Purely Commentary Since all roads in Israel lead to Masada, it is neces- sary that historical truths relating to the subject of what was an impregnable fortress nearly 2,000 years ago should be fully established. Dr. Solomon Zeitlin, of Dropsie College, editor of the Jewish Quarterly Review, the recognized outstanding living authority on the Second Commonwealth period in ancient Jewish history, in ansk..kmf , kk;;;:. „.%\\**e ,,,* • essay to appear in the currentix;.: issue of Jewish Quarterly view, challenges some . of they contentions regarding the Ma-' . sada defenders and states that not the Zealots but the Sicarii were in the fortress, that they did not defend it, that they committed an act of mass sui- cide contrary to Jewish teach- ings. Prof. Zeitlin is critical of the conclusions reached by Yigael Yadin, who conducted the ex- cavations that led to the clear-:: ,- ing of the debris at Masada and to the uncovering of the his-J.. toric settings of the fortresses that served as Herod's hideout and as the centers of activity Dr. Zeitlin during the Roman Wars. Giving credit to the great achievement of completing the findings, he challenges the basic facts regarding the Zealots. Entitling his essay "The Slavonic Josephus and the Dead Sea Scrolls: An Expose of the Recent Fairy Tales," Dr. Zeitlin commences his revealing presenta- tion by referring to the alleged discovery in Moscow, in 1926, of a Slavonic version of "Wars of the Jews by Josephus" and shows by resort to extensive historic and literary data "that the so-called Slavonic Josephus has no value either for the study of Josephus or the beginnings of Christianity." He thereupon proceeds to show how, in a similar way, consideration should be given to his rejection of claims that the Dead Sea Scrolls belong to antiquity: his insistence is that they are of medieval vintage. In his extensive analyses, Prof. Zeitlin differentiates between the Zealots and the Sicarii. He questions the claims that the discovered scrolls were written either by Essenes or Pharisees. Commenting on the document that was found by bedouins and is titled Commentary on Habakkuk, he points to its containing the phrase "Moreh Zedek"—"Teacher of Righteousness"—and he declares that "it was coined by the Karaites, who maintained that their teachers were righteous while the teachers of the Rabbanites were false." He writes that "in the Commentary of Habakkuk, the term Bet Mishpat is used for house of judgment," and states that "the usage of the term Moreh Zedek, bet mishpat and gemar zedek found in the Commentary of Habakkuk • stamps this scroll as a composition of the Middle Ages." There is this additional charge in the Zeitlin expose: "The author of the Manual of Discipline in quoting the passage from Isaiah 40.5 'Clear ye in the wilder- ness the way of Yahweh' omitted the word Yahweh and substituted ellipses for it. The practice of using ellipses to indicate that a word had been omitted came into usage during the Middle Ages. This is a clear indica- tion that this scroll could not have been written during the Second Jewish Commonwealth." There is this appended note that devastatingly de- molishes the claims of the Dead Sea Scrolls' proponents' claim that they belonged to antiquity: "The Isaiah Scroll was written during the Middle Ages by an ignorant scribe who did not comprehend the meanings of the words and copied them mechanically. This explains the numerous misspellings, missing letters, words. Of such scribes Hai Gaon (939-1038) speaks con- temptuously." - - Let it be indicated in advance that the reason for giving a hearing to Dr. Zeitlin is that he has consistently exposed the antiquity claims for the Dead Sea Scrolls; he has shown the errors which indicate that they belong to the Middle Ages; yet he has been ignored. This is an undeserving attitude towards one of the world's most distinguished Jewish scholars. If it should eventually be established, as Prof. Zeitlin feels it will be—as it was in the instance of the so-called Slavonic Josephus—that a fraud has been perpetrated in claiming antiquity for the scrolls under discussion, then it will indicate anew that to be right it is necessary for only one person to assert the correct views, even if the entire world is opposed to him. But in Dr. Zeitlin's case there are others who corroborate his contentions. This commentator does not claim to have the knowledge to judge the scrolls, but he has the conviction that Prof. Zeitlin deserves a hearing and has not received it properly. By ignoring him, neither Prof. Yadin nor anyone else enhances the position of proper scholarship. In the course of his present expose of the fallacies regarding the