THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish. Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of 'Enfish --Jewish Newspapers. Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235, YE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Fo7,-eign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit. Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Business Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, Rosh Hodesh Elul, the 30th day of Az, the following scriptural selections will be read. in our synagogues: Pentateuch& portions, Dent. 11:26-16:17, Num. 28:9-15. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 66:1-24. Second day Rosh Hodesh. Elul Torn Readings, Sunday: Num, 28:1-15. Candle lighting, Friday, Aug. 23, 8:02 p.m. Page Four VOL. LIII. No. 23 August 23, 1968 A New School Year and its Problems Commencement of a new school year, within a matter of days, will pose new prob- lems that should command the serious at- tention of all of our communities. We can expect a repetition of the old cliches—that education comes first,-..that we must give priority to learning ; that without knowledge we won't have good leadership and without information we won't- have thinking consti- tuencies. And our philanthropically-minded communities will ask for. added funds for schools, and the matter of finance will pre- dominate: with the acquiSition of larger funds for educational purposes many will become so contented that they will be able to sleep peacefully—until another year arrives for budgeting. But while vast sums are needed to as- sure for our schools the means necessary for the conduct of our educational systems, money alone is not what matters. 'What is needed is an understanding of the response. of the results attained, of the genuineness of claims to a great Jewish cultural heritage. It may well be that the horizon is not as dark as it has been painted, that the num- ber of Jewish children who are enrolled in our schools is not as minimal as it has b6en described, that the era of one-day Sunday school training either has ended or-is-ending and we have a good chance to establish deep roots for the treasures that have been be- queathed to us in the historical process of Jewish spiritual and cultural creativity. - Having satisfied ourselves with such great achievements, we must ask: where are the hordes of boys and girls, grown into manhood and womanhood, who have been trained in our schools and who were expected to pro- vide the sinews for a continuing dedica- tion to the basic ideals imbedded in the legacy which is spoken of as the guide to Jewry's existence? Our college youth have become disinter- ested only a handful continued their Jew- ish education, and some severed their ties with the sacred traditions immediately after bar mitzva. We have good fund-raisers but few champions of the high ideals which have become an acquisition for the peoples of the world but which we seem to be un- able to apply in periods of great tragedy when racism, fears, threats to human values are plaguing mankind. It is by recaptur- ing the spirit of our sacred ideals that we could contribute towards the salvaging of human values. Instead we have a denigra- tion that is harmful to us and to . the society in which we live. These are not symptoms of a sinking into despair. They are realities that have been spoken of time -and again. They are puzzling results of an educational process that neither fits into the scheme of our exist- ance nor does it echo too clearly the efforts to retain traditional school functions. They point to shortcomings that must be corrected quickly! Whence will come the inspiration that is so urgently needed to alter a condition that has left us smug, complacent, blind to realities? It isn't enough to concede to the truth that we have a shortage of teachers, that we have not found a way of keeping our youth in Jewish schools after bar mitzva, that we don't know how to instill interest in our college youth. All these needs go hand in hand—there is need for retaining our best teachers and of encouraging dedi- cated youth to pursue the Jewish teaching profession. we must give new inspiration to the confirmed youngsters. A way should be found to reach the university student. The school administrators and the peda- gogues must find the way to tackle these problems. and if they are unable to do so. they must seek assistance in specialized fields. It is too late to procrastinate further. — Biafra: Starving Children and Oil Interests Children are dying in Biafra, and the world's responsible relief agencies are seek- ing means of preventing another great calamity. In many Jewish spheres, in Israel, the United States and at conferences of na- tional Jewish leaders, the life-saving plans are being advanced in some measure but apparently are insufficient to stem the tragedy. When the calamitous situation will have been solved, as it must. there may be need for an international probe of what had hap- pened. It is now charged that oil interests are involved, that the vast oil potentials in Biafra may be responsible for a great deal of the revolt that has split a people that was related in kinship. Meanwhile, every effort must be made to assure relief for the sufferers from the agony that has been imposed upon an entire people, especially the children. -There are political considerations that are interfering with progress in humanitarianism. Once again expediency dictated by hypocritical diplomacy may be at the root of interference with jus- tice - and with the human factors in a na- tional conflict. Unfortunately, the United Nations is so weak and ineffective, that it is unable to act. Will the United States be in a position to provide