Aim to Revive Republicans Asked to Act in Israel's Genocide Issue Defense, Protect Polish. USSR Jews forms, and fully implement at Conventi ons Premier Alexei Kosygin's promise THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 2, 1968-15 It's a waste of time to stand up for a man who refuses to stand up for himself. (Continued from Page 1) Aican National Committee, said with the supersonic planes and during a platform hearing that By MILTON FRIEDMAN to permit the reunification of Humphrey was a "captive candi- other military equipment essen- (Copyright 1967, JTA, Inc.) Jewish families. tial to deter renewed aggression. date who cannot or will not con- WASHINGTON—An attempt will Kane noted that these proposals tradict the President." The AJCommittee endorsed the be made at both the Republican j are consistent with the views ex- proposals for a Middle East plank Katzen testified that in a July 11 and Democratic national conven-1 pressed by major Presidential submitted to the platform commit- lions to revive flagging interest in ! candidates and the Republican tee by the American Israel Politi- statement, Humphrey urged mili- Senate ratification of the United Congressional leadership. He de- cal Affairs Committee. On Tiles- tary assistance to Israel "but TO sc.-7' Nations Genocide and Human dared that there can be no effec- day, however, the committee pointedly avoided reference to su- Rights Treaties. tive disarmament in the Near EaSt added the suggestion that the personic planes or Phantom jets." Platform planks will be sought without an Arab-Israel peace Republican plank committee ask Katzen suggested that the Vice at both conventions by the Ad Hoc • treaty. and unless the Soviet Union the United States government to President advocated only the con- MANY SPECIAL Committee on the Human Rights is ready to stop using weapons as "continue to make it unmistakably tinued supply of subsonic Skyhawk and Genocide Treaties. The com- I currency to buy the favor of the clear to the Arab states that we Planes, which he contended were ROSH HASHANAN mittee includes all major Jewish ! Arab states. He noted that the So- support without qualification Is- "sitting duckS" for Russian MIGs organizations and many other nati- viet Union has provided Egypt, rael's right to live in peace within supplied to Egypt. YOM KIPPUR onal groups. Syria, Iraq. Algeria and Yemen secure and recognized boundaries." Humphrey was described as a SUKKOS Betty Taylor, executive secre- with more powerful weapons than It said: "There should be no with- "captive" when 'Rep. Lipscomb TOURS drawal of Israeli' forces from the asked why the Vice President "re- tary of the ad hoc committee, said 1 they had before the 1967 war. Plus 100's of other group flights and He said that the Arab countries ,present cease-fire lines until the mained quiet" in view of Congress' that "Although the National Com-1 tours at 5440, $465, $505, $535 with munity Relations Advisory Council now have a five-to-one prepon- Arab states haVe renounced all amendment to the foreign aid bill land arrangements. program calls each year for great- derance in supersonic jets, and claims of belligerance—including .last meek asking for the sale of , Call for Information and Reservations T involvement on the part of the that this "presents a grave danger economic boycotts and restriction "supersonic" jets to Israel. The Jewish community this has not not only to Israel, but to moderate in Israeli shipping — and have Phantoms are supersonic. Presi- MIZRACHI OFFICE been forthcoming to any meaning- Arab states which have been binding peace treaties with -dent Johnson has not agreed to 18033 WYOMNIG, DETROIT 48221 fill degree." armed by the West." Israel." supply the 50 Phantoms sought by DI 1-0708 He pointed out that Israel does I The AJC also urged that the Israel. The Soviet Union and various not ask for American soldiers to j Republican plank affirm that Jeru- Arab states have ratified the UN treaties, but the Senate has re- fight her wars, but merely for the salem should remain a unified city fused to do so. The conservative means to defend herself and to in which the legitimate interests of all concerned are within the deter aggression, and stated: American Bar Association has in- "But our commitment to Israel's framework of an • over-all Arab-- fluenced the Senate Foreign Re 7 survival is obscured and weakened Israel peace settlement. lations Committee to defer if we do not let her have the A behind-the-scenes fight to" action. equipment her leaders are con- prevent adoption of a vague Mrs. Taylor has revealed that the winced she urgently needs. The plank covering military sales to ad hoc committee is organizing a Arab states will not make peace Israel has developed in the plat- lawyers committee to offset the with Israel and may renew their form committee. pressure of the ABA. war against her as long as they be- Friends of Israel have revealed Jewish leadership has aided the , lieve she can be destroyed." that a tendency has developed to ad hoc body. But, said Mrs. Tay- AIPAC criticized the administra- lor, "our problem is with the com- tion's hesitation to comply with eliminate specific reference to the munities . . . the M i d i d 1 e East Israel's request to purchase F-4 F-4 Phantom jet fighter-bombers even to the crisis, Soviet and Polish anti-Semit- Phantom jets. It warned that a sought, by Israel "supersonic" - as descriptive ism, the urban crisis, questions of political and military vacuum Ford"supersonic war and peace, etc., have taken would embolden the Soviet Union of aircraft. Witnesses have urged a strong precedence during the current to carry on "militant and aggres- AND period." sive policies." If Israel were and specific plank on sale of Phan- An attempt is being made to weakened and became vulnerable toms to Israel with no public dis- poll all the Presidential candidates to a new attack other nations in sent from the chairman of the plat- on the issue of genocide and human. Asia and Africa would conclude' form committe's subcommittee on rights pact ratification. that they cannot count on U.S. foreign policy and national defense, Mrs. Taylor said the main support if they are subjected to Rep. Glenard Lipscomb of Califor- stumbling block is the ABA. She Soviet pressure and blackmail. or from committee members. said "As for the Genocide ; The committee's statement Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York Convention, the ABA's historic pointed out that other issues. such Republican, a subcommittee mem- opposition to U.S. ratification has as resettlement of refugees, the ber, expressed -optimism however, long been a matter of public rec- status of Jerusalem: boycotts and about achievement of a strong pro- . ord. It should also be noted that blockades of international water-. Israel plank. The opposition ap- Sen. J. William Fulbright, Arkan- ways. would be solved within the • parently arose from a desire to sas Democrat, chairman of the context of direct negotiations and avoid an "entangling" commitment peace treaties. "If. we have failed to Israel, a source said. It is known foreign relations committee, at the request of Eberhardt to solve these problems in the that the State Department has been past it -is because we have at- in touch with a -number of senior Deutsch, chairman of the ABA's tempted to do so without peace Republican senators on the issue. standing committee that present- and on the basis . of temporary ed these recommendations, held Vice President Hubert H. CASH ONLY a special executive session of the and makeshift -arrangements," Humphrey was assailed Monday ) NO ALTERATIONS Kane said. full foreign relations committee on his stand on supplying mili- The plank endorsed projects to hear the ABA's views while tary aircraft to Israel. Bernard NO LAYAWAYS that would spur resettlement of the 51 national organizations in Katzen, consultant to the Repub- ALL SALES FINAL the ad hoc committee were heard refugees. such as the nuclear de- only by Sen. Joseph Clark, Penn- salting plants suggested in the Open Mon„.Thurs.,.'fil 9 Eisenhower-Strauss plan. Israeli Arab Teacher sylvanian Democrat who chaired American Jewish Committee the subcommittee hearings in the on Trial as Gaza Spy absence of Sen. Thomas E, Dodd, Urges Planks Protecting wirect JTA Teletype Wire ' `Morris Outfitters to The Jewish News) Connecticut - Democrat, subcom- Polish and Russian Jewries (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to mittee chairman. TEL AVIV — An Israeli Arab to The Jewish News) Gentlemen It was disclosed by Mrs. Taylor • MIAMI BEACH — The Amer- teacher went on trial before a that "One of the major failures of ican Jewish Committee urged • military tribunal in Gaza Wednes- the ad hoc committee has been the Republican platform commit- day on charges•'of espionage and NORTHLAND CENTER our inability to involve Negro tee Tuesday to adopt planks on the of having attempted to set up a groups in this issue." She referred Polish Jewish situation, the dis- spy network in the Gaza Strip. to the only UN rights pact ratified crimination against Jews in the by the Senate—the Convention on Soviet Union and the Middle East, 1 Slavery. It was her view that the as well as recommending a com- slavery pact got through because prehensive legislative program on We are pleased to announce that intergroup and human relations the ABA agreed to it. NAACP sources said, however, problems in the United States. DAVID I.- MILLER Representatives of the American that black people favored ratifica- tion of all the human rights trea- Jewish Committee urged the plat- has become associated with us as ties. Senators were informed of form committee to incorporate a Registered Representative their view both directly and pledge in the platform "to ask the through the ad hoc committee. The Polish government to facilitate the NAACP is a member of the com- emigration of those Jews who in- . dicate a desire to go to the -U.S. mittee. Black Power advocates have dis- or other countries." On Soviet Jewry, the American played little interest in the UN Jewish Committee asked for a measures, it appears. Members New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange plank declaring that "Soviet Jewry and principal Commodity Exchanges must be established as equal Israel Seeks MDs Abroad among equals Within the spirit of to Fill Outpost Needs Soviet law and ideology and in 2200 Detroit Bank & Trust Building TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israel is conformity with the Soviet con- 211 West Fort Street, Detroit, Michigan 48226 now making special efforts in Eng- stitution." In accordance with this, land, France, and Latin America ; the proposed Republican declara- Telephone 961-7490 to recruit some 120 Jewish physi- tion would urge the Soviet au- cians needed urgently to help staff Ithorities to permit full Jewish re- clinics in remote settlements. Ac- i ligious practices, make possible Main Office: 42 Wall Street, New York. N.Y. 10005 cording to the reports, the need I the free development of Jew- Offices and Correspondents in over 700 Cities is greatest in the Upper Galilee l ish cultural institutions, allow and in new immigrant towns in education to develop, vigorously the Negev. combat anti-Semitism in all its MIZRACHI TOURS 7S RP/EL STARTS TODAY! ENTIR Remaining $25 to $275 SPRING & SUMMIT CLOTHING FURNISHINGS PRICE oorry LOMB, RHOADES & CO.