Purely Commentary Dramatic Adventure in Chicago For many months to come, particularly in the course of the Presi- dential campaign during the coming two months, the incidents in Chicago will be discussed and it will be difficult to eliminate bitterness in viewing what had occurred. They were shocking occurrences and many may never forgive Mayor Richard J. Daley for the role he played during the convention. Yet, there were aspects to the situation that are even more saddening than the position of a man who acts the ruler, who effects a Tammany-like attitude. An individual can be defeated, but a ten- dency in social actions may prove difficult either to overcome or to to alter peacefully. When the events in Chicago are equated with the Hitler era, one must ask how fair-minded newspapermen can so delineate an American tragedy. In Germany it was the stormtrooper over the crowd, and there was no resort to the courts. In the American experience it was the police against demonstrators, and the latter have recourse to justice. If the view of the Democratic candidate for president, Hubert H. Humphrey prevails, the extreme reactionaries will be prevented from curtailing the legal system of our land. The events in Chicago are an indictment of police brutality. But they also serve a valuable purpose: there is now a strong commitment against permitting any portion of this country being turned into a police state. This is the Humphrey pledge and we trust it implicitly. Meanwhile there must be a full understanding that while rioting must be curbed, the mob can not be handled like cattle. Policing needs to be conducted with a sense of self-control and as much in a spirit of mercy as any other law enforcing duty. The responsibilities of proper guiding along these lines mounts with time. McCarthy and the Three-Party System Convention experiences in Chicago were so varied that they provided a course in social and political studies. The delegates' reactions may not have been too different from those at the Republi- can convention, but the bitterness was more deep-rooted. But as in most similar instances at political conventions, the "kiss-and-make-up" aftermath may be near at hand. Some of the arrests of delegates may have been the result of arrogance and facetiousness. A New Hampshire professor chooses to trick the computing machine and gets into a silly mess. Mc- Carthy supporters are accused of throwing ash trays out of hotel windows at police and are arrested. Eugene McCarthy himself acts the poor loser (unlike Senator McGovern), and makes it known that he can't support "either candidate." Does it mean he can support George Wallace? It can also mean that McCarthy chooses not to vote. Which re- minds us of the confession that was made by the late Gen. George Marshall, after he had retired as President Truman's secretary of state, that he had never voted in his life! Will this be Senator Mc- Carthy's pattern? What a pity that he can't join his good friends Humphrey and McGovern in setting a pattern for action in a very crucial period in American history. :i * For HHH in November Chicago's Tragedy, Plight of Embittered Candidate . . . Once Again: a Humphrey Endorsement . . The Sirhan Trick tion of notoriety from the TV crews. That may have been what he wanted—and he got it. Now, how will his constituents react to his hysterical act when they go to the polls? Perhaps the communications media, in their anxiety for more sensational stories, were responsible for building up a case that should have been played down. But that's what caused much of the trouble—and if it weren't for the extreme build-ups many of the Chicago incidents might have been averted. We are not condoning police brutality: it is one of the great issues to be resolved in this critical time of youth and race revolts and political evolutions. But in solving that problem there certainly can't be an approval of rioting that incites to brutalities. * * By Philip Slomovitz ' * Saud. But when the leader of a new anti-Semitic Arab-Negro lineup speaks about offering "Our lives" to aid the Arabs in their aim to destroy Israel, the question may well be posed to them: Are these your friends, the oppressors of the masses Nasser Saud, Hussein, and is slave-holding Saudi-Arabia your ideal state? And in our hearts we pose another question: will they ever learn? The TV Role in Averting Hatreds Commentators and our news media may be put to the test during the Sirhan Sirhan trial. Robert F. Kennedy's murderer has already made it known that he is planning to place Zionism on trial. Ramparts magazine already has given him a platform for the spread of hatred —and for the Jordanian killer and the anti-Israel forces it is sheer anti-Semitism that is intended in the battle to harm an entire people. Will a platform be accorded to an assassin and a bigot during the Sirhan trial? The judge will be on the spot, the defense attorney will be tested and our communications media will have an opportunity to prove whether they permit themselves to be used as means of spreading hatred during a trial of a man who committing a horrible crime. 4' * * Testing the Sleeping Voter Eugene McCarthy is not the only one who is being tested now. Will he vote or will he sleep through a crucial election? This question also can be posed to Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. who, like McCarthy, who said last week, while on a visit in Hong Kong, that he could not approve either of Humphrey or Nixon. Does it mean he'll turn to Wallace? Or will he be among the political Dropouts? Something else to be concerned about: what made McCarthy say to the peace demonstrators on the day after he lost his bid for the Presidential nomination: "I'm happy to be here to address the govern- ment of the people in exile?" Did he tongue slip or was he approving of the waving of Vietcong flags and the tearing and burning of draft cards? Is he or is he not (a poor loser?) among the Dropouts? An exciting two months are in store for this tension-laden nation. * * * Senator Gruening's Defeat It was saddening to learn that Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska was defeated for renomination at the primaries last week. The reason for the decline of his popularity—and he had been the outstanding spokesman for Alaska as Governor, Senator, advocate of Statehood—for a generation!