THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers,. Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235, VE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 14th day of Elul, 5728, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Deut. 21:10-25:19. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 54:1-55:5. Candle lighting, Friday, Sept. 6. 7:27 p.m. VOL. LIII. No. 25 Page Four September 6, 1968 Bigotry Again Raises Its Ugly Head Once again bigots are on the march ! While their actions are not new by any means, most of our fellow citizens undoubtedly will marvel that the lunatic fringe once again should be in evidence with propaganda that Smacks of the Middle Ages. - Apparently, there is money available for anti-Semites to spread their lies in printed form. Apparently also the spreaders of hate have their advisers who are compiling all available libels and misstatements in efforts to arouse hatred against JeWs. Circulars that read "Christ Killers" and revive the wildest type of accusations point to the existence of an element in our midst that will not stop at anything to create hatred, to incite to riot and to violence. People have wondered how it was possible for a nation like Poland which has suffered from Nazism and whose three-and-a-half mil- lion Jews have been reduced to about 25,000 to permit the resort to a "Zionist" charge to be used as means of diverting attention from political, conflicts; and how it was possible for a Communist element to attempt to introduce theh 'Zionist" bogey into the Czech crisis. By the same token, one must wonder how it is possible even for the most bigoted to resort to the "Christ Killer" appeal at this Stage of efforts in the ranks of religious groups to put an end to the silly "deicide" charge. Yet, it exists, and we are witnesses to it. Once again, we are admonished to be on the alert, for the vigilant must protect the good name of American decency. The inde- cent are in our midst. The need is to make certain that the unknowing do not fall prey to vile . actions that muddy America's atmos- phere. Planning Ahead for Community Schools There is cause for feeling relieved over the avoidance of a crisis in our Jewish com- munal school system by the settlement of the current dispute between teachers and administrators. If we are to have an as- surance of a continuing amity and of whole- some cooperation, there must be planning ahead. It is not enough to reach agreements on a year's or two years' contracts. While hope for permanence is always mingled with the speculative, there is no obligation on the part of all concerned to take into consideration the element of continuity, to exercise seri- ous concern over the major need in Jewish life—that of providing the best available cur- ricula and teachers in the training of our youth. The problems that beset mankind are in- separable from those affecting Jewry, and when the challenges to us as a spiritual-cul- tural factor in American life are fused with the issues that are creating concern in the life of all Americans, it becomes increas- ingly more obvious that the preparation for our youth to understand their obligations as citizens and to appreciate their Jewish heritage becomes more imperative with time. The teacher is the guide, he is the tutor who directs the teachings of the children. He must come to his classes with a sense of security. And the Jewish teacher has the added duty of preparing the child to be able to face the many tensions in life that call for normalization. If we are to be assured of a proper edu- cational system, we must plan properly. far in advance of possible emergence of conflicts. with a determination not to permit divisive- ness to be injected in our ranks. The Die Is Cast Onward in the American Spirit . After two national political conventions, nia, involving the irrational Communist out- in the aftermath of bitter disputes over Viet- bursts from East Germany, do not point to a nam, - law and order, the nation's high court, lasting tranquility. Nevertheless, if we do not we are now settling down to business. The entertain a measure of hope and if we do not two major candidates now emerge as the adopt an optimistic attitude, our state of mind chief concern of the land, and the American will not be healthy. Therefore, while deploring the unneces- electorate is challenged to make a choice that will react on the destiny of the American sary heat in the considerations of national people for at least four and possibly eight and world policies, we must henceforth think years. in terms of youhtful approaches to all of our There is a third candidate drawing atten- . problems; we dare not forget that in 1970 tion, who may get a very large vote, whose half of our population will be under the age intrusion into the two-party system's compla- of 25 and that youth will soon assume power. •,:ency may force the election into the House Citizens of all ages are obligated, therefore, of Representatives. If that should happen, we to plan for the future with a sense of respon- fear that the result of racism will be detri- sibility — and with due respect for the role mental to America. But for the reason of our played by youth. faith in the good sense of the American peo- Naturally, fears that affect our lives can ple, we believe that it may be averted. not be rejected pell-mell. In an age of dis- Nevertheless, the spread of racism, the ef- order we can not act disorderly. There is need fects of hatreds and fears in our midst, for planning, for firmness, for consideration threaten the soundness of our democratic way of the basic American principles—and this of life. The