could have reached Damascus in 36 hours and her planes could have destroyed Cairo. However, the strong pressure brought against her by the majority of the Security Council to accept a cease-fire pre- vailed. Having persuaded Israel to forgo a final victory, it became the pri- mary duty of the United Nations to see that this cease-fire agree- ment was kept in good faith by all the combatants. "That hostilities must cease is the obvious content of all kinds of armistices" is the summary of the relevant interna- tional law as stated in the stand- ard work on this subject (Oppen- heim-Lauterpacht. "International Law"). The Arab States, while recog- nizing that their regular forces must not engage in an attack across the cease-fire lines, have, however, assumed that they are entitled to encourage guerrilla bands, which they have trained and armed, to stage attacks, chiefly at night, in Israel terri- tory. There has been no attempt to disguise this: it is the basis on which all the Arab popular propaganda is founded so as to keep the war spirit alive. 48—Friday, September 6, 1968 Arabian figures are published to show that more than 1,000 Is- raelis have been killed or wounded during the past year. A terrifying picture of guerrillas in training has been recently televised in this country. It has also been reported that 100 Palestine "liberation" leaders have met in Cairo to co- ordinate guerrilla operations against Israel. An attempt to justify these at- tacks has been made by comparing the Arab guerrillas with the French Resistance forces which played such a valuable part during the German occupation. At first sight this seems a pow- erful argument, but the analogy is a misleading one because Brit- ain and France were still carrying on an active war when they in- cluded the Freedom Fighters as part of their military forces. They were not bound by any cease-fire agreement to bring hostilities to an end. On this point Oppenheim- Lauterpacht has said: "They (the French Resistance) were recognized by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expedi- tionary Force as forming an inte- gral part of the troops commanded by him and a formal announce- ment to that effect was made." It is on this principle that the Geneva Convention of 1949 pro- vides that the members of or- ganized resistance movements belonging to a party to the con- flict are assimilated to members of its armed forces and must be given the same protection. The other side of the picture can be seen in the British announcement on the day of the unconditional surrender of Germany (May 8, 1945) that any further resistance by individuals would deprive them of the protection of the laws of war. When a cease-fire has been agreed all legitimate fighting comes to an end. The same must be true of Arab guerrillas. If they are an "integral part" of the Arab armies, as it is claimed that they are, then their raids are a breach of the cease- fire arranged by the United Na- tions. It is no answer to say that they are not part of the regular army but only assimilated to it; the support and recognition that has been given to the El Fatah and other terrorists has made them a part of the military forces. The claim made by the Arabs that they have the right to support the guerrillas and at the same time to repudiate all responsibility for them is an astonishing one. If, on the other hand, these guerrilla bands are independent, then Israel is entitled to take the necessary counter-measures for its self-preservation. On this point Oppenheim-Lauterpacht has stated the law thus: THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS "When, to give an example, a state is informed that a body of armed men is being organized on neighboring territory for the pur- pose of a raid into its territory, and when the danger can be re- moved through an appeal to the authorities of the neighboring country, no case of necessity has arisen. But if such an appeal is fruitless or not possible, or if there is danger in delay, a case of necessity arises, and the threatened state is justified in in- vading the neighboring country and disarming the intending raiders." If, in such circumstances, the neighboring country attempts to protect the guerrillas by attacking the pursuers, it is itself commit. ting an unlawful act, just as an individual who aids an escaping wrongdoer is himself committing a wrong. It is unfortunate that the United Nations, after the experience of two wars, has taken no serious steps to bring these guerrilla raids to an end. When the Israeli army announced that it would hold a parade in Jerusalem on May 14, the Security Council made a viol- ent protest, but nothing was done concerning the guerrilla raids from Jordan although there can be no hope for any peaceful settlement until these raids are stopped. When we turn to the second .cause of the two previous wars, viz. the build-up of the Arab forces on the Israel borders, it is discour- aging to find that the United States is supplying arms to Jordan which can be used as a threat against Israel. The argument that if it did not do so then the arms would be supplied by Russia is of doubtful validity. If X is prose- cuted for having sold a pistol to Y who, previously, has threat. ened to kill his neighbor, it will be no defense for him to plead that if he had not done so then Y would have purchased an even more lethal pistol from Z. Because another attempt to block the Strait of Aqaba is unlikely, the third cause of the two previous wars has lost much of its cogency, even though the Arab States have threatened to step-up their eco- nomic war