Strong Support for Israel Given by Humphrey Throughout Entire Political Experience CHICAGO (JTA) — Vice Presi- dent Hubert H. Humphrey, the Democratic nominee for President, has vigorously supported Israel's cause throughout his career as a member of the Senate and as Vice President. Last month, he reiter- ated his advocacy of continued Unite _ d States military aid to Is- rael and said this should include the sale to Israel of "supersonic planes such as Phantom jets" which Prime Minister Levi Eshkol asked of President Johnson when the Israeli leader visited the Presi- dent last January. Humphrey clarified his views on the Phantom jet. matter Aug. 4 in • response to a telegram from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington. The telegram asked clarification of the Vice President's July 11 state- HUBERT H. HUMPHREY ment in which he said he favored continued military assistance to Israel, including jet planes, but not specifying what kind of jet planes. The United States has pro- vided Israel with subsonic Sky- hawk jet fighters. The Vice President declared, In his reply, that the cause of Middle East peace was not be- ing served by Soviet supplies of weapons to the Arab states and that "Until permanent peace is achieved and the arms race ended, continued United States Military assistance to Israel is justified. This assistance should include supersonic planes such as Phantom jets, but the real answer lies in agreed disarm- ament. It is in the interests of all the people of the Middle East to engage actively in nego- tiated agreements among the nations of the region." In his July 11 statement the Vice President also said that the grounds for a permanent Middle East peace were the acceptance of Israel by its Arab neighbors, the transformation of truce lines into "agreed and secure bound- aries," Israeli navigational rights in the Suez Canal and the Gulf Of Aqaba, an end to the arms race, aand international assist. ance to help solve the Arab re- fugee problem. As a member of the Senate, starting in 1949, Humphrey spon- sored legislation to aid Israel and to challenge boycotts and dis- criminatory practices against Is- rael. He was a co-sponsor of legis- lation appropriating a grant to Israel in 1951. In 1959, he opposed an Eisenhower Administration pro- posal to suspend aid to Israel. In 1954 and 1956, he criticized United States arms to Iraq and Saudi Arabia and urged the administra- tion to provide balancing arms for Israel. In 1957, Sen. Humphrey criticized the administration for threatening sanctions against Is- rael. He co-sponsored a resolution calling for United Nations action to prevent resumption of border raids and the closing of the Suez Canal. In 1960, he was co-sponsor of • the Douglas-Keating amend- ment to oppose United States aid to countries involved • in boycotts and blockades. The platform on which Hum- phrey will run includes a Middle East plank reflecting the nom- inee's views. It includes a call for United States provision of weapons to Israel, including Muskie Exhibits Pro-Israel Stance in Senate Voting WASHINGTON (JTA) — A study of the voting record of Sen. Ed- mund S. Muskie, of Maine, vice- presidential nominee of the Demo- cratic Party, shows he has voted on a number of occasions for legis- lation favored by supporters of Israel and has from time to time identified himself with Israel's cause. The Senator adopted a non-com-, mital stance, however, when the Senate subcommittee on interna- tional finance, of which he is chairman, held hearings on May 24 and 25, 1965, on an amend- ment aimed at the Arab boycott. The Johnson ad- ministration op- posed the anti- boycott measure. Sen. Muskie was believed to have perso n a 11 y fa- Muskie vored the amendment but he did not publicly differ with the State Department. The amendment was approved by the subcommittee and the full Banking and Currency Committee despite the pressures of the executive department. Last August, Sen. Muskie took the Senate floor to commend Ro- mania for her independent stand toward Israel during the Six-Day War, when it refused to sever diplomatic relations with Israel, unlike the other Eastern bloc states. He joined with -Sen. Howard Baker, Tennessee Republican, in co-sponsoring in 1967 a resolu- tion favoring the Eisenhower- Strauss nuclear desalination plan for the Middle East. An advocate of foreign aid, Sen. Muskie nev- ertheless opposed aid to nations, like Egypt, which divert their resources for aggressive military expenditures. Sen. Muskie voted in 1959 for an amendment to the Mutual Se- curity Act, sponsored by Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon Democrat, designed to stop economic aid to countries which discriminate against American citizens abroad on the basis of race and religion. The bill was aimed at the Saudi Arabia government because of its refusal to allow American Jewish servicemen on an American base in Arabia. In 1960, he supported the Doug- las-Keating amendment providing for denial of aid to countries re- stricting commerce by illegal blockades. It was aimed at the Egyptian blockade of the Suez Canal against Israel and was called the "freedom of the seas" amendment. The Senator in 1963 voted for the Gruening-Javits amendment designed to bar aid to nations like Egypt that prepare aggression against neighbor- ing states also receiving U.S. aid. British Aide to Bargain for 4 Trapped Suez Ships (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) 34 Friday, September 6, 1968 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Obscure, Centuries-Old Commentary on Bible Found by Talmudic Scholar "the most advanced types of combat aircraft," for maximum NEW YORK — A commentary during the relatively obscure but U.S. effort to prevent recur- on the Book of Deuteronomy writ- significant period of Jewish his- rence of war in the Middle East ten in the 12th Century has been tory in which Rabbi Meyuchas "powder keg;" a criticism of rescued from obscurity and inter- lived—the Dark Ages of Byzantine Soviet deployment of a large preted by a talmudic scholar at the supremacy in Eastern Europe. In- war fleet in the Mediterranean Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological dications are, Dr. Katz said, that and heavy shipments of arms to Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva Rabbi Meyuchas lived in either northern Italy or Greece in the Arab states; and the assertion University. that lasting Mideast peace de- The ancient manuscript differs latter part of the 12th Century. pends on agreed frontiers, as- Dr. Katz suggested that the com- significantly from other commen- sured use by all of international taries by linking the oral law tradi- mentary may have particular waterways, "humane settlement" tion to the written texts to demon- meaning to Jews who have besieg- of the Arab refugees, as well as strate the unity of ideas and laws ed modern rabbis for guidance on creation of a "non-provocative expressed in the Bible, Talmud, the status of children born of in- military balance." The plank Midrash and auxiliary sources. termarriage. also called for efforts to end The Talmud offers varying opin- Written by Rabbi Meyuchas ben the Middle East arms race. Elijah, a 12th _ Century scholar ions on whether a child born of In addresses to State of Israel whose name and reputation were a Jewish mother and non-Jewish Bond rallies last March and May, acknowledged in several other father is to be regarded as Jewish. Humphrey amplified his Middle commentaries but whose specific Rabbi Meyuchas, Dr. Katz said, East views. He declared that the contributions had not been known refused to accept any taint or greatest contribution "we can make until now, the commentary was disability upon the child because to peace in the Middle East would edited and interpreted by Dr. the verse in Deuteronomy which be to reach agreement with the Michael Katz, associate professor calls him "your son" suggests a Soviet Union to curtail the arms of Talmud at the seminary. status "pure and unlimited." race there." But, he added, in Dr. Katz rescued the manuscript the meantime, it should be made from the British Museum, where it Half of all blindness, due to clear that "America is not going had been gathering dust in the disease, accident, neglect or ignor- to permit Israel to stand defense- Hebrew and Samarian section. ance, is preventable. less against any who would de- In comparing the original text stroy her." The Vice President with other commentaries, he shows also commented on proposals that that Rabbi Meyuchas anchored A BEAUTIFUL Israel withdraw unconditionally to the oral law tradition in the writ- the June 4, 1967, armistice lines, ten text itself in order to reduce asserting that "a stable peace can- its vulnerability to attacks leveled not be built in the Middle East by Christian detractors and from AND simply by recreating the situation a Jewish sect known as Karaites FURNITURE CLEANING that existed before hostilities be- gan." Satisfaction guaranteed— * * * Mothproofing free. Wall- JERUSALEM (JTA) — Hubert to-wall carpet cleaning. and his ORCHESTRA H. Humphrey, the Democratic Five cents a square foot, "Music at Its Best Party's Presidential nominee, was for Your Guests" minimum $15. described by Israeli commentators 542-4735 as having stronger ties to Israel than any other American Presi- dential candidate in the last 20 years. But Israeli newsmen gener- ally indicated a belief that Israel would follow the 1968 American election campaign with some de- TEACHER OF PIANO tachment, inasmuch as both can- didates — Humphrey and Richard 20405 Sheffield Road Cor. of Nor folk M. Nixon — have gone on record Beginners and Advanced Pupils in support of Israel's position on peace negotiations in the Middle CALL 341-1135 For Appointment East and in favor of maintaining Israel's defensive arms balance in face of the re-arming of the Arab states. It was noted here, however, that Humphrey has visited Israel several times and has long been an outspoken sup- Complete Selection including the Finest 14 Kt. Gold Jewelry porter of the Zionist movement. See. Morris Watnick * * * WASHINGTON (JTA) — The defeat of Sen. Ernest Gruening in the Alaska Democratic primary FINE JEWELRY S GIFTS - has reduced the number of Jewish 283 Hamilton Thurs. & Fri. to 9 p.m. Senators to two — Jacob K. Birmingham (Near . Demery's) Javits, the New York Republican, and Abraham Ribicoff, the Con- necticut Democrat. Sen. Gruening was defeated in his bid for re- nomination in the primary by Mike Gravel, 39, a real estate developer. • * * NEW YORK (JTA) — Police actions against newsmen and peace demonstrators in Chicago during the Democratic national convention were denounced in separate statements by the Ameri- can Jewish Committee, Anti-Defa- mation League of Bnai Brith and the (Reform) Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The ADL and the UAHC called for a federal investigation of the police actions. Arthur J. Goldberg, the AJ- Committee's new president, said his organiaztion "unconditionally condemns this brutality, and any brutality in dealing with peaceful demonstrators," as well as "ar-- bitrary attempts by public officials to gag news coverage and curb expressions of opinion." The state- ment called on Presidential nom- inees Hubert H. Humphrey and Richard M. Nixon, "as well as on all other candidates for office, to .."741x.earazczoitre• — pledge that they will not be parties •-anassum-- to such methods." Goldberg noted that Vice President Humphrey, in ■ SOIL RESISTANT CARPET AND FURNITURE CLEANING referring to the events on the ■ NEW CARPET AND ORIENTAL RUG SALES ■ SPOT night of Aug. 28, "has voiced his AND STAIN REMOVAL ■ REPAIRING ■ FREE ESTIMATES strongest disapproval of what he called storm trooper tactics, N WOE R S TT AMN11; R •D GOPIANriairs`IN5E1A8R0 whether on the part of dissidents 399-2323 LONDON—Prospects for the re- lease of four British merchant ships trapped in the Suez Canal since it was shut down by Egypt during the Six-Day War, will be discussed at a meeting here this month between Foreign Secretary Michael ..;Lewart and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Raid the Telegraph reported Wednesday. In all, 15 freighters of various nationalities have been stranded in the waterway. or police." 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