Purely Commentary The Anonymous Leiter Writer: Now It's Poland's Defender Anonymous letter writers are a dime a dozen. The mere fact that they fail to give their right names is an indication that they are motivated by their hatreds and prejudices rather than by a desire to arrive at truth. We have many of them: those involved in politics, the pro- Communists, the racists, the power-seekers and many others. Now we also have the apologists for Poland, and if they seek to muddy the waters when they communicate with us they undoubtedly also will try to get into other areas with their venom. One Pole asks many questions, why Jews came to Poland, why they didn't stay in Spain and in Germany (he knows a bit of history—that Jews came to Poland after the Inquisition and the Crusades) and contends that the Polish underground saved Jews. Jews, especially, should know the facts, and they should not be misled. Of course, the Jewish numbers grew in Poland from the hand- ful who survived the persecutions in Poland and in Spain into the three and a half million just before World War II. But as they grew, so also had grown their contributions towards the Polish economy and cultural life. Only in exceptional cases was their life secure, and in the main they were the objects of horrible oppressions. What about the underground during the last war, the battle for survival, the struggle in the Warsaw Ghetto? Did the Polish under- ground help provide aid to the Jews? There were Poles who helped but they were a minority. Alex- ander Donat, a survivor from the extermination camps who had settled in this country and has risen to a high role as a creative scientist, reviewed (in Midstream) an important book, "Ten Jest Z Oj•zyzny Mojej" ("Polacy z pomoca Zydom 1939-1945) by Wladyslaw Bartoszewski i Zofia Lewin, published in Krakow. Full credit is given Bartoszewski as a Catholic highly qualified to discuss the question of Polish assistance to Jews, since he was the organizer of the "Council to Help the Jews." Donat gives full credit to Bartoszewski's description of how Poles could risk their lives if they aided Jews; admits the existence of anti-Semitism and contends that thousands of Jews were rescued by Poles. But Donat insists: "There were cases of the execution of Poles kr hiding and helping Jews, but these were not numerous and the information available is very scarce." And Donat reiterates these charges: In my memoir, "The Holocaust Kingdom," p. 109, I wrote: "A handful of Poles were sympathetic, eager to fulfill their Christian and patriotic duties, either from ideological, personal, or mone- tary motives. But the great majority looked on indifferently. They felt that the Germans were solving their 'Jewish problem' for them. Though the Germans were doing it brutally, they said, it was effective . . . Then there were the shmaltzovniks, the blackmailers and professional trackers-down of Jews in hiding, a fairly numerous and busy group drawn from the most vicious, semicrlininal elements in the Polish population. Packs of these jackals lay in wait at every gate hoping to catch someone leaving the ghetto illegally, and when they did, they milked the victim of everything he owned before turning him in to the Gestapo to be murdered. In addition to the ordinary hoodlums, there were a number of "ideological' anti-Semites who •informed or betrayed for killed) out of conviction, out of hatred for Jews. Such anti- Jewish dregs terrorized many decent Poles, making them ex- ceedingly cautious in dealing with Jews . . ." The Jews who were rescued by noble Poles, eagerly and gratefully testified on their behalf, and Bartoszewski's book, con- sists mostly of such testimonies. But the many Jews who were betrayed, martyred, murdered in the cities, villages and forests by their "Polish compatriots" will never testify. And certainly their executioners will not do so. Had their victims been able to testify, their terrible J'Accuse would shatter the world. The writings of the Jewish survivors, the alleged "enemies of Poland," are true but they represent only an infinitesimal fraction of the whole truth. To refute the murderous deeds by denying them, by minimizing their scope to marginal "exceptions to the rule," and by attacking the reporters of the true facts, means protect- ing the murderers and sharing responsibility with them. Exploitation of the noble deeds of the small contingent of the righteous cannot serve as an alibi for a nation in its entirety. The fact is that even now, with less than 25,000 Jews remaining in Poland, anti-Semitism is rampant. Bartoszewski is an exception to the rule, but even his efforts are being negated by bigots who adhere to the anti-Semitic Polish policies. The Polish tragedy is immense! * Propaganda . . . Prejudices .. . Facts Soon the Sirhan Sirhan case will provide a platform for bigots who so frequently emerge to capitalize on a public issue, who grab at anything to make political capital out of a national tragedy, who find excuses for hating Jews when a murderer makes a Jewish issue out of his act. While even Sirhan's family and leading Arab potentates at the outset were horrified by the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, many now are adopting new tactics. These began with letters to im- portant newspapers by the head of the so-called Action Committee on American-Arab Relations, Mohammed T. Mehdi, who had the audacity to state: "It was morally wrong on the part of Senator Kennedy to submit to the pressure of the Zionists and promise the sending of 50 jet fighters to Israel so that more Israeli Jews might kill more of Sirhan's people and occupy more of Sirhan's homeland . . . The Senator was morally wrong; Sirhan was legally wrong . . . But Sirhan's act is not an ordin- ary case of murder: It is a political act and a political assassination. Hence traditional legal devices and legal remedies cannot adequately provide proper defense for the accused." Coming from an anti-Israel propagandist, this letter might be viewed as understandable, even in its indecency, were it not for the fact that he gained adherents. Thus, a lady from Oneonta, N.Y. (Julia B. Carson), wrote to the New York Times: Prejudices Galore: Over TV, in the United Nations, on International Ar- ena, Among Those Who Forget Nazism causes were: the unstable, over-emotional, paranoid temperament of Sirhan, the killer; the lack of adequate police protection; and possibly to some small de- gree the atmosphere of violence and toleration of violence abroad in the land. Sirhan will be punished for his illegal, immoral act. But the fact that he was expressing Arab resentment.