scrolls, Dr. Zeitlin writes in his latest essay: "Another scroll named 'The War between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness' was acclaimed to be composed during the Second Commonwealth and to have great value for the study of the Essenes; while others maintained that it was the work of the Zealots-Sicarii. From internal evidence we must conclude that this scroll is a composition of the Middle Ages. In describing wars, the author mentions a people by the name Togar. A people named Togar does not occur in the Hebrew Bible, 2—Friday, July 19, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Dr. Solomon Zeitlin's Challenges to Israeli Archaeologists... Exposes of Views on Masada, Sicarii, Zealots the Talmud nor in Josephus. The name Togar first oc- curs in the Rabbinic literature of the Middle Ages." Charging concealment of basic facts and failure on the part of translators of the scrolls to indicate short- comings, Dr. Zeitlin states: "The physical signs used in the Scrolls, parentheses, connecting lines between two words and ellipses indi- cating that a word or words had been omitted, have never been referred to by the translators. A conscien- tious translator of important manuscripts should set forth everything in the manuscripts. A slight omission even in a modern document may change the sense of the text, particularly when it is contended that the parentheses and the connecting lines found in the Scrolls are compelling proofs of the late date of the Scrolls. Why did the protagonists of the antiquity of the Scrolls conceal these important facts?" There is significance in his statement in which he points to the following: "The practice of using connecting lines was not in vogue in antiquity. It is true that in the printed text of the Hebrew Bible where we have accent signs, one or two syllable words which do not have an accent sign are connected by a line with the following words to indicate how it should be read. However in the Pentateuchal Scroll which is read in the synagogue and does not have accent signs there are no connecting lines. Con- necting lines came into usage after accent lines were introduced, i.e. in the Middle Ages. This is an unimpeachable proof that this scroll was composed during the Middle Ages. "The protagonists of the antiqUity of the Dead Sea Scrolls ignored all the scientific requisites in identifying newly discovered Hebrew manuscripts. The scholars who maintained the antiquity of the Scrolls presented two arguments for their case—pale- ography and archaeology. Archaeology cannot serve as a criterion. for the antiquity of the Scrolls. The four scrolls were not dis- covered by archaeologists. They were first bought by Metropolitan, Athanasius Yeshue Samuel and later purchased by the Hebrew University. The scholars did not actually see the Scrolls in the caves. The discovery of the Hebrew Scrolls is still shrouded in mystery. There are different versions and contradictory state- ments in regard to the finding of the scrolls. According to one version a bedouin who carried goods through the desert dis- covered the Scrolls. Another version is that a bedouin shepherd while looking for his goats discovered the scrolls. Stilt another version is that the Bedouin Muhammad entered a cave and found seven or eight jars, all save one were empty and from that one Muhammad and his friend drew forth one large leather roll and two smaller ones. Muhammad further stated that when they entered the cave and found the pottery pars, 'I began to break the jars with my staff thinking I would find treasure.' So Muhammad broke all the jars. Now the question which confronts us is how the Hebrew University could exhibit jars which sup- posedly contained the Scrolls. To repeat, archaeologists never saw the Scrolls in the jars. Some merchant brought linen wrap- pings. They were brought to the Metropolitan in a bag. The carbon 14 test was applied to the wrappings but not to the scrolls. As was said before only the merchants claimed the scrolls were wrapped in linen. How much can we rely on the statements of Oriental merchants? Why was carbon 14 test not applied to the Scrolls? Archaeology as a criterion establishing the antiquity of the Scrolls must be eliminated. "The other contention of the scholars in establishing the antiquity of the Scrolls is paleography. Paleography in connection with manuscripts of the Middle Ages is a science, and manu- scripts have been allocated properly to definite periods and even countries. The reasons were, first, that there have been a great many manuscripts and some of these have colophons, from which one can date other manuscripts. We have no Hebrew manuscripts of the Second Jewish Commonwealth to which the Paleography of the Hebrew Scrolls can be compared. The scholars in identifying the Hebrew Scrolls as being of the pre-Christian period are acting like the provincial lawyer who concludes and then argues. The scholars concluded, and, on the basis of their conclusions, they differentiate. They asserted that one of the Hebrew Scrolls is of an early period and of another a later period. 