Israel Denies Jordan's Charge in UN That Arab Civilians Were Attacked Israeli Fruit Shipping Co. Charges Crew Members (Direct JTA Teletype Wire with the Nazis in their statements. UNITED NATIONS (JTA)— A mando bases in Jordan nor any of easing the area's rising ten- to The Jewish News) The Jordanian delegate quoted sions. recruitment centers. He denied HAIFA — Maritime Fruit Car- war of words between Jordan and a statement by Tekoah, alluding riers Ltd., an Israeli shipping com- Tekoah said the Arab repre- Tekoah's charge that Iraqi troops Israel developed in the Security to a JTA daily bulletin of July pany, has brought charges against Council Monday as the 15-nation stationed in Jordan were aiding sentatives had offered a "strik- to the effect that the Israeli a group of crewmen from its mo- body held the fifth meeting of its the guerrillas. He insisted they ingly bizarre thesis"—that Arabs 26 envoy had cited legal experts on currant session stemming from were there only to bolster Jordan's would continue to attack Israel international affairs as question- torship Avocadore who, they say Israel's Aug. 4 reprisal air attack defenses and provided no arms but that Israel must not retaliate. ing the validity of many UN res- staged an illegal strike aboard the He told the council that Jordan, vessel in European waters last on. El Fatah bases near the Jor- or equipment to the commandos. El-Farra demanded "adequate giving armed support to raiders olutions directed against Israel. month. danian town of Salt. In the article, the authorities action" by the Security Council from its territory, did not 'recog- The company named a seaman, Mohammed H. el-Farra; the rep- were quoted as saying they nize the cease fire line and, in against Israel "without further Moshe Levy, as the ringleader in resentative of Jordan, accused doubted also the "moral and effect, wanted Israel to accept that Israel of using napalm and frag- delay" and said "we want all of line as a protection for armed political import" of such resolu- its request to the Haifa police the big powers to play their con- superintendent to open criminal mentation bombs in the attack and raiders. He said the council should tions adding that many of the proceedings against the men. structive part and to take a firm also claimed that the Israeli planes resolutions on the Middle East not accept the view that one of A special committee investigated hit Red Crescent (Jordanian red stand against the contemptuous the parties view the cease fire line situation "lack in equity and fail the episode which resulted in an cross) ambulances that were aid- attitude of Israel." Earlier, the Soviet delegate, as a front for attacks on Israel. to take into consideration of Is- unscheduled call by the Avocadore ing the wounded, killing and wound- rael's legitimate rights and in- at Dover, England and delayed the He said it was for the council Yakov Malik, demanded that the ing their occupants. terests.") discharge of her banana cargo at council. take "more severe and to decide whether to end the Arab Israel's representative, Ambassa- more decisive" actions against "conspiracy of aggression" or El - Farra said that the Tekoah Bremerhaven, West Germany. The dor Yosef Tekoah hotly denied that Israel to force it to "comply" with whether it would be left to Israel comment was "proof" of Israels committee sent its findings to the Israeli planes hit civilian targets. the council's Nov. 22, 1967, resolu- to deal with it. "determination" to "ignore" Secur- state attorney. Levy said he would He cited eye-witness accounts of tion. The Arab and Soviet blocs Both the Jordanian and Syrian ity Council resolutions against its appeal the findings to the high a group of British volunteer stu- interpret that resolution as call- delegates quoted the Jewish Tele- "aggression."' court. dents working in the Jordan Val- ing.. for Israel's immediate with- graph Agency news service in ef- Tomeh cited a JTA Aug. 2 daily ley, who, according to the Lon- drawal from occupied territories. forts to prove that Israel was bulletin reporting that the United don Telegraph, watched the Israeli Israel maintained that its counter- engaged in a "long-range con- States Senate had approved a 1969 attack on El Fatah headquarters measures against terrorists were spiracy" with the intent of "ex- foreign aid bill containing a pro- and guerrilla training camp. panding" indefinitely. Both also vision that the President should legitimate acts of self-defense. He. said that the planes were The United States position, as sprinkled comparisons of Israel sell Israel the Phantom jets which At Beautiful Big Lake Israel has been seeking since last specifically ordered to avoid hit- summed up by its chief represent- Near Waterford, 40 min- January to offset the buildup of ting .civilian targets and that all ative, Ambassador George Ball utes from Northland. Ap- were El Arab air forces by sophisticated the casualties in the raid - last week, was one deploring both prox. 1/2 acre each, jet fighter planes from the Soviet Fatah members or military per- . Arab terrorist acts and Israeli re- $3,500, terms. Swimming, Union. The Syrian delegate said sonnel• prisals. Ambassador Ball urged boating, water skiing, Tekoah said that his government snpport for the peace-seeking mis- Stanley Field of Falls Church, the Senate action indicated that fishing, near local ski had decided to release confiden- sion of UN envoy Ambassador Va., is introduced by his publisher, Israel was finding "support" for areas. Congenial neigh- tial information which denionslrat Gmmar V. Jarring. Jonathan David, as "generally its "intransigence" from the U.S. He added that what had been ed that the Jordanian government bors. Only 3 sites remain- Jose Araujo Castro, of Brazil. concerned with serious writing, and armed forces not only permit- this month's Security Council editing and producing." But "for "perpetrated" by Israel against ing. Must be seen to ap- ted acts against Israel from their nresident. said that the council a bit of relaxation he turns his Jordan this year and against Jor- preciate. territory but fully collaborated with must put its full weight behind energies to the lighter side of life" dan, Syria and Egypt in the Six- them. Pr. Jarring's mission. He said that and produced what the publisher Day War was "not essentially dif- He said that Jordainian military IO- ael - and Jordan were entitled call a "gem" in "Bible Stories for ferent from the war conducted posts provided the marauders with to d'fend their security by their Adults Only." by the U.S. in Vietnam." 