—rightful resentment—must be taken into ac- count,. both for the sake of justice for Sirhan and for the clarification of the American attitude toward the acts of aggressive powers. Fortunately, it was challenged. Maggie Nunley of Cambridge, Mass., replied and the N.Y. Times published this statement: The implication in the July I letter headed "Arab Resentment" that Robert Kennedy was somehow endangering his life by supporting Israel, could be dis- missed as simply laughable. But its illogic renders it vulnerable to a dramatic comparison, which may serve as relevation to some (but doubtless not to your correspondent, Julia B. Carson). That is, can even the foggiest thinker con- elude that foes of the late Senator Kennedy would have committed a rash act if ; he had expressed Arab sympathies instead? The Israelis as well as the Arabs harbor "deep and powerful emotions." Yet nobody expects Israel to rush around murdering Americans who disagree with them. The reason is clear, and it explains why the Israelis attract the support of responsible, compassionate mea like Robert Kennedy: like is drawn to like, and a man who considered it his duty to leave the world better than he found it came quite naturally to admire a people who made deserts flower and built a nation in a land laid waste by hate and division. As for your correspondent's implication that the Arab resentment cannot be settled by "mere words spoken over a conference table," all I can say is, if I may be pardoned the paraphrase, "By Gad, they'd better." For no nation can stay its hand indefinitely against any group dedicated only to a diffuse destructiveness—as we here seem to be belatedly learning— and the same it true of a community of nations. Not only Israel's tolerance but also international tolerance of the Arabs' institutionalization of paranoia will inevitably come to an end. The menacing fact remains that the haters will be on the ram- page again, that there are people who will utilize the Sirhan crime as means of attacking Israel, Zionism, Jews. The injection of these factors in the court case would place a strain on the record of Amer-. ican jurisprudence. The American Civil Liberties Union, which is providing the defense for Sirhan, is being tried by this case by the challenge whether its attorneys can prevent injection of false propa- ganda and prejudices in a criminal act that was based on hatred for Jewry. * * * An Abuse of Communications Privileges A retired University of Michigan archaeologist has done some digging and has managed to emerge with so much bias and such shocking abuse of the privilege accorded him to present "facti" regarding the Middle East, that he has harmed the good name of our great university. It stands to reason that a university is not obligated to be a censor and that freedom of expression is a vital obligation in our democracy. But when a man who claims to know the Middle East brazenly propa- gates hatred for one of the nations of that area, he renders harm to world peace and to the good name of those who gave him a platform to express himself. Many protests have been uttered against the series of television programs sponsored by the University of Michigan over a local station, and one of them deserves to be emphasized. In his condemnation of the vile, even if veiled, attacks on Israel by ex-Prof. Clarke Hopkins, Charles E. Feinberg wrote to the U-M Television Office: "On July 28 I tuned in to a program, "After Eden," given by a Mr. Clarke Hopkins. "I must protest his vicious misstatements and insidious pro- gram of hate against the people of Jewish faith. "In speaking of the victory of Generals Wavell and Mont- gomery at Tobruk, Mr. Hopkins said the Israelis were conspicuous by their absence. This is the big lie. The official fact is that over 12,000 Jews were in the Jewish contingents from Palestine on the war fronts of the Allies. "Jewish non-combatant battalions were mentioned in the dis- patches of Gen. O'Connor, who stated that the capture of Tobruk would have been impossible without the help of these pioneers.' Gen Wavell's report of them was most favorable . . . 'they showed remarkable courage and a splendid spirit of self-sacrifice.' "On the other hand, the Arabs of Syria and Iraq, opposed the Allies. The Syrians, whose virtues Mr. Hopkins extolled, on French-mandated territory, endorsed the pullout of the Vichy government while Iraq staged a pro-Nazi coup in 1941. "Another part of the program showed drawings of the incident at Deir Yassin. What Arab propaganda office furnished the draw- ings that Mr. Hopkins used in his pro-Arab slanted program? "I protest against any continuation of this spewing of hate program and protest the propriety of the University of Michigan Television being used for this purpose." Mr. Feinberg could have expanded on his theme—to indicate that the Arabs collaborated with the Nazis; that the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem plotted the extermination of the Jews, including all of the Palestinian residents, with Adolf Eichmann; that only when the Allies had gained near total victory did some Arabs come forth