7t was been well said, To date unknown documents by other unknown, documents still leaves us with an unknown. date.' "The only scientific criterion in ascertaining the date of a newly discovered manuscript is by internal evidence. Internal evidence proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the Hebrew Scrolls are of the Middle Ages. I marshalled much internal evidence to demonstrate that the Hebrew Scrolls are not of the pre-Christian period. I asked ray protagonists of the antiquity of the Scrolls to refute my evidence but they found themselves more comfortable by taking refuge in silence. The evidence against the antiquity of the Hebrew Scrolls is irrefutable and unassailable." Prof. Zeitlin makes serious charges also in relation to the discovered "Letters of Bar Kokba." He calls at- tention to the following: "Some of the letters assigned to Bar Kokba begin with the phrase 'From Simon to . . .' The use of the preposition 'from' before the proper name militates against the assertion that the letters were writen by Bar Kokba. During he Hellenistic-Roman period the Romans as well as the Jews commenced letters with their proper name and title without the prefix 'from' before the proper name. This is attested to by the many hundreds of letters written by Cicero, Seneca, Pliny the Younger, letters produced by Josephus in his works, letters found in the books of Maccabees, and so Paul in his epistles always began with his name and title `servant of Jesus Christ, apostle of Jesus Christ.' It is to be noted that in Acts, where a letter is produced, the wordings are as follows, 'Claudius Lysias unto the most excellent governor Felix greeting.' The method of writing letters employing the preposi- tion 'from' before the proper name was in vogue in Babylonia and was 'in use by the Jews during the Middle Ages. "The letter ascribed to Bar . Kokba contains many obscure and meaningless words and ungrammatical sentences and is unintelligible written by a semi-literate person. Those who maintained that the letter was written by Bar Kokba engaged in emending the text. gmendation of a manuscript must be based on external evidence, i.e. on other manuscripts of the same text which have different readings, or on internal evidence, i.e. proof from the text itself that the reading is faulty. Ground for emendation is based on the assumption that the scribe who copied the manuscript made some errors; scholars then feel justified in emending an erroneous text, but no scholar has the right to emend the text which was written by the author him- self. If there are misspellings or incorrectly used words, we must assume that the author did not know how to express himself. Those who changed the words of Bar Kokba to improve his style virtually sought to instruct Bar Kokba how to write a letter correctly. We may assert that this letter was not written by Bar Kokba. Furthermore, he would not have used the name Bar Kosba." Are we dealing with fairy tales rather than realities and truths? Here are the views of Dr. Zeitlin: "The story of the discovery of the Scrolls and their importance for the history of the Second Jewish Common- wealth and the beginning of Christianity are in the realm of fairy tales. By the employment of publicity and propa- ganda the Scrolls became popular as people like fairy tales. It is regrettable that many fairy tales and myths have become facts of history and repeated by scholars as historical facts. Unless a strong challenge is launched against the antiquity of the Scrolls and constant refuta- tion of the fallacious views propounded by the protagon- ists of the antiquity of the Scrolls they will be accepted as historical facts and history will be distorted. "The tales about the finding of the Scrolls and the assertions of their antiquity may be compared to the so- called finding of the Piltdown man which aroused the excitement of scholars and was accepted as a very im- portant finding. The theory about the Piltdown man was incorporated in encyclopaedias and dictionaries but it is now established that it was a hoax. (The Piltdown man omitted in most recent dictionaries.) By Philip Slomovitz "The assignment of the Hebrew Scrolls to great an- tiquity and their value for history can be paralleled to