—is that he is 82 and his opponent who beat him at the polls is 39. But at 82 Gruening, still displays great vitality. He rendered great service to our country. With Senator Wayne Morse he spoke out against the Vietnam war at a time when the McCarthy forces were totally unknown. The Gruening-Morse team was the most fearless in the U. S. Senate and the two men had paved the way for a change in national policies in Southeast Asia. Gruening was a leader in the tasks of exposing the Nasser crimes, of revealing to the Senate and to the nation the lies inherent in the Arab refugees' claims. He was a great defender of Israel and in that sphere he will be greatly missed in the Senate. * * * In November, as in the past several months, OUR candidate will be Hubert H. Humphrey. His acceptance speech, his actions—now, as in the 20 years of his liberalism—are convincing that he possesses sincerity, integrity, ability, understanding of the serious issues that plague our nation. He is our candidate for the Presidency because he possesses the experience, the ability, the back-ground, the courage for the most important elective post in the world. We believe he will be our Chief Exposing the Refugee Falsehoods Our worthy co-worker in Israeli causes, Ira T-Tirschmann, in his Executive on Jan. 20, 1969. * article in Look magazine, exposes the "nonexistent ghosts" represented by claims of vast numbers of Arab refugees. He shows how the 'Revolt' and the Political Evolution If it were not so tragic, the situation in Chicago might have refugee scandal had created a black market in ration cards and in been a comedy. The New Hampshire professor-politician episode, many ways misled the world into believing the refugee tales. This commentator had shown on several occasions how the re- for instance. That trick of trying a credit card on a computer and of .blaming the Democratic Party for what he termed a faulty com- fugee issue was misrepresented, and the column on June 21, written puting system, his shouting, (did he bite a policeman?) his acquisi- from Tel Aviv, was entitled "The Legend of the Refugees." Hirschmann again brings the matter to public light and assists in revealing a lie that has caused well-meaning people to adopt prejudicial attitudes towards Israel. NO. 1 DROPOUT • Protecting the Public . . . Reducing Riots There is an indisputable right to dissent, and free men have a right to demonstrate in support of their ideas. It is the only way of assuring the privileges to be accorded the minority, and since the minority may unexpectedly become the majority, let us make certain that we do not go off half-cocked either in judging or in planning. If the sad experiences of the last few months continue, it may become impossible to enroll police recruits, and whether we like it or not we'll be in one helluva jungle without proper protection . Therefore the right to speak must be protected also by the right to curb violence, and demonstrations must not be permitted to develop into riots—as some have, even in Chicago. The coming year will be a crucial one—on the overseas fronts involving Vietnam and the Middle East, domestically in relation to enforcement of the peace of our communities, in establishing amicable relations between races and those who differ in economic and poli- tical terms. We'll be in our synagogues in a matter of two weeks to pray for a New Year of peace and spiritual inspiration. Let us pray for a year of amity and common sense and of respect for human de- cencies among all our citizens. We can start praying now—and keep praying and acting that this great nation should once again become the indivisible force for indestructible human values. An End to Hijacking? Does the release of the El Al plane and the detained Israelis denote also an end to hijacking? Apparently the negotiations that were conducted with Algeria towards the release of plane, crew and Israeli passengers by the pilots' associations brought the desired results and the action of the Air France pilots' association now is understandable. If the sad experience with Algeria should lead to an end to hijacking methods, world traveling at least will be made more secure and the unfortunate incident may have contributed a bit of blessing on the international scene. • • • Carmichael — the Ally of the Slave-Holders We haven't much to expect from a Stokely Carmichael or the 2—Friday, September 6, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS extremists among the Arabs who have lined up with Nasser, Hussein, , , * * Sight Saving Month September has many appeals to action, and among them are the aims of the Sight-Saving Month Campaign of the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. This is the 19th annual cam-. paig,n, aimed at alerting the com- munity to causes of blindness be- fore the malady strikes the victims. It is contended that half of the cases of blindness can be prevent- ed by preventative actions. It is es- timated that from glaucoma alone 1,702,000 Americans 35 years of age and older are threatened with blindness, and that lazy-eye blind- ness—amblyopia— and other vi- sion problems may affect one in every 20 preschool-age children. In view of these facts, the Na- tional Association for the Preven- tion of Blindness is performing a great service with its current cam- paign through a specially-designat. ed month for prevention of blind- ness. There was a time when traucho- ma was a major problem. Now there are many others. In eliminat- ing spread of trauchoma, Hadas- sah, for example, performed a great task in the Middle East among the Arabs. Now we are fac- ing a more vast problem and the National Society for the Preven- tion of Blindness should be given all possible support. * Sirhan Seeks Limelight Is it any wonder that there is rioting, that hoodlums seek the limelight, that teen-agers who de- sire to get into the limelight in- crease their mischief, if they can attain their goals on TV? Now it is a murderer who was caught in the act, who created a national tragedy, who insists that he wants to be heard on TV. Sir- han Sirhan's defiance of all com- mon decencies apparently stems from guidance from trouble-seek- ing groups who are bent upon spreading the anti-Semitic virus with proposals that the anti-Israel program should be broadcast widely. The trial set for November may develop into the troubles which have created fears in the hearts of many people. It has been known for some time (as we have exposed it from Arabic documents quoted in these columns on Aug. 22) that Sirhan is being used "as a tool to poison American public opinion." It'll be interesting to watch the actions of judge and defense attor- ney and to learn whether an Ameri- can court will be used to spread poisonous hatreds agaainst not only Israel but of all of Jewry. * * Terrorism Doesn't Work The bomb outrage in Tel Aviv,, the kidnaping of an Israeli by Egyptians, other incidents which intensified the already dynamite- laden Middle East atmosphere, combine to prove that terrorism doesn't work. Arabs are not benefiting from the troubles, and the hope for peace vanishes with every out-s. burst of terror. The latest Middle East events prove that unless the cease-fire can be made workable, nothing else will work; and they indicate that a weak United Nations is no more than an old-fashioned gramo- phone marked by talk ... talk ... talk. Will we ever see a real ef- fort for peace based on the two contending forces sitting down and talking to each other instead of through others who don't count? :