against Israel. A settlement of the frontiers be- tween Israel and the neighbor states must be the aim of all who hope for peace in the Middle East. The United Nations ought to play a leading part in this, but it will not do so as long as it turns a blind eye to flagrant violations of the precarious ceasefire which it helped to achieve. Another war will inevitably begin if we accept the view that guerrilla guns, rifles and dynamite are legitimate means by which to assert one's claims. Roman Emperor of the 4th Cen- tury branded by his Christian antagonists, to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. But Julian ruled for only two years and he was mur- dered on a battlefield, some his- torians having claimed that he was killed by a Christian who ob- jected to his pro-Jewish views. The Maimonidean and Spanish periods are covered with the skill that has distinguished Dubnov among all historians, and his out- lines of the times during which Jews suffered from the Crusaders are among the most thorough tackled by an historian. Coverage of the time of the Sanhedrin, which had led Dub- nov to review the anti-Jewish sentiments of the New Testament and to write about the develop- ment of the Aggada and about the last Judean Apocalypses, makes that particular section of this volume of his history addi- tionally valuable for its leanings on Josephus and his historiog- raphy and the revelations about Roman literary anti-Semitic writings. In his account of the Roman period, Dubnov, in this portion of his history, dealt with the hege- mony of Christian Rome as well as Byzantium and Persia. The Caliphates and the origin of Islam, Jewish autonomy in Baby- lon under the Caliphate of the Abbasids, the autonomus centers in Palestine and Egypt until the Crusades of the 10th and 11th sen- tries, the renaissance of the Arab- Judaic period — these are among the major elements in the first part of this volume. Then we have coverage of the happenings in the time of Charle- magne, a splendid review of the early Italian Jewish settlements, the Jewish tribulations in Spain, the colonies that were established in the Crimea, the time of Jew- ish advancement in Arabic Spain. Extremely valuable is the Dubnov account of the Khazars' assumption of the Jewish faith, their reasoning, the political in- volvements, t h e relationships with Jews during the compara- tively brief period of Khazar- Jewish affiliations. The spiritual-cultural elements in Dubnov's work provide studies of moralists and mystics, of marty- rology and religious poetry. The genius of one of our greatest historians is imbedded in this work which had the good fortune of splendid translation. Now English reading Jewish communities can turn to the best historians survey- ing our history—Dubnov's having been added to the great work of Heinrich Graetz. Dubnov, who was born in White Russia in 1860, emphasized the se- cular in his writings, but although he was a free thinker he did not forget or ignore his Orthodox back- ground. He was a writer and teacher in St. Petersburg and Odessa until the Communist Revo- lution, then moved to Germany. He moved to Riga, Latvia with the advent of Hitlerism and lived there until 1941 when, at the age of 81, he was herded together with a group of Jews from the ghetto and they were murdered. His final words were an ad , • monition to the Jewish genera-,--- tions to follow not to forget what- had occurred under Nazism. His "History of the Jews," while serving as a monument to his me- mory, helps keep alive that warn- ing that to forget might open up avenues for repetition of Hitlerite atrocities. Hebrew Corner Tel-Hai Between Kfar-Gil'adi and Tel-Hai there is a large statue of a lion. It symbol- izes the bravery of Yosef Trumpeldor and his fellows, who were killed in Tel- Hai. In the Year 1920 Tel-Hai was in the French area of Eretz-Yisrael. To her south was the Arab-Syrian area. The Syrians wanted to drive out the French from the Upper Galilee. They used to attack the travelers on the roads. From time to time they would attack, also, the Jewish settlements: metula Kfar-Gil'adi and Tel-Hai. In each one of these settlements there were 34 members, then. Each man had a rifle, 150 bullets and a few hand- grenades. That was all. On the 11th of Adar 5690 (1920) Arabs attacked Tel-Hai. The place's command. ing officer was Yosef Trumpeldor. Dur- ing the battle Trumpeldor was badly wounded. In the evening, when they took the wounded Trumpeldor to Kfar-Gil'adi he said to his companions: "These are my last moments. Tell our companions to continue to stand" . . . "It is good to die for our country." A few moments later Trumpeldor died. Together with him 70 more of his companions fell in this place. Every year, on the 11th of Adar, the youth goes up to Tel-Hai to give honor to the heroes. (Translation of Hebrew column. Pub- lished by the Brith Is'rith Olamit, Jeru- salem). - 11", r 1 412 (1920) t"in "Tin x"4 rii4; .4r1 -17D nK tr 4-is; lo4prxr.r 174y4 m71 7m. .-)itr i?V?It? •riVRnite?Prt? nor 10 t? 4.mpn :14-1 -11? 1 12141; - •411.7zn n" innK7 411 - nm "rk/ 174-"ID 144 arig 170: 54174 i204? Kr34 rrpmpi 11kC t7l.400 tr-pro. 10i1 ,N1 - 7r.)4 izitt s 'T ritir;TI 1920 • rati4 - Int3 4r.urp nitn r1:7; it VII •17 $1tr on147 n 7.7 702$ff .41110 ";11n1 lit$1 an" ?%r0 t3 41405 rmt V-11 12 -1 trpon . 4".4! „ ?? 77 517 -rbp5 .1 1 . i4N77T1 nTr);03 arvm Mt'? 04.14171,711t.5 trp4p.p 1 41131 ty-Triti tr n kirimgz DI tg.1 os10 OPP: l'7 Irmuti!;3 x, IDTO 4111'?p7 -.)tp 1`117 Zr ryip; 46 104- 1P fre?.t.??? :0 4r1 ."n-n) ourRim N-4 1314m fr9V. 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