the Greek Horse in the Metropolitan Museum of New York. It was maintained to be two thousand four hundred years old and was held by experts as an important ex- ample of ancient Greek sculpture. Now it is found to be a hoax. After careful examination, it was asserted that it is a 'fifty-years old fake.' Credit is to be given to Joseph V. Noble who discovered the forgery and courageously said, 'It is famous, but it is a fraud.' How easily 'experts' can be deceived, or are willing to be deceived. "The fairy tales about the antiquity of the Hebrew Scrolls and their importance for history is on a par with the finding of the Slavonic Josephus. In both instances the 'experts' erred in ascribing great value to the Scrolls and to the Slavonic Josephus. By propaganda and publi- city people were misled." Now we come to the revelations about Masada. Pre- viously, Dr. Zeitlin had dealt with the role of the Sicarii. He showed that the Sicarii and the Zealots were "two different groups with different ideologies and were hos- tile to each other." He explained: "They came into being at different periods. Josephus, who is the sole authority for both of these parties clearly distinguished the difference between them. He called one group the Sicarii because they used a sica, dagger, to assassinate those who were willing to submit to Rome. They first employed the sica during the time of the procuratorship of Felix. This group came into being when Augustus Caesar annexed Judaea in the year 4 C.E. and made it a province of Rome. Judah of Galilee, son of Hezekiah, aroused the people to revolt against Rome with th motto, There is only one ruler and that is God and there shoul be no lordship of man over man. Josephus named this group the Fourth Philosophy to distinguish it from the other three groups, the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes "After the fall of Jerusalem and the burning of the Temple, many of the Sicarii succeeded in escaping to Egypt and Cyrene where they continued to propagate their philosophy of no lordship of man over man. The leaders of the Jewish community in Alex- andria, fearful of their activities, surrendered them to the Roman authorities and they were tortured and put to death. This is a succinct account of the origin and activities of the Sicarii as is given by Josephus. "Josephus, in describing the different groups who committed crimes against their fellom r men during the last days of Jerusalem, mentioned one group whom he named Zealots. He wrote, The so called Zealots justified their name by their actions, for they copied every deed of ill." Their origin and activities are fully de- scribed by Josephus,. The Zealots as a group originated after the establishment of the provisional government in Jerusalem. On the 25th of November, 65 CE, the Judaeans had a great victory over the Romans. One who distinguished himself in the defeat of the Roman legions was Eleazar, son of Simon. After the army of Cestius was totally defeated a provisional government was established consisting of Sadducees and Pharisees. Eleazar, son of Simon, who was greatly responsible for the victory over the Romans, was not included in the government. The mem- bers of the government openly advocated continuance of the revolt, secretly however they were for peace. It assigned generals to conduct the war. Galilee, the most strategic district for the protection of Jerusalem, was assigned to Joseph, son of Matthias, later to be known as Josephus Flaviius. He was known to be for a peaceful arrangement with the Romans. Eleazar, son of Simon, was ignored. Eleazar and his followers suspected that the mem- bers of the provisional government were playing a double role. Publicly they were for the continuance of the war but inwardly they were for peace. Eleazar and his followers were not strong enough to challenge and overthrow the government. "In the year 67 CE the last fortress in Galilee, Jotapata, fell and Josephus surrendered to the Romans. When the news reached Jerusalem that Josephus was alive and enjoying the free- dom in the Roman camp, the people in Jerusalem realized that they had been betrayed by the government. A strong opposition developed against the government. Eleazar, son of Simon, organized the group called Zealots, with the purpose of over- throwing the provisional government and zealously persecuting the war against the Romans. There was actually a civil war between the followers of Eleazar. the Zealots, and the provisional government headed by Ananus, the high priest, a Sadducee. This was the origin of the group known by the name Zealots. "There was a vast difference between the Sicarii and the Zealots. The former had an