the vitally needed relief in a tragic situation? An Unrealistic Presidential Veto President Johnson's veto of the measure that would ban imports of cotton from coun- tries that have broken relations with the United States because of the alleged Ameri- can support of Israel in the Six Day War was accompanied by a message that sounds logical but lacks the element of applicability to people who would understand only a justi- fied rebuke and not a concession to wicked- ness. The anti-Israel forces in the Middle East are conducting an • immoral battle against a neighbor who has been on the defensive since gaining statehood with the blessings of the majority of the states in the United Nations. They are bent upon destroying an entire people, and when that people manages to defend itself successfully they place the - blame upon the United States, whose efforts, in consultation with the Soviet Union, may have prevented another world war. The only thing Egypt and her allies might understand is if there is punishment for their policies that are intended for destruc- tive purposes. But our government has constantly pampered them and has not only failed to regain lost friendships among them but has given encouragement to them for a continuing hatred. That is why President Johnson's rejection of the decisions reached by Congress in the matter of cotton imports smacks of impracticality. We object to injection of the "Jewish vote" myth in the discussion, even if the resort to it was to negate it. The Washing- ton Post gave added ammunition to the Arab lie factory by even mentioning it. 'Contemporary Reform Jewish Thought' Defines New Concepts Main currents in Reform Judaism are outlined in a series of essays in a new volume whose purpose of defining Reform's aims should serve the community well. In "Contemporary Reform Jewish Thought," edited by Bernard Martin, who holds the Abba Hillel Silver Chair of Jewish Studies in the Case Western Reserve University department of religion in Cleve- land, distinguished rabbis outline their ideas on major aspects of Reform and the attitudes of the movement towards vital Jewish issues. Published by Quadrangle Press. Chicago, in cooperation with the Central Conference of American Rabbis, this volume contains essays by Prof. Eugene B. Borowitz, Alvin J. Reines and Jakob J. Petuchowski and Rabbis Arnold Jacob Wolf, David Polish, W. Gunther Plaut, Bernard J. Bamberger, Joseph R. Narot, Daniel Jeremy Silver and Samuel E. Karff. In addition to his explanatory preface, the editor. Bernard Martin, is the author of an essay on "Reform Jewish Theology Today" in which he asserts that while Judaism and Christianity "have significant affinities" . . . "Judaism must not be taken as merely the dialectical counterpart or antagonist of Christianity, as has been the case in the thought of some Jewish writers;" that the "uniqueness of Judaism is not to be found in dogmas contra Christianity" and that: "The Jewish theologian has his own tasks andhis own problems. While he may learn much from philosophers and theologians com- mitted to other faiths, his own goal must never be lost sight of: to explicate the uniqueness of Jewish faith and Jewish experience in terms that are appropriate to it. In furthering this goal, his work will be richly compensated." In the series included in this volume. Dr. Plaut discusses "The Halakha of Reform." Dr. Polish's topic is "The God of Nature and the God of Existence." Prof. Reines discusses "God and Jewish Theology." Rabbi Wolf deals with a similar topic. Prof. Borowitz's topic is "Faith and Method in Modern Jewish Theology." Rabbi Olan discusses "New Resources for a Liberal Faith." Rabbi Karff's "The Election, the Covenant and the Mission of Israel," Prof. Petuchowski's "Prcblems of Reform Halakha," Rabbi Bamberger's "The Concept of Israel" and Rabbi Silver's "A Lover's Quarrel with the Mission of Israel" present additional challenging material relating to the analyses of the Reform ideas. "The Nature and Destiny of Israel" is dealt with by Rabbi Narot. The total theme, the annotated evaluative material on Reform, contribute constructively towards an understanding of the trends which mark the modern concepts of Reform Judaism, and this volume assists theological students of all faiths and is especially valuable for Jewish readers from all segments of Jewish life. Netanyahu's.Notea Biography of Abravanel Reissued by JPS The Jewish Publication Society of America has issued a new edition of "Don Isaac Abravanel: Statesman, Financier and Philos- opher" by Prof. Benzion Netanyahu of Dropsie College. Responding to the great demand since it was first issued, JPS republished the biography and the new edition contains updated material. As the title indicates, it deals with one of the great figures it2. Jewish history whose life was devoted to diplomacy and finance, ai ► ' well as to literature and philosophy. One of the great diplomats of his time, Abravanel (1437-1508) was the interpreter of many vital matters relating to Jews of his time, their role amidst the crises of the Middle Ages, attitudes on messianism, the complexities involving Moslems. Christians, the Marranos. As a Bible commentator, as linguist, mystic and thinker. Abravan was one of the great figures in his time. He was also a brilliant historian. - The Inquisition. the Renaissance, the conflicts of an era that Val it mark are among the many factors that are clarified in this richly annotated biography and historical analysis of a great man and an era during which Jews had lived a creative life in Spain, later to bit exiled and humiliated. Netanyahu's is a very scholarly work, and the reissuance of Ms biography retains in circulation a most important book.