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August 02, 1968 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1968-08-02

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Merger of World Zionist Organization Warning Indicates Nasser Not Ready for Another War
London — .(JTA) — Egyptian forces would not be completely re- Union Party, constituted "the most
and WJCongress Urged by Torczyner President
Nasser's warning to his built from their shattering defeat extreme expression" of the severity

NEW YORK (JTA) — Jacques American Zionist movement and
Torczyner, Zionist Organization of this" position . was reaffirmed by
_America president, has called for I the. instructions given to. the ZOA
the merger of the World Zionist delegates to the recent World
organization and World Jewish Zionist Congress.
He noted that at the congress
Addressing more than 100 ZOA the principle of a united Zionist
'eaders and offiders from across movement -was adopted, leaving
the United States at a national ex- its implementation to negotiations
etween the Zionist Executive and
ecutive meeting last weekend, he
said, "There is no reason whatso- , the various organizations and par-
ever to keep two separate organi- . ties involved.
"The ZOA would be willing to
zations and staffs when it is clear
that the Zionist movement will participate in these e-nloratory
have to go more in the direction of disci7ssions, on condition - 1 it they
work in the Diaspora and also in do not in any way enda its
Public relations activities wherever integrity and fully recognize tir. -!
ique position and role of the
Torczyner said the ZOA has op- 7^A on the American scene," he
pose d the creation of a united • said•

in the 1967 Six-Day War and ready of the Arab-Israel struggle.)
for a new battle with Israel, ac-
cording to a New York Times re-
port from Cairo. 'The Times report 10—Friday, August 2, 1968
cited "unconfirmed" information
that when Nasser was in Moscow
last month, Soviet leaders told
To do computerized Insur-
him it would take as much as five
ance planning with business
years to prepare the Egyptian mili- and professional clients. In-
tary machine for another war with
tensive training program
begins September 9.
(The Nasser speech was describ-
For free aptitude test to
ed in Tel Aviv 'by Israel Defense
see if you qualify, Call
, Three Detroit suburbs have pop- Minister Moshe Dayan as :)a-ing
ulations of more than 100,000. made it clear that Israel's alter-
Assistant General Agent
They are: Warren at 174,000; natives were not "territory or war"
Dearborn, 115,000; and Livonia, tut "war or peace." Gen. "-layvn
101,000. Warren's population has also told the meeting of army in-
doubled since 1960 and Livonia dustrinl workers that the No-Fser
WO 3-8880
speech, made to his Arab Socialist
has had a 51 per cent gain.

Arab followers at home and
throughout the Arab world to ex-
ercise patience so that a victory
over Israel would be won "in the
end" was believed to reflect his
apparent belief that his military
forces were not ready for another
war now and would not be ready
for some time.
Nas:_er tel•? King Hussein of
Jordan that the Egyptian armed

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