ideology, a philosophy, there should be no lordship of man over man. They strove to enforce their ideology by terror. The Zealots had no ideology. They strove zealously to persecute the war against the Romans . . . "Josephus makes no further reference to the Sicarii until the time when Flavius Silva besieged Masada. During the long period of the war against the Romans when the Judaeans fought heroic- ally for the independence of Judaea the Sicarii did not participate. They were in Masada making raids upon their fellow co-religion- ists. They had ample opportunities to ambush and harass the Romans from the south to attack their rear but made no move to aid the Judaeans. The last reference that Josephus made to the Sicarii was after the burning of the Temple when a group of the Sicarii escaped to Egypt. Josephus referred to the Sicarii fifteen times in 'Wars' and three times in 'Antiquities.' Josephus referred to the Zealots as a party fifty-one times in 'Wars'. The term Zealot as a group does not occur in 'Antiquities' for the simple reason that Josephus concluded `Antiquities' with the outbreak of the revolt. The Zealots had not yet come into existence at this time. They appeared on the political scene after it became' known in Jerusalem that Josephus had defected to the Romans. Like all the classical writers Josephus employed the word zealot as an adjective, zealous, devoted, fanatic. Any one who has studied the works of Josephus can readily differentiate when he used the word zealot as an adjective and when he employed the term to define a particular party, Zealots. In the passages where Josephus used the word zealots as an adjective the latin has ‘studiosos' (Wars 2.444). In all the passages where Josephus employed the term Zealots to the particular group Zealots, the Latin has Zealots. "In summing up, the following conclusions must be drawn: The Sicarii and the Zealots were different groups hostile to each other. The Zealots were zealous for the survival of Judaea as an independent stateand fought for it heroically. The Sicarii were rebels, fanatics, hotting the idea that there should be no lordship of man over man. They were not interested in the preservation of the Jewish state. Their idea was utopian then as today. When they were persecuted by the moderate group, they fled to Masada and remained inactive. They did not furnish aid to their brethren in Jerusalem when they were besieged by the Romans. The Sicarii did not fight the Romans. When Masada was beseiged by the Romans the Sicarii committed suicide. By this act Masada was given to the Romans without a fight and without the loss of a single Roman soldier. Masada was the only fortress which was not defended by the Judaeans. The Fortress Antonia (N.W. of the Temple) was heroically defended; Jotapata was likewise heroically defended. The Fortress Machaerus, N.E. of Masada, was heroically defended and the Romans suffered heavily. Masada was the only fortress given to the Romans without a battle. The story of Ma- sada is not a glorious chapter in the history of the Judaean war for their independence. "Prof. Yadin excavated Masada and claimed that he found many important documents from the period of the last days of Jerusalem. A detailed analysis of the - value of the documents found in Masada was presented in my essay 'The Sicarii am' Masada'. "The Jewish Museum in New York had on exhibit many item; found in Masada. Recently a booklet was published under the title 'Masada, Struggle for Freedom'. I was dismayed by the title. It may be said to be a misnomer. The people in Masada did not put up a struggle for freedom. One may get a false view from the description given of the people in Masada as it does not square with the accounts presented by Josephus. On p. 13 it is- siated, 'The most glorious episode of this dismal period is associated with Eleazar ben Yair, an entirely different type of hero; one of the very last of the warriors against the Romans. He had escaped the destruction and capture of Jerusalem, and- when all hope for success against the Romans was lost, he fled with a small band of followers to the fortress of Masada, in the Wilderness of Judaea'. This description of Eleazar ben Yair indi- cates that he fled with a small band to Masada after the destruc- tion and capture of Jerusalem which is historically not true. "In the chronological table,. year 69, is given the following, 'Vespasian proclaimed Emperor of Rome. Leaves Judaea. Titus be- came Commander of the Roman Army in Judaea. Temple burned, Zealots flee to Masada.' This item is historically wrong. The Tem- ple was burned in the year 70, not in 69. Josephus stated that the (Continued on Page 40)