563-4282-Weekdays information on Israeli troop de own means but . were also entitled What makes these stories gems? 625-3475-Weekends ployment and provided covering to guarantees of security to be Because they are presented 'in the THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS fire for them when they encoun- mutually provided by the major stage Yiddish that in years gone 10—Friday, August 16, 1968 tered Israeli forces. He said Jor- powers which ly=d snecial obliga- by aroused Jewish protests, it danian soldiers mounted road- tionS under the UN charter and deals with the crude and the sex- blocks in collaboration with El Fa- "a direct influence" on the level ual, it lets "Grandma Nina" tell tah and recognized El Fatah passes of Mideast armaments. these stories "as only she could" as entry permits for guerrillas SpOkesmen for -Jordan, Syria --and the result is bad English coining from Syria. and Hungary rejected in debate that is supposed to .entertair, re- The sum of the situation, before the Security Council any . sorting to an appeal to the sug- Tekoah declared, is that the suggestions for stationing United gestive. 41110...has a better idea guerrilla organizations are main Nations observers on the Israeli- There are two parts to this book tained and supported by the ! Jordan cease fire line as a means Becauie they have whichWas illustrated in the spirit Arab governments in an expres- of flip tiwt by Lil Goldstein: "Dear sion of unabated beligerence. id , I Am in Trouble!" King D av, He said that the cease-fire agree- an..I 'Pharaoh the Pascudnick." ments of June 1967 imposed an In the first the author makes at obligation on all parties to cease sure that all the details of the By BENNETT CERF all military activities in the area. A little boy worrying through Bathsheba story are told — those The government which offers the his very first day at school, raised relating to David seeing her in the use of its territory as a base for his hand for permission to go nude in the roof of her home, the 14240 W. 7 Mile Road at the Lodge X-Way warfare is violating the cease fire, to the washroom, but returned to planned murder of her husband DI 1-3800 he said, adding that international the class a few moments later to Uriah, the rebuke by the Prophet law and opinion leave no doubt report that he couldn't find it. Nathan, the birth of a first child that the cease fire must be main- Dispatched a second time with from the illicit David-Bathsheba tained on the basis of complete explicit directions, he still couldn't love affair and the subsequent reciprocity. find it. So this time the teacher birth of Solomon. Ambassador el-Farra, in reply, asked a slightly older boy to act This is the form of the language said there was no agreement be- as guide. Success crowned his in this story: "When King David tween Jordan and Israel called a efforts. "We finally found it," is seeing Bathsheba standing there, cease fire and that Jordan was he told the teached. "He had his not one single piece clothing on observing the Security Council's pants on backwards." her, he is forgetting all about his resolution for a cease fire. He in- psalms and he is thinking to him- sisted that the only international Senator Jacob Javits tells about self: ooh-ah, when did I ever see agreement binding on Israel and a neighbor's little girl who really such a beautiful woman and he the Arab states was the armistice believes in the power of prayer. is saying to himself, you see, I agreement following the 1948 war When her brother built a trap to told myself I should go on the roof and the Mixed Armistice Com- catch sparrows, she prayed hard garden today and I am enjoying mission established thereby. that he wouldn't catch any. Nor it." He charged Israel with ignor- did he. The parodies proceed in this vein, ing and refuting that agreement. Some , mornings later her mother until the illicit aspects and the El-Farra went on to accuse a8ked, "What made you so sure murder and illegitimacy are con- Israel of violating or ignoring your prayer would be answered?" cluded. .. every. resolution of the Security "Well, for one thing, mother," re- It's proposed for adult reading Council. He said that his goy- plied the devout youngster, "I and one wonders whether those - ernment did not maintain. corn- went back there and kicked the who should study the Bible will trap to pieces." accept this as a substitute. * * The Pharaoh Pascudnick is in 5 .Abandoned Houses, "How are you so sure," a kindly the same vein—Moses the Law- boss asked his worried right-hand giver emerging in. a comic role. Em pty for 20 Years, man, "that your wife insists upon In view of the many. protests . Returned to Arabs a vacation abroad?" "Well for one against oversexed literature and (Direct JTA Teletype Wire thing," the right-hand man report- crude abuse of. historical narra- New Air-conditioned to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM—Five houses that ed, "she phoned me this morning tives, one wonders whether this stood abandoned for nearly 20 from Rome." type of book can have a large years in what was the No Man's reading public. Services conducted by Land between Israeli and for- RIDDLE-DE-DEE. motor from a the Q. If you take mer Jordanian Jerusalem were restored to their legal owners Cadillac, the dashboard from a Dodge, and the rear bumper from here Tuesday. The landlords are all East Jeru- a Mustang, what are you likely salem Arabs. The houses were to get? A. Three years. Committee in session: returned under a ruling by a min- Q. When is the best time to 'buy isterial committee which directed Monday - Thursday 7 to 9 P.M. the state's custodian for abandoned groceries? A. 1927. property to restore the property Sunday 9 A.M. to 12 Noon Q. What do you call a man who to whomever could prove legal lures girls to his place and turns ownership, whether Jew or Arab. Three applications for restora- them into freaks? 398-1177 24061 Coolidge Highway, Oak Park A. A hairdresser. tion of property here are still ri- 1968. by Bennett Cerf. Distributed by 1 1 Namaibidhadammisiiiimmeromer penning. King Features Syndicate • •!. LAKE LOTS Bible Is Parodied in Crude Enollish Owner—Harold Weine Try and Stop Me IRV KATZ McDonald Ford MAKE YOUR HIGH HOLYDAY RESERVATIONS at YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS • Sanctua Rabbi James L Gordon Cantor David Greenbaum