with aid against the Hitler hordes; that Israel considers the Deir Yassin tragedy its own and a blot on its otherwise clean record, but that there are so many atrocities to the credit of the Arabs Prof. Hopkins is defending, that the Hopkins story emerges as a disgrace. Equal time has been asked by Mr. Feinberg for a reply to the bigoted remarks of the retired university archaeologist. First there must come forth an apology for the harm that has been done. By Philip Slomovitz them, as Israel Ambassador to UN Yosef Tekoah has shown, were in existence prior to June of 1967. All kinds of charges have been made against Israel including the one about "concentration camps" for Arabs in presently held Israeli ter- ritory. This has been demolished, and the fact is that it is only in Israel that all Arabs are free to travel at will; that Israel permits them to visit Jordan; that to coun- teract such humanitarian practices Jordan now bars visitors from Is- rael, even those who desire to visit their relatives and friends in Jordanian areas. U Thant's attitude does not help the cause of peace. It does not con- tribute to good will. It is one sided and. gives credence to the view that he may be motivated by in- excusable prejudices. * * * Hijacking Hardiy Suitable for Joking The power of suggestion is too strong to be ignored, and rational people must be careful not to re' sort to anything that either in spires prejudice or creates sus-, picions. The late Martin Luther King's brother, the Rev. A. D. King, committed a sad blunder. A- re- grettable, jocular remark to a plane hostess at Atlanta caused the unfortunate incident. The 38-year-old reverend, who was released by the Federal Bu- reau of Investigation after having been taken off the plane and taken into custody, explained: "I made the remark jokingly to a stewardess, 'What are the pro- cedures for hijacking a planer She took it very seriously. Then the captain asked me off. I ex- plained to them it was in jest and I regretted it was misunderstood." Everybody regrets misunder- standings, but everybody must also avoid jesting about serious mat- ters. Hijacking has become an in- ternational crime and will not be condoned. One must be careful in .jesting: the nasty power of sug- gestion can cause trouble: it did for Rev. King. - * * The Bigot at NYU Must Be Deposed It is especially be c ause the new New York, University department is known as the Martin Luther King Junior Afro-American Stu- rdent Center that selection of a man of prejudice to direct it should be resented more by the non-Jews — blacks as well as whites—than by Jews. The selectee had uttered such astonishingly bigoted views on Jews that he should have been eliminated for consideration when the appointment was being made. The martyred Negro leader whose name is honored in the new ,center would undoubtedly have been the first to reject a man who only recently acted the vilest role, of an anti-Semite. Is it true that the only consid- eration in selecting a pedagogue is his professional skill? Doesn't prejudice and a bigoted mind negate other qualities a man may possess? If we are to strive to correct the errors in dealing with 'blacks are we to condone bias in relation to whites, with emphasis on added hatred when it is the `Jew who can be hated? These 'were not the ideals of Martir Luther King Jr., yet New York . University authorities have fall& victims to the vilest type of pre udice that defiles their halls of learning. : Incidentally, it would be sense-. less to charge Jews who demand . the firing of the anti-Semite with being over-sensitive. Once there is hesitation in condemning bigo- try, the bigots will have a heyday. - U Thant's Newest Prejudicial Attitude A question had been posed in May of 1967 whether U Thant was anti-Israel and prejudiced against Jews. He was vigorously defended by Israelis and Jewish leaders, and the withdrawal of the UNEF was credited to bad judgment. Now, by his refusal to probe into Arab governments' discrimina- tion against Jews while pressing for an investigation of the status of Arabs in territories occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War, he gives cause for renewal of challenges involving his neutrality. In a recent column in which, writing from the Gaza area, he exposed vast smuggling operations that had been conducted for years by Egypt, involving $1,000,000 a week, thereby benefiting from a black market while continuing to ask and receive hundreds of millions of dollars in food relief, Victor Riesel charged: "U Thant, whom I heard applaud one of Nasser's anti-Jewish speeches in Cairo not too long ago, apparently could not care less . .." I hope that many readers saw the June 19 letter of M. T. Mehdi, secretary But Thant seems to care that the plight of the Jews in Moslem general, the Action Committee on American-Arab Relations, in The Times. It seems to be difficult for Americans to understand what deep and power- countries should be ignored while an issue should be made over false ful emotions have been generated in the Arab peoples by the Zionist Jewish charges leveled at Israel by Arab propagandists. take-over of the Arab homeland. There are still many who believe that the There are many hate-inspiring accusations that have called for seething trouble in the Middle East can be settled by mere words spoken over a conference table. refutations by Israel's spokesmen. There were charges that Israel was Mr. Mehdi has performed a service by pointing out that Senator Kennedy's "colonizing" conquered areas. As a matter of fact, instead of 35 Nahal THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS support of the Zionist position•—which many but not all Americans also uphold —played its part as one of the causes of his sad and untimely death. Other settlements of which Israel was accused, there are only 14 and most of 2—Friday, August 9, 1968