urgency of eliminatincr . fears and nation has cause to feel relieved, after the the challenge to America for retention of our prolonged debates, name calling, abuses, diS- 6 sense of confidence in the stability of our respect for the Vice President, the Demo- institutions becomes a major need in this cratic Party properly acknowledged his lead- election year. ership, the traditional role he has played as In the months that preceded the national a pioneer in the civil rights movement, by conventions there was activity in which the nominating Hubert H. Humphrey for the youth was involved. There were demonstra- Presidency. Now that the pre-convention's bitterness tions, some of which approached the nature of violence, and the anti-war feelings predom- has ended, we are on the road towards recon- inated. The 'Vietnam issue appears to be stituting the normalcy that is so vital for a nearing clarification on the basis of an estab- nation after turmoil and divisiveness. This lished national policy, with a strong hope that nation needs to be solidified again into an there will soon be an end to the fighting. We indestructible unity. We need an end to fears, must hold fast to the hope—and to strive for elimination of racism, adherence to basic its realization—that American troops may re- 'principles of mutual respect among citizens. urn home, from Europe as well as Southeast The die was cast in Chicago last week. Let us Asia. Unfortunately, the new developments go forth on the road to perpetuating the involving Czechoslovakia, threatening Roma- ideals of America to its highest rank. 'Teachings of Judaism' Stresses Highest Levels of Humanization Research on Jewish ethical teachings, conducted more than 40 years ago in Germany, is available in a new volume just issued by Ktav Publishing Co. (120 E. B'way, NY2). " The first volume of "The Teachings of Judaism, From the Sources," compiled by Dr. Simon Bernfeld for the Union of German Jews, has been issued under the title "The Foundation of Jewish Ethics." The authorized translation from the German edition is by Dr. Armin Hajman Koller, assistant professor of German at the University- of Illinois. The collected essays are additionally implemented by an ex- planatory introduction by Rabbi Samuel F. Karff, of Chicago, who is visiting professor at Notre Dame University. Eminent scholars whose names have enhanced Jewish literary creativity and whose teachings remain among the major contribu- tions to Jewish life in this century participated in producing this work. Dr. Leo Baeck, Prof. I. Elbogen, Dr. A. Loewenthal and Dr. Hochfeld collaborated with Dr. Bernfeld with introductory essays to. several of the sections in this anthological effort. - Analyzing Jewish ethical teachings related to Purity of Soul, Freedom of Will, Reward and Punishment, Will to Live, Equality of All Human Beings, this volume deals extensively with the fundamental views of morality as Judaism's basic requirement. Dr. Bernfeld's original preface, written in Berlin, in July 1922, is supplemented in the new Ktav volume with a preface by Armin H. Koller, written in Urbana, Ill., March 22, 1929. In his illuminating introduction, Rabbi Karff includes a brief bio- graphical acount of Dr. Bernfeld (1860-1940) and explains that "The central foundations of Jewish covenant ethics is the faith that He who holds man accountable for the moral demand is active in history to fulfill His purposes." Rabbi Karff points out that Bernfeld's volume "contends that ethical conduct is the touchstone of covenant fidelity" and that "prophetic literature veritably pulsates with this teaching." Rabbi Karff makes the further comment that "One of the foun- dations of Jewish ethics is an affirmation of one's dependence on divine gifts, including the grace of forgiveness," and acitiv, "A compendium of Jewish ethics composed 'after Auschwitz' ivtcu-fiiH doubtless also linger more appreciatively on those traditional sources which, without denying man's embryonic 'purity of soul,' soberly rehearse his demonic potential and his ever tenuous claim to menshlichkeit." Of interest also is the comment by Rabbi Karff that "Despite the anguish of the Nazi inferno, Leo Baeck refused to trade the faith of Israel for the myth of Sisyphus." (SiSyphus, a Corinthian king, was condemned in Hades to roll a heavy stone up a steep hill, only to have it always roll down when he approached the top). Rabbinic authorities, Maimonides, Philo, Herman Cohn, Rabbi S. R. Hirsch and others are quoted, and their authoritative commentaries are drawn upon in support of the theses in this volume. Non-Jewish schol- arly works also referred to, and the list of sources is impressiVe. A brief but impressive section is devoted to "Knowledge and Mor: tality" and in the introduction to it Dr. Samson Hochfeld asserts: "Knowledge makes from the brick of moral deeds a unified life structure; it brings reconciliation into the discord and contrariness otherwise connected with the occurrence of conflicting situations; •ft leads up to moral principles, to moral character. .. . Far from making the moral deed a cold intellectual product, of debasing it into an act of calculation, Judaism, on the contrary, shows it to be the way of ascent to the very highest peak of true humanity." Introducing the "Equality of All Human Beings" portion of the book, Dr. Hochfeld asserted: "The deepest meaning of God's bestowal of grace upon Israel is a mission to influence the rest of mankind by leading the way in morals: it must not keep its ethical gifts to itself, but is to communicate them to all peoples so that they may ascend to ever higher levels of humanization."