Father McKenzie's 'second Isaiah' Enriches Doubleday Anchor Bibles An eminent Christian theologian fers to the "venerable belief in the adds valuable material to the vast Christian church that the Servant studies of the Book of Isaiah with poems (xlii, xlix, 1, lii), in par- his "Second Isaiah” which has ticular the fourth, are predictions been issued as an Anchor Bible of Jesus Christ." His initial com- ment on it is: text by Doubleday. Father John L. McKenzie (S.J.), "In this form the opinion is professor of theology at the Uni- defended by no one today ex- versity of Notre Dame, who pro- cept in a few fundamentalist vides an interesting translation of circles. This_ type of predictive Isaiah xxxiv through lxvi chap- prophecy does not appear in the trs, has prepared this text with Old Testament. It is another voluminous notes and an introduc- question whether the person and tion that merits study and discus- mission of Jesus Christ are in- sion by adherents of all faiths who terpreted in the New Testament have accepted the Hebrew proph- in terms of the Servant poems: etic texts as part of their biblical that is, whether Jesus or his dis- teachings. Jewish and Christian ciples or both identified him with students will find much value and the Servant of Yahweh. This enlightenment in this new trans- problem lies outside the scope lation and its commentaries. of this volume; but it is my per- At the outset it is important sonal opinion that Jesus was to note the division of Isaiah into identified with the Servant in the First and Second authorship the primitive church, and that and Father McKenzie's indica- - this identification goes back to tion of a Third Isaiah. He indi- Jesus himself. But this does not cates in his introductory com- imply that the poems are a pre- ments that the unity of the diction of Jesus Christ in the authorship of the Book of Isaiah literal sense of the term." was questioned in the 12th Cen- Because of the significant role tury by Rabbi Ibn Ezra, that: of Cyrus as a Savior figure linked - "In modern scholarship the with the Second Isaiah, Father theory that Isaiah xl-lxvi was McKenzie, in his extensive com- written later than the prophe- ments on Cyrus, points to an cies of Isaiah of Jeruslaem "antithesis between the Servant (Isaiah i-xxxix) was proposed by and Cyrus," portraying Cyrus as two German scholars, Eichhorn "a disappointment in the terms of in' 1783 and Doederlein in 1789. Second Isaiah" because "he was The anonymous author was a confirmed worshiper of false called Deutero-Isaiah (often in English Second Isaiah). Bern- gods." The message of Second Isaiah is hard Duhm suggested in 1892 that Isaiah Ivi-lxvi is still later thoroughly reviewed and the pro- than Second Isaiah; and this sec- phetic teachings evaluated by ond anoymous author was called Father McKenzie who defines Sec- Trito-Isaiah (often in English ond Isaiah as "an author rich in imagination and language," as a the Third Isaiah)." - Views of many scholars are ex- prophet who had faith in Israel's plored, and Father McKenzie's ultimate triumph and in the im- study in the Anchor Bible. Second minent salvation of the people of Isaiah is divided into Second and Israel. And the emphasis on the Third Isaiah sections, after his basis of the Second Isaiah study elaborate introduction in which is that "it is through Israel that many of the issues revolving the nations must learn the law around the discussion about the and the cult of Yahweh." On the score of the Third entire two latter portions are re- viewed and dealt with at great Isaiah, continues the tradition of the pre-exilic prophets. But the length. Thus, the Catholic theologian re- pre-exilic prophets saw the rul- Biased 'Neutrality' Stands in Way of Yugoslays' Aim as M. E. Peacemaker By JULIO DRESNER (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) ROME—Yugoslavia, the peren- nial maverick of the Communist world, is trying to chart a course of neutrality and leadership for it- self in t h e narrow, currently stormy waters of the Mediterra- nean. Its ultimate goal, a sensible, even •noble one, envisions the na- tions of the Mediterranean basin living peacefully together, free from the influences of outside big powers that have plagued the sea almost since the fall of Rome. - But one of those nations is Is- rael. And on that small but hard rock, Belgrade's self appointed role of neutralist leader• has foun- dered. Yugoslavia's difficulties were il- lustrated at the conference of so- called progressive forces of the Mediterranean region which con- vened in Rome recently. It was sponsored by the Moscow-directed Communist parties of France and Italy, and its stated purpose was to find a formula for Mediterranean peace and prosperity. Only the most politically naive in the non- Communist spectrum of the left could swallow that at face value. What the conference sought and found was not formulae but just another forum to castigate the "imperialists," meaning the United States and its putative "agent," Israel. That draft was an example of the ambiguities of Yugoslav policy. It opened with a loud de- mand for the "full and just li- quidation of the consequences of Israel's 'aggression' against the Arabs," the language used by Arab diplomats meaning, help us get the Israelis out. It went on, however, to talk about security, collaboration and peace for all Mediterranean coun- tries. The presence of U. S. forces in the Mediterranean was duly de- nounced. But by now 'everybody knows that when the Yugoslays call for the removal of the Ameri- can Sixth Fleet they mean the So- viet fleet as well. That was made even more clear when their draft resolution proposed disarrnament, the creation of a non-nuclear zone in the Mediterranean and "eman- cipation from unwanted military and political influence and inter- ference" from outside sources. Such language cuts both ways. The snub given the Yugoslav draft was later used as grounds for Yugoslavia's abstention when the majority resolution of the con- ference came to a vote. That docu- ment was a clear attempt to mo- bilize a "progressive" or popular front against the United States in the area. For this purpose, the Arabs were touted as the victims of American imperialism, working not only through Israel but through Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Portu- gal to deprive the Arab states of their "political and economic in- dependence" and their "natural resources." Israel was, of course, the main villain, a "mercenary" of the U. S.A. The Yugoslavians thought the resolution's implied denial of Is- rael's right to exist was unrealistic, which is the concensus even among some of the Arab states, but their own draft contained no outspoken confirmation of that right. Yugoslavia would like to have a hand in bringing about peace. But it cannot do so as long as its neu- trality is - suspect. Its rather lonely role at the Rome conference in- dicated vaguely good intentions, but no more. A country that as- pires to be a peacemaker but re- fuses even to hear the views of one of the parties to peace is not likely be trusted. This the Yugo- slays have yet to learn. ing classes as dragging the entire nation down to ruin. Third Isaiah had learned the lesson of the indestructibility of Israel, but he had also learned the les- son of judgment. Israel could not survive as it was; the Israel of destiny had to be purified of those elements which kept sal- vation out of its reach . . ." The evaluation portions of the McKenzie volume dealing with the historical background of Second Isaiah, its literary form and struc- ture, the interpretations of the Servant and Zion poems, elevate this work to a high rank in schol- arship. The Nahamu chapter, "Comfort, comfort my people," describing the mesage of hope, is among the interesting commentaries by a Christian on the faith of Israel. Rebuke of superstition, punish- ment and forgiveness, true fasting, guilt and judgment, as well as a paean to the glory of the New Jer- usalem are in Third Isaiah. The latter, the Zion poems, Chaper LXII 'The Salvation of Zion' are part of an entity related to the theme of the songs of redemption and faith in rebirth and salvation. Father McKenzie has drawn upon the scholarly works of lead- ing theologians. He has produced an objective commentary. His thesis has an appeal to 'laymen as well as scholars of all faiths. He is helpful to the layman, as in supplying an index of Hebrew words. His "Second Isaiah" has enriched the Doubleday Anchor Bible series. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday, September 6, 1968 Warning on Sunglasses The National Society for the Prevention of Blindness warns that wearing sunglasses can cause loss of visibility and increase the difficulty of distinguishing be- tween contrasting colors. Sunglass- es should be removed before driv- ing home at dusk to allow driver to clearly observe important road signs necessary for safe driving. AUTHORS WANTED BY NEW YORK PUBLISHER NEW YORK, N. 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