Jewish Teens Have Faith, but Defy Tradition PITTSBURGH—While a major- ity of the Jewish teen-agers queried in an opinion survey expressed a belief in God, their concept of a good Jew did not seem to follow traditional thinking on this sub- ject. These attitudes emerged from a survey conducted under the joint sponsorship of the Pittsburgh YM & WHA-Irene Kaufmann Centers, an affiliate of the National Jew- ish Welfare Board, and the Pitts- burgh Chapter of the American Jewish Committee. Completed under the supervision of Earl Yaillen, staff development director of the Y-IKC, the survey represented almost one-third of the agency's teen-age members, more than 90 per cent of whom were members of clubs and groups as- sociated with the Y. The answers given to a comprehensive ques- tionnaire included the following opinions, feelings and practices: Holiday observances: Festivals, such as Passover Seders, are ob- served with members of the fam- ily, but synagogue attendance is generally limited to the High Holy Days. Religious education: Almost all of the teen-agers attend or have attended some religious school, even those whose parents do not belong to a Conservative, Ortho- dox or Reform congregation. They showed a desire to learn more about Jewish life, history and philosophy, but were not interested in the ritualistic aspects of Juda- ism. About 25 per cent indicated an interest in getting more Jew- ish information from the Y, and almost the same number preferred a congregation. A large percent- age of the others showed interest in the College of Jewish Studies. Dating and inter-marriage: Ap- proximately 65 per cent said they have gone out on dates with non- Jews. In order to be a good Jew, one must marry within the Jewish faith, 40 per cent felt. However, it was indicated that 85 per cent of their parents disapproved of in- termarriage (68 per cent strongly and 16 per cent mildly). Parent-Teen-ager Relationships: Teen-agers indicated they are more likely to discuss personal problems with their mothers. Matters of edu- cation and religion are discussed freely with both parents. Where IMVIIINWatim. ■■•■ ••nawaaw ■ oomea ■•■o■n■ DINIwoelmemowne ■oso■ti■o■ oissoommwo■oymo Boris Smolar's 'Between You - . and Me' (Copyright 1968, JTA Inc.) CAMPUS TALKS: The graduation season just past showed that sexual behavior is involved, neither parent is considered a popular source. Identification with Israel: The Jewish teen-agers showed a marked sympathy for Israel, even before the Six-Day War. A large major- ity stated that American Jews should help raise money for Israel and influence American govern- ment policy to help Israel. But less than half felt that Jews should visit Israel. Support for Israel was low on their priority list of quali- fications for a good Jew. They Made The Grade JAMES MARTIN, 13551 Rose- mary, Oak Park, will take his junior year of high school in Israel, through the American-Israeli Sec- ondary School Program of the de- partment of education and culture, Jewish Agency for Israel. Thirty- three American teen-agers are tak- ing part, including Irving Weston of Flint ( see Flint page). The youngsters will study at Alonei Yitzhak Secondary School in the Shomron Valley, RAE MILLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller of Cata- lina Ave., Southfield, is attending the 21st annual modern dance ses- sion of the Connecticut College School of Dance. She is accom- panied by Mrs. HARRIET BERG, director of the Young Dancers Guild, to which Rae belongs. She is a student at Southfield High School. Friday, July 19, 1968-15 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israeli Soldiers in Holland for Annual 4-Day March THE HAGUE (JTA)—A contin- gent of 54 Israeli soldiers and offi- cers has arrived in the Nether- lands to take part in the nation's four-day route march. Representa. tives from various armies and thousands of Dutch civilians par- ticipate in the annual event. V.I.P.? cadittad SEE OR CALL VIC DOUCETTE AT W itOn-Crboman IF YOU TURN THE ikrf S11 116 WSW DOWN YOU WOW! FIN° A FINER WINE THAN ra 'doe rd, Cadillac 1350 N. Woodward Birmingham MI 4-1930 Res. 357-0326 Milan Winerlas..Detroit, Mich. JULY ONLY! 77" THERMO KING AUTO AIR CONDITIONING The Heat's On! Install fastcooling Thermo King air conditioning NOW. Low cost one day in- stallation on any car. SOL'S AUTO AIR CENTER 24750 FIVE MILE Detroit, Mich. 48239 532-1097 "You Can Be Sure If It's Westinghouse" about 350,000 Jewish students are now enrolled in American colleges and universities. This is 5 per cent more than last year. It means that 80 per cent of the Jewish college-age population is now attending Ameri- can schools of higher learning. Within five years all the Jewish youths of college-age in this country will be receiving higher education. The rise in the number of Jewish students is larger in major universities than in the smaller schools. A sampling taken by the Hillel Foundations in 50 smaller 'Universities where there were a handful of Jewish students a few years ago, showed a 15 per cent increase. Jewish parents in small communities are as ambitious today to give their children higher education as are parents in larger cities. If they cannot send their children to college in a large center, they send them to the nearest neighboring town. But to college they must go; even if they may not use the education later. The boys may graduate and join the father in his business. The girls may marry and raise a family. But higher education is a must. What about Jewish education? How many of the 350,000 enrolled Jewish students have a solid Jewish education? How many of them have any Jewish education? How many of them are active in Hillel Foundation programs at the campus? How many display interest in things Jewish? STUDENTS IMAGE: The Jewish student of today is not what he was years ago. The "playboy" out for a good time before settling down to work in his father's business is a vanishing species. So is the girl who has come to the campus only to find a suitable husband. The Jewish student today works hard. Learning is his primary mission. He also thinks hard. This explains his rebellion against parental values. Like many of the non-Jewish students, he is critical of the adult community and is serious in his criticism. He rejects what he con- siders the dominant characteristics of his home community — ostenta- tiousness, conspicuous consumption, the pre-eminence of class status and the absence of an active involvement in the burning social issues of our times. What he has learned of Judaism at Sunday school or afternoon school levels some years ago is, of course, totally inadequate.'ll cannot be regarded as intellectually respectable in comparison with what he now learns in other areas. His meager Jewish education during his teen years brings him to the campus uninformed, unidentified, uncommitted. The traditional vitality of the Jewish community therefore mean little to him. He be- comes subject to the swift process of acculturation. This process is accelerated for most students by being cut off from the Jewish identity ties of their home environments. The remarkable thing is that despite the alienation to things Jew- ish manifested by many Jewish students, most of them honestly search for the meaning of their Jewishness. SERIOUS CHALLENGE: It is obvious that the future of Jewish community life in America hinges on the quality of Jewish leadership which will emerge from the campus. Aware of this fact, the Council of Jewish Federations and Wel- fare Funds and the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations are developing signifi- cant cooperation between them. The CJFWF-Hillel approach is based on the conviction that no single campus organization can effectively meet the challenge of strengthening the students' - Jewish identity. The CJFWF considers this challenge a Jewish communal responsibility in which Hillel Foun- ' dations, chairs of Jewish studies and local Jewish communal services can all become part of the planning resources for meaningful involve- ment of college youth. Several Federations are already engaged in moving ahead pro- grams to involve college youth and faculty at universities in their cities. This is especially the case with the Federations in Los Angeles, Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Louisville and Al- bany. Since 75 per cent of Jewish university students attend schools in areas of organized Jewish_ communities, much hope is laid on the joint CJFIATF-Hillel efforts now being made to achieve a breakthrough in the indifference which .many. students. show_ to . Jewish. life.. ...... ... „ . * LEADER loves tough carpet- cleaning jobs . . . the tougher the better. If you have a rug you wouldn't trust to anyone else, put LEADER on the spot. For 55 year's, LEADER has been the leader in the fine cleaning of rugs and carpets, Test us. Whether it's a modest shag rug or a priceless Oriental, LEADER will do it beauti- fully. 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