Rep. Halpern Urges U.S. Halt Economic Aid to Algeria WASHINGTON (JTA)—The hi- jacking of an Israeli airliner and the detention of the plane crew and some of its passengers by Algeria brought a demand in Con- gress that American economic aid to Algeria be halted and that world lending agencies withhold further loans to the Algerian re- gime. Rep. Seymour Halpern, New York Republican, told the House Tuesday that "a country that col- laborates with air piracy and ter- rorism should not remain qualified for the direct and indirect fiancial assistance of international lend- ing agencies." He termed the Algerian action in detaining some of the passengers, the crew and the El Al plane as an action "worse even than the air hijacking policies of Communist Cuba." He asserted that "Algeria cannot be permitted to get away in this shocking new case because it will invite a rash of Arab terrorism of the airways." The New Yorker said he was initiating a study of "direct and indirect financial assistance flow- ing to Algeria from the United States and international banking institutions." He said that until the plane, its crew and passengers were released, the United States should advise its citizens not to travel to Algeria because of that government's "irresponsible pol- icies and collaboration with gang- sterism." Rep. Dante Fascell, Florida Democrat, asked Secretary of State Dean Rusk to seek an inter- national agreement to discourage hijacking of airplanes. He said in a letter to Rusk that the proposed pact should bind all signatories to return promptly all hijacked air- craft, passengers and crew and the hijacker to the nation from which the plane departed. Young Israel in NY Forms Auxiliary Police Patrol NEW YORK (JTA)—An auxili- ary police patrol, organized at the Young Israel Synagogue of the Rockaways, a section in the bor- ough of Queens, has been patrol- ling the area nightly in response to a growing series of burglaries and attacks on residents of the heavily Jewish area. Bernard Honig, a resident, took the lead in establishing the patrol of some 60 residents, which in- cludes both Jews and Christians. Local Christian clergymen assisted in developing the patrol. The resi- dents initially set up a committee on protection, which sponsored the patrol, whose members received training at the 101st Precinct. Patrol members ride through the area in pairs, watching for suspi- cious activities, which they report to the precinct station. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israeli and Pope Exchange Gifts Friday, July 26, 1968-3 Arabs on March Deny Collaboration With Foe ROME (JTA) — Ambassador Ehud Avriel, Israel's departing ambassador to Italy, had a half- hour farewell audience with Pope Paul VI and presented the Pontiff with a gift of three antique oil lamps used in the rites of mono- theistic faiths. The lamps date from First, Fourth and Eighth centuries of the Common Era. Avriel received in return a book describing the Pope's visit to the Holy Land and a letter to Presi- dent Zalman Shazar. Mrs. Avriel and the ambassador's daughters, Ruth and Attalia, received gold medals. AMSTERDAM (JTA) — Two, East Jerusalem Arabs who are participating along with an Is- raeli Army detail and a group of Israeli civilians in a four-day march across the Netherlands re- buked questioners who suggested that their presence had political implications. The march is an an- nual sporting event in which the Dutch Army and others take part. The Arabs, Mohammed Abu Dora, 25, and Kalil Aboulizhwa, 30, were both civil servants in East Jerusalem before the Six-Day War and are still so employed. Dora denied that their participa- tion represented "collaboration" with the Israelis. "This is sports, not politics," he told questioners. KAPLAN BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry READY FOR THE BAR-B-Q GRILL ! • Cube Steaks • Salisbury Steaks WILL BE WE CLOSED FOR VACATION JULY 28 TO AUG. 12 GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler OF HARVARD ROW 11 MILE and LAHSER PHONE: 353-3146 • Bar-B-Q Ribs • Bar-B-Q Lamb Ribs • Tenderloin Cartwheels /I • Hamburger Patties in Three Sizes: Thin, Regular, Jumbo B 1 RM INGHAM CUSTOM ERS 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER UN 1-4770 We deliver in the Middle- belt-15 Mile area on Mon- days. ORDER SUNDAY growable potential SUMMER DRESS CLEARANCE 1 2 Remember when there were just the two of you? Now you're five six, including Rowlff the dog. Have your family's